Build Madness

Chapter 206 Can't take a picture, so let's build one

This Colonel Toulouse is up to something!

Everyone said that 30 million US dollars and goods of the same value were lost, but this guy held a press conference: Yesterday I killed a group of militants and seized noodles worth 5 million US dollars, and this morning I killed another group The militants seized noodles worth 10 million US dollars, will another 15 million be added tomorrow...

Thirty million!

This does not clearly indicate: Is the goods in my hands?

Ask him for?

Do those three blacklists dare?

As for whether Colonel Tulus will swallow the remaining 15 million without permission, Ge Xiaotian thinks it is impossible.

There were so many people present at that time, even if Colonel Tulus could buy off the navy, expose half of the face and swallow half of the face, wouldn't Lao Hong, the scientific research personnel, and the injured black strong man say anything?


Ge Xiaotian's thought flashed, as if he was grasping something.

After staring at the news and meditating for a long time, I finally remembered a mysterious case that happened in North America in another time and space.

For example.

If Colonel Toulouse reveals all the goods, and then forges false evidence that 30 million cash was burned by the gangsters, does it mean that the Silicon Valley shooting is over?

These things are from the black list, not from the federal or state government, and no one reports to the police to recover them. The shooting did not involve casualties of ordinary people, and there was no property loss. In terms of the complex police system in North America, it may really be possible. Case closed!


Colonel Tulusi has seen Lao Hong and the others, and has the identity record of the researcher!

When the case is over, hire a group of ruthless people, or bring cronies...


Ge Xiaotian gasped.

When he first met Lao Hong and the others, perhaps Colonel Tulusi only considered "making a profit" for nothing, and had no other thoughts.

But after figuring out the ins and outs of the shooting, he realized that only he and a few navy soldiers knew the real "Hong"...

Things do seem to be heading in that direction.

Nine out of ten militants killed in the press conference were wounded black men!

In other words, everything was silenced!

‘Thank you Conan, thank you North American blockbuster! '

Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and called Lao Hong.

"Boss, isn't the matter so mysterious?" After hearing his guess, Lao Hong couldn't believe it.

"I think so too, but I don't think Colonel Tullos, with his hooked nose and kite eyes, looks like a good guy!"

"Hey, when you said that, I felt it too!" Lao Hong seemed to slap his thigh, "Hooked nose and kite eyes, don't dig people's hearts and guts, my mother, I was patronizing to send away the plague god, thinking I escaped a catastrophe and didn't think about it at all, no, I want to go back to China!"

"Before the other party traces your true identity, choose the fastest flight, no matter where you fly, as long as you go straight to Huaxia!"


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian wasn't too worried.

There was a huge crowd, even if Lao Hong's identity was found out, Colonel Tulusi probably would not dare to blatantly snatch it, otherwise how could he take 30 million US dollars?

However, this matter is troublesome, how to make a movie?

In order to fully display Lao Hong's miraculous experience, no matter the script or the scene, it is best to conform to reality.

But when I went to North America to shoot a scene, if I met a member of the local black list and saw this familiar scene, I'm afraid I would draw my gun on the spot, right?

Also, will Colonel Toulouse be looking for trouble?

If you go to other places, docks, hotels, Silicon Valley, some landmark buildings...

Ge Xiaotian was a little worried.

However, the script has not been written yet, so there is no rush to shoot.

Getting up to move around, he suddenly remembered that there were a lot of things to do today.

Making movies, blowing up ancient cities, moving bricks...

It's Chinese New Year, and I'm going to have a drink with my first teacher, Principal Wei from Hope Elementary School at night...

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian sent the written story outline to his mailbox, and was just about to turn off the computer when he suddenly saw the "Star Moon Bay Phase II Plan" sent by the planning department.

That is, the overall concept map of the three communities covering an area of ​​600 mu among the 1,600 mu of land, also known as the bird's-eye view.

Download the file and take a look.

It is similar to Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County and Xingyue Bay in Jishi City.

The buildings are not arranged horizontally and vertically, but in a well-proportioned manner. The layout is arranged according to the degree of lighting, so that every family can enjoy more than eight hours of sunlight on sunny days.

In terms of facilities, artificial lakes, fitness squares, security kiosks, drinking fountains, parking lots, green belts...

Approximate location, the east side is adjacent to the canal, parallel to Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, and the zoo and botanical garden will be started later.

On the north side is the Auto Trade City, and on the northwest side is the Sports Center.

In order to protect the living environment of residents, the automobile manufacturing plant is located five miles away to the south.

"It's all okay!"

It's just that three consecutive seats of the same style, same layout, and same style, isn't it a bit too rigid?

There are two hundred acres of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, and four areas of EFGH.

These six hundred acres, twelve areas.

Hezhen moved back to the community...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly saw the Adventures of Lao Hong sent to his mailbox.

Or, build a North American style?

Coincidentally, the construction qualification will be upgraded after the next year. The height limit is 100 meters, and several buildings can be built.

Moreover, scientific research personnel will be in place soon, whether it is researching remote control systems, graphics chips, or the center console needed by cars, it is necessary to build a Tiancheng Science and Technology Park that integrates research and development, communication, communication, mutual assistance, etc.

Huaxia Wall Street? China Silicon Valley?

You don’t need to go abroad to shoot movies. Waiting for your own Tianba and Dongba to be built, it seems that they can also be used for shooting Fast and Furious, Need for Speed, Taxi Express, and Car God!

As for the scenery, big and small green hills!

It looks very good!

Ge Xiaotian called the planning department and expressed his thoughts...


Looking at the handsome young man in front of him who could speak fluent English, Dean Qian was shocked.

Sitting here all morning, what did he hear? !

researcher? Thirty million dollars? One billion acquisition of 3dfx? Captain? Huaxia Wall Street? China Silicon Valley?

What on earth did Tian Cheng do?

"Um, Dean Qian, do you have anything else to do?" Ge Xiaotian was astonished after finishing everything.

Concentrating on making phone calls, recording Lao Hong's adventures, and checking the bird's-eye view, he really didn't notice that the old man who was getting close to him was sitting next to him all the time.

"Brother Ge, can we discuss something?"

"You say!"

"Tianyu is on holiday, here..."

As for the half of the post-production team re-established by Tianyu, it is estimated that they can’t even operate the equipment, and the teachers and students of the Art Academy may be able to help him in the future. Partner, you can use it as you like!"

"Don't worry, the cost will not be less!"

"It's all trivial!" Ge Xiaotian was just about to leave, when he heard the suona sound that made him beat his blood again and again, he remembered something, "By the way, Dean Qian, I have a few magnificent background songs here. For music, I can only hum the tune, and I can almost figure out what instrument is used to play it, I wonder if you can help me compose it completely?"

"It's a little troublesome, but since the music association and the music department teachers and students are all here, it shouldn't be a problem, let's go!"

In terms of background music, it is estimated that many classic blockbusters are not as good as popular games.

Regardless of stand-alone or online games, as long as you have played, you will always remember one or two pieces of music that you can remember in your heart.

Foreign ones, such as Legends Never Die, welcome to Planet Urf, Dota2 theme song, Reborn, Leadfoot Getaway, Opening Credits, The Dawn...

Domestic ones, such as Yujian Jianghu in Immortal 3, Huimengyouxian in Immortal 4, Mountains and Flowing Water in Ancient Sword, Sword Soul Qinxin, and Breaking Array Music, Mowen This Morning in Tianxia 2, Deep Love in Jiansan, Daoxiang Village, Tianxia Qin Chuan Shen Jian of the knife, golden wind and jade dew, thousands of people and thousands of faces, time...

(Ge Wangwang: I only play legends, but you have played so many!)

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