Build Madness

Chapter 207 Boss, we have been sued!

The performance hall of Tianyu Film and Television Center is only a hundred square meters, which also includes a recording studio.

Generally speaking, the more spacious this kind of place is, the better, but it is a pity that Xiaoqingshan is so big. At first, they only wanted to build an office for Gao Song and the others, without making detailed plans at all.

However, there is a multi-functional media room that integrates recording and broadcasting in the backstage of the nearby Grand Theater. If you want to officially record a record, you can transfer it there.

At present, the performance hall is only used for practice and communication. It is equipped with a large number of musical instruments, dozens of domestic and foreign, and there are many busy people.

When I walked in with Dean Qian, a group of people were "running into Kyushu in a hurry".

The person who played the suona looked familiar, with long hair, a mustache, and a big round face...

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere.

"Hello, Mr. Qu!"

Ge Xiaotian shook hands with the stern old man he met at the gate of Tianyu Film and Television Center last night.

Introduced by Dean Qian, this is the Dean of the Music Department of Dongshan Academy of Arts, who also serves as the President of the Music Association.

"What kind of music did you record?"

"A soothing and warm theme song, Golden Wind and Jade Dew. A majestic background music, Dawn."

The former comes from the krypton gold game Tiandao, the memory is a little fuzzy, it should be the promotional song of Qixi Festival, single for most of his life, spending so much money to play a game can't make love, heard this song straight A.

The latter has complicated origins. The Dawn, played by a Finnish heavy metal band, was later widely rumored by Warcraft players as the prelude to the undead.

Its real Chinese name should be Liming and Liming.

Jinfeng Yulu is used as the background song for the interaction between the male and female protagonists of ancient war films, and Liming is used as the catalyst for the battle between the two armies.

Jinfeng Yulu is easy to play, the main melody is pentatonic, 5616132, the secondary melody is Western minor, 2343255, and the following melodies add two beats...

He used to imitate the literary fan, although it was neither fish nor fowl, but Ge Xiaotian still played a good flute.

Three, five, two, main melody, secondary melody, which kind of instrument to choose for accompaniment, all done.

Let everyone try it again, oh a few grams!

The Dawn is a bit more troublesome.

This is a work of heavy metal style, placed on the ancient Chinese battlefield, it always feels a bit of Western illusion.

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a long time, and decided...

"Pipa at the beginning, guzheng, flute, and pan flute for the main theme, erhu, drums, and suona for the secondary melody..."

The masters of folk art began to get busy.

Fix, fix, fix.


The collective fell into deep thought.

Then, holding the manuscript, from one o'clock in the afternoon, the endless discussion until the sky was dark...

Various suggestions, various speculations, various speculations...

At the critical moment of the argument, several older people turned their noses and stared at each other, almost rolling up their sleeves and fighting!

Really eccentric!

Until the night shift staff came to hand over, a certain student said in a daze:

"Dean, I've heard this tune before. It seems to be the chorus of the North American blockbuster "Brave to the Dead Island" released a few years ago! It's a piano piece, with a hint of heavy metal!"


The smile on Ge Xiaotian's face stiffened when watching the excitement, and he quickly explained: "No, you don't understand, you must have heard it wrong! Well, Dean Qian, Dean Qu, you study and study it, and figure it out as soon as possible. I still have something to do at the construction site, so I'll leave first!"

Ma Dan, is it possible that some of the music I remember has already come out?

No, I have to check it out when I go back!


Walking out of the film and television center, it was already evening before I knew it.

Ge Xiaotian is going to go to the ancient city to see Gao Song and the others.

A group of people with great ambitions decided to make an unprecedented and magnificent ancient war film. The idea was simple, but it was epic and difficult to do.

How many extras are needed?

Tiancheng lived in the staff dormitory on the east side with 3,000 strong men and 300 temporary guards.

Villages, townships, and nearby towns issued notices in advance to attract 50,000 fellow villagers.

Although he didn't care about food or housing, as long as he obeyed the command, he could get a meal ticket of 100 yuan in the Tiancheng Canteen after the filming was over, but the daily cost of eating and drinking was as high as more than one million yuan.

The food stalls in the tavern couldn't fit, and the canteen was closed, so they built an earthen stove with red bricks and mud. That number, tsk tsk, directly filled the parking lot.

Makeup needs people, right?

In addition to inviting more than a dozen professional makeup artists, he also hired all the barbershops in nearby counties and cities with a lot of money.

With Chinese New Year approaching, who doesn't want a haircut?

Ge Xiaotian felt that he had done something outrageous.


Clothing props for both the enemy and us, scene layout inside and outside the city, array cameras, hanging wires...

Spending money every minute, this movie is really not something ordinary people can play.

"Boss, why is your phone turned off?" Li Long went back to sleep, Li Hu was replaced by Li Hu on the day shift, and when he saw him walking out of the film and television center, he hurried over.

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian took out 818 and charged it before going to Jifu. Recently, he is too busy and has too many calls. He can't handle it for half a month, and can only use it for a week at most. "What's the matter?"

"The big boss called and said that the glass of your house was smashed last night, and asked what wicked things you have done recently?"


Why me? Isn't it Ge Wangwang? Ge Sanni? !

Well, it might really be me.

Barbershop business!

Ge Xiaotian decided to stay in the dormitory tonight.

Come to the ancient city, brightly lit.

The shadows of people above and below the city, the burning rags, the 'corpses' lying horizontally, the broken walls and broken knives, it really looks like that.

More than 300 trebuchets, more than 50 ladders, scattered carts and hammers...

Five cameras relying on a variety of Steadicam stabilizers, view from different angles, big special effects, small special effects, long-range, close-up...

This is a story about the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, the conquest of Turks in the north, the destruction of Chen in the south, and the reopening of the Silk Road. All nations came to congratulate them.

It is difficult to choose a script, especially there are no film and television works of this kind in both time and space.

And in this era when martial arts are rampant and immortals are gradually emerging, it is not wise to make ancient war films.

But the purpose of doing this is firstly to publicize the Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone, secondly to show off the upcoming 'East Lake Film and Television Base', thirdly to let the audience know about Tianyu, and other things, making money is second, and winning awards is the most important.

If no one presents the award, you can only come by yourself.

Cast a really big gold cup, make a pure crystal glass man, print a few award certificates that look bluffing...

"How was the filming?" Ge Xiaotian completely let go of the things he didn't understand.

Gao Song took the script in his hand and replied: "Fortunately, I made preparations in advance. The confrontation between Da Sui and Nan Chen has come to an end for the time being. The rest of the Yangtze River water battle will be filmed after the East Lake is ready. The next step is Million Turks. Going south, Daxi Changru, the great general of the Sui Dynasty and the lord of the Shuofang city, was ordered by the emperor of the Sui Dynasty to lead 3,000 soldiers out of the city to fight against the 200,000 main force led by the Turkic Khan Shabolue due to the lack of troops in the north. , after filming, there will be no need for so many extras.”

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

Storytelling is one thing, filming it is another.

It is recommended to mention it a little bit, and wait for the movie to be shot to see the effect.

"Come on! I'll go to the UFO Stadium to see if Xiaohao and the others are serious about moving bricks!"

"By the way, boss, Shi Wansui's battle of Dunhuang is estimated to go to the desert or Yangguan. Changsun Sheng rode alone into Turkic, and he needs to go to the grassland. Yanmenguan, where Han captured the tiger, also went to Mayi. Also, The prototype of backer king Yang Lin, Wei Wang Yang Shuang, that is, the actor who played the leading role in the early stage is Teddy, Datai Road Bridge has been busy building roads recently, it is said that the year is over, and he has no time to come here at all."

"Damn it, so many plots?" Ge Xiaotian just flipped through the script roughly, and the details in it, it's done after looking at it, who ever expected that so many scenes would be needed.

"It's really complicated enough. The main plot goes south to destroy Chen, and goes west to conquer Tuyuhun. Various historical records seem to be very powerful, but unknown strange generals are staged in turn, plus the emotional scenes of the male and female protagonists, and various funny clips. If you want the audience to understand, it will take four hours."

"Four hours?"

"That's right! If it's shortened to one and a half hours, or divided into two parts, I'm afraid it won't have the soul-stirring, coherent, visual feast, and the taste of a blockbuster music."

"I smell like peeing my pants!"

Let the audience hold back in the movie theater for four hours, some drink too much, in case the plot of the movie is silent, I'm afraid...

Moreover, if the time exceeds 90 minutes, the ticket price must be increased, or the screening rate should be reduced. Otherwise, no theater will agree to play it.

Now Tiancheng only has two theaters, and next year it may increase to five, Jishi Phase II, Yunxian County, Liangxian County, Wenxian County next to it, and Jinxiuchuan University Town.

No matter how good the advertisement is, how many people can see it?

"Then let's change the subject?"

"Money, I'm about to spend 30 to 40 million, you tell me, change the film?"

"Then four hours?"

Four hours is actually not impossible. There is no domestic, which does not mean that there are no foreign countries. It is said that the longest movie can be watched for several days and nights. We are not trying to make money, so we will calculate according to two movies and subsidize the profits of theaters. Unfortunately, maybe the ticket price can be lowered... When people mention Tianyu, they will definitely give a thumbs up: Conscience! As long as the reputation is established, the ticket price will be raised for the next movie, or "Crazy Box"... With the first movie as an introduction, it is estimated that it will become the champion!

Ge Xiaotian took the list of background music from the file package.

The soundtracks of ancient war movies are not only Jinfeng Yulu and Liming, but also many famous ancient Chinese folk art works, such as Ambush from Ten Sides, General Order, Lanling King Entering the Battle, Guan Shanyue, Hujia Eighteen Beats, Yangguan Trifold, Su Wu shepherds and so on.

But these are all songs that people are familiar with. How can there be any songs that have not been heard that are shocking?

If the overall plot is four hours, it is necessary to add a few songs.

"Just four hours, wait, I'll record two more..."

However, after Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, just as he was about to leave, Li Hu suddenly approached with his mobile phone.

"Boss, the Crescent Landmark Office has received a letter from the lawyer, and the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, together with Jiangnan Changfeng Industry and Shangpin Construction, have sued Tiancheng!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, and replied very calmly: "Let the planning department sue them! Just say that they are involved in gangsters, evading taxes, and making false accounts. How many days can they delay!"

"Boss, that's how they sued us, and the more than 20 million pre-sale money, the evidence has been submitted!"


Ge Xiaotian couldn't bear it anymore, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, "It's okay, don't worry, if the court dares to come, we'll file for bankruptcy!"

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