Build Madness

Chapter 208: Chen Feng's Abnormality

A lawyer's letter is not a court summons.


Lawyer's letter: It is wrong for you to do so, and we reserve the right to pursue your legal action. (Believe it or not)

Court summons: Do you know how powerful it is now? We have filed a case in court, and the judge invites you to drink tea. (Prepare to respond to the hearing)

In other words, a lawyer's letter is equivalent to a giant ugly writing you a love letter, and a court summons is equivalent to... the official sent you a copy of your marriage registration certificate with the giant ugly.

Therefore, a lawyer's letter is equivalent to a threatening letter and cannot be sent casually.

If you really want to mess with the other party, then secretly collect evidence and appeal directly.

There is a classic case in another time and space: Little Devil’s Honda believed that China’s Shuanghuan Company had infringed its patent rights. Production was discontinued. Later, the patent lawsuit came down, and Honda lost the lawsuit. The court did not believe that it constituted an infringement. Then Shuanghuan countersued Honda, demanding compensation for its reputation, suspension of production and other losses. million……

In fact, Shuanghuan Company itself was already on the verge of bankruptcy, and even without a lawyer's letter, it would not continue to produce.

Of course, it is estimated that few people can understand the truth now. Many bosses always feel that sending a lawyer's letter to others is very high-end and high-end, but they don't know...

It is really possible to be counter-killed!

Although the case between Shuanghuan and Honda is an intellectual property dispute, the losses caused to Tiancheng by Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, Changfeng Industry, and Shangpin Construction are the most important thing for the enterprise!

Involved in black?

Tiancheng is clearly an advanced civilized unit in Jishi that is so formal that it can no longer be formal!

Tax evasion?

Tiancheng is obviously a major taxpayer of local enterprises in Xiang County, and it even won the first place in the county last quarter!

False accounts?

Before the company's annual meeting, in order to integrate the accounts of the branch, Director Sun specially asked the labor bureau to help. If you say that you made fake accounts, you are not the leader of the labor bureau...

Twenty million pre-sales?

I'm going bankrupt, give me a wool!

However, some action is required!

If you sue the other party directly, it is estimated that you will not get much compensation for the loss of reputation.

Moreover, in court, maybe 20 million will be spent at that time.

Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, and he called the staff on duty in the planning department.

"Make a few copies of the lawyer's letter and send it to each branch, as well as members of the chamber of commerce..."

"Wait!" Ge Xiaotian looked around, saw no one around, and said quietly again: "Arrange a few smart people, find an illegal printing shop, or a tabloid office, edit some lace news at will, put the lawyer's letter on it, Print tens of thousands of copies, find train stations, shopping malls, temple fairs, anyway, where there are many people, distribute them!"

"In addition, inform the customers who bought the house to go to the Xingyuewan sales office to make a fuss. Don't tell Brother Hao and Daxiang. I want to see their ability to handle customer disputes. I have the right to exercise!"

"By the way, it's best to smash the sales office renovated from the exhibition hall in Xingyue Bay, Jishi City! The furniture city that was negotiated before, their boss wants a better, taller and bigger one!"

After giving orders, the newly charged 818 mobile phone rang.

Jishi Radio Station.

Looking at the name, I have some impressions, but I don't know who it is.


"Mr. Ge, someone invited a radio reporter to conduct an exclusive interview. The content is about Tiancheng's involvement in gangsters, fraud, bribery, and tax evasion...I feel that it is seriously deviated from the facts, and it is simply slandering our local civilized enterprises...So I refused, you'd better send Tiancheng Wei or the personnel department inquired, and the other party is in Room 102, No. xx, Taibailou Middle Road."


A tip-off?

Since when did Jishi Radio Station have such a good relationship with Tiancheng?

Generally speaking, as long as there is news, radio reporters will definitely rush upwards, no matter what the content is!

Tiancheng is the leader in Xiang County, but in Ji City... Didn't he say at the company annual meeting that he has just stepped into the top 50!

Will the radio station pay attention?

Uh... wait!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly understood the reason why the other party called.

The major radio stations leased the Tianyu Film and Television Center. In the morning, he told Dean Qian that it would be free of charge, and Dean Qian was helping the radio station to record "scenarios".

More than ten days of recording time, millions of red notes.

How can the authorization of a scene play sell for millions?

However, Jishi Radio Station shouldn't be able to spend so much money. Could it be... that all the major radio stations have joined forces to piece together?

"Director, what, you just play as the other party said!"


"Don't worry, although Tian Cheng will pursue your responsibility in the future, but... I don't know if you have heard of the Xingyue Bay 1 yuan compensation case in Xiang County?"

"It seems to have some impression!"

"Back then, in order to attack Tian Cheng, Shangpin Construction Engineering slandered me and ran away..."

"I remembered, I understand! Hey? This time it's Shangpin Construction again?!"

Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian was also a little skeptical, logically speaking, Chen Feng shouldn't be so stupid, right?

Eat a ditch, gain a wisdom, lost so badly in Xiang County, still don't have a long memory?

Just then, Xiangxian Radio Station called.

After that, the nearby Wenxian Radio Station, Jishi Business Daily, Dongshan Radio Station...


Liang County Hospital.

Chen Feng, who was always smiling all the time, has become gloomy now.

A pair of panda eyes hidden behind the tea-brown glass lenses are bright and sharp.

At the beginning, it was just a bone fracture, and the old leg that was about to return to its original state after rest, this time it was really discounted!

Chen Feng stretched out his hand without a smile on his face, and picked up a contract from the small desk lying across the hospital bed.

Contracted the contract of Jishi Changfeng Commercial Building!


Why not sign?

For beating me up so badly, Wei Changfeng is simply sorry for not signing it!

Thinking back to drinking with Wei Changfeng at the beginning, he suddenly received a phone call from Ge, and somehow heard 'you just wait to die'. He thought Ge Xiaotian knew the fake news promoted by Changfeng Industrial, so he was so angry that he couldn't help but fight (Changfeng before Industrial publicity: Shangpin Construction has contracted Changfeng Industrial's building project in Jishi).

Relying on his agility, he has the upper hand everywhere.

However, Wei Changfeng heard his roar and said, 'Ge Xiaotian will kill you, you don't consider cooperation'.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At that time, there was really nothing to hesitate, no matter how awesome Ge Xiaotian was, could he really kill him?

As early as after the incident of "two old men sinking into the lake under construction by Datai", he understood that Ge's surname is exactly the same as Teddy's, and he's a sweetie!

Therefore, he was just thinking about whether to beat Wei Changfeng half disabled and secretly send him to the door of Ge Xiaotian's hometown.

However, Wei Changfeng took advantage of this gap, quickly got up, and directly made a bear pounce, pressing his fat body of more than three hundred kilograms on his thin and weak lower body.

Behind it is a solid wood seat.

He leaned back, like a wooden stick leaning against a corner, being pressed to his knees by something so heavy...

Originally, the fractured bone did not heal quickly, and my legs were osteoporotic...


It was off on the spot!

The most hateful thing is that Wei Changfeng ignored his miserable howls and waved his big fists...

That fat beating!

Don't cry, calling your father doesn't work!

This is still his brother-in-law!

Neither Heihu nor Teddy have ever played such a heavy hand!

Finally, disabled!

"Ge, you should have a clever way to deal with us, right? Back then, I made Lao Tzu feel ashamed. This time, I specially copied the routine of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County. No matter how clever you are, you should be fooled by your cleverness. You should know what to do! "


After the phone call, Ge Xiaotian felt weird.

The surrounding radio stations were all called out!

Chen Feng probably doesn't have that much energy.


When things go wrong, there must be demons. Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to take it lightly. He opened the corporate chat room, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to call all the senior executives of the company to discuss the matter. First, hold a small online meeting.


As soon as he entered the chat room, he saw that the conversation was in full swing.

This dean, that principal, this director, that teaching...

"What is this for?!"

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