Build Madness

Chapter 209 The Idiom Solitaire Contest in the Chat Room

Carefully looking through the background chat records, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but click his tongue.

The chat room is actually playing idiom Solitaire.

From the signing of the occupancy agreement in the morning to six o'clock in the afternoon, this group of people has been playing all day without sleep or food!

There are not only the Academy of Arts, the Academy of Quyi, the Academy of Technology, but also Dongshan Normal University, which was later called by a certain professor.

Look at previous chats.

After saying goodbye to Dean Qian at noon, the other party went out to eat, and happened to meet Professor Hu who had come out from the construction site of the UFO Gymnasium and hadn’t returned home during the holiday. When Professor Hu heard about this, he called for friends, and soon, the School of Civil Engineering joined warband.

In the afternoon, a certain dean of Jifu University asked a certain professor from the School of Art to play chess. Seeing the excitement on the screen, he ran home and frantically made phone calls, so Jifu University also came.

And just now, Dongshan News broadcast the news that Dongshan Academy of Arts is about to merge with Quyi Academy, and announced the preliminary draft enrollment plan. Other colleges heard the news and called one after another to ask what happened. After all, there was no news before.

In an instant, the number of people in the chat room skyrocketed.

At the same time, the newcomers who didn't understand the previous gameplay also made the chat room chaotic.

Several leaders saw that the game would not be able to be played if this continued, so they got together to discuss it, maybe they also meant to compete, and decided:

Those who will be stationed in Jinxiuchuan University City next year will be united together, including Dongshan Art College, Quyi College, Civil Engineering College, and the Technology College that may be merged.

The other group is Jifu University, which is located in the south of Jifu, and Dongshan Finance and Economics, Dongshan Agricultural Management Cadres, Dongshan Youth Management Cadres, and Dongshan Railway College who will be relocated to the high-tech zone next year.

There are also a group of old colleges that have not had any movement and are running normally, such as Dongshan Normal University, Qilu Industry, Dongshan Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dongshan Sports, Dongshan Transportation, Dongshan Women...

The millennium bug team has been maintaining it in the background. It looked very interesting, so they helped to open up three separate chat rooms, which were used as the base camp of the three batches of colleges, and the current chat room was used as a battlefield.

The colleges and universities united by the three parties will take turns to answer the questions in the form of numbering one, two and three, and the answering time will be 15 seconds. Whichever side loses, one school will be eliminated internally. Funding for college fellowships, and the winning party has the right to choose the location.

Very interesting!

If the Chinese New Year wasn't approaching, Ge Xiaotian would have wanted to put on a variety show for this group of people.

In fact, the idiom Solitaire also has a lot to pay attention to.

Counting homophonic characters is one way to play, and not counting homophonic characters is another way to play.

Which is also divided into AABB, AABC, ABAB and so on.

In addition, there are allusive idioms, common idioms, and new era idioms.

This group of people played at a relatively high level, excluding homophonic characters, there must be four different characters, and there must be allusions!

It's hard!

Ge Xiaotian simulated several times by himself, and found that he received seven or eight at most.

Of course, this group of people are all masters, and it may be more exciting to play.

It's just that Jinxiuchuan University City is full of technical colleges, and the cultural courses themselves are weak. In the first round of the practice match, the Quyi Academy, which was merged into the Art Academy, was eliminated.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the rules again.

Among the three parties, which one is eliminated first, which one pays the money, and the final winning party chooses the place for the college fellowship.

How can this work? !

The colleges and universities that will settle in Jinxiuchuan University City in the coming year will need to hand over all their consumption items, which also means that Tiancheng will help organize various activities, or exclusively sponsor them.

If they are eliminated, doesn't it mean that Tian Cheng has to pay for it? !

Ge Xiaotian quickly took out his mobile phone and called the Taoist monk who was studying ultra-light metal plates at the base.

The combination of these two brothers is simply invincible!

Then they informed Dean Qian of the School of Art and Professor Hu of the School of Civil Engineering: After the practice match, delay the delay first, and the rescuers I invited will be in place immediately!

The rules do not say that foreign aid is not allowed, nor does it say that dictionaries must be available. Taoists, monks and monks get together, even if there is no idiom, you can create it for you, and there is a reason for it!

Otherwise, how did Comrade Ge Feng be convinced by Kan's dizziness and Kan's heart?

Not long after, two great immortals entered the chat room in the name of visiting professors from the Academy of Art, one was named 'Daozhang Qingtian' and the other was named 'Master Yizhu'.

"It always feels weird!"

Ge Xiaotian frowned and thought for a while, there were too many things in his mind, and he couldn't figure out why.

"Forget it, the Taoists bring a lot of sky, like Cangtian, Haotian, Huangtian, it is not surprising to take Qingtian. And monks also bring a lot of one, one lamp, one leaf, one eye, one pillar, Seems like that too."


The three school alliances returned to the base camp to discuss the battle plan, and the chat room suddenly fell silent.

Ge Xiaotian cleared the messy trivial matters from his mind, opened the mailbox, and carefully read the lawyer's letter jointly issued by Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, Shangpin Construction Engineering, and Jiangnan Changfeng Industry.

At the same time, the interview he had been waiting for was revealed to the public after Dongshan Radio Station broadcast the news of the merger of the Art Academy.

The person involved turned out to be Wei Wei who was arrested to shovel snow.


Women are more likely to gain the sympathy of the masses.

Especially after she took off her leather jacket and pants and put on an ordinary down jacket, the scene was simply a woman from a good family crying and accusing Tian Cheng of evil deeds.

The kind-hearted Ge Xiaotian almost believed it.

Especially the last two slogans are full of enthusiasm: Down with Tian Cheng, down with the evil capitalist Ge Xiaotian!

When did I become a capitalist? !

He is obviously a philanthropist and a philanthropist. I heard that when the first quarter of the millennium is over, the leader of Shaobaitou will help to win the honorary title of Dongshan Province's Top Ten Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs.

Moreover, have you ever thought about the feeling of a bank when you do this?

300 million loans!

I'm afraid the leaders of ICBC have smashed the table, right?

Looking at the news, Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry.

There used to be conflicts with Shangpin Construction Engineering in Xiaohu Town and Zaixiang County. Tiancheng has just started and attaches great importance to reputation.

but now!

Counting Xiang County, counting several nearby counties, how many villages' roads were not repaired by Tiancheng for free or at a cost?

Conversely, ask the five or six thousand employees recruited from abroad, how many of them have built new houses, but they don’t owe the boss money?

In a radius of three hundred miles, is there any village that doesn't have a Hope Primary School built by Tiancheng?

At the end of the year, visiting relatives and friends, getting together to chat about the changes of last year, Tiancheng's name will definitely spread like wildfire.

In the past, Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone needed radio publicity, but now, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, construction, automobiles, catering... As it grows bigger and bigger, it has begun to enter the eyes of the masses and has become closely related to life. In this era, as long as you do Well done, word of mouth is definitely more effective than advertising!

Therefore, I am afraid few people will believe this news!

However, Ge Xiaotian still informed the planning department to speed up the previous self-defeating plan. Otherwise, when some leaders couldn't sit still and took the initiative to help, how could they ask for sky-high compensation? !

After finishing all the tasks at hand, Idiom Solitaire will also give the result.

Not surprisingly, Dao Yiseng won a complete victory, and the Eastern District University League lost.

Immediately afterwards, Dean Qian of the School of Art called and invited the two immortals to join the school as external professors.

No teacher qualifications...

Uh, that's not right, most of the professors in the Academy of Arts and Music don't have them either. They used to be art lovers from the folk. Just make an application, it's really good!

There is nothing to agree with!

Almost at the same time, Professor Hu also called...

"Xiao Tian, ​​I almost forgot. Under the mountain where the UFO Stadium is inlaid, there is a cave connecting the ruins. Although it does not affect the project, it is best to find out."

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