Build Madness

Chapter 210 Arrangements for the First Quarter (7,000 words)

"Cave, I know! Some time ago, the Foundation Department sent the exploration samples to the temporary office of the Archaeological Institute. They said that the cave has nothing to do with the ruins, and normal construction is fine!"

Ge Xiaotian dared not be indifferent to things involving archaeology. What if the status of the ruins is far more important than the UFO stadium, the archaeological institute asked the relevant departments to stop, and spent 30 to 40 million yuan, what should I do if the foundation is almost ready?

Therefore, in order to avoid the coffin of archaeology and directly include unproven caves in the protection area, the prospectors expanded the previously established 2,000-meter exploration diameter to 5,000 meters, and not only used control holes and technical holes to sample , and along the trend of the cave, large-scale random test pits and well drilling were carried out in order to more intuitively understand the reasons for the formation of the cave.

A group of engineering prospectors almost turned into experts in archaeology and geology.

After various tests and inspections, a conclusion was finally drawn: 300 million years ago, Dongshan was a vast ocean. At that time, the majestic Dongyue was just a small island. The seawater eroded, scoured, exposed to the water, exposed to the sun, blown by wind and rain, and collapsed to form this cave.

As for the effect of the cave on the UFO gym.

We need to wait until the next time the continental plate moves on a large scale. The Indian Ocean plate squeezes the Himalayas, and the Pacific Ocean squeezes the subregional plate. Under the action of two phases...

Ge Xiaotian didn't have time to go to the site. When he got a thick stack of reports and learned about the exploration process, he was so angry that he almost dismissed the exploration team on the spot.

This group of people is just like the engineering quotation team, idle! Wouldn't it be enough to just send someone to find out if there is any treasure in it? !

"It's fine if there is nothing to do with it!" Professor Hu on the other end of the phone paused and said again: "As for the basic project of the UFO Stadium, the work of the Design and Research Institute has come to an end for the time being. Representing the Dongshan Supervisory Association to participate in the two sessions, it is estimated that I will not be able to come for a long time."

"You can rest assured and go to work. With your dozen or so proud students here, if there are problems, some people will take care of them!"

"Hey, you brat!"

"Haha, just kidding, what, Professor Hu, my mother fried some meat, fish, meatballs and so on at home. When you go back to Jifu tomorrow, you can take it home and taste it! By the way, I will ask Da Mao to send you off tomorrow!"

"I'm not polite about food, just give it away, it's very busy during Chinese New Year!"

"It's okay, the snow has melted and the road is difficult to walk, so it's settled!"

Damao happened to be going to Jifu to deliver food to the leaders of Dongshan University, and it was just a way to bring Professor Hu along.

Of course, some things don't need to be said.


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian was suddenly a little dazed.

Staring at the flickering big head phone screen, there are many things waiting to be dealt with in my mind, but now I don't know where to start.

After thinking about it, I called Brother Hao.

This guy moved bricks with the management in the UFO gymnasium for a day, and before he had time to change his clothes, he walked in hurriedly, picked up someone's towel and wiped his slippery bald head without any politeness, and instantly changed his appearance.

Sitting across the desk, Brother Hao asked:

"Boss, I already understand the matter of the lawyer's letter, how about I replace Daxiang?"

"No, it's time to exercise and exercise!" Ge Xiaotian said, flipping through the file bag, opening the file cabinet to search, and took out the ancient city project of Yun County signed a long time ago, and the contract for the area of ​​Yun County:

"After the Chinese New Year, there is nothing important at home, so let's go there as soon as possible. A few days ago, the leaders of Yunxian County talked with the director of business (the director of investment promotion who drove a small sidecar in the township), and the above did not allocate funds to Yunxian County. They wanted to do it as soon as possible. Get the project started and improve the economy!"

Brother Hao took the contract and looked through it carefully for a moment, "The articles of association?"

"There will be a lot of projects next year, and I can only give you ten projects! However, after the year, there will be a lot of migrant workers in the towns and towns. You can recruit yourself there. By the way, you can just take Xiaolan who is staying in the village with you. In the past, I was the HR manager. (One of the red, orange, yellow, green and blue)"

"Okay! Boss, how many people are suitable for recruiting over there?"

"Although you are a sales manager, you have been working on the project for so long and often go to and from the construction site. Don't you know the staffing?"

"I could figure it out before, but after we implemented the six-hour work system, several construction sites are in rotation. I'm a little uncertain about how to arrange it."


Ge Xiaotian took out a piece of paper to write and draw, and casually said something else: "The land over there is worth 30 million yuan, two hundred acres, located in the center of the county. Yun County decided to build a hospital before, but it was canceled due to funding problems. There is no plan yet, you go to talk to them, do it according to your own ideas, the model is similar to Xingyue Bay, try not to compromise if you can! Speaking of this, I have to talk about your Xingyue Bay sales office in Jishi The performance is terrible!"

"Uh... what I was thinking at the time was to avoid expanding the incident..."

"Customers who can deliver 20 million pre-sale funds..." Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought that he was about to go wrong, "Forget it, we have to be decisive in doing things in the future! Although Tiancheng has a firm foothold now, Yun County still belongs to a blank area. The building represents the image of Tiancheng, and any incidents must be resolved in the most direct and effective way! For example, if the customer really asks for a refund, instead of looking for trouble, if it is our problem, then refund on the spot! If it is the customer's If you have any questions, then find a place to have a good chat!"

"Understood the boss, I have already reflected on it!"

"Well!" Ge Xiaotian put the written white paper in front of Brother Hao, "If according to the Xingyue Bay plan, two hundred acres will be divided into four areas for construction, and it will be completed before May. There are ten projects with five hundred people enough Yes, but there are many people who need food, clothing, housing and transportation. Publicity, sales, finance, customer decide! In addition, Yun County wants to introduce our bus system, and has allocated 200 acres of wasteland in the suburbs for free. Remember to find the contract They sign, no verbal agreement, if necessary, appropriate part of the funds will do!"

"Understood! Don't be greedy for Mo's public property!" Brother Hao nodded, and said again: "Boss, I passed by our township office two days ago and chatted with a few high-achieving students there. I feel that they have almost settled down and their hearts are stable. Now, I have a more intuitive understanding of basic knowledge, how about I take them to Yun County as a team?"

"Okay! Originally, I planned to transfer them to Liang County. Since you are interested, let's take them there!"

"The original office?"

"At the beginning, we signed a three-month agreement with the township, and it was about to expire. However, we gave the township a yard, and this office can be bought. Similarly, it cannot be taken for nothing, it must be bought!"

"Understood! After buying it? Continue to be an office?"

"No, the owner of the black Internet cafe in the village gave Da Mao a lot of gifts, which seemed to be some nutritional products, and they were left at your house. You come forward and arrange a few people to renovate the office...Forget it, this matter Leave it to my brother, he is going to get some business licenses."

"I know, I heard!"


"I just heard!" Brother Hao smiled coyly, and touched the shiny sunflower seeds on his head.

Ge Xiaotian didn't doubt that he was there, but after thinking about it, he seemed to be fine, "Go back and spend time with your family, we can't go there together next year!"

"Forget it, my daughter-in-law is more than three months pregnant, let's stay in our development zone. There is a hospital next to it, and my wife will take care of it. If anything happens, we are all on our own, which is convenient!"

"Alright!" Ge Xiaotian took out an S600 car key from the drawer, "You take that 111 first!"




After Brother Hao left, Ge Xiaotian crossed off the Yun County project on his schedule.

Just because the employees are on vacation does not mean that the company's top management is on vacation, just like Xiao Huang, who is still on duty at Crescent Landmark. With so many projects next year, the personnel arrangement alone is enough for him to drink a pot.

And Da Mao is not idle, purchasing machinery, transferring materials, and merging various material suppliers.

The reason why he went to Ji's mansion was that when he purchased steel, he had other things to do. Let him go this time, one is to get acquainted with the leaders of Dongshan University, and the other is to get in touch with the steel factory.

Accountant Sun, the chief financial officer, should be the most tiring, coordinating the funds of a branch company, repairing the capital chain that is about to break when he does this and that.

Very busy!

Ge Xiaotian is no exception.

Look at the schedule copied on A4 paper, it is densely packed with things.

Excluding the Yunxian project, the next one is the imminent lawyer's letter incident.

Xiao Huang was too busy, so he hung on to the Intelligence Department of the Personnel Department, Xiao Hong in Xiangxian County, and Xiao Lu in Jishi City had already dispatched in the afternoon.

After drinking a cup of tea, before 7:30, the two of them called one after another.

Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial Co., Ltd. and Shunhe Chamber of Commerce convene all members to prepare to open up the Jishi battlefield!

It is not only targeting Tiancheng Construction and Tianheng Auto Trade, but also launching an impact on Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce's market share in agricultural and sideline products, paper, furniture, home appliances, snacks, and chemicals.

Ge Xiaotian took the pencil and spun it around a few times.

Open the system map, secretly dispatched a large number of peasant women and strong men who were idle at home to make children, and ordered them to drag the secondary town center to Daqingshan as soon as possible.

First look for hidden ravines and depressions, and then build a large-scale system of three-level farmland to grow vegetables and fruits.

This is a system building that he has been unwilling to use.

The first-level farmland matures in seven days, the second-level farmland matures in half, and the third-level farmland matures in half again...

It's really useless unless you have to.

To grow food, you need to pay public food. If a large amount of food is poured into the market, the trouble will definitely be more serious than summoning a strong man!

His idea is to only grow melons, fruits and vegetables, and when they are fully ripe, they will be quietly transported to the vegetable greenhouses of his two uncles, taxed normally, and transferred to the farmers' market in batches and handed over to the chamber of commerce wholesalers at a low price, and let the retail investors under the banner sell them at a low price. Selling at a price slightly lower than the opponent's retail investors forced the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce to fight a price war.

Wait for the other party to lose money, reduce the supply, arrange several groups of strong men or peasant women to act as small vendors, purchase their products in large quantities, and transfer a few transport vehicles to let the wholesalers of the chamber of commerce resell them to the nearby Heshi, Taishi, Zaoshi.

Of course, this kind of operation is cumbersome and troublesome, but it is undeniable that it is very annoying!

In fact, the best way is to fight the price until the other party completely withdraws from the agricultural and sideline products industry.

In the same way, the paper industry and furniture are supported by lumber mills, and the system resources are completely free now, so this kind of confrontation can also be carried out.

The trouble is home appliances, snacks, chemicals!

The system has nothing for this.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather members of the chamber of commerce together to cheer up and cheer up, and to help comrades who are in trouble with their advantages to tide over this difficulty together.

However, this is also a good thing!

The newly-built chamber of commerce is like a plate of loose sand. Only after many tests can it be more cohesive.

As for who will do it?

Ge Xiaotian played with the pencil, glanced at the management list, picked and selected, and finally decided...

Take out the phone:

"Fat Xiu, your pigsty, duck shed, and cattle farm are about to close down, why don't you hurry up and beat them up!"

"What, it's Chinese New Year, are you itchy again?"

"Is the Internet connected to the phone line at home?"

"It's activated! But watching movies is so slow!"

"I'll send you an email. You follow the outline and handle the details yourself. I hope that the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce will be disbanded a year ago!"

"Wait, I'll check the email first!"

"It's nothing to look at, that's all!"

The opponent dares to play a female general, as if we don't have a strong female general!

You play the weak to attract people's sympathy, and I will send someone who can fight to directly beat...

No, the opponent has so many bodyguards, Li Xiuxiu may not be able to beat them!

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the office and came to the barracks.

Elite units are strong!

Just like a Taoist monk, in an unrestricted fighting arena, as long as he has enough strength, he can definitely stand in the ring all the time, even wheel battles may not be effective.

However, these two strong men who can fight more than a dozen Li Long and Li Hu alone, but when facing three elite pikemen, or two champion swordsmen, or two top-level sword and shield soldiers, or two elite cavalry archers, they can only do so. Can not stand still.

If the number of elite units is doubled to six or four, Taoist monks will soon be defeated.

Of course, it may be the advantage of weapons, but it cannot be denied that the elite units are also very fierce in appearance.

Summon the two most bluffing heavy cavalry, as expected in the introduction, the bulldozer!

With a height of 2.1 meters and a weight of nearly 300 catties, it is already difficult to describe it as a burly body.

Scarred face, big round eyes, unshaven beard, like Butcher Li...

Assigning Li Xiuxiu as a bodyguard, well, I think it will be very kind!

Take out your phone again.

"Xiu, I'll arrange two bodyguards for you!"

"That's not necessary, is it?"

"Wei Wei has more than fifty bodyguards in black!"

"Huh? Are two too few?"


Ge Xiaotian hung up the phone and wanted to summon eight more heavy cavalry, but when he thought about it carefully, his height of 2.1 meters was already eye-catching, if ten of them appeared in one go...

Or call others.

Two champion swordsmen, two best infantry, two elite archers, and two best knights.

The five elite arms are all here!

Ten people stood in the base, corresponding to the peasant women and strong men who came and went to the center of the secondary town to go into the mountains. Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of the general standing among the soldiers in Dynasty Warriors.

Regardless of body shape or height, they are all quite different!

Open the system map and mark Li Xiuxiu's home.

"Remember, she won't let you do it, don't do it, even if you do it, don't hurt your life!"

"Understood, boss!"

"Keep your voice down!"




Ten strong men trotted towards the outside of the station.

Sure enough, it is an elite, with its own sound effects and special effects.

Back in the office, Ge Xiaotian made a note on the lawyer's letter in the schedule, pending resolution.


next big job.

It is necessary to discuss the overall layout, construction plan, floor plan, etc. of the first university in Jinxiuchuan University City with the Architectural Design Institute based on the architectural appearance collected by the School of Civil Engineering and Engineering from the campus and the Internet, and submit it to the Jifu for review.

The sooner the construction starts, the better. At least before the start of school in September next year, the teaching buildings, dormitory buildings, and cafeterias of the School of Civil Engineering, Dongshan Art Institute, and its own junior college must be completed.

Ge Xiaotian took out the campus plan that he had prepared long ago from the drawer, called the Design and Research Institute, and asked them to send someone to pick it up. After taking it back, according to the plan, from the design drawings collected by the School of Civil Engineering, Select the corresponding building.

To solve the blueprint planning problem, there is still one thing related to the school.

The two colleges have already signed an occupancy agreement, next year the freshmen will enroll in the old campus, but Tiancheng will be responsible for military training and expenses!

Dedicated to veterans at home is enough, but college students...

Maybe you can talk to the second master who is mysterious and mysterious all day long, and ask his two capable sons if they can help contact the military area and have a real military training!

If you choose to go to college, there is an 80% chance that you will not be able to serve as a soldier in this life.

Is it a little regretful? !

Help them make up for their regrets, shouldn't you thank me, Ge Xiaotian? !

By the way, let's talk to the colleges and universities and ask them to advance military training, from August training to November, exactly three months for new recruits!

Ge Xiaotian felt that this approach was great!

It can not only make other college freshmen envy, but also improve their physical fitness and temper their will!

Immediately called the mysterious second master.

It's a pity that their two sons belong to the Ordnance Department, oh, the name has been changed to the Armament Department.

It's okay to blast something, help train college students... Do you want to take out the ammunition that is about to expire for fun?

Mysterious second master: Applying, I guess it’s okay, shooting guns is nothing now, and the militia company arranges target shooting and bombing once a month, how about I help you make a game that you’ve always wanted to play? And boom? !


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian played with the pencil, thought over and over again, and tried to call the leader of the military region who brought Lanxiang to the Crescent Landmark to ask about the arrangement of retired personnel.

After exchanging pleasantries, I first asked the other party if I would like to help arrange a group of retired personnel.

Unexpectedly, the old man readily agreed and directly gave two hundred places.

Perhaps the other party already knew about Tian Cheng's arrangement for the first batch of bus drivers, and the treatment they gave was also very good, no longer the business-like and cold attitude before, but... He unexpectedly took the initiative to ask for details for no reason. Address, said to give him a small gift!

Ge Xiaotian was suddenly surprised, this old man has a weird temper!

You can't postpone it, you can only accept it.

After chatting for a while, taking the opportunity to explain the arrangement of the second batch of retired personnel, Ge Xiaotian hesitated to tell about the military training.

Originally, he just wanted to entrust the other party to ask the military region, but he never thought that the old man agreed on the spot!

Grandpa: Wait until the time for the military training is set by the university, and a week's notice in advance is enough!

Ge Xiaotian was a little unbelievable, and he made sure again and again that he did not ask the supervisor to come to the school, but brought the students into the military area!

The old man replied directly: Woblon!

All right!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly looked forward to the little gift.


After dealing with the matter of entering the university, three items were crossed out from the schedule.

The next one is 1,600 acres of land!

Automakers are not in a hurry, but they have to be prepared.

Since the second phase of Xingyue Bay is going to build North American-style China Wall Street and Silicon Valley, it must be planned in advance.

For these matters, let the Planning Department communicate with the Architectural Design and Research Institute.

However, with the completion of Huaxia Wall Street and Silicon Valley, Da Xiang, who took the place of Brother Hao, had to carry out a new round of publicity and investment.

And the previously planned underground pedestrian street, the forest park, zoo and botanical garden, water entertainment city guaranteed by Jishi...

It seems that after the formal establishment of the Design Institute, a large-scale expansion is required.

In addition, Liang County has returned to Jiji, so Xiao Zeng of Liang County asked the leaders there to talk about contracting Daqingshan and the project in the southeast corner of East Lake. This is also an official meeting ceremony between the two parties.

After these two contracting projects are settled, they will take two cheap pieces of land near the central area of ​​Liang County and kill Chen Feng's old classmate in one go.

It's time for him to go home for the elderly, and I don't know if the mistress Xiao Zeng in Liang County has never found will fight with the wife...

Except for company matters.

Chinese New Year is approaching, and more people are getting married. Those of the same age in the village, although they are not young, belong to the same family. Even if they don’t go to the banquet, at least they have to show their faces, give a red envelope, and help arrange the transportation, right?

In addition, visit elders, relatives and friends...

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Ge Xiaotian felt some pain in his forehead, picked up the mirror and looked at it, it was hard to believe that he was only eighteen, and he had white hair on his head!

If Xiao Huang doesn't send that assistant who is said to be awesome...


Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered something!

Even without an assistant, he can actually be a hands-off shopkeeper!

Look at the extraordinary performance of Dao, Monk and Yi in today's Idiom Solitaire competition, if they... No, spend another 10 million to summon two, Dao Er, Monk Er, let them help with system-related matters, and then let them... The soon-to-be assistant handles the operational aspects of the company, so...

I took a pencil and scratched on the schedule, and there were only two arrangements in the world.

"This brain is really a good thing!"

Ge Xiaotian patted his forehead, feeling that he was so stupid before.

If only I could have remembered sooner...

Forget it, sleep!

Those who have been busy with work recently not only have gray hair, but also have weak nerves, otherwise they would not have been woken up by the faint sound of suona last night.

I ran back to the dormitory to take a shower, wrapped the quilt over my head, my stomach was rumbling...

It seems that I only had one breakfast today?

‘Should I go to a food stall to eat, or let the waiter in the tavern deliver it? '

While hesitating, suddenly a forty to fifty catty heavy object hit him.

Ge Xiaotian lifted the quilt abruptly, and a smiling dog's face came into view.

"Damn it! How the hell do you know how to come back?"


It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. Little Rhubarb’s life is going well, his skin is firm and his hair is shiny. Dahan seems to have brushed his teeth, and he exudes a strong smell of Tianqi peppermint.

"Go play by yourself, close the door for me, I'm going to sleep!"


However, Rhubarb dragged the quilt regardless, trying to get him out of bed.


This thing does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Ge Xiaotian is very curious about what it is going to do, so he pulls on the slippers and puts on his clothes.

Da Huang walked out step by step and turned his head three times, beckoning him to follow.

One person and one dog walked out of the company's residence, walked through the lively market even at 8 o'clock in the evening, entered Gejia Village, and came to the outside of the old house.

Rhubarb stopped at the gate, staring at the southwest corner of the brand new small courtyard, his eyes were a little dazed.

Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled, said hello to his parents, older brothers and younger sisters who were sitting in the lobby watching TV, and walked to the southwest corner.

Below is a septic tank, which is shared with two other neighbors. A 3kw biogas generator and a biogas generator set are installed. Due to technical reasons, each cubic meter of biogas can only produce 1.8 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Support the lighting of the toilet, and when the technology catches up in the future, it may be possible to integrate the alleys and make it bigger.

Swing back and forth twice, carefully look around, except for the toilet, it is empty.


Rhubarb rushed over at a trot, curled up beside the biogas pit in a C shape.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized, "Your kennel is gone!"

There used to be a toilet here, and the back wall of the toilet, next to the utility pole, was its nest.

The old house was rebuilt, Rhubarb has been living in the stables, but the system was upgraded some time ago, and the stables became a closed horse farm, and then hundreds of system horses were summoned. This guy must not be able to fight, and he can't sleep well...

I have been eating and drinking with Dahan all the time, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. It is estimated that Dahan was taken away by his parents to visit relatives, and Dahuang will be homeless...

"Woof!" Seeing what he understood, Da Huang nodded frantically, staring at the two glowing eyes.

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You dog, you're still barking, barking at your head, and you won't go home for two or three months. It's almost the Chinese New Year, so you know how to find your own kennel!"

At this moment, Ge Wangwang in the hall angrily put down his water glass, and rushed to his bedroom without looking back.

Comrade Ge Feng was stunned, as if he understood something, he put on a military overcoat and came out, pointed at someone with a cigarette in one hand, and shouted angrily: "You little bastard, you have learned well, and you have learned even worse, and now you will criticize Sang Huai Yes! Just got home, why are you standing outside?!"

"What?" Ge Xiaotian didn't pay attention to the situation in the hall at all. He rubbed Rhubarb's dog's head and explained: "This dog has been staying outside since it was rebuilt from the old house. It is estimated that the New Year is approaching, and the dog's nose smells at home. If there is something delicious, I am willing to come back!"

Ge Feng's eyes widened immediately. He heard from the child's mother that the eldest came back when the old house was demolished, and then ran away in a hurry for some reason, "Who are you scolding?"

"What?" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, but when he looked at Rhubarb, he suddenly understood.

I remember my mother said that when Comrade Ge Feng was discharged from the army, he had a very good relationship with Da Huang's father. Every time he went out to drink with Li Suo, he would pack it up and bring him home, and he would be affectionate every time. Hugging the old rhubarb father and calling him a brother.

"Okay, okay, Dad, I won't scold your eldest nephew anymore!"

"Huh?!" Ge Feng threw away the cigarette butt and pulled out the real crocodile belt.

"What are you doing? You also called it nephew when you drank too much!"

"Don't run away!"

"I'm stupid, I won't run!"

Remarks: Looking through the comments today, I found that there are some books that still don’t understand the style of the UFO stadium. To put it simply, it’s a bit cumbersome. ', which is described in detail in the post.

In addition, the author plans to simplify the plot and speed up the timeline. There are many things written in this chapter, but it is also very important. It can be regarded as a transitional chapter and a summary chapter, and it is also almost all the projects that Zhujiao currently has.

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