Build Madness

Chapter 214 Underground Pedestrian Street Planning

For members of the Chamber of Commerce, the rent-free treatment in the small commodity market is simply a member benefit.

Even if there is no business, it is suitable to be a warehouse.

Didn't you hear what the chairman said, the second phase of the project is connected to the hub system that everyone has been looking forward to, and there is a storage and cold storage next to it, how convenient is it? !

As expected of the president, he thinks so carefully about everything he does.

Picking up the straw paper, pencils, and calculators prepared by the waiter in advance, the big and small bosses wrote down the areas they wanted.

Do not want?

Then don't say anything, today against Shunhe Trading and Changfeng Industrial, but many members who do not want to participate will be expelled.

Immediately, some fast-thinking bosses suddenly realized.

During the day, the president establishes prestige, and at night, he gives a lot of benefits to the remaining members. This trick... Tsk tsk!


Ge Xiaotian didn't think so much.

If you spend so much money for VIP membership, why should you give some benefits? Otherwise, who will buy silver VIP and gold VIP in the future?

In fact, the main force in the small commodity market is not the members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

The central area of ​​Xiangxian County was reduced to ruins, and all businesses were closed. Although there is a commercial street in District D, the rent of front shops is high, and many small stalls and hawkers simply cannot afford it.

According to incomplete statistics from the planning department, there are more than 60 such merchants, most of whom do not have business licenses, and will be able to settle in the small commodity market after a year.

In addition, there are more and more residents in the Canal Development Zone, who need all the basic necessities of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and a group of retail investors who want to do business will soon be born.

In addition, the Xiaoqingshan market is overcrowded, and it is necessary to divert the market.

Coupled with the wave of layoffs in recent years, there are many people who want to do business to make some money.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian is not worried about the occupancy rate of merchants.

After the bosses finished their busy work, they signaled Brother Hao to change the PPT.

"The small commodity market is here for the time being, let's talk about the pedestrian street!"

"Originally, I planned to put the pedestrian street under the small commodity market, but what the city threw to Tian Cheng was a big stinking ditch, the original plan would definitely not work!"

"Now, the main entrances of the small commodity market are temporarily planned to be at the west gate of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, the north gate of the Auto Trade City, the east side of the small commodity market, and the east gate of the sports center. The four points are connected together to form the first phase of the project. Above is Forest Park will be completed by the end of the year!"

"The second phase is currently tentatively designated as the south gate of the forest park, the north gate of the second phase of Xingyue Bay, the gate of the zoo and botanical garden, the back gate of the water entertainment city, the gate of the neighborhood committee that will be moved here, the gate of the industrial bureau, the gate of the police station... above is the zoo and botanical garden , forming a cycle with the first period."

"The underground pedestrian street is facing the mid-to-high-end consumer market. It is used to counteract Shunhe business. It mainly sells all kinds of clothing, cosmetics, underwear to keep warm, leisure and entertainment, various snacks, etc., and will introduce several sports goods in the future. The sports center comes together."

"There are not many people doing this in our chamber of commerce. I said it today because I want everyone to help attract investment!"

"The treatment given to ordinary merchants is rent-free for half a year. If you become a member, the rent-free period is the same as that of the small commodity market according to the membership level."

"And our members help attract business. As a reward, as long as the other party signs an occupancy contract, the rent-free period of the small commodity market will continue for one year! If you can bring fifty, I will sign an indefinite rent-free contract for you!"


"The next project, CBD office building investment..."

"The next project, Yun County Commercial Street attracts investment..."

"The last project, Jinxiuchuan University Town Investment Promotion..."

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening after the dry-mouthed introduction of the projects that Tiancheng would give to the chamber of commerce after the year.

The big and small bosses in the audience, those who partnered with each other, those who talked about it, and those who borrowed money, were all digesting what they heard.

Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry, picked up the teacup that someone had helped to refill, and walked to the side to find a seat to sit down.

CBD office buildings can take their time, and Yunxian Commercial Street only provides some business opportunities for members of the Chamber of Commerce in Zhongyun County.

The most important thing is the underground pedestrian street and Jinxiuchuan University Town.

Needless to say, the underground pedestrian street is designed to attract customers from the central area of ​​Jiji City and encroach on the Shunhe business market.

As for the Jinxiuchuan University City, there is a bit of urgency. Before the school starts in August, a large-scale comprehensive supermarket must be set up. Otherwise, students will not be able to buy even a sanitary napkin when they enter the school for military training.

Thinking about various plans, and sipping a cup of tea, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a buzzing in his pocket.

He took out his phone and looked at it, and it turned out to be the leader of the young man.

Strolling out of the Juyi Hall, he nodded to the two beautiful girls who were waiting outside to continue playing, and pressed the answer button.


"Are you still running that small commodity market?"

"Fuck it! I'm in a meeting right now, and all the VIP members of the chamber of commerce are here. Why don't you go to QQ and I'll send you a live photo?"

It may have something to do with his position. Ge Xiaotian feels that there is a big difference between the leader of Shaobaitou and the leader of Dongshan University, Yu Zong.

Mr. Yu belongs to the shrewd, experienced and steady type.

Just like before, Tiancheng was asked to help promote the return of Liang County, and as a reward, Tiancheng was granted 1,000 mu of cheap land.

But no matter how cheap the land is, you still have to pay, right?

If there was no university town project, when Tian Cheng paid the money, Mr. Yu would definitely say, forget about the money, let's help manage the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir!

Finished governance? Should the reservoir be handed over to Tiancheng for maintenance again?

In this way, a piece of wasteland in a ravine, plus a reservoir that had been abandoned for decades, attracted Tiancheng to Jifu!

Fortunately, at that time, my brain twitched, I don't know why I thought of the University City, and I asked for 6,000 acres, otherwise I might be fooled.

It's different with young leaders.

Don't fool around, just shout!

Do you want to do it?

do? OK! I will call you to apply immediately!

Don't do it? That's okay, change!

It's that direct, it's that simple.

Just like when Bureau Sun was just transferred to Jishi, at the meeting bidding site, Bureau Sun's boss didn't answer the price of the land, and he was slapped the next day, and it was the kind of withdrawal.

In fact, both of them have one thing in common, they act vigorously and resolutely, and they are absolutely vague about what to do.

However, through comparison, Ge Xiaotian feels... Well, neither is easy to match.

"I'm on QQ, you send it!"


Ge Xiaotian walked back to the Juyi Hall, motioned Brother Hao to log on to the company's QQ, took two photos of the scene and sent them over.

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The person on the other side didn't answer, but changed his voice, "Do you have any opinion on this trade union reform?"


Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

He really didn't notice this.

Trade unions, as the name suggests, workers' federations, originally meant to refer to self-organized groups for self-protection or common interests. They are mainly used to negotiate wages, working hours, working conditions, accommodation conditions, etc. with the boss.

But his impression of this word is still at the beginning of the last century, such as workers' uprising, railway strike, workers' pioneer and so on.

This has entered the 21st century, and there are trade unions?

Thinking back to another time and space, there seems to be no such organization in the companies I know.

Otherwise, why didn't migrant workers show up to ask for wages?

Moreover, like some companies, the boss forces employees to work overtime and deducts employees' salaries, and I have never heard of a trade union.

Is it the same as the Chamber of Commerce, if you don't join, you don't care?

Ge Xiaotian quickly opened the webpage and searched for information about the trade union.

Unexpectedly, there really are!

The largest World Federation of Trade Unions currently has 135 million members, and the second largest International Federation of Free Workers has 125 million members.

And China, as early as 1992, already had a trade union law.

However, looking at some of the above regulations, it seems that it has nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

Because there are no trade union members in my company, naturally there is no need to form a trade union committee, and there is no need to give 2% of the total salary to the trade union as funds.

"Leader, what's wrong?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. After all, most of Tiancheng's employees are migrant workers. The salary should be high, but it can't bear the low wages of other companies. There are already several trade unions over there negotiating with their respective companies, wanting to raise their salaries. Reduce working hours."

Ge Xiaotian still didn't understand what it meant. What does it have to do with me if his employees are arguing with their boss?

"Leader, can you explain more clearly?"

"It has become like this, what do you think those companies think of Tian Cheng?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian turned his head and looked at the VIPs in the room, am I going to face a situation where the whole world is an enemy?


In the future, there will be a lot of companies with high wages, so you can't gang up on me just because of this!

"Coincidentally, Tiancheng is competing with Shunhe Trading and Changfeng Industrial, and those impatient corporate bosses who were tossed about by the trade union moved closer to Xiang He Shun and Wei Changfeng's camp, understand?"

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