Build Madness

Chapter 215 I will take you to lie down and win

Ge Xiaotian understood it this time, it was nothing more than a few more people who wanted to beat him up.


Through understanding, he feels that the possibility of trouble is unlikely.

There are so many laid-offs these years, and there are countless restructurings. It is not easy to keep one's job. Who would make trouble with the boss when they are full?

There will be no government-owned enterprises, and no one in private enterprises dares to do so. The other party uses this as an excuse, probably only as an excuse.

Although it seems very unwise and unpopular, Tian Cheng's salary is well-known in Ji City, which has long been envied by many employees.

There is envy, and of course there is jealousy.

In case one day comes true, perhaps many people will gloat.

Moreover, those companies can also use this as an excuse to win over more 'comrades' who are not used to Tian Cheng.


After figuring out the key point, Ge Xiaotian was immediately amused.

You guys really think I'm hello kitty if I don't show off my power.

In the early 1990s, the late 1990s, and the current millennium, how did wages change? I don’t have any coordinate coefficients in my mind?

That is to say, in the past two years, many people have been laid off. The unemployed are anxious to find a job. Even if the salary is low, some people are willing to do it.

Try in another two years?


When the small commodity market is well established and the city has applied for all kinds of support for "lay-off and re-starting a business", it is estimated that the wages will rise instantly.

Also, Tiancheng's salary is high?

Don't look at what we are doing, six hours of high-intensity labor, as long as I can keep up with the speed of a strong man, I want them all. Anyway, there will be many projects next year, and there will be shortages everywhere.

However, the meaning of the phone call from the young white-headed leader is definitely not to ask Tian Cheng to lower his salary.

You know, Tian Cheng has paid personal income tax on all wages, who pays in general construction sites?

There are more than 10,000 employees, with a total salary of nearly 20 million per month. The new tax rate implemented in the previous year was 5% for those who did not exceed 500, and 10% for those who exceeded 500 and did not exceed 2,000.

Among them, if it is less than 4,000 yuan, subtract 800 yuan, if it is more than 4,000 yuan, subtract 20%, and the balance is the taxable income.

Rough calculations, it will cost more than one million!

This is not a small amount, enough for Li Xiuxiu to buy four or five thousand piglets, is the city willing to do so?

So the question is, what is the purpose of the young leader calling?

Ge Xiaotian will not foolishly think that the other party is warning, such things can be completely handed over to Bureau Sun.


Seeing that he has not responded for a long time, the other end of the phone said again:

"Oh my god, you should be clear about some things, such as Jishi's previous plans!"


Ge Xiaotian must be aware that Bureau Sun had been in the hospital before.

The previous planning of Jishi City was to develop eastward and connect with Confucian Mansion.

When Canal Suburbs first started, it did not affect the interests of some people, but after it was changed to a development zone, the general direction was reversed, connecting Xiang County, which was developing from the west to the east.

The original plan went bankrupt, how many people did Bureau Sun offend?

Without the full support of the leaders of Shaobaitou, let alone Tiancheng's use of land to develop Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, I am afraid that the approval of various documents will be delayed for more than half a year.

In addition, look at the current Canal Development Zone, besides Tiancheng and the old residents Lin Yang Auto Trade and Hongtu Auto Trade, is there a fourth company?

All waiting to see a joke!

"It's not easy to do anything. It doesn't mean that I am the leader and can do everything. Do you understand?"


"Tiancheng fought with the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce and Changfeng Industry. The prices of many commodities plummeted overnight. If it goes on for a long time, countless merchants may go bankrupt..."

Ge Xiaotian secretly sighed, what should come is still here.

The dumping and anti-dumping of Tiancheng, Shunhe Trading, and Jiangnan Changfeng Industry is said to be a small fight, but if it continues and the authorities don't stop it, no matter who wins or loses, the Jishi market may collapse.

Not kidding.

Looking back at the VIPs that filled the hall, there were three or four hundred ordinary members who were not present, and more than two hundred large and small companies that had business dealings with Tiancheng. These businessmen, who accounted for one tenth of the city, did not need him to give orders at all. , Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they will definitely join the battle one after another!


They are all businessmen, and everyone understands that as long as the Jishi market is destroyed, more merchants who cannot afford the rent or suffer serious losses will leave Jishi and settle in the small commodity market in the Canal Development Zone.

Most of the VIP and ordinary members are in the commercial street of District D. When there are more people here, there will be more business. Only by driving the regional economy and driving the development of enterprises can they make more money.

Therefore, regardless of whether Li Xiuxiu wins or loses, no matter how much everyone pays now, they will definitely win the next future!

That's why he didn't talk about the business war between the two sides at tonight's meeting.

What can I say?

Go over recklessly, the president will take you to lie down and win!

Lost hundreds of thousands? good! I will reward you with a set of street door stores!

Lost 20,000 yuan? good! Free your rent for five years!

Lost three thousand? You... oh, melon seeds seller, good! Choose from the dried fruit stalls in the J area of ​​the Small Commodity Market!

What? Lost all? good! Next year, I will help you start your business again!


In any case, there is a very uncertain factor here: whether the official will intervene!

Now that the leader of Shaobaitou has spoken in person, this game may not be able to continue.

However, it doesn't matter.

This trick doesn't work, there is another trick, but it's a little bit damaged.

For example, let the automobile trade cities distributed in the southeast and northwest to block the transportation vehicles of Shunhe Commerce and Changfeng Industrial, for example, let Tianwei Security go to the train station to report the other party's possession of various illegal luxury products, such as...

Well, there are too many!

Ge Xiaotian took a sip of his teacup and said:


"So, I got you a partner!"



What did you say last time?

Ge Xiaotian scratched the back of his head, distracted, as if he missed many things!

"Sun Paper is also a private enterprise that started from scratch and has grown from small to large. I will be the host tomorrow, and the two sides will talk about it. Although the other party is in the paper industry, Jinxiuchuan University City involves education, and the small commodity market will also sell various products. Stationery, elementary school, junior high school, high school, etc., they help each other! Moreover, the other party is also willing to move the company's headquarters to the Canal Development Zone, and rent a single-family office building as the image building of Sun Group according to the treatment offered by Tiancheng Merchants!"


No, what did you say before? !

Ge Xiaotian must know Sun Paper.

In the future, this will be the top private enterprise in China and a leading enterprise in the paper industry.

"However, there is one point. Sun Paper is currently undergoing restructuring, and there is a shortage of funds. However, if Tiancheng can help out a little bit, then...the other party said that they can help invest in a piece of land. Only the cost will be charged, and no sales profit will be involved."

"Good thing!"

There is no reason not to agree.

Tiancheng's biggest shortcoming at present is capital!

Even if they get the 200 million from the city and the 200 million from the Jifu, it will not be of much help to the huge sports center and countless projects of all sizes.

And Tiancheng's way of making money is nothing more than to acquire land, pre-sell it, make up for the previous loopholes, acquire the land, pre-sell it again, and fill up the previous loopholes...

Now that they are willing to help purchase the land and settle in the Canal Development Zone, it is undoubtedly tantamount to supporting Tiancheng.

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