Build Madness

Chapter 217 Bus and Small Gift

Building a home life experience hall is to create a brand. It is impossible to put too many products in it, so that manufacturers and distributors can enter their products into the website. Many references and options, and even sell customized services.

Ge Xiaotian thought about becoming an online shopping platform, but due to the limitations of network terminals and payment methods, it is not the time yet.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing else tonight.

"Well, you guys continue to discuss the details, and if you have any good ideas, call the Tiancheng Planning Department! The general idea is that the furniture city prepares tables, chairs, cabinets, and beds; those in the clothing and fur business prepare carpets and ready-made clothes; Prepare mirrors, toothbrushes, pots and pans for daily necessities; prepare bedding for textiles...and floor, wallpaper, bathroom, etc. Do you want to do business in partnership? , Say one is one, and don’t play false! That’s about it, everyone is free to move around, get to know each other, don’t go back too late, I have something to do over there, so let’s go first!”

"President, go slowly!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, feeling a little tired passing by, beside the two beautiful girls who had already started playing the guzheng in turn, they rummaged through their pockets without any money.

"Xiaohao, two hundred per person!"

Brother Hao's eyes lit up, "Boss, she's so beautiful, isn't two hundred a little too much? Five hundred?"


Ge Xiaotian turned around in surprise, saw the slippery back of his head, and slapped him with his hands, "What the hell do you think about all day? Performance fee, pay the bill!"

"Uh... good!"

"thank you boss!"

"Yeah! Study hard and come to Tianyu after graduation!"

Before the two girls could respond, Ge Xiaotian walked out of Guyue Hotel with a little melancholy.

"Actually, I'm also a college student, really!"

Brother Hao put on the rare knit hat he snatched from Mr. Chen, let out a sigh of relief, and turned a deaf ear to it, "It's really cold today! Boss, let me tell you, you should also read your textbooks. You will have an exam in mid-September next year. It’s been more than three years since I graduated from junior high school, and I’m afraid I don’t even understand trigonometric functions!”

"Who said that? When the time comes, I'll let you see what the freshly baked Dongshan science champion is!"

"Just talk nonsense, where did you get the top score in the self-examination?!"

"Hey, I noticed you were a bit picky today!"

"How is it possible? Boss, find a place to play cards?"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, "Forget it, go back to sleep, and go to Nanwa tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll go back and take care of my wife!"

"Go to the supermarket to get some supplements when you have time. I remember when your daughter-in-law was pregnant, the family was very tight..." Ge Xiaotian said, and suddenly smiled. It seemed that the first big order was snatched from Brother Hao. Qijiu seemed to say that there was still 25,000 in the card, but it was later used by Brother Hao to pay off the debt.

"Ha! It's all over, isn't it better now?" Brother Hao sighed a little, shaking the S600 car key hanging on his belt, took out cigarettes from his pocket, lit them respectively, and said in a muffled voice: " I, Ding Hao, don't have any skills, so I have some drive, and when I meet the boss..."

"What are you talking about, as long as you are motivated!" Ge Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder, "I admire you for this. You took the initiative to buy books to learn marketing, learn Mandarin day and night, and as a sales manager, you went to the logistics department all day to get to know each other. Materials, and now I am studying hard for the self-examination, very good!"

Brother Hao was a little embarrassed by the praise, and touched his bald forehead, "Then, boss, shall I go back first?"

"Well! Let's go!"

Ge Xiaotian turned and left with a cigarette in his mouth. After walking a few steps, a dazzling light flashed in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of engine roar came from far and near.

The last train from Xingyuewan to Xiaoqingshan in Xiangxian County has entered the station.

"Huh? Brother Li? Why did you start the bus?"

Master Sixiang, whom I met at the fourth uncle's construction site, and now the supervisor of the transportation team, Brother Li, stopped the car when he heard the words, "Boss, what are you talking about? The car is too noisy, I didn't hear clearly just now!"

"I said, why are you driving the bus?"

"Oh, the driver who was only in charge of the morning and evening shifts was stabbed twice this morning and is lying in the hospital!"

"Huh? What's going on?"

"The Chinese New Year is approaching, there are always a few half-baked people from other places who think this is a no-care zone, and want to come here to make some quick money. Never thought that our bus buys the ticket first and then gets on the bus. The money is all at the bus station. In Wei's hand, there is not even a fart in the car, where can they go to find the money, and they can't find it, so they will use the knife as soon as they are anxious!"

"Damn it!" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help cursing angrily. He had been worried about this problem before, but later he set up a bus stop, and there was no money on the bus. It will be rotated in the end, and something went wrong, "Is there a big problem with the driver?"

"It's not life-threatening. Speaking of it, this driver is also stupid and bold. According to the company's regulations, except for bus stops, passengers are not allowed to get on and off along the way. If someone stops the bus, he will call the walkie-talkie. The nearby stops within three kilometers will provide support at any time. He When I saw someone blocking the way, I didn't turn on the walkie-talkie. I just picked up the wrench and got out of the car.

Ge Xiaotian couldn't listen anymore, opened the system map, and notified all the Tianwei that they were going to arrest people, "Where did you stab them? Where is the other person?"

"All dead!"

"Huh? How did you die?"

"After five o'clock in the morning, the car was full of laborers who went to the farmer's market to do the work. Because they got up early, most of them were taking a nap... However, when the two thieves couldn't find the money and yelled at their accomplices outside, they still sent the laborers Woke up, just saw the driver outside the bus being stabbed, and subconsciously picked up the fire hammer hanging on the window... When the two thieves got on the bus, they closed the driver's door. Our buses are all equipped with separate emergency buttons. Only when you have been on it will you know, how can the two thieves open?... Tianwei at the bus stop found that the early bus arrived at the wrong time. Out of shape."

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "What did the office say?"

"When you die, you die."

"..." "What about the other one?"

"The nearby villages heard that the bus driver had been stabbed, so they all started to move and blocked the roads entering the village. After half an hour, the militiamen arrived and searched around with dogs. Since the snow had just fallen a while ago, it had not completely melted. The main culprit of the stabbing was easily found next to a wheat stack. During the contact, a militiaman was seriously injured. The militia company suspected that the other party had sprayers, so they shot up all the ammunition they were carrying. The wheat stack was flammable and burned a whole sky……"


Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "Is it the militia company in our village?"

"How did you know?"

"Except for the militia company in Sancha Township, most people really dare not do this!"

You know, more than ten years ago, the village boss Zhang got drunk and stole 40 fire from the militia and bombed Sancha Office, which was an indelible shame for them.

This group of people has been passed down from generation to generation, and Sancha Township is located in a three-way zone...

"Brother Li, you can get 10,000 red notes from Director Sun and send them to the driver! He said that he could have been rewarded with 20,000, but he got out of the car and did not consider the safety of the passengers. Fire!"


"For the labor of saving people in the morning, each person will get 1,000! Nearby villages, free tickets for one year!"


"By the way, from tomorrow onwards, every bus will be escorted by a Tianwei until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year!"

"No problem! Hey? I almost forgot!" Li Ge said, opened the driver's door, and took out a long strip from the back of the seat. This thing was placed in the Crescent Landmark Office, and it was said to be your package!"

"My package?" Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled.

Although he also knew a few people in Jifu, such as the leader of Dongshan, the four big fat men Liu Guanzhang and Zhao, the four-star old Yao of Huangtai, and the management of the steel factory, but it seems that there is no need to send parcels to those who celebrate the Chinese New Year. Otherwise, I would have called in advance.

I took a sixty to seventy centimeter strip from Brother Li, and it was heavy, weighing about five or six catties.

The outer packaging is a cylinder rolled into a cardboard box, and it is completely impossible to see what is inside.

Thinking that the Chinese New Year is approaching, and someone smashed the glass of his house two days ago, Ge Xiaotianxia consciously threw this thing out, don't be a bomb!

Brother Li was slightly taken aback, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"It may be dangerous!"

"Indeed! Comrade Post and Telecommunications said: The old man over there has specifically instructed that dangerous items should not be unsheathed as much as possible!"

"What's out of the body? It's still flying!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile. He planned to ask Tianwei to find a full metal heavy helmet, wrap it in a quilt, and use fire and a hook to open the package. Suddenly, he was taken aback, "Master?"

"Ah? The other party said so!"

"Old man?" Ge Xiaotian finally remembered, Jinxiuchuan University City military training project!

Yesterday, I planned to ask the second master's son for help, but the other party was in charge of military equipment, so I had no choice but to be cheeky and find the old man who arranged for the veterans.

While the other party promised to transport two hundred more veterans, they also agreed to help arrange the military training venue, and offered to send a small gift.

small gift!

Ge Xiaotian quickly picked up the long cylindrical thing, and removed the outer packaging.


Seeing the items inside, Brother Li gasped.

It turned out to be a cold weapon.

Pull it out and see.

The blade was dark, with a layer of scarlet shimmer under the light of the street lamp, the blade was slightly curved, and there was no guard, so it was hard to tell what kind of blade it was.

"Hey! Such a domineering knife?!"

At this time, the mysterious second master Liu Hui came from the direction of the shooting range in the East District, his face full of surprise.

Ge Xiaotian didn't look at the end, and put away the long, narrow knife.

Liu Hui took it and put it on the pad, and carefully looked at the scabbard wrapped in worn-out cowhide, "It must have been given by an old guy!"

"You really have eyes!"

"It's not an old guy, who can take this thing to the battlefield? And, it should have been a cavalry knife before!"

"Don't talk about it, now this thing is sixty or seventy centimeters long. With the wear and tear and the handle, the original shape is at most one meter. How do you chop and kill it on horseback?"

"People can slash with a scimitar, let alone such a domineering thing!" Liu Hui pulled out the blade, "If you guessed correctly, it should be the Kancha scimitar, if you can capture or get this thing, it is very likely that you have fought with Maozi! Or the strongman in the Northwest!"

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