Build Madness

Chapter 218 Rhubarb and Wild Boar, Ge Wangwang's Uneasiness

Ge Xiaotian didn't understand why the old man gave him a knife.

Do you want him to serve in the army?

Fight the enemy bravely and serve the motherland?

Hey, let alone, eighteen or nineteen years old, a good age to be a soldier!

Moreover, all the projects have been properly arranged, and it is not bad to go to exercise for two years. After returning, all kinds of funds are in place, just in time to start new projects.

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, "I've decided! Go to be a soldier!"

Hearing this, Brother Li silently opened the bus driver's door, took out the thermos, sucked it in without responding.

The second master Liu Hui was also expressionless, continuing to admire the precious sword in his hand.

Looking at the appearance of the two, it seems that they are communicating in secret: If he can go to the army, I will swallow this knife (insulation cup)!

Seeing the cold scene, Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed, clapped his palms on the back of his hands, and encouraged himself: "It's such a happy decision!"

Liu Hui took off the scarf from his neck, and wrapped the long knife very cherishedly, "The soldier in 1999 left in early December, and you may have to wait another year! Besides, junior high school education!"

"What's wrong with junior high school culture?" Ge Xiaotian suddenly became unhappy when someone said it twice a day.

"Now that high school is popular, in order to build a modern high-quality army, junior high school culture is really not necessarily accepted!"

"true and false?"

"Is it necessary to lie to you? Besides, you have borrowed so much money, seven or eight hundred million, not to mention the place, Dongshan may not let you go! What is this brain thinking all day long!"


Ge Xiaotian took the treasured sword, turned around and prepared to go home and sleep.

"Wait!" Liu Hui took two quick steps to grab him, "Lend me rhubarb for two days!"

"You talk to it, it's useless to talk to me!"

"Although it can understand human speech, I can't understand what it says!"

"Hahahaha... I! Rhubarb, here I come!"

"Did you understand this time?"


The sudden arrival of Dahan startled Liu Hui, he was stunned for a long time before reacting, and rubbed the dog's head in surprise, "This is really a good thing! Rhubarb, the big black-haired wild boar in the mountains has grown bigger again, Shall we go clean it together tomorrow?"

"I am Gouzi Rhubarb, for the glory of Gejia Village!"

Liu Hui was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Let's go, let's go into the mountain tonight... Eh? Rhubarb, you came back, you ran backwards!"

"The wind is tight, shit!"


"I guess it was pressed wrong before!"


"By the way, why did Rhubarb run away when he heard the big black-haired wild boar?"

"When I entered the mountain last month, it took a bite out of the pig's butt. I saw that there was a door and fired three shots. Unfortunately, even though the rifle had a strong penetrating power, it couldn't break through the wild boar's skin... It's nothing, then The wild boar must have been nervous when he heard the gunshots, his flesh was tense, and the rhubarb's teeth were stuck in the gluteus maximus... and felt something behind the buttocks. The big black-haired wild boar was frightened and panicked in Daqingshan with rhubarb on its back I ran for most of the night..."

"It's a miracle to be able to survive!" Ge Xiaotian was a little distressed, after all, it was his own dog.

"Miracle fart, it's a pack, not a drag! Its teeth are stuck, but a dog usually bites with its head tilted. When a pig drags it to run, the rhubarb kicks its hind legs, the dog twists its waist, and flies horizontally. Move half a circle... Have you ever seen a pig riding upside down? It just lay its face on the pig's buttocks, sleeping on the pig's back for most of the night, and I was chasing after it for most of the night! Not yet finished, the dog was brought into the pig's nest by the big wild boar, and when it came out, it took a little wild boar in its mouth! It is estimated that the big wild boar was exhausted and didn't have the strength to continue chasing, so the dog half dragged and half dragged the little wild boar. The wild boar was brought into the food stall, and when it was full, I just came out of Daqingshan, and the huge roast suckling pig left me with a pile of rotten bones that even dogs would not eat!"

Ge Xiaotian almost burst out laughing, "Your father and father can be regarded as a pair of happy friends!"

"Go, go, let Dahuang follow me into the mountain, I got a big guy this time!"

"Didn't the third master just buy a greyhound? A famous dog! Take that one!"

"Fart, that silly dog ​​can't even understand 'lurking', it can only bark wildly, if it wasn't for Da Huang's help to lure it away, it probably would have been beaten to death by the big black-haired wild boar! Or Da Huang is smarter, can jump into traps, and go around Stones can climb trees, swim, and sneak attack, this is called spirituality!"

Spirituality is a yarn, if you don't give it a try, I won't be able to cure it!

But, then again, the big black-haired wild boar is still alive after being tortured by one person and one dog for so long? !

Ge Xiaotian murmured a few words to himself, and called Dahuang back, "Come into the mountains with your second master, as long as you get rid of that big black-haired wild boar, I will take you to the city to learn more, there are delicious food everywhere, understand?"

The big yellow eyeballs rolled, as if thinking of something, he nodded frantically.


After bidding farewell to the second master Liu Hui, Ge Xiaotian took the treasured sword and went home. On the way, he suddenly remembered something.

Old Hong!

No matter how slow the plane is these days, two days are enough to cross the Pacific Ocean, and we should be home now.

But he brought back so many scientific researchers from North America, why didn't he report to the company? Otherwise where do you live?

Take out your cell phone and make a call.

The pretty girl picked it up: Not in the service area!

Ge Xiaotian opened the system map, and the ten Tianwei were in a blue area.

Drag the page, the left side is black and white, and the right side is a piece of land.


Isn't it flying from San Francisco? How did it come to the waters near Los Angeles?

Moreover, judging by their distance, they are still far from Midway Island.

Did something happen during the period?

Look at the state of the Celestial Guard, no one is hurt.

I think this group of people should have just boarded the plane this afternoon!

After careful observation, Tianwei was indeed moving, and Ge Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you get on the plane, when you return to Huaxia, no matter what kind of North American university he is, maybe he can still come to our village?

When I got home, my parents were already asleep, Sanni was still studying, and Ge Changchang was still sitting in the lobby studying the Internet cafe business license plan.


To be honest, Ge Wangwang would be a little flustered.

He cheated one hundred thousand yuan from his second brother in order to pay back the money.

Unexpectedly, the money was paid back, but now I owe more!

Except for Big Mao and Brother Lei...

A few nights ago, I secretly went online and happened to meet Ding Hao who was talking to the staff at the Tiancheng office in the village.

The other party is called a passion!

He originally planned to have a casual chat before entering the Internet cafe after making a detour, but when it came to work, he couldn't help but pretend.

As soon as he highlighted the Internet cafe project, he got an extra 20,000 yuan in his hand.

It's all because of this broken mouth!

I played all night with anxiety, and when I came home in the morning, my mother closed the window for me. In desperation, I smashed the glass and went into my room. I just slept for a while, and met Xiao Huang, who came to visit my parents. , Uh, Tiancheng's personnel manager!

When the other party was leaving, he approached him for some reason, and then mentioned the Internet cafe project...

God damn internet cafe project!

Another 20,000 yuan!

Afterwards, Qi Feifei, the little widow, and Tiancheng's chief financial officer, Accountant Sun, came, Hong Zeng, Lu Lan, Da Xiang, Li Shu, Hei Hu, Li Ge, Teddy...

Hongtu Auto Trade, Lin Yang Auto Trade, Jizao Auto Trade, Jitai Auto Trade, Jiqu Auto Trade... The son of the boss of Qinggang Auto Trade is planning to join forces with him...

In the end, he almost believed it himself!

It does not make sense? !

When I was working as a network administrator during the summer vacation, I copied a copy of the materials needed to open a store from the owner of the Internet cafe. Do you really believe it? !

More than half a million!

Ge Wangwang really panicked.

Seeing Ge Lao Er coming home last night, he was going to confess, but the other party just entered the yard and scolded him for being a dog and being prosperous. Thinking about it, he was very angry!

But when he went back to his room and thought about it carefully, he felt that the money was too much, he had to say it out, otherwise... he was in a panic!

However, Ge Lao Er was chased out by his father for some reason, and when he came back again, he was already drunk.

At this time, he dared not talk about fooling others into raising funds.

Think about the summer vacation two years ago, didn't you just get drunk with the other party and secretly took 50 yuan to go online, Ge Laoer beat himself up without saying a word, and then locked himself in Qi Feifei's kitchen, every day Send some food and listen to him fight Half-Life and Red Alert at night!

The most hateful thing is that Ge Laoer even told his family that he went to work-study again!

When did I work? Thrift school? !

That summer vacation was heart-wrenching and unforgettable for the rest of my life. I was not released until the school was about to start...

It does not matter!

The most important thing is, when I go home, I will look at Conan’s second son Ge, and then look at my father who is exempt from his own living expenses (how much does he have to pay for his living expenses if he earns money from a part-time job), really desperate...

Thinking of all the past, Ge Wangwang's mood was extremely complicated. He took a deep breath and felt that if he didn't speak out tonight, he might not have a chance when the truth about Internet cafe fundraising came to light.

Ge Lao Er, his heart is dark!

"Second brother!"

The street lights outside were dim, and Ge Xiaotian couldn't study the treasured sword carefully. Now he took it out, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He couldn't help but waved it twice in the air. A good knife with blood!" Hearing the elder brother shouting, Ge Xiaotian held the knife in one hand and the sheath in the other, imitating the posture of a troupe martial artist, and shouted in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, Ge Wangwang was terrified, "No!"

"By the way, big brother, do you know Tian Cheng's office in the village?"


"I bought it for you. After Director Shang helps to decorate it, you go and have a look, and talk to the owner of the black Internet cafe by the way, and get a license first!"

"Okay... okay!"

"Why are you a little reluctant?"

"No! How is it possible? I'm very happy, hahaha!" Ge Wangwang picked up the Internet Cafe Project with a half-smile, and returned to his bedroom dancing with a hint of madness.

Ge Xiaotian tilted his head and frowned in thought, he suddenly felt that the big brother in time and space was a little out of order!


The next day, the 28th, is still a week away from New Year's Eve.

Ge Xiaotian got up in the dark, bought fried dough sticks enough for a family of five from outside, and then cooked himself, making a big pot of 'Hu spicy soup'.

Take half a spoonful to taste and spit it out.

He gnawed on fried dough sticks, drank the brewed salt water, and turned on the computer.

Several unread emails.

The first is the home life experience hall plan.

The chamber of commerce had already discussed the results last night.

Brand does not mean high-end, as the saying goes, only the right one is the best! Only those who sell the most are the most powerful, and only those who integrate into life are the most recognized by the masses!

The VIP members decided to break away from Tiancheng's hardcover room series, cooperate with the small commodity market, and create a "furniture shopping mall" with the concept of customers and for the sake of customers, or "home furnishing market"!

Integrate all members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, produce or purchase as much as possible, cheap and beautiful, functional and durable household items.

Sales are mainly based on 'quantity', monopolize the Ji market first, and then enter other cities in Dongshan to open branches. Wherever Tiancheng goes, the sales office is the 'Home Life Experience Hall'!

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of 'IKEA'.

It is estimated that these bosses should have been to stores in Shanghai or Beijing.

As for leaving the hardcover room series...

It doesn't matter to Tian Cheng.

Calling VIPs to do it together is also considering the membership fee issue. They have paid so much money, so they have to make some money first, right?

The small commodity market is rent-free, and it does not cost much by nature. Although it is tricky to be a businessman, it is better to be sincere to your allies.

Now they want to build a low-end home life experience hall, Tiancheng can still make a high-end hardcover model room.

In this way, one low-end and one high-end go hand in hand and compare each other to make more money.

It's just that he hasn't led his members to make money yet. Hundreds of VIP bosses paid 50,000 yuan each, and hundreds of members paid 20,000 yuan each. They made up 10 million yuan to buy the Blue Lotus sales office. Take it as the NO.1 home life experience hall!

Ge Xiaotian was very tangled.

More than ten million!

The price of steel has risen, but Tiancheng is famous for its steel structure, and the cost is only two million.

The money was earned!

What about sincerity? !

Lighting a cigarette with a sad face, he flipped through other emails.

no big deal.

Li Xiuxiu lost 70,000 yuan in the past two days, and the farms have been sold out. However, the chickens, ducks, pigs, and sheep purchased from the countryside are of better quality and more in quantity. They will be saved and put on the market after the war, and they will definitely earn back at that time.

Li's garment factory, tannery, and textile factory are currently losing 110,000 yuan, but the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce has not opened for two days. The only trouble is that raw materials need to be purchased from the south. The Chinese New Year is approaching, the roads are congested, and prices are also rising , the advantage of follow-up crushing may not be as great as it is now.

Ge Xiaotian flicked the soot and thought carefully.

A price war would always mean that the enemy would injure 800 and the self would lose 1,000. However, at present, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce is limited to the local area, and if they want to expel the opponent, this is the only way to do it.

If you want to win easily without losing money, unless you come up with a few more lossy ideas, such as buying clothes from the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, you have skin allergies; you buy vegetables and fruits from the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, and you get food poisoning; Leather shoes, sores on the top of the head, corns on the feet...

But is this something people do? !

"Forget it, let's take a step and see!"

After eating fried dough sticks and drinking all the salt water, Ge Xiaotian put on his clothes and prepared to go to Nanwa to pay homage to his grandparents.

Walking into the hall, my mother has already packed up the big ingots folded in silver paper and gold paper.

Comrade Ge Feng was reprimanding Ge Wangwang, "You prodigal bastard, what are you throwing up? Drink it up and sleep until noon every day. Look at you lazy!"

"Dad, have you had a drink?"

"I like to drink plain water with salt in the morning! Hurry up and drink it all up, get up and go to Nanwa!"

"No, you..."

"Hurry up! If you talk too much, I will beat you!" Comrade Ge Feng pulled out the real crocodile belt.

Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a while, but in the end he didn't say, 'Is that stuff for people to drink? '.

"I'm going, second brother, what are you making? Is it for people to drink?" Just as Ge Wangwang was feeling bored, Ge Sanni's exclamation came from the kitchen.

Hula la!

Appears to have been dumped down the drain.

Then came the mother's distraught voice, "Second Ge, if you dare to enter the kitchen in the future, I... I... Forget it, you have money, what do you want to do!"

Comrade Ge Feng: "..."

Ge Wangwang: "..."

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