Build Madness

Chapter 219: Nanwa Huanggang

At seven o'clock in the morning, the items for commemorating grandma and grandpa were ready, and all the big and small bags were transported to the gate of the courtyard.

Not long after, the shift driver at the bus parking lot delivered a big gold cup. Comrade Ge Feng took it over, loaded it with his wife and children, and went straight to his uncle's house.

There was a heavy snowstorm some time ago, and the newly repaired road from Jishi to Taishi was rescued in time and was not seriously damaged. At present, the earth and stone road bed has been repaired in Sancha Township, and it is estimated that the laying of gray soil will be carried out soon. base, followed by a cement stabilized macadam base, and finally asphalt.

Less than a week before the Spring Festival, there is still no holiday on Datai Road and Bridge, and road maintenance personnel can be seen everywhere.

Passing by the Datai headquarters, Ge Xiaotian gave Teddy a bag of deep-fried yellow flowers, but unfortunately he didn't see the other person.

Make a phone call and ask, the road section in Xiangxian County is under construction.

Just chatting a few words, Teddy said that it will open to traffic by the end of March at the latest.

That's fast enough!

However, Tiancheng Construction Company has many projects, which also means that the business of Datai Road Bridge is booming.

After finishing the work here, we will continue to build:

The section from Sancha Township to UFO Stadium.

The section from Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County to the hub of Xiangxian County and then to the railway station.

From the National Highway site in Xiaohu Town to the Sports Center, and then to the Canal CBD.

The three road sections all implement China's first-class road standards, with two-way six-lane lanes, a central isolation zone, and auxiliary roads, sidewalks, non-motorized lanes, and two overpasses.

The survey has not been carried out yet, but it is about 30 miles away, plus some secondary and tertiary roads connecting communities, parks, and entertainment cities, the total investment budget is 60 million.

How can we be regarded as a major shareholder in Datai Road and Bridge, it must be the cost, otherwise 200 million yuan will not be able to repair it.

Although there is only one grade difference between the first-class road and the second-class road, the amount of engineering is very different. Moreover, regardless of the construction difficulty or maintenance cost, the first-class road is far more than the second-class road.

Now Tiancheng still has 30 million in cash left, but the VIP of the chamber of commerce can earn 8 million from buying the Blue Lotus Sales Office, and the pre-sale in Xingyue Bay D District of Jishi City is another 20 million after the opening, so it's almost enough.

What's more, by March, District E, District F, Xingyue Bay, Jishi City will almost have to recover the final payment of 150 million yuan.

If it doesn’t work, let Dataai Road Bridge help to lay it up first. Teddy can make a lot of money on the section from Jishi to Taishi.

After chatting about work, the two agreed to get together the day before New Year's Eve, and Ge Xiaotian got in the car before setting off.

There are only a few agricultural tricycles and motorcycles scattered on the road, and there is no sign of a small sedan chair.

The village followed Tian Cheng to engage in tourism, although a group of people made money, but the time was short, two months, the business was good, and the homestays only got seven or eight hundred at most, which was not worth the initial investment.

This reminded him of the views of the leaders of Dongshan University on Sancha Township and the transformation of townships into towns.

It takes a year or two to settle!


Now that they haven't even made money back, how can they have the money to buy luxury goods and make Sancha Township a bustling bustling scene?

High-rise buildings are not built in a day. No matter how fast and vigorous the development is, it will take time.

"Come and listen to a song?"

Ge Feng worked on the car radio for half a year, but failed to make a sound, so he started calling his son.

Ge Xiaotian slapped the center console with a slap, and there was a buzzing sound from the loudspeaker immediately.

This is the old Jinbei that Shang Liu paid for at the beginning. It ran so many dirt roads with Da Mao, and often pulled some reinforced concrete. The outside didn't change much, but the inside was almost built.

Go back and scrape off the paint, spray it with Tiancheng after-sales service, re-do the interior, and hand it over to the mechanical department.

'In the far east there is a river...'

"It seems that you sang it?" Hearing the singing on the radio, Ge Feng notified his face with suspicion.

"It counts!"

"Why does it feel different from the original?"

"Let the Quyi Association change it!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm patient!"

Comrade Ge Feng stopped talking, and shook his head while listening.

Ge Xiaotian was sitting in the co-pilot, humming a little tune, took the orange handed by the girl in the back row, patted his thigh with his palm, and looked out the window.

The car has already left Sancha Township.

The S road built by the Dataai Road Bridge connects Xiaohu Town in the southeast. If you want to go to grandma's house, you need to go all the way south.

Therefore, along the potholed cinder road, enter Nanwa, which has not been visited for a long time!

Nanwa, once the main river basin of the Yellow River.

Even following the Li Brothers Garment Factory, they successively moved to the stone sand field, cement factory, steel bar transfer station, brick and tile dispatching station, logistics headquarters, and built tanneries, hat factories, textile factories, and fur processing factories. Wait, it only occupies the tip of the iceberg in Nanwa.

Very rich and vast.

Comrade Ge Feng set off from Sancha Township, passing through the brick kiln of Yuanfang Sanjiu, and headed south all the way. He needed to run for 30 miles to reach the central area of ​​Nanwa.

That is the center of the old course of the Yellow River, the destination of this trip, Huanggang!

Ge Xiaotian's grandma's house!

Well, it's not the famous Huanggang in Beihu, but Dongshan Huanggang.

It was a place full of childhood memories, bitterness and tears.

At least, she can make Ge Xiaotian feel the feeling of closeness to hometown that he can't feel even if he travels to Gejia Village.

Huanggang is not as good as Sancha Township, with poor transportation, sparsely populated land, and no S roads, only a few dirt roads leading to farmland.

It sounds like Xanadu, but it sounds like a remote area.

Around the 1980s, at the beginning of the reform period, people’s love for the land reached its peak after the production team. In addition, people at that time were also hardworking, and the land was subcontracted to households. The land here is sparsely populated. Uncle, five people will be allocated 30 mu of farmland.

Mechanization has not yet been popularized, and the labor intensity can be imagined.

Therefore, every summer vacation, my mother took Ge Wangwang to work on his own wheat field, and he brought his younger sister to help.

The children of poor families have been in charge of the family early, and at the age of five or six, they have been able to work in the fields.

However, grandma and grandpa felt sorry for their grandson and only gave them a few easy jobs.


Herd sheep and cattle, mow grass and feed pigs, pick up some cow dung, and cook at home.

It seems easy, but it is actually more difficult than working.

Pigs don't eat all kinds of grass, cows don't eat as soon as they are released, and Ge Sanni, who is one year younger, is not obedient all the time.

The cow ran away, the sheep ran away, the pig ran away, and Ge Sanni also ran away...

Carrying the dung basket on his back, the girl chased wildly, lost his shoes and dung, went home to grandma's house, and was beaten up by his uncle again.

Ge Xiaotian felt that he was so witty, maybe he benefited from the devastation at that time.

There have been tears, and naturally there have been laughter.

As the main river basin of the Yellow River, even if it is diverted, many traces will be left behind.

For example, there are ancient dams and the Erdi River that bypasses Huanggang.

These places are all Ge Xiaotian's base camp.

Cut grass at home in the morning, had dinner at noon, drove the flock of sheep, took two cattle, called many friends who need to be called uncles and aunts, marked the cattle and sheep, and killed the river embankment together. Roast wheat, roast loach, roast dragonfly, dig holes and fight with mud...

If your face and hands are black, you can plunge into the river to take a bath, maybe you can catch a frog for Sanni and get some tadpoles to take home.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian subconsciously glanced at his younger sister.

When the little girl saw the dam outside the window, she seemed to think of something too, and her eyes widened angrily, "Mom, Ge Laoer caught tadpoles here back then, a big bucket! The next morning, the whole room was full of tadpoles. Laji's toad!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed, and was about to explain, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the intersection about to enter Huanggang, where more than a dozen young people holding iron shovels and sticks gathered.

Comrade Ge Feng slowed down, "Mom, this is your hometown, do you know me?"

"How long have I been married to Gejia Village? There are so many young people, how could I know each other?!" My mother has seen the big scene now, so she is not too flustered.

Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly. When he came to Nanwa today, he didn't tell anyone. He felt that he didn't need to bring bodyguards when he came to his grandma's house. He didn't expect to encounter people blocking the way.

However, a glimpse of two of them seemed familiar.

Taking a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, he rolled down the car window while unpacking it, "What are you doing?"

"Ah? It's really our boss! Let me just say, this is a car from the logistics department, you still don't believe it!" Two young men who looked familiar complained to each other, and approached with smiles, "Boss, Happy Chinese New Year!"

The older youths in the back also nodded with a silly smile, and kicked the other men who were still standing in the middle of the road aside, "Then why stop them, let them go!"

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "No, what are you guys doing here? Those who celebrate Chinese New Year want to go in?"

"Boss, I don't know why these two days. There are big trucks passing by every night. We are worried that the cinder road will be crushed, so we are going to set up a card and stop to ask."

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