Build Madness

Chapter 220 Ge Lao Er Was Fooled


Hearing the explanation, Ge Xiaotian nodded, put his hand on the car window, passed Yuxi over, looked at the other party carefully, the more he looked at him, the more familiar he looked, and hesitantly said: "The one at the east end of Huanggang?"

"Hey? Thank you boss!" The young man took the cigarette with a face full of surprise, "Do you still remember me?"

"Nonsense! We, Huanggangxi and Huanggangdong, fought a lot when we were young!" Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, and handed the cigarettes to the other boys.

Familiar faces are not met in the company, but memories from childhood.

Back then, in order to dominate his grandma's house (actually he was beaten), he even called Da Mao, Brother Lei, Da Han, and Da Huang from Gejia Village to town.

At that time, children were stubborn and refused to obey anyone. During summer vacation and winter vacation, they made appointments almost every day, tied up cattle and sheep, found a piece of grass, wrestled, gang fights, bumped into abductions, and fought in soil...

Huanggangdong has a thriving population and many children. Every time, twenty or thirty children of all ages would jump out.

Huanggangxi, where my grandma’s house is located, is different. There are only seven or eight of them, including Ge Sanni and the daughter of the distant third uncle’s family...

It is precisely because of this that no matter whether he wins or loses, he will always be treated like a hero.

Looking at the wilderness in the distance, the former glory came into view again.

The sun is setting, and the yellow dust is floating.

A little boy with a bruised nose and a swollen face covered in mud, wiped his nose, and stood on the mound with a bruised nose and a swollen face. While the two girls cheered happily, he put on a garland made of morning glory and made of dogtail grass...

Madan, what did I think?

Why are you so frustrated? !

"Auntie, Uncle, Happy Chinese New Year! Sanni, it's been a long time since you've grown so old!" The young man greeted the car, and then turned around, "Boss, you didn't know much when you were young, so don't worry too much... Otherwise, you are so old now!" Beat me up?"

"Go, go, go, it's all over!" Ge Xiaotian leaned on the other party's lighter and lit a cigarette, "When did you come to the company? Why didn't you come to me?"

"We used to have so many entanglements... Well, I'm a little embarrassed, Mr. Huang arranged for the interview, and was assigned to the tenth engineering department..."

"That's it!" Ge Xiaotian nodded again, "Are you sure those trucks are not our Tianwei Catering's vegetable trucks?"

"Our cars pass here at four or five in the morning, but those cars go there at twelve in the morning and come back at seven or eight in the morning!"

"What kind of truck?"

"I don't know. We only decided to set up the card this morning. When we slept at night, we only heard the rumble, and climbed up to the roof. It was too dark, and the lights were flickering, so we couldn't see the appearance of the truck at all."

Ge Xiaotian raised his watch, seven fifty, "Dad, step aside for a moment, let's take a look together!"


Nanwa, as the name suggests, is a depression in the south of Sancha Township.

If you study the map, in fact, the shortest distance from Sancha Township to Xiang County in the south direction is to cross Nanwa.

But when the provincial road was built in the early 1980s, there were many dams and ravines around Huanggang, making the construction too difficult, so the provincial government chose to bypass it and connect Zhanglou Township and Xiaohu Town, which are more economically developed, which is equivalent to painting This arc leads to Sancha Township.

But now more than ten years have passed, Huanggang has built houses, burned red bricks, and some people who built earthen houses have dug the old clay dams to the very last.

In addition, local people also want to go out, and many gullies have also been filled.

When the clockwork plan extended here, there was already a two-meter-wide small dirt road in the undulating wilderness that can only be walked.

On this basis, Daxiang joined forces with the leaders of Huang Gang to obtain 2 million funds from the county. Relying on the cinder from the nearby brick kiln and the waste from Tiancheng construction site, and asking the help of the roadbed team constructed by Datai, they built this road starting from Sancha Township. , passing through Nanwa Huanggang, connecting the cinder road in Xiguan, Xiangxian County.

For Tian Cheng, this is only a preliminary plan.

Let the vegetable greenhouse contracted by the second uncle first, and the fruit forest contracted by the third uncle, and then lead the villagers to make a fortune. After making a lot of money, they will build a wider cement road based on the cinder road.

But for Huanggang people, this cinder road is a 'way out'!

The frozen pears and persimmons grown at home can finally be shipped out, and cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks can also be handed over to Tiancheng for consignment sales at any time. Although there are only two buses in the morning and evening, they can still go to the county every day to see...

Therefore, whoever dares to damage the road, it is estimated that the people of Huanggang will do their best.

At present, the provincial road from Xiangxian County to Sancha Township has not been completed yet, but the cinder road here has been opened to traffic ahead of schedule. Presumably, apart from Tiancheng's three or two trailers for transporting vegetables, other company's transport vehicles will also go here.

It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary container, but I'm afraid of the overweight and overloaded rear eight rounds!

A sudden brake, jab and pull is a ditch. If it rains, save some water, and if the maintenance is not timely, the road will have to be finished in less than half a year.

Tolls for blocking roads is definitely illegal, after all, the roads belong to the public.

However, if you don't stop...

Very contradictory!

What Ge Xiaotian meant was, if the other party is a small car, just run away, if the other party is a big car, it is necessary to see which company it is, and visit another day, and next time Huanggang repairs the cement road to help pay some money.


After smoking a cigarette, I waited and waited until it was almost 8:30, but there was no sign of the truck.

"Boss, maybe the other party has something to delay!"

"Then keep an eye on it, and don't stop people asking for money, just look at the truck registration, pass, work permit, etc., find out which company it is, and call me later!" Ge Xiaotian rummaged through his bag and handed a ticket to the young man. business card.

"Okay boss, you go to work first!"

The big golden cup starts, and the cinders are crushed and gradually drifting away...

a long time.

When the buttocks of the car were no longer in sight, a dozen or so young people looked at each other and laughed coquettishly.

One by one, with cigarettes in their mouths, they surrounded the companions who were talking to Ge Xiaotian.

"Wo Cao, it's ok, Er Gouzi, why did you fool Ge Baiyi?"

"It's so awesome! With this look, this conversation, I almost thought you were really an employee of Tiancheng!"

"Hiss... this smoke is really good!"

Chen Ergou was a little complacent, "Don't look at who I am? I have been fighting with Ge Laoer since I was a child. Although I only won once, I also understand a truth!"

"What's the point?"

"The brain is a good thing! You have to think carefully about everything you do, be bold, and go forward with courage!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Chen Ergou was still a little dissatisfied, "Did I say it before? As long as we understand Tiancheng's rules and regulations, as long as we don't stop their cars, we will definitely make a lot of money this year!"

"But what if Ge Baiyi finds out?"

"What can we do if we find out? We all go out to work after the Spring Festival. Could he still catch us all?"

"You don't want to enter Tiancheng?"

"Fart!" Chen Ergou was furious, "In this life, even if I die of poverty or starvation, I will never give Ge Lao Er a part-time job! I will never give Ge Lao Er a penny!!!"

The young people looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, a certain companion standing on a high slope in the distance ran over quickly, "It's strange, two small black sedan chairs are here, our business is going to be hot today!"

"Small sedan chair?" Chen Ergou suddenly became the boss after a coquettish operation, frowned and thought for a while, "Don't be afraid of anything else, just be afraid of meeting the leader going to the countryside, put down the shovel, and if the leader says we are building roads, isn't it? Leaders just scare and scare!"

Not long after, two Crown vehicles drove into Huanggang intersection one after the other.


"What's the matter, fellow?"

"Which unit? The village is not peaceful recently, routine inspection!"

"Hey, militia company?" The driver said, took out the ID card, but did not hand it out, but revealed the words on it.

"It's from the bank?" Chen Ergou was slightly taken aback, then his expression changed immediately: "The toll fee is one hundred!"

"What?!" Everyone in the car was shocked.


The snow melted, the alleys were muddy, and the Dajin Cup was temporarily parked on the roadside outside Huanggang Village.

Ge Xiaotian jumped out of the car and saw the old man with white beard sitting at the entrance of the alley, basking in the sun, his legs gave way in fright, and he almost knelt down.

"Fifth Grandpa, are you still alive...are you busy?"

Time and space are different, and many things become different.

Like the old village head, who passed away around 2002, time travel to 99, there is nothing to be afraid of meeting.

But the master in front of me died in 1998!

This is a bit scary!

"Hey, Xiao Er! Come on, let grandpa see if he has grown taller again!"

"Fifth Grandpa, are you okay?"

"Good! It's very good. Since you dragged me out of the yellow muddy water, I feel like I've been reborn. I'm free from illness and disaster. I eat well and sleep well!" The old man with white beard was full of energy, got up and walked two Step, stamp your feet, and say hello to your parents.

Ge Xiaotian was dumbfounded, what are you talking about?

Yellow muddy water?

You really did die in Dahong...


The predecessor was so fierce?

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the back of his head, walked to the trunk, took out another unopened Yuxi, and stuffed it into the arms of the old man with a white beard, "You smoke slowly, when you don't have enough, go to the Chengshanghui at the east end of Tianhuanggang to buy it." Go ask for it, and say you are the fifth grandfather of their boss!"

"Hey! How can you do this!" the white-bearded old man squinted his eyes with a smile, "If your grandparents are still alive, this is a blessing, what a pity! Sigh! Go, go, I, a bad old man, enjoy the sun, You go to work!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, put down two bottles of Five Star Moutai again, "Don't drink it all at once, just drink one cup at a time!"

The fifth grandpa was addicted to cigarettes, and dared to smoke tree leaves when he was in a hurry, but he was not addicted to alcohol, so he would get bored when his hands shook.

After chatting a few words, I turned into my uncle's house.

My uncle used to be a math teacher, and later became the vice principal of Huanggang Primary School, and now... the old gatekeeper of Huanggang Hope Primary School.

The schools invested by Tiancheng are based on educating people. If they are not good teachers, they will definitely leave.

Although my uncle was a good teacher, he only went to night school for a while, so he didn't have much cultural heritage and experience in educating people. He asked his mother to chat with him, and readily agreed to be a flower guardian. (Guarding the flowers of the motherland)

However, my uncle dressed like an old professor.

Reading glasses, Chinese tunic suits, chain pocket watches, and cloth shoes are all a little shiny.

Very kind, very particular, and very serious honest man.

"Come on, sit inside!"

Ge Feng stepped forward, "Brother, we won't sit down anymore. We have something to do in the afternoon, so let's go to the fruit forest first?"

"Okay!" The uncle turned his head and walked out with his hands behind his back, "The road over there is full of mud, I'll borrow a place to park the car and pull you there!"

"Don't!" Comrade Ge Feng stopped him, "Brother, let's go!"

After some pushback, Ge Xiaotian called and asked the purchasing director of the chamber of commerce stationed in Huanggang to send a few pairs of rubber boots, and went straight to the fruit forest with big bags and small bags.

Grandparents and grandparents were honest and authentic rural people during their lifetime.

Due to the early death of his grandparents, Comrade Ge Feng's conditions were very poor when he was young. Except for the 500 yuan he brought back as a soldier, he didn't even have a hospital.

Grandpa found someone to talk about, but he felt that it would not work out, so he didn't want to go, so he only gave him an address.

But the old man paid attention, and ran to the Green Lake early in the morning to touch a fish, and he came to the blind date with it.

It happened that my grandfather was building a house, but he didn't say hello. He put the fish by the earthen stove, rubbed his hands, picked up the shovel and worked hard all day without eating at noon, so the marriage was settled.

After that, Dad spent two years building a courtyard, bought a bicycle, called the second uncle, third uncle, and fourth uncle, and the old village head was a matchmaker, so he married my grandfather's only little padded jacket from Huanggang.

bride price?

that fish!

Grandparents love their children very much. Whether it is him and his younger sister, or Ge Wangwang who doesn't come here often, they will walk thirty miles to Gejia Village to deliver anything delicious.

And the children of my uncle's family...

My uncle has been married for more than ten years and has not given birth.

The second uncle and the third uncle, because of the poverty here, only got married when he was ten years old.

Therefore, the two nephews and one niece became the baby of the family.

Grandpa also went to bed at the end of his life without any illness. He fell asleep and never woke up again.

Two days after grandpa left, grandma didn't come up because she was too sad, so she went with her.

If you can travel half a year earlier, maybe you can see each other again.

Looking at the two still brand new loess mounds in the fruit forest, Ge Xiaotian felt mixed feelings.

Burning paper, burning incense, setting off firecrackers...

After finishing all this work, my mother took the time to take the little sister to visit.

Ge Xiaotian returned to Dajinbei with his father and Ge Wangwang, and met his second uncle who had heard the news on the way.

Let’s talk about the contracting of thousands of acres of fruit forests, talk about variety planning, and some grafting techniques. By the way, I would like to ask my uncle if he wants to contract cotton...

Chatting all the way, when I walked to the entrance of the village, I suddenly found two Crown cars parked next to the Dajinbei.

"Oh my god, we can't play like this!"

Before approaching, the leader of ICBC opened the car door, holding a business card, and greeted him dumbfounded.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly and stepped forward to shake hands.

Yesterday the other party asked him if he was free today, and he felt that he would chase after him.

"Leader, what's the matter?"

"What can I do? My car was stopped by the 'toll booth' arranged by you. It costs a hundred yuan a car. How can it be so black!"

"What?" Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled.

"You're still playing dumb with me? Why don't you pay the loan, why spend a lot of money on road maintenance, why the people live in hardship...I found out that Tiancheng is not only you who can speak well, but also everyone in your company is talented!"

"Wait! Leader, can we be more specific?"

"The guy at the entrance of Huanggang village is blocking the way and begging for money, isn't it yours?"

Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, his thoughts changed sharply, and he suddenly came to his senses.

I was so fooled by the 'old rival'!

"Leader, wait a moment!"

The big guy was brought to Huanggang today, not because of the previous incident, but on the basis of a loan of 200 million yuan and a rent-free building for the bank to help the second uncle and the third uncle win a contract to contract fruit forests, contract Loans for vegetable greenhouses!

Nanwa is so big, even 10,000 mu is not too small!

As long as there are people, we can do it!

Now it seems that the two sides have misunderstood a bit!

He took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed the number of Xiaolan, the head of the intelligence department of the base camp.

"Bring more than a dozen Tianwei, and come to Huanggang as quickly as possible, and..." Ge Xiaotian looked at his uncle, "What is the name of Chen Laizi's second son?"

"Chen Ergou!"

"Ergou is really his name?"

"if not?"

"..." Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, and said to the phone, "Give me Chen Ergou and the others to move the UFO gym for five days!"

"Boss, it's overcrowded!"


"Originally, only our company's top managers exercised there, but the structure of the flying saucer gymnasium is complicated, and the management in some places couldn't understand it, so they called two designers from the Design Research Institute to explain it. The foremen who were at home heard that For this matter, they all came here on motorcycles, after all, the main body of the UFO Stadium will be under construction next year, so if you figure it out in advance, it will be easy to do then."

"It's troublesome to move a brick!"

"Boss, how about sending a brick kiln?"

"Oh? That's a good idea! By the way, prepare a pig's nose for each of them, and go to the stacking kiln! (Stacking bricks before firing bricks, the first way to move bricks introduced at the beginning of this book)"

"They won't?"

"If you don't know how to learn! It's winter, and it's warm inside!"

"I'm afraid I want to roast and cry them!"

"Don't worry about it so much, catch him within two days!"

"One day is enough!"


Ge Xiaotian put down the phone with a sneer, Xiaolan was lucky if she didn't suffer in Chen Ergou's hands, and wanted to arrest him?

Of course, the premise is that Chen Ergou is that Chen Ergou.


Turning around, he handed a cigarette to a few middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes, carrying documents, "Misunderstanding! Those people are not my employees, really!"

"Little God, our relationship isn't too bad, so don't make up so many fake things, don't worry, I won't say anything!" the ICBC leader said, and took the document from his servant, "Two hundred million loan contracts, A dedicated office building, see?"

Ge Xiaotian took off his muddy rubber boots, put on clean cloth shoes, lifted his pants with a cigarette in his mouth, but didn't answer, "Leader, how do you feel here?"

"Oh?" The leader of ICBC looked around, "The scenery is very nice, but for tourism..."

"I didn't get into a tourist hole!" Ge Xiaotian crossed the ditch and stood on a high slope piled up with loess. "In such a fertile land, planting farmers may destroy the original ecology, but planting fruit forests and cultivating potted plants? I It is planned to build a Tiancheng green base along the Erdi River! In the future, whether it is developing a residential area, or developing a forest park, zoo and botanical garden, all plants and animals will adapt to the environment here. The fruit forest is located in the south and has always been Go to Sancha Township, which is about twenty-five miles long and ten miles wide. Greenhouse cultivation, ordinary cultivation, grafting techniques and other methods are used to build it into a hometown of fruit in the north!"

The leader of ICBC seemed to understand something, "Ahem, what do you mean?"

"How about a loan of 50 million yuan for the first installment?"

"You already have 200 million special funds!"

"It's not me, it's my second uncle. We can cooperate, such as providing ICBC employees with free fruits, juices and other benefits on a regular basis..."

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