Build Madness

Chapter 221 Tiancheng's Total Assets (January)

"Cooperation is secondary. The main problem at present is that Tiancheng's commercial credit has been seriously overdrawn, 3+2+2, and the total loan is as high as 700 million.

In Tiancheng's financial report last month, the total assets were only 150 million!

Debt ratio = total liabilities / total assets x 100%, 467%!

Insolvency, one time can be turned over, two times can be borrowed, three times is risky, four times is risky, five times is over!

Why don't you apply at another branch? "

Hearing the solemn nonsense of the leader of ICBC, Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, turned and walked down the high slope, took out the document bag he was carrying with him from the car, and took out his mobile phone.

At this time, Comrade Ge Feng started the big golden cup, "Xiaotian, let's go to your second and third grandfathers, and a few uncles' homes first, and come back to pick you up before noon!"


Ge Xiaotian responded and called Director Sun, asking him to come over as quickly as possible.

Insolvency and insolvency are two completely different things.

According to Tiancheng's existing projects and future plans, the bank did not take too much risk, otherwise it would not have come to lend money.

A new year, a new beginning, plus the issuance of red banknotes, all major banks have lending tasks.

In December last year, the other party's loan task was completed. Even with the help of Xiang County leaders, the 50 million loan was delayed again and again.

But after New Year's Day, the second loan of 300 million yuan was quickly approved.

Now Xingyuewan Phase II is 200 million yuan, and Jinxiuchuan University City is 200 million yuan. It seems that there are local shadows, but in fact, it is probably the bank's own initiative.

As for the meaning of the other party's words...

It's nothing more than to show that: Tiancheng can get the loan by relying on his own strength. Your second uncle wants to borrow 50 million, but he probably doesn't have the qualifications. It's better to put the loan on your other branches.

Tut tut!

What a plan!

I want to complete the task without taking any risks, and I want two separate office buildings...

Do you really think I, Ge Er Er, is a young man? !

It's time to show your true strength!

150 million?

As a serious developer, as the leader of Daidaidai, as a man with golden fingers... After three or four months of busy work, how could it be possible that he only has such a small amount of assets?

How contemptuous of people!


Director Sun arrived very quickly, riding a heavy motorcycle that Brother Hao hadn't driven for a long time, rumbling with a long stream of billowing smoke.


"Is the material ready?"

"It's all inside!"

"Well, thank you!" Ge Xiaotian took the folder and flipped through it roughly, "Leader, let's talk about 3+2+2 first, the 300 million sports center special loan, of which 100 million is a mortgage loan. It's Tiancheng's construction machinery and construction qualifications, right?"


"The remaining 200 million is a credit loan! The 200 million for Xingyue Bay Phase II has not yet been approved, and the 200 million for Jinxiuchuan University Town needs to wait until the establishment of Jifu Tiancheng Company. That's right, right?" ?”

"That's right!"

"If you remove 2+2, and remove the mortgage loan of 100 million, that is to say, Tiancheng currently only has a credit loan of 200 million!"

"This...Little God, we can't settle accounts like this!"

"Wait a minute, let's go through it first!" Ge Xiaotian opened the folder again, and turned to the commercial street in District D, Xingyue Bay, Xiangxian County, "Leader, this is an asset under Tiancheng, please see if the number is correct!"

The bank staff gathered around one after another, "Xingyuewan District D office building in Xiangxian County has a total construction area of ​​37,000 square meters and a value of 98.14 million. There are also 75 sets of commercial street shops worth 58.55 million. A total of 156.69 million!"

"This is one of the newly consolidated assets, how much can I borrow?"

"This..." The leader of ICBC fell silent.

Ge Xiaotian turned to the second page, "Landmark buildings in Xiangxian County: Crescent Moon and Square! Now this is a prime location, with primary and secondary schools on the south side, Xinyi Middle School in Xiangxian County on the north side, and no planning on the west side (reserved for Shangpin Construction) It has been bought by the county hospital now, and there is still a lot of room for value-added in the future! At present, the average price here is 3,010 square meters (commercial), the total construction area is 7,600 square meters, and the value is about 2,280 One hundred thousand."

The third page.

"I don't know if your bank accepts mortgage loans for underground parking lots with property rights? I have 5,000 parking spaces here, which are under construction. After completion, they will only be rented and not sold! The total value is about 10 million yuan."

There are very few people buying cars these days, and the parking spaces are definitely worthless, one is only two thousand yuan, and after ten years, it is estimated that it can be multiplied by more than ten times.

fourth page.

"I believe everyone has heard that when Tiancheng won the sports center project, it was a negotiated bid. Tiancheng and the city each paid half, with a total investment of 200 million. Tiancheng has the right to operate for 30 years. I don't know if it can be done. Loan? At present, the basic project of the UFO Stadium has been completed, and it will be almost completed in October! The value of the operation right is hard to estimate, but a project worth 200 million yuan, based on a construction age of 100 years, will be 30 years old. Why is the operating right worth 600 million yuan?"

"No, it can't be calculated like this!" The bank leader immediately became anxious. Can the sports center make money? !

"Wait a minute, let's talk about it after finishing it!" Ge Xiaotian turned to the fifth page, "Everyone in the bus system must know that there are currently five lines, a total of 50 vehicles for the Tourist Civilization, 50 vehicles for the Intercity Pioneer, and 20 vehicles Wealth and Poverty, as well as 30 previously purchased passenger buses, a Daewoo with bunk beds driven away by my second uncle. Buses are not cheap! Look at the imported assembled buses bought in Jishi, each 90 It’s more than ten thousand, and my cars are so durable, powerful and long, equipped with air-conditioning, sitting high and looking far, how can it cost one million?”

"Why I heard it only cost twenty..."

"That happened a long, long time ago! Now this purely domestic high-end car is rare in China!" Ge Xiaotian felt a little hot, pulled off his down jacket and loosened his collar, "Come on, let's take a look at the purchase order and invoice !"

Many parts of the bus need to be imported, which is expensive. When assembled, each bus is comparable to a tiger's head. This is why many places would rather buy a few more minibuses than buses.

The purely domestic buses transformed by the Mechanical Department relying on the Great Liberation are cheap, but their appearance is really ugly... No, they are too domineering!

It can't be sold at all!

At the beginning, the automobile factory was facing bankruptcy, so it took the order of 50 "ugly monsters". Now that the business situation has improved, it is natural to adjust the production line.

But Tiancheng's orders continued to flow, accumulating to more than 200 vehicles, for the sake of money, Jiefang decided to optimize the ugly monsters, turn Guan Gong into a Diao Chan, and sell them publicly.

Name: Intercity Pioneer!

But 'saying' is one thing, 'doing' is another.

Optimization, how to optimize?

Replace the low-entry bus chassis, adopt ultra-high safety front and rear axles, add articulated discs with extremely low failure rates, replace the highly compatible gearbox, and introduce electronically controlled hydraulic power steering systems...

At the current level of China's automobile manufacturing industry, all these things need to be imported.

But in this way, what is the difference with imported and assembled buses?

Therefore, Tian Cheng went out again!

engine? I have it!

Front and rear axles? I have more advanced ones!

gearbox? What do you want?

Hydraulic shock absorbers? Hydraulic power steering? Check out the design of the Lotus Stadium!

Hinged disk? Wait, I'll buy an imported bus, go back and dismantle it for research!

Therefore, Jiefang and Tiancheng Machinery Department launched a comprehensive cooperation, and because Tiancheng also wanted to enter the automobile manufacturing industry, the two sides reached a strategic partnership again.

At present, in terms of buses, Tiancheng provides the technology, and Jiefang is responsible for the production!

And the selling price...

Ordinary type 600,000, extended type 900,000, 16 meters, 18 meters, 1.1 million with hinged disc!

All are lower than imported cars ranging from 300,000 to 500,000!

Selling to Tiancheng must be a cost, but when Director Sun bought the S600, he learned badly and did some operations for the benefit of the company.

For example, every bus is purchased according to the external sales price, and the invoice is issued normally, 1.1 million. Jiefang calculates the profit, and then treats it as Tiancheng's technology shares for dividends, and then returns it to Tiancheng...

Well, it is still the cost, and a few more taxes have been paid, but the invoice of the bus has increased from the cost price to the external sales price of 1.1 million, but it is not a 'false opening', it is legal, and it has increased Tiancheng's assets.

Originally, Ge Xiaotian didn't care about this. Some time ago, Director Sun consolidated the company's accounts, planned to upgrade the construction qualification, and listed the total assets of the bus system, which shocked him on the spot.

Not counting the Tourist Civilization (running to the countryside), nor the buses acquired by mergers and acquisitions, but only counting the Intercity Pioneer (running to the city), the second batch of 50 vehicles, 50 vehicles on the road, and 100 vehicles that have not yet rolled off the production line A car... 200 million!

In addition, ten S600s, eleven Dajinbei...

"All together, it's about 300 million yuan. How much can you borrow?"

The leader of ICBC scratched his head subconsciously, "Wait a minute, I'm a bit messed up, go smoke a cigarette first!"

"Don't, wait until I finish, there is more!"

Ge Xiaotian opened the sixth page first, "Currently Tiancheng has 30 million in cash, 20 million in advance sales, 10 million in contracts, 8,800 acres of land, 59 patents, and 35 trademarks. , an architectural design and research institute, a mechanical design and research institute, a high-tech material research center... In the next month's financial report, Tiancheng's total assets will be 1.327 billion!"

There is no need to falsify the total assets. Before the loan is approved, an asset appraisal is required. When the time comes, you can check the authenticity.

The ICBC leader frowned and lit a cigarette, "Tell me, how much do you want to borrow?!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed immediately, and put down the folder, "First approve 50 million to my second uncle, and then we will talk about Tiancheng's loan in detail!"

"Hey!" The leader of ICBC also smiled, waved to the staff, and motioned to take out the materials, "Fifty million? OK! But, about cooperation?"

"The fruit forest, or the greening base, in addition to cultivating potted fruit, will also raise some cows and squeeze some juice to produce a batch of green and pollution-free pulp and nuts, and a batch of nutritious fish will also be raised in the Erdi River.

According to science, moderate intake of meat, eggs, and milk can help the brain develop and improve IQ. Nuts, especially walnuts, are rich in unsaturated fatty acids with great nutritional value and health benefits. Long-term consumption can improve the mind, nourish the brain, moisturize the skin, beautify the skin, and strengthen the body!

At that time, not only Tiancheng employees, but also the children in the university town will become smarter. If we cooperate, we will definitely deliver this kind of nutritional supplements to your bank for free on a regular basis. It is very tiring to settle accounts and count money all day long. Make up for it. What a bad! "


"So, the interest will be waived!"


"It's such a happy decision! By the way, please help me to shoot a short video, that is, our bank staff is holding walnut milk, walnut kernels, fruit juice and so on. Let me say: I drink so good, everyone drinks It will be so good!"

"Pfft..." Seven or eight bank staff laughed instantly.

These days, working in a bank is a respectable person and a high-income group.

Advertising with them is definitely more effective than any celebrity or foreigner.

The leader of ICBC pondered for a moment, "The scope of supply? Is it limited to the head office in Jishi, or includes all regional branches?"

"Definitely include them all!"

Fifty million loan, repayment in two years, free drinks addictive, two years later... Hehe, you can either buy it with money, or lend it again, otherwise, who cares about you?

The leaders of ICBC didn't seem to have thought about this aspect. The bank's remuneration is also a big expense. They can exchange interest for benefits and complete loan tasks. It can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

"Then, how much is Tian Cheng going to borrow?"

Ge Xiaotian handed the folder to Director Sun, opened his own file bag, "I don't know if the leader has heard of Xixiang?... We have been there before, that is, on the day we walked a lot of roads, we went to worship Ran Zi first, Go to Daqingshan to investigate the ruins again!"

"Oh! Come to think of it, Xixiang seems to have your Gejia Village, and even the ancestral forests of many villages in Sancha Township!"

"That's right! It's vast there, isn't it?"

"Not smaller than Nanwa!"

"Hmm! It's an ancient battlefield over there, where devils were fought, and it was also the main battlefield of the Battle of Southwest Shandong!" Ge Xiaotian unfolded a piece of materials, "My third uncle built a vegetable shed over there, planning to create our northern vegetables... huh? Leader, don't go!"


Near noon, Comrade Ge Feng drove back with a big gold cup covered in mud.

"Where are they?"

"I asked my grandson to take them to the Guyue Hotel to rest. At noon, I called Ding Hao, Xiao Huang, and my second uncle and third uncle to have a meal together!"

"Aren't you going?"

"It's the same whether you go or not!" Ge Xiaotian pulled the co-pilot away and sat in, "Go, take mom shopping!"

The reason why I went out at seven or eight o'clock today is that I plan to finish visiting relatives early, go to Guyue Hotel in Xiangxian County at noon, call Li Xiuxiu to spend a little extra time, and then take my mother to Xingyue Bay to buy some clothes and melons Fruit snacks, buy some New Year's goods, and get a haircut by the way, or get a haircut during the first month...

Ge Feng activated the Big Gold Cup, turned around, and went to Xiguan, Xiang County, "How much did you borrow this time?"

"One billion!" Ge Xiaotian is not afraid of his father hitting him at all now. He had already written out Tiancheng's plan for the next five years. After reading it, his father was stunned for more than half an hour, and finally decided not to accompany his second son. played.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Comrade Ge Feng wants to steal the idea of ​​​​the second son and go to the northeast to do it himself.

"so much?!"

"Jinxiuchuan special loan of 200 million yuan and Xingyuewan Phase II loan of 200 million yuan are too restrictive, and we can only do those two! Now cancel those two loans and replace them with one billion yuan, and the nature of the loan will change. , Tian Cheng can use the money to engage in other projects, instead of being limited to a certain project."

"So, Tiancheng plans to enter Wen County next? Ju County? The hometown of garlic?"

"Yes, first take down all the low-end markets, and then connect with each other through the public transportation system, covering the middle and high-end markets!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"What's more, tonight, the leader of Shaobaidou will help you to set up a bridge and get to know Sun Paper. He has made it clear before that the other party has financial difficulties. He has one billion yuan in his hand, and he will take this opportunity to grab some shares..."

Comrade Ge Feng took a deep breath, "Are you really my son?"

"Maybe I picked it up from the garbage dump. I asked someone to tell the fortune, and the other party said that I was the reincarnation of the God of Wealth..."

"What nonsense!" The old mother sitting in the back immediately became displeased. "This brat's mouth has never passed by. I guess the fortune teller is also a black-hearted blind man. If there is too much money, he will pick it up!"

"How is it possible? The other party is not blind at all! I secretly took money from his money jar, and he could see it through the sunglasses!"

"You have become a big boss, can you be a little bit promising?"

"The liar's money, if you don't take it for nothing, don't take it!"

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