Build Madness

Chapter 222 Family Dinner

These days, for ordinary people, tens of thousands is a big number, let alone one billion loans?

However, Mom and Dad didn't care.

Comrade Ge Feng didn't know whether it was broken or he really understood Tiancheng's current operating system, and he only said one sentence: Do it well, don't do illegal things! If one day you really go in, for the sake of benefiting your hometown, I will send you big fish and meat every day!

(Remarks on Tiancheng’s operating system: supporting facilities first, land exchange for public welfare, selling a batch of commercial housing to make money, retaining a batch of commercial building loans, and turning wasteland or third- and fourth-tier cities into "high-tech urban areas")

And mom...

Thanks to Ge Xiaotian's science popularization work some time ago, someone brought a box containing 30 million red notes, "Mom, this is the money my son just made! One billion, you count it, don't use the money counter, That thing can’t tell the truth from the fake!”

Mom put on her reading glasses, lit them with her hands for most of the night, and finally fell asleep.

Since then, she has a deep understanding of the word 'billion'.

One billion?

Two boxes!

Whoever asks me to count again, I am in a hurry with whom!

My younger sister often reads corporate newspapers and magazines, and she also knows something about the Tiancheng project, so she was not very surprised to hear about the one billion loan.

As for Ge Wangwang.

This guy uses his laptop to play online every day. One time, Ge Xiaotian accidentally discovered that there was such a record in the new Du Niang engine:

"My younger brother's company went bankrupt, so does my elder brother have to repay the debt?"

The answer is definitely no. Du Niang has just come out, and many functions have not yet been perfected.

But there are many related legal entries: independent legal person company, no guarantee liability, no debt repayment obligation. Relatives have no obligation to pay debts, which is not prohibited by voluntary laws.

Perhaps, this is the reason why Ge Wangwang eats enough and sleeps soundly every day.

In general, the one billion loan did not cause much trouble to the family.


Chatting along the way, Dajinbei entered Xiguan, Xiang County.

Shuttle among the buildings with various brick and tile structures, the mother and the younger sister were lying by the car window, all in amazement.

"Hey, the scale of this farm is not small!"

"This year, we will first improve the breeding base of 10,000 pigs, and then expand the number of chickens, ducks and geese. We will strive to break through 100,000 by the end of the year, and complete the breeding bases of 10,000 cattle and 10,000 sheep next year!" Ge Xiaotian pointed to the southeast, northwest, and introduced them one by one.

"If you raise so many, you must do a good job in epidemic prevention!"

"Yes! Many of the recruited female employees have veterinary qualifications, so this is not a problem at all!"

"very nice!"

Arriving at the gate of the factory, Li Xiuxiu hurried into the car.

"Uncle, aunt, elder brother, younger sister!"

"You're a lively girl, slow down!" My mother loves Li Xiuxiu very much, and the relationship between the two of them has skyrocketed since they were doing catering, and they almost got married.

The Golden Cup started up again and went straight to the Guyue Hotel.

Li Xiuxiu chatted with his mother and younger sister, then leaned on the back of the passenger seat, pursed his lips and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, should we have a boy or a girl for our first child!"

Comrade Ge Feng, who was driving, and his mother who was sitting by the side immediately regained their spirits.

Li Xiuxiu blushed instantly, stretched out her hand to pinch someone's ear, leaned closer, and said softly, "Can you be more serious?"

Ge Xiaotian raised his head and said loudly: "What? Boy? Good!"


"What? Three? Good! Tonight we'll..."


"You child, what are you talking about!" My mother couldn't listen any longer, she took a scarf and slapped Li Xiuxiu twice, and pulled Li Xiuxiu over, "Xiuxiu, don't listen to his nonsense, giving birth is too much trouble, let's do it once, if you want to give birth Give birth to dragon and phoenix twins!"

"..." Li Xiuxiu: Can I get out of the car?

After a while, we arrived at our destination.

The owner of Guyue Hotel, who is also Sun Ju's cousin, led the manager forward to greet him.

After exchanging greetings, they walked into the hall.

Li Xiuxiu suddenly grabbed Ge Xiaotian's clothes corner, "I have something to tell you!"

"What's the matter? The loss is too serious? I'll ask Lao Sun to allocate five million to you later!"

"It's not a dumping war, it's..." Li Xiuxiu was a little confused, "Do you still remember my dream?"

"Black Cat Sheriff!"

"It seems that you are really itchy today!"

"Hey, it's really a bit!" Ge Xiaotian ran away.

"Come back, I'll tell you something serious!"

"What's wrong?"

"My second uncle helped me obtain the qualification as an auxiliary police officer. Tell me, am I doing business, or..."

"Dream, it must be fulfilled! Later, I will find the Mechanical Department to transform our unmanned white horse into a police car for you..."

"You really want me to?"

Thinking of some indescribable scenes, Ge Xiaotian took the opportunity to put his arms around his shoulders, and encouraged him again: "Go if you want, believe in yourself!"

It is estimated that Li Xiuxiu has made a decision long ago, and when she heard the answer she wanted in her heart, she waved her fist: "Forget it, let's raise pigs! If it was before, I would definitely go, but now the factory is so big, and there are so many people who need it." This job supports the family, and I want to take them to make a fortune!"

"Well, this is called a sense of responsibility. Sister Xiu has grown up!" Ge Xiaotian was not disappointed either. He treated Li Xiuxiu just like a little girl. He could do whatever he wanted, anyway, we were responsible for it!

But, then again, in fact, wearing an apron is also good, if you wear a cat on your head...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotianxia subconsciously glanced at the top of Li Xiuxiu's head, saw the single ponytail on the back of her head, couldn't help but stretched out his hand and stroked it twice, tsk tsk, I didn't expect my surname Ge to be here today, it's better than stroking a rhubarb tail too much.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm encouraging you!"

"Really? Why is the smile in your eyes so weird?"

"It's called appreciation!"

"You liar, Er Ge, I think your skin is itchy today!"


Fighting and making trouble, the younger sister and Li Xiuxiu also became acquainted.

A warm meal, eat until three in the afternoon.

Comrade Ge Feng went to wash the car.

Ge Wangwang said that he was going to play with his classmates, so he would not go home tonight.

Accompanied by my younger sister and Li Xiuxiu, my mother is going to have a haircut first, and then go shopping.

Ge Xiaotian looked around and found that he was the only one left with labor, "Well, I still have a round tonight, so go back and get ready, you guys go!"

It is impossible to go shopping. I heard that it is very tiring.

"I think you just want to be lazy!" The little girl saw through everything.

"How is it possible!" Ge Xiaotian picked up a box of fruit from the door of the nearby store, "Go to the door first, mom should know, Bureau Sun!"

"go Go!"

Although Bureau Sun was transferred to Jishi, Mrs. Zhang still lives in the family courtyard.

Now the frequency of intercity buses has been reduced to every ten minutes. Jishi is only 30 miles away from Beiguan in Xiangxian County. Bureau Sun often comes back when he is not busy.

On the 28th of the Gregorian calendar, there is still a week before New Year's Eve. Tomorrow and Saturday will be a new year. If there is nothing to do this afternoon, it is estimated that Director Sun should be back.

After dialing the bell-like doorbell twice, the door was quickly opened.

The couple appeared to be planning to go out.

"Leader, Happy New Year!"

"Haha, Xiaotian, why are you here this afternoon?"

"Come over at noon, I'm afraid you're not at home!"

"Hey, what are you talking about, with your sister-in-law here, can you still eat?" Director Sun took the fruit with a smile, "Come on, enter the house, let your sister-in-law stew a chicken tonight!"

"Forget it, aren't you going to go out?"

"Small matter!" Director Sun also turned away, took out a cigarette and put it on the coffee table, "Look, we are both in our forties. We had a child before, but it fell into the river. Over the past decade or so, I want to get pregnant again. But I can’t get it all the time, no, I’m going to go to Jifu Hospital to have a look!”

"It must be too much pressure!" Ge Xiaotian remembered the matter of Mrs. Zhang taking care of Ju Sun's smoking before, "Quit smoking, drink less alcohol, and calm down for a while, it should be fine!"

"Then let me borrow your good words!" Compared with the frowning face before, Sun Ju's spirit is now many times better.

"Leader, I have a question for you!"

"What? Just say no!"

"Is there a problem with the paper mill acquired by Sun Paper?"

"Second manufacturing? In the past few years, everything was in a downturn, and the paper mill was losing money year after year. Now it is insolvent, coupled with continuous layoffs, and can't make a profit. The city decided to give it to Sun Paper."

"Hey, not to mention pulp, there are dozens of production lines of various types in the Second Lighting Industry, which add up to seven or eight billion yuan in assets!"

"Isn't that right!" Director Sun touched the cigarette case, and finally peeled an orange, "But if no one takes over and continues to lose money, let alone jobs, I'm afraid these production lines and machinery will be treated as interest and handed over to the bank to pay off the debt. Already!"

"Sun Paper's acquisition plan?"

"Firstly, two companies were recruited to cooperate, and then they mortgaged their respective assets together to collect 5 billion. According to the asset evaluation, they bought the second company for 2 billion. After that, they consolidated their shares and prepared to go public in Shanghai at the end of March."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, he had some calculations in his mind, "Then Bureau Sun, I will go back first, and I will discuss cooperation with Sun Paper tonight!"

"Oh? Hey! Look at my brain, I almost forgot that the big leader has an appointment with your two companies tonight!" Director Sun looked at the time, "Then I won't keep you, our Tiancheng is not as strong as them now , it’s better to go there earlier!”


Leaving the family courtyard, Ge Xiaotian called the mechanical department, drove over three idle S600s, and brought a suit and leather shoes from the office.

These years, there are countless government-owned enterprises that have been restructured and reorganized. Many private enterprises are scrambling to acquire at low prices. Second, instead of coveting the huge benefits given by the "half sale, half free" in front of me, maybe the cooperation tonight can go deeper.

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