Build Madness

Chapter 223 Shunhe Hotel

Jishi is a famous historical and cultural city, and it is also a waterfront eco-tourism city built on the canal.

Not to mention the well-known Confucius, Meng Ke, Yan Hui, etc., there are seven or eight famous scenic spots in the urban area alone.

For example, the Iron Pagoda Temple, which was built in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, is a veritable ancient temple with a thousand years of history.

For example, Huanbi Spring in Li Bai's long-term residence, and Taibai Tower, where he often drinks and has fun.

For example, the Muslim buildings headed by Todaiji Temple.

For example, the ruins of Guji, Fengtai Xizhao, Guanzhong Qingyan, Nanchi Hejing, Xiwei Fisherman's Song, Huolin Wandu and so on.

Rich cultural atmosphere, prosperous business economy.

And Shunhe Hotel is located in the center of the city!

Judging from the architectural style, it should be quite old.

The overall shape is L-shaped, with the restaurant in the front, divided into three floors, and the guest rooms in the back, with six floors.

The exterior wall is covered with white tiles, the windows are made of clear green glass, surrounded by flickering neon lights, reflecting the five gilded characters of "Shunhe Hotel", which is not too earthy.

The gate and the front hall should belong to the product of expansion and renovation. They are oval in shape, and the front does not match the back, which is a bit ugly.

Compared with Guyue Hotel, it is less grand and more earthy.

But it is a four-star hotel, currently the most upscale hotel in Jishi!

The north side is the best affiliated hospital in Jishi, the east side is the tourist attraction, the south side is the earliest department store in Jishi City, and the west side is the economic and commercial center.

It can be seen that this thing really makes money!

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was dark, and the hotel was not yet occupied.

Three consecutive Hutou Ben came slowly.

The moment the front of the car appeared, the concierge reception was in place instantly.


"it's beautiful!"

Seeing a female doorman in a tuxedo and white gloves opening the door for him, Ge Xiaotian was immediately amazed.

Normally speaking, the doormen are all tall and strong young men. After all, they have to help carry luggage, and there are many demands on physical strength before and after running.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a delicate little girl.

tsk tsk...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but switch the system language, English and Russian respectively.

I never thought that girls can do it all!


No, that's talent!

"How long have you been here?"

"Mr. Hui, I just arrived the day before yesterday."



"which school?"

"Master Qu."

"Why didn't you take the test?"

"It's not time yet."

"Are you planning to change jobs?"

"Sorry sir..."

"Two thousand monthly salary!"


"Three thousand!"


Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and motioned to Tianwei who came out of the front and rear cars, "Take her to buy two sets of formal clothes, a watch, a mobile phone, glasses...well, another silver necklace!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Go back quickly!"

Ge Xiaotian stepped into the hall while the other concierges were stunned.

The salaries of doormen vary from high to low. Calculated according to the age, in high-end hotels, the monthly salary of doormen who can speak more than two languages ​​can be almost 3,000!

And like the capital city and the magic capital, there are more than ten thousand.

Don't think about it, they are not only responsible for the reception in the front lobby of the hotel, but also occasionally serve as temporary translators and tour guides, plus booking cars and air tickets, recommending food, drink and entertainment... Normal salary, tips, commissions, rewards from other entertainment venues, more than 10,000 yuan It's normal.

If you strengthen etiquette and improve your knowledge, you will be a life steward!

And in another time and space, he knew a super powerful doorman. In 12 years, he had a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan. Later, he was poached by a certain military boss and became his personal secretary.

Also don't think about it, this doorman is a big brother who is over fifty years old, proficient in four languages, medical treatment, diet therapy, he can fight, and he can drive steadily!

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to find this girl doorboy in a tavern, food stall, or Guyue Qingshan store, but... Shunhe Hotel!

Shun the river! He Shun! Shunhe Business!

No need to think about it, this is the old enemy's industry!

Otherwise, if he came today, he wouldn't have picked up three S600s and loaded them with Li Xiuxiu's ten elite units...

And, to be on the safe side, they also summoned the Great Gold Cup and installed ten carts of Tianwei!

The leader of Shaobaidou arranged the meeting place here, which is very meaningful!

Is it a demonstration? Or knock the mountains and shake the tiger with the top ten Sun Paper in Tongji City?

Or... let's make a fuss first?


But no matter what, since the old man has a heart, we must do something.

Poaching people is undoubtedly the best choice.

With so many new industries in Tiancheng, the need for high-quality service personnel is increasing.

Moreover, the Chinese New Year is approaching, the hotel is on fire, and it is difficult to recruit people, so dig it out... We don't know if it will be compensated or not, but it will definitely make millions less.

Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Huang.

"Commercial Street in District D, Guyue Hotel No. 2 store, how is the progress?"

"Back to the boss, don't we plan to open on the seventh day of the new year? The decoration has already been completed, and the corresponding facilities, pots and pans have also been purchased. After the year, we can just clean it!"

"Okay, I've recruited a group of veterans, high-end ones! You go to the hotel to receive them!"

"Ah good!"

Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian suddenly turned his head and looked at the concierges who were still astonished, "Do you want to change jobs?"


At this time, a fat middle-aged man in a light-colored suit came up, "Sir, please don't disturb the normal operation of our hotel..."

"Oh? Chief mate? Do you have any customer resources on hand? Just like a sales manager, a basic salary of 1,000, 2% of the room rate, 3% of the food and drink rate, and 5% of the drink rate!"


"Swift, don't scribble! Even if there is no performance during the Spring Festival, there will be a guaranteed bonus of 10,000 yuan! If you sign a labor agreement, Tiancheng will help you with official affairs!"


"Don't look at the three cashiers, just walk around, by the way, call for the night shift!"

"What? Who am I?"

"I'm Ge Xiaotian! See the three Hutou Ben outside, and the ten Dajinbeis on the side of the road? They're all mine! Get in the car, get ready to go!"

"By the way, first mate, go to the back kitchen and yell twice! Just say, don't worry about salary and bonuses, Tian Cheng will help them settle it! This year, the money you earn will definitely be twice as high as in previous years!"

"Don't believe me? Someone, bring up our two large suitcases!"

"Hey, that passer-by, what else is there to serve? Call your little friends and leave quickly. We all use small dining cars over there, and the clothes are also beautiful. Outsiders will be envious of you when you wear them!"

"Security? Don't move! I have more people than you! Take off your clothes, and if you don't obey, you will deduct your wages... Right! Get in the car!"

"Auntie, stop sweeping. We have an electric vacuum cleaner over there. Tsk tsk. It doesn't hurt your waist or legs when you use it. It's just right for you! Get in the car!"

Strolling around in the front hall, Ge Xiaotian sat cross-legged on the cashier counter, picked up a pen and paper, and quickly wrote the salary table, and called Xiao Huang again, ordering the registration of salary over there.

As a human being, you can't keep your promises, you have to give as much as you say, otherwise how will you poach people in the future?

As for official matters, in the hotel industry these days, it is estimated that not many people sign labor contracts. Even if they do, most of them are non-standard texts, which are fake contracts to lock up employees.

If you go to the court and let the monk come forward to recite the scriptures, it can be done easily.

While busy, four or five men in suits with different heights, shorts, fats and thins came in a hurry.

Before they could speak, Ge Xiaotian pointed to the mobile phone next to his ear, clicked on the salary watch on the cash register, and waved his hand outside.

That means: How much salary is up to you, get in the car quickly!

The men in suits were stunned, picked up the paper to look at, looked at each other, nodded in surprise, and ran away.

After finishing the work at hand, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a little puzzled.

There was such a big commotion, all the diners ran out, why didn't He Shun show up?

No matter how bad it is, there must be someone in charge, right?

However, the room manager, front office manager, banquet manager, hotel general manager, executive chef, none of them showed up!


The onlookers saw the chief mate returning from the back kitchen and held him back. When they learned what happened in the hotel, they were all dumbfounded.

Among them, several business owners met Ge Xiaotian through various channels.

"Mr. Ge, you have completely offended He Shun by being so timid!"

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, I appreciate it!" Ge Xiaotian turned over and jumped off the cashier counter, clasped his fists and said: "Today's incident has caused a lot of inconvenience to everyone, and Ge specially prepared for everyone at the Guyue head office in Xiangxian County. 688, 988, 1288 set meals, all dishes and drinks are free, it is an apology to everyone!"


"As long as you pass tonight, you will get a 20% discount membership card for free. In the future, if you have anything to do, such as receiving customers and leaders, you can use the luxury fleet for free. Well, my Hutou Ben special car is also available, 666, 777, 888, and there are still idle ones. 999, pick whatever you want!"

hula la...

The vestibule was completely empty.

At this time, a taxi came galloping, and before it could stop, three men and women with 'long guns and short cannons' rushed in.

Seeing the two large suitcases in the middle of the hall, he quickly raised his hand and took several pictures.

Jishi Radio Reporter!

The two sides are also old acquaintances.

"Mr. Ge, may I ask what happened here?"

"I don't know, I just arrived, maybe the hotel violated the rules and was sealed off!"

"Is that so? Shouldn't a note be posted for the seizure?"

"I didn't know. I just got the news. I couldn't bear the bankruptcy of such a good hotel, so I brought money to buy it. I never thought, but the employees said that He Shun ran away with the money! Well, what their employees said, it wasn't Me, you have to figure it out!"

"Understood!" The reporter looked around, "Where are their employees?"

"The boss is gone, the employees must be gone, don't you want to work for nothing?"

"Surnamed Ge, shut up!!!"

Just when someone was talking nonsense and was about to become addicted, He Shun led a dozen young people in with a beer belly.

Full of aura!

Beep beep!

Ge Xiaotian's cell phone rang suddenly.

Less white-headed leaders!

"Crooked? Leader!"


"Here we are, in the lobby!"

"In the hall? I have been waiting here with Lao Pang (Chairman of Sun Paper) for more than an hour, but I didn't see you!"

"Impossible!" Ge Xiaotian looked at his watch, and before he knew it, it was half past seven. Looking around, there was no one else except He Shun's people, his own Tianwei, and a few reporters, "I'll be there at five o'clock, In the lobby all the time!"

"Huh?" There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, "Where are you?"

"Shunhe Hotel!"

"Shunhe? What are you doing there?"

"Didn't you ask me to come? Cooperate with Sun Paper!"

"Who told you to go there! Canal Hotel! Canal! Not Shunhe!!!"

"Ah? Lucky? Isn't it smooth?" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, met He Shun's fierce scarlet eyes, and smiled awkwardly, "Brother He, I'm sorry, I just went to the wrong door!"

Seeing that an old man said that he didn't want to wait 24 hours, I worked overtime, and updated one chapter in advance, and another chapter at 11:50 in the evening.

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