Build Madness

Chapter 224: Old Pang of the Paper Industry

He Shun was so angry.

How could you go to the wrong door?

Are you blind with the five gilt characters on the top of your head? !

I traveled thousands of miles, went to the south of the Yangtze River to meet my in-laws, and came back with a stomach full of wine. Before the chair was warmed up, someone told me that you came to the hotel to make trouble!

I didn't have time to drink my saliva, and I didn't have time to figure out what happened, so I hurried over and heard you talking nonsense with the reporter.

What a mouthful!

"Get out of here!"

"Ah? Good!"

Seeing that the other party was blushing and had a thick neck, as if he was about to have a heart attack, Ge Xiaotian decided to admit it.

Signaled Tianwei to bring two large suitcases, clasped his hands together, "Farewell!"

Seeing his old opponent running away in despair, He Shun was immediately happy.

"Hehe, it seems that I have not lost my courage in the past! I can settle Ge Baiyi with a few sentences, and I still use scolding, tsk tsk, comfortable!"

The accompanying young leader was a little puzzled, "Chairman, shall we just let him go?"

"if not?"

"But he owes us more than 20 million yuan. Those two large suitcases will definitely be enough!"

"Do you think he will give it?" He Shun picked up a red note that someone had slapped on the cash register, and blew on the non-existent dust on it, "If you want to grab it, even if you don't care about reporters, you can rely on more than 30 armors to make money." Han, can you fight?"

"Can't beat!"

"With the virtue of the surname Ge, it's okay for you to fight well. If you can't fight, I'm afraid you will be charged with robbery, and you will be charged with two big suitcases of red money! I may be fine, but you probably will be jailed!"

"Hiss... isn't he so poisonous?"

"Haha, look back and find out what happened to those who opposed him now! Besides, the 20 million yuan belongs to Changfeng Industry, so what does it have to do with our Shunhe Chamber of Commerce?"

As He Shun said, he picked up the walkie-talkie and adjusted the channel, "The front desk manager, the front desk manager, what time is it? Why isn't the doorman in reception and the cashier in place?"

"Hello? Hello? What the hell, where's the person?!"

for a long time.

"Ge, what the fuck, you uncle, chase after me!"

"Chairman, we can't beat it!"

"Can't beat it? What's the use of supporting you? If you don't support him tonight, I'll write my name upside down! Why are you standing there? Calling someone!!!"


Canal Hotel!

An unpretentious ancient courtyard.

There is no housekeeping department, only catering, no stars and no ratings.

Walking into the hall, there are various ingredients on the left and various cold dishes on the right.

Eight o'clock is the meal time, but the inside is deserted, and there are only three or two tables of customers.

Stepping into the rest area, the leader of the young and white-haired man was playing chess with a middle-aged and elderly man with gray hair, roughly counting the cigarette butts in the ashtray, and he had indeed been waiting for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian adjusted his clothes and threw the document package to the newly recruited corporate image spokesperson.

Well, that's right, the female doorman will be in this position from now on, mainly responsible for external publicity, holding real estate launch conferences, press conferences and so on.

Of course, it is still too young and needs to be learned, cultivated and honed.

Not in a hurry!

"If you have nothing to do, go back first. Look at the various business plans in my folder at night. Starting tomorrow, I will find Mr. Huang from the HR department for training!"

"Good boss!"

"It's not safe at night, let Tianwei take you back."

"thank you boss!"

Tiancheng's plan for the first quarter, second quarter, and third quarter of the millennium has almost been laid out, and it is not a secret. It will be announced to the public on the first day of work after the year and handed over to this new employee It can not only let her understand Tiancheng, enhance her sense of belonging to the company, and get into the working state as soon as possible, but also test her character, which is the best of both worlds.

Ge Xiaotian feels that he is a scheming...


How can anyone say that about themselves.

He looked up at the two big men, who were playing chess engrossed, as if they hadn't heard of the surrounding environment.

Logically speaking, as the party who is rude, he must stand by the side and punish him at this moment.

Ge Xiaotian is a real person, so he did it according to the legendary "allusion".

However, on the way here, I came across a shop selling durians.

These days, in the winter, durian is a good thing!

I bought one by chance, gave half to the new girl, and kept the half for myself.

Take it out of the bag, and in an instant, the aroma is tangy.

The two big players who played chess were shocked, their noses sniffed, and they were stunned when they saw someone holding durians in their hands.

The leader of the young white head was a little dumbfounded, and took out half of it, "When did you come?"

"Just arrived!" Ge Xiaotian put down the durian, wiped his hands, and looked at the gray-haired middle-aged man, "Sorry, sorry, I kept you waiting! I'm not familiar with Jishi, so I went to the wrong door. Look, this is a big deal. , blame the driver!"

"Hehe, Mr. Ge is also an interesting person!"

While speaking, the young and white-headed leader led the way to the box.

This is the host today.


The box is not big, room for six people.

The three people have different identities, so the banquet seats must be differentiated.

This is also Chinese culture. Don't look at it as arranging seats, but it is actually pulling in the relationship between the two parties.

In the future, not many people will.

But Lao Pang, the chairman of Sun Paper, is a veteran!

For example, today, if the leader treats guests with a young white head, he is the natural host, but the position of the host is also called the host, how can there be a leader as the host?

So, I am a guest from afar, and Ge Xiaotian is here.

However, old age is respected...

The nonsense made Ge Xiaotian once again experience the profoundness of Chinese culture.

In the end, the two parties became more familiar with each other and no longer paid attention to the number of banquet seats.


Ge Xiaotian was secretly vigilant.

Today, he is fully prepared.

Let Xiao Lu from the Jishi Intelligence Department collect Sun Paper's information first, and then ask Director Sun to find out the details of the acquisition. Moreover, in order to save his stomach, he didn't go to accompany the bank leader who helped get the 1.1 billion loan at noon. (There are two 50,000,000 yuan inside, a Nanwa fruit forest, and a Xixiang vegetable greenhouse)

Now it seems that not only did I do nothing wrong, but I did less!

Because he didn't know any information about this old man surnamed Pang!

Listen first, talk later!

The young leader is just a referrer, so naturally he won't say too much, but just revealed a little bit about the new policies and directions of the local government after a few years.

Lao Pang drank three glasses of wine and said, "Be kind and good. I'm just like the leader. Let's call Mr. Ge Xiaotian!"

"The name is just a code name, as an elder, you can do whatever you want!"

"Well, since we are looking for cooperation, I won't say more polite words. Businessmen should be honest. I will first introduce some businesses that Sun Paper can match with Tiancheng, and then we will discuss some new projects that can be invested in cooperation. !"

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"At present, Sun Paper mainly produces high-grade coated white board, white cardboard, uncoated cultural paper, industrial base paper, and self-made pulp."

"When I came here, I learned that Tiancheng's demand for industrial base paper has almost doubled, not only for steel components to prevent rust, special tapes for waterproofing, but also for shock and scratch resistance during transportation, and carbonless copying... In this regard, Sun Paper The industry can offer a price that is 30% lower than the market, close to the cost, and the supply is unlimited!"

"En! Yes!" As a super enterprise in the top ten of Jishi City, which is about to make great strides, from pulp to finished products, and even printing, Tiancheng doesn't need to consider everything, just place an order according to the specifications.

"High-grade coated white cardboard is mainly used to make packaging cartons, Tianle tourism small commodities, Tianwei catering gift packs, Tianbao antique packaging boxes..."

"White cardboard includes blue and white single-sided and double-sided copperplate cardboard, white-bottomed copperplate cardboard, and dripping copperplate cardboard, which are mainly used for business cards, wedding invitations, cards, data cards, magazine covers, Shangpin hangtags, and exquisite High-end carton..."

"Uncoated cultural paper, including newsprint, letterpress paper, offset book paper, offset paper, etc., in terms of education, Tiancheng can donate half and sell half to hope primary school, experimental junior high school and senior high school, Jinxiuchuan University Town , unlimited supply."

"In terms of self-made pulp, I heard that Tiancheng Canteen is preparing to add services such as takeaway, group purchase ordering and other services. We can make corresponding lunch boxes, disposable water cups, paper straws for your company... all refer to food safety..."

Ge Xiaotian held a pen and paper, listened to the lecture very carefully, and recorded them one by one.


This guy is cheating with the system again.

He doesn't know anything about the paper industry. If he didn't have the data given by the logging camp and the market, he would probably be completely confused by now.

But the little white-headed leader and Lao Pang don't know!

They were all surprised to see that his memory was upright.

Especially Lao Pang, as an insider, he clearly knew that what this young man wrote was all true data!

And, there are some products that he didn't mention!

This child is terrifying!

Lao Pang himself did not underestimate Tian Cheng.

The board of directors studied Tiancheng's business model and development strategy. Although they couldn't understand it, they could see a glimpse of the future.

Emerging commercial city!

However, the impression that Tiancheng's boss Ge Baiyi gave to outsiders was controversial.

One is independence!

He takes everything on himself, and never thinks about sharing a piece of cake.

The second is ruthless!

Killing without blinking an eye, dealing with competitors is all vicious and vicious moves.

Shangwu Shangliu was a criminal, he died as soon as he died, but all the bosses of the four gates in Xiangxian County went in!

Chen Feng lost his legs, Datai Construction lost half of his shares, the central area of ​​Xiangxian County went bankrupt, and the three criminals who blocked the bus a few days ago...

In the eyes of others, no company enters the Canal Development Zone because of competition among local leaders, but in fact, it is: no one dares to go!

That was Ge Baiyi's territory!

Unless you are like those stupid and bold people who pay hundreds of thousands or millions of protection fees and join the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, you will lose your skin if you don't die, such as the Hongtu Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. who handed over 40% of the shares!

(Ge Xiaotian: Wait, did we have a misunderstanding?! I am a serious businessman. That is a membership fee! It is not a protection fee!)

This time, it was said that the leader of Shaobaitou helped introduce it, but in fact, Sun Paper entrusted the leader to help.

After Sun Paper acquired the second manufacturing company, its strength doubled.

But by the same token, the larger the enterprise, the greater the market demand.

Cooperating with Tiancheng is equivalent to expanding the local market.

Now seeing that the boss of the other party is also a capable person, Lao Pang feels a little at ease.

"Oh my god, how are you doing?"

"Comprehensive cooperation is possible!" Ge Xiaotian put down the pen and paper, "However, there are still some construction materials, such as wallpaper! In this regard, Tiancheng plans to purchase semi-finished products from your company and process them himself!"

The lumber mill can make paper, but Xiaoqingshan has limited trees. In order to protect the environment, mining has long been stopped.

At present, most of the wood used in the system comes from abandoned wooden frames on the construction site. If it is used to make paper in large quantities, it is simply not enough.

Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with Sun Paper.


Before Lao Pang finished speaking, the box door was kicked open suddenly.

A beer belly with a blushing face and a thick neck that almost exploded his eyes rushed in, followed by a dozen young people.

"Ge, you're going to die today!!!"


Ge Xiaotian grabbed his heavy down jacket and immediately protected the young leader.

This time, he absolutely did not mean to cheat the leader.

As early as when he left Shunhe Hotel, he let two S600s lead He Shun to the Xingyuewan sales office in Jishi City, or Auto Trade City.

People who drink too much must not know the seriousness, the more they smash, the more they lose.

But he got off the car early, led Tianwei and the female door boy, Rao Xiaolu, walked through the dark alley...


The durian seller!


However, the leader of Shaobaitou directly opened the down jacket, "He Shun, are you crazy?"

"Lead... the leader?!"

"Go back and sober up, come to my office tomorrow!"

Adding updates for the lord, I don't know if the lord is still there... Sorry, I have time to add it now.

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