Build Madness

Chapter 225 Take Boss He to...

He Shun wasn't crazy, nor was he drunk, nor was he strong enough to ignore the young leader.

Facing the scolding, he deeply understood.

This is a game!

Serial Bureau! ! !

The surname Ge is too cloudy!

However, he definitely can't go back to sober up immediately, otherwise Shunhe business will definitely be in big trouble tomorrow.

Is the leader's tea so delicious? !

Therefore, we must break the game tonight!

In a flash, He Shun sat down on the ground, and took the opportunity to wave his hand back very covertly.

The young people who rushed in after them had very good eyesight, turned their heads and walked out, the leader did not forget to close the door of the box, "Sorry, I admitted the wrong person!"

Almost at the same time, He Shun, who was slumped on the ground like mud, slapped the wooden floor with both hands, crying!

With snot and tears, "Leader, you have to make the decision for me, otherwise my Shunhe Hotel will be ruined by this guy surnamed Ge, I will report him, and I will report him with his real name for being involved in gangsters, and he will beat me up!" "

Nest grass!

Ge Xiaotian was shocked immediately.

I have seen shameless people, such as Chen Feng and Teddy, but I have never seen such shameless people!

Proper villains should sue first!

Moreover, how can you, a corporate boss with assets worth billions of dollars, behave like a child here? !

What about face? !

What about dignity? !

This guy is simply a fool! Hob meat!

However, the young white-headed leader who didn't know what was going on after He Shun made such a fuss, his face softened, "You are also a person of status, what's the point of making a scene, sit up and talk!"

He Shun hit the snake with the stick, but didn't insist. He patted his buttocks with sobs and stood up. He took a tissue and wiped his face, "Leader, the surname Ge ran away from me...hiccup! away from me...hiccup!"

I don't know what this guy ate for lunch, he ate on the ground, then stood up abruptly, and hiccupped!

Rao Shaobaitou and Lao Pang are both serious people, and they were also amused seeing such a funny scene.

But He Shun was not shy at all, telling what happened at the Shunhe Hotel intermittently.

Ge Xiaotian was secretly startled.

Master of flattery!

Most hiccups have a frequency, but counting the seconds, this guy's hiccups are irregular.

In this way, not only can the crisis be resolved easily, but it can also be counterattacked, which is amazing!

However, the business war between the two sides has been fought so far, and each has lost nearly a million dollars. What is malicious competition to poach a few people? Leaders don't care about these trivial matters.

Taking advantage of what He Shun said, Ge Xiaotian turned on the system.

Of the three S600s, two were used to attract He Shun, and the remaining one was his car.

Four people, one driver, except him and the new employees, brought a bodyguard when they came to eat.

The car was parked on another street, and the bodyguards went to see off the female employees, but the leadership level was not high enough to have guards. Lao Pang was low-key like an old man, and he didn't have bodyguards, so He Shun rushed in with people, and no one stopped him.

In order to avoid being beaten when he walked out of the hotel later, Ge Xiaotian immediately transferred back to the main force.

Ten big gold cups have sent the hotel staff to Guyue No. 2 store, and more than 30 Tianwei who walked to the Auto Trade City walked halfway, more than ten miles away, get in the car, run fast, and arrive here Just a few minutes.

Later, the young people who have withdrawn will be directly gathered together, whether it is moving bricks or kilns, it depends on where there is a need.

In this way, He Shun became a polished commander.

If the leader is gone, this guy still wants to fight hard...

Take him to the canal to wash his feet tonight!

Well, let the mechanical department drive the icebreaker there first, otherwise there really won't be any place with water.

"Leader... hiccup! The guy surnamed Ge poached more than 300 of my employees just like that. The Chinese New Year is approaching, those who are getting married, those who have banquets, those who have been booked in advance, not talking about the new year, not talking about individual customers, but just accepting them. In the next seven days, there will be four to five thousand tables of banquets, drinks and dishes, with an average of one thousand yuan per table, which is four to five million! Without personnel, the hotel cannot operate, liquidated damages, loss of reputation... Leader, You have to be fair!"

"Ge Xiaotian!" The leader slapped the table.

"Ah?" Ge Xiaotian finished the arrangement at hand, put away the temporary cooperation plan with Sun Paper, and replied with some embarrassment: "Leader, in fact, we have communicated with the Canal Hotel a long time ago, you see it is deserted here, If we Tiancheng bought it, helped with the decoration, and set up a Guyue Canal store, wouldn’t it be profitable? It can not only improve the overall image of our downtown area, but also stimulate the surrounding economy. How great! But, I Unfamiliar with the place of life, carrying a money box, went to the wrong door!"

"You put P! I am Shunhe Hotel, so big five gilt characters, you can't see?!"

"It's dark, my eyesight is bad!"

"You... hiccup! Don't you even know the location of the hotel?!"

"Nonsense, I have so many industries, how can I understand them all?"

"Ha, I don't even know where the acquired hotel is, are you fooling around?"

"You don't believe it? Waiter, where is your boss? Call him over! Just say that I am Ge Xiaotian, and I will buy this store for a high price of one million! See, we know each other now, right?"

"What the hell..." He Shun trembled with anger, "What did the staff say?!"

"I threw the money box on the ground, and they themselves screamed to come to Tiancheng. Everyone in Quanji City can see how Tiancheng's salary is. What can I do?"

"Fuck! My surname is Ge, today I finally understand what it means to be really shameless!"

"Hey, if my young master wants another face, wouldn't he become a second-faced person just like you?"

"You..." After He Shun finished speaking, he realized that he hadn't hiccupped for a long time, so he quickly added one, "Hicc!"

Watching the two local scoundrels fighting back and forth right under his nose, the young white-headed leader lighting a cigarette and rubbing his forehead, it hurts a lot.

Malicious competition to poach employees is not illegal except for employees violating labor contracts.

Even if he is the top leader in the local area, he has nothing to say. After all, in the development of enterprises, the survival of the fittest depends on their own ability.

Besides, didn't you hear what the general he relied on just said, buying this store and then investing in a Guyue Canal store, this means that Tiancheng wants to enter the city center, and at that time, there will be an extra three-star in the local area.

"Well, you guys talk slowly, this matter must be resolved peacefully! I still have something to do in the office, so let's go first!"

Ge Xiaotian and He Shun looked at each other viciously, "Leader, go slowly!"

"Xiaotian, I'm going back too!"

"Okay, brother Pang, let's ask the company personnel to conduct all-round contact later!"

"no problem!"

The meeting today is just to reach a cooperation intention, and the specific matters must be handed over to the relevant departments.

However, Sun Paper did not ask Tiancheng for help. It seems that there will be greater opportunities for cooperation in the future.

After sending the two bosses to the car, Ge Xiaotian looked at the map and saw that the personnel were in place, but he didn't know which area of ​​the canal to take He Shun to wash his feet.

At this time, the leader of Shaobaitou suddenly opened the car window, "You won't come up? Didn't you agree to go to the office to talk about the planning of the Canal Development Zone?"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian blinked, and immediately understood that the leader was worried that he would suffer losses if he stayed here, and wanted to take him with him, "Leader, forget it, it's too late today, let's talk another day!"

The young white-headed leader looked around, pondered for a moment, and nodded.

When the two small sedan chairs left, He Shun immediately showed his true face, gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Ge, you really dare to stay!"

"What's the matter?" Ge Xiaotian's face was full of confusion, "Could it be that you want to beat me up?"

"Beat you? I'm going to make you lose your skin tonight! Someone, get him!!!"

hula la...

In the shadows on both sides of the hotel, more than thirty people rushed out in an instant.

"Hey? What are you doing? I don't know you! Let me go... hiccup!"

"MD, the leaders are gone, you are still hiccupping, I will let you have enough tonight! Go, canal ancient town wharf, tie me to the tower and hang it up, warm up first, what vertical lift, big pendulum, rotating plane, give He will come and wash his feet again!"


Wait for the crowd to clear up.

In a dark alley next to the hotel.

A young man in casual clothes trotted open the driver's door of an Accord.

"Chairman, as you expected, all of He Shun's people disappeared, and he himself was taken away by Ge Baiyi!"

Old Pang patted the black-covered book on his knee, "My grandson bought this book for 500 yuan, it's worth it!"

"Chairman, what book is this? Can I read it?"

"It's best not to watch it, it will affect your physical and mental health!" Lao Pang sighed, turned off the rear lights, and said to himself: If you read it, I guess I have to find a loyal old driver again.

In other words, the price of this book has risen too fast, right? !


In another dark alley.

The same young man in casual clothes trotted and opened the car door, but this car was an A6.

"Leader, Mr. Ge took He Shun away!"

"Well, as long as He Shun didn't take Ge Xiaotian away, let's go home!"

"Leader, why are they all right the other way?"

"When He Shun encountered this kind of thing, if Ge Xiaotian was caught, he would definitely suffer. But Ge Xiaotian took advantage of it, and if he caught He Shun, he would at most make a fuss, no one would be injured, and no one would be killed. How can this kid get himself into trouble?"


Noon the next day.

Ge Xiaotian yawned and walked out of the dormitory in Qimao City.

Standing on the edge of the corridor on the third floor of the dormitory building facing east from west, looking around at the pile of machines on the north side, and looking at the dozens of technicians surveying and mapping the second phase of Xingyue Bay on the south side, he couldn't remember for a while. I should do something by myself.

All the work for the new year has been arranged, but there are some things that require him to inspect them.

For example, filming, high-level moving bricks, material preparation progress, seven connections and one leveling of the Lotus Sports Center...

(Seven connections and one leveling: road access, water connection, electricity connection, drainage connection, flood drainage connection, telecommunication connection, gas connection, and land levelling. Although it is a sports center, there will be restaurants on the periphery in the future, so it is necessary to lay gas pipelines.)

Staring at the green belt downstairs for a while, Ge Xiaotian decided to buy some gifts and visit.

At noon, I went to move to a new house first, and lived in Mr. Li's house in Xingyue Bay, Xiang County, for a meal.

In the evening, I will go to President Wei's house to drink some wine and try the fried peanuts made by my teacher's wife.

These days, tsk tsk!

Walk to the bus stop, make a phone call with Li Xiuxiu on the way, and then learn:

After parting yesterday afternoon, Comrade Ge Feng went to wash the car, and then went to drink with Li. He didn't realize until three o'clock in the morning that this is not Sancha Township, but Xiang County, and his wife, daughter, and prospective daughter-in-law are still outside. !

However, my mother, my younger sister, and Li Xiuxiu also played late at the commercial street in District D. After watching the movie, it was already two o'clock in the morning when we returned to the dormitory of the farm.

Three people get together to talk about someone's childhood, and they talk all night, and this will just wake up.

According to Li Xiuxiu, continue shopping today and return to Sancha Township in the afternoon.

Okay, excuse me!

Putting down the phone, passing by the Lin Yang Tractor Sales Center, he met Mr. Lin who was limping over with two Huaxia cigarettes.

"I'm going, what's the matter with you?"

"Hey, I'm getting old. I fell down for ten days and a half and couldn't get better. I went to the hospital for an examination and found that my bone was broken! You said this is a strange thing!" Lin Yang unpacked the cigarettes, "Long time no see, what are you up to? "

"Loan, buy land, sell buildings, make a lot of money!"

"Bull!" Lin Yang said, stepped forward and grabbed Ge Xiaotian's sleeve, "Let's go, I'll introduce you to a legend today!"


"We are the legendary fur dealer in Dongshan!"

"Who?" Ge Xiaotian was a little curious, he had never heard of this person.

"My father-in-law, Yang... well, you can call him Old Yang, Old Yang, don't mention his name anyway!"

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