Build Madness

Chapter 226 The Legendary Fur Trader

Lao Yang was originally an out-and-out rural man.

In the early 1980s, grandson Yang Lin (Lin Yang's nephew) was born. The family was poor, and the daughter-in-law couldn't even eat enough, let alone breastfeed the child.

At that time Dongshan was popular in the Northeast, Lao Yang gritted his teeth, gave the land to his three sons, and set foot on the train going north alone.

First arrived in Liaocheng, carried ashes, built walls, and drove tractors.

It's a pity that the income is still not much, and the three sons are divided among the three sons, and the family only has a few dozen yuan.

In order to earn more money, Lao Yang went to SYS to mine, went to Linhai to carry logs, and fished in the environment of minus 30 to 40 degrees.

Going around for eight or nine years, I never went back to my hometown during the holidays.

In the early 1990s, he came to Heihe.

When I was fishing in Heijiang, I met a group of old men by chance. They took away a box of instant noodles from him, left ten wolf skins, two sets of brand new military overcoats, a locomotive cap, a lighter, and two bottles of vodka. metal box.

This matter made Lao Yang confused for three or four days.

Until he met again later, he suddenly discovered a business opportunity!

So, one night, he secretly drove a donkey cart, packed five boxes of instant noodles, and exchanged them... ten men chased him on the frozen river for most of the night.

However, after figuring out the way, he quickly established a deep friendship with a few green-skinned old men, and the business grew bigger and bigger, and the more money he made.

Of course, he also became more and more guilty.

Three years ago, I couldn't bear the homesickness, and I was getting older. I took a closer look at my hometown and found that my son had started a car trade and his grandchildren had grown up. Lao Yang resolutely decided to wash his hands and return to Dongshan.

Although people disappeared in the fur industry, the legend of making a fortune from a box of instant noodles spread more and more widely.

Lao Yang became a legend.

He thought it was over like this.


Some time ago, the few old men who established a deep friendship with him have made a fortune!

It is said that those few people are the direct descendants of a certain down-and-out family. Around New Year’s Day, Ice Bear Lao Ye resigned, Puti came to power, and several down-and-out families were entrusted with important tasks for some reason. The small military officers who had been struggling for nearly ten years in the past are now all He has become a big figure in the Far East.

Over there, a telegram was sent through Dongshan Military Department, inviting Lao Yang to participate in the award ceremony in a big way!


A legend indeed!

After listening to Mr. Lin tell about the glorious history of Mr. Yang, Ge Xiaotian sighed deeply. Time and fate are hard to say.

Chatting, the two walked into the general manager's office of the tractor sales center together.

Clear soup hot pot, knife-cut lamb slices, knife-cut beef slices, frozen tofu, enoki mushrooms,

Slippery meatballs (five-spice meatballs made of starch, the appearance is slippery and not slippery, and the chopsticks generally cannot be caught, a specialty of a certain place in Southwest Shandong),

Long cucumber slices (use a scraper to scrape off the cucumber skin first, then put the cucumber on the chopping board, do not move or roll, just scrape it off layer by layer with a scraper, wait for the hot pot to finish cooking the meat, put it in Rinse the cucumber slices in the hot pot twice, it is tender and delicious.),

Lemon slices, potato slices, lotus root slices, boiled peanuts...

Very rich!

During the dinner.

On the left is the first bronze VIP of his own chamber of commerce, Lin Yang's nephew, Lao Yang's grandson, Yang Lin who seized the Taishi and Deshi auto markets at the northern end of Jishi.

On the right is an old man with a curly beard and white hair, a thick back and a big beard.

Very strong and very solid.

Being shirtless in winter, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of the special forces in The King of Fighters.

Needs no introduction, it must be Lao Yang.

"Haha, Mr. Ge, it's a pleasure to meet you!" When the other party saw someone coming in, he was slightly taken aback, stood up and stretched out his hands like iron pincers.

No wonder he was able to gain such a great reputation in the Northeast. With this appearance alone, few people there would dare to provoke him.

Moreover, the fur business, especially the 'river-crossing goods', is also related to Lao Maozi, and it is estimated that there are even bigger guys.

He is a ruthless man!

Ge Xiaotian smiled and stretched out his hands. Instead of holding them together, he decided to stay away from this person, "Old Yang is indeed a legend. Hearing about it for a long time is worse than seeing it once. Today, I realized that you are so old and vigorous!"

"Haha, sit, sit, sit!" Lao Yang withdrew his hand, picked up a bottle of Lanling, put it in his mouth, easily bit off the lid that looked like a beer bottle, and wiped the mouth of the bottle with a tissue, "Hey, we Dongshan people are bold and unrestrained, Talk about drinking from the bottle!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there's still something to do on the construction site..."

"Huh? We met for the first time, it doesn't matter whether we drink or not, we have to sit down and talk, right? Give the old man some face!" Lao Yang got up and closed the door, and put a mat on the ground, "Oh my god, I've been admired for a long time I heard that we have Tianyu Films, and I plan to invest in a movie, so shoot me!"

In the Auto Trade City, surrounded by Tianwei, Ge Xiaotian is not afraid.

However, I was a little surprised when I heard that the other party wanted to invest in the film.

"Are you going to make a movie?"

"That's right! Let's shoot the legendary fur trader!" Lao Yang squinted his eyes, smoothed his beard, put his hands together, and looked at the Guan Gong elephant enshrined by Lao Lin, "I respect the second master most in my life, even if I do business across borders, we will take the lead! The young man I did, the old sheep head, I can't guarantee whether he broke the law or not, but there are absolutely no people who are treacherous and evil! At first, we had no money, so we could only do it secretly. Later, when the business grew, we naturally had to go to Heihe port! But In recent years, the old man has found that there are too many unruly people, stealing, touching, robbing, and robbing. If you encounter them, you will definitely kill them. If you shoot them down, let them live or die, but no matter how you kill them, we will kill them. If it is not clean, it will stain your hands and lead to a lawsuit. Therefore, you must be educated! Make a film and let them learn the rules of Taoism, what is loyalty, justice, and morality, and don’t make the great China into a miasma. Let the officials rest easy!"

Ge Xiaotian originally thought that there would be no such thing as 'murderous aura' in this world, but when Lao Yang spoke, there was an illusion of being chilly and cold, as if facing the blade of a precious sword.

I've seen true blood!

Comparing martial arts... No, those people are no match for this old man!

"Old Yang, I'm afraid this kind of film can't be aired!"

"Why can't it be aired? Isn't Gudao very popular? That messy stuff can be aired, why can't I make an educational film?"

You play big!

Gu Huo used blades, at most he would just take a biubiubiu, but what about you, Rumble has been dragged out, it doesn't matter if it is filmed, if it is released, you are not afraid to go in by yourself?

"All right, a word!" Lao Yang took off his numb shirt, revealing more than a dozen knife and gun scars, touched his pocket, and took out a card. The publicity fee is paid out by Tianyu, the box office revenue, and the theaters are removed, we are half to half! Actors and props, me, my subordinates, old sheep heads, and goods, all perform in their true colors! Go to the Northeast, and shoot in the form of a record! "

You are awesome!

Ge Xiaotian was also infected by the old man's arrogance, "OK!"

"Take it!" Lao Yang held the card between his index and middle fingers, and handed it to him.

"No, there is a very important question. If we broadcast it, are you sure you won't be caught?"

"Ha! What are you afraid of? It seems like I have done a lot of shameful things!" Lao Yang shook his beard, "However, the movie can only be shot after I come back from the Far East. It will take more than a month to go back and forth. .”

"Don't worry, why don't you take the money back first?"

Lao Yang shook his head, "Drink and drink, go on your way in the morning after drinking, and I'll bring you some more small gifts when you come back!"

Ge Xiaotian felt that the old man had a weird temper, so he sat down and took a sip from the bottle, "Do you still have business over there?"

"Yes! Some of the money earned in these years has been given to the children and grandchildren to do the auto trade, and the other part has been bought by those green fur boys. Now there are tens of thousands of acres, right?"

"Pfft..." Ge Xiaotian sprayed directly, "You always bought tens of thousands of acres of land abroad?"

"Yeah! I'm used to farming, but we are not registered in the Northeast, so we can't allocate land. Do you have a business? When I'm idle, I feel homesick when I'm idle, and then I can't help but want to touch it." Hoe, told those green fur boys that although Ice Bear is not allowed to sell the land to 'foreigners', they can entrust their local company to help purchase, so those green fur boys helped to draw on the map Twice."

"Are you not afraid that they will lie to you?"

"It must be scary! No matter how good the relationship with Maozi is, it is still not our own. I will spend money to gather a group, and then secretly find a few enemies for them... However, after so many years of probing, there is nothing bad about it, let's talk , tens of thousands of mu is indeed a lot in our Dongshan Mountain, but in the Far East, it is only a small amount."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, it seems that this old man is really not an ordinary legend, he raised the wine bottle, "I wish you the best of luck!"

"Thanks to the auspicious words, it's done!"

This is based on the list of rewards. Don’t worry, Wanshang buddies, there will be more in the future.

In addition, I would like to thank the friends who have given rewards recently. The mobile phone code words cannot copy the name. I will list a single chapter another day to express my thanks.

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