Build Madness

Chapter 227: Dream, Personnel Arrangement, Car Accident

It was a cold morning.

There was a faint mist in the sky, and the surroundings looked a little bleak.

Ge Xiaotian trotted away from the old house wearing the Rockets' No. 11 basketball jersey.

Walk through all the alleys and say hello to Dahan who is squatting at the entrance of the village with his back to his living mud.

I don't know what's wrong with this guy, but he ignored him.

"Hey, it's time to grow!"

After laughing and cursing, Ge Xiaotian ran away backwards, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Dahan stopped playing with mud a long time ago, so why... is his condition getting worse today?

It seems that I have to take him to the hospital to have a look.

Thinking about it, he ran out of the village, followed the clear river extending from the green lake, and went straight to Xiaoqingshan.

Along the way, the flowers are red and the grass is green, and the fragrance is refreshing.

The seedlings in the field are already waist high...


Is there something wrong?

Ge Xiaotian looked around in a daze, and came to Green Lake unknowingly.

Weeping willows on both sides of the bank, the clear water in the lake is rippling, a beautiful figure is squatting by the lake, holding some familiar big pants, rubbing and rubbing...

"Qi Feifei? Why are you doing laundry here?"

Ge Xiaotian ran forward, wanting to see if this crazy girl was sleepwalking.

However, Qi Feifei, who couldn't see her face clearly, picked up the porcelain basin from the 1980s and ran away without looking back.

That speed was even faster than his running!


Ge Xiaotian was a little dazed, feeling a little weird this morning.

Touching his trouser pocket, lighting a big Cuban cigar that came from nowhere...

Looking up, through the faint mist, he suddenly saw Xiaoqingshan.

It is not as lush and green as I remember, but black and white!

This kind of blackness is not that the light is too dark, but the blackness covered by a kind of things.


The mountains and plains are full of tombstones!

Ge Xiaotian's eyes widened in horror, and he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make any sound.

It's not the scariest.

The most frightening thing is that each tombstone is engraved with the words "Ge Xiaotian".

"Fuck! Who the hell is so wicked?!"

Ge Xiaotian sat up suddenly, gasping for breath, and a hoarse voice came from his ear at the right time.


"Ah?" Ge Xiaotian raised his head, it was a Tianwei on duty.

He drank the water glass he handed over, looked around, and returned to the dormitory of Qimao City.

Look at your watch, it's five in the morning.

Uh... No. 30? !

Why did you skip a day?

Rubbing his head in confusion, "What's going on?"

"Boss, you drank too much yesterday!"

"With Lao Yang?"

"Yeah, with Lao Yang, Lao Lin, and Yang Lin, the four of you drank a box of 42-degree drink, and half a carton of 53-degree drink."


Ge Xiaotian looked in the mirror and couldn't remember what happened after the first bottle with Lao Yang.

"You're not making a fool of yourself, are you?"

"Your wine is not bad, but you are called brothers and sisters with Lao Yang and Yang Lin. Their grandson (nephew) Yang Lin is a bit tangled."

"Never mind that kid, what about the others?"

"You ask Lao Yang to collect some Rumble and Huhuhu from Lao Maozi."

"Boom, boom, I know it's a cannon, what are rumble and whirr?"

"We don't understand either. You explain for a long time before we understand!"

"..." When did I become so bold? "and after?"

"Lao Yang agreed!"

"???" Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, that thing is not cheap, and if he didn't give him money, he probably wouldn't be able to buy it back. Besides, he definitely wouldn't be able to enter the customs!"

"You forgot?"


"Didn't Lao Yang give you a card?"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian touched his pocket, except for cigarettes, he didn't even have a cell phone.

"You stuffed the card to Lao Yang, and asked Tianwei to carry the two large suitcases, and there was also a 20 million pre-sale money that just arrived after the re-opening of Xingyue Bay G area, but you gave it to me on the spot. The old man who gave you the treasured knife made a phone call... the scene was a little hot and hot... In the end, the old man over there couldn't hold you back, saying that when the goods arrive, they will be transported to the military area for inspection. If there is no danger, they will be handed over to the tourist development zone."



Ge Xiaotian scratched his head again, feeling a little fried.

10 million film investment, 30 million cash, 20 million pre-sale funds, a total of 60 million!

How much can you buy?

Besides, I still need money to do business!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly became anxious.

Turning over the quilt, looking at the table, "Where is my phone?"

"When you heard that it could be shipped back to China, you were so excited that you dropped it! It's too early now, let the director of the Auto Trade City buy you a new one around eight o'clock!"

"and yours?"

Tian Wei took out his phone directly.

Ge Xiaotian turned on the screen and was stunned again.

Lao Yang's phone number? Lao Lin's phone number? Lin Yang's phone number?

"Where is my phone card?"

"Huh? The phone is broken, but the card still works?"

"Nonsense! The phone numbers are all stored in it!"

"I... I was worried that there was some information left on the motherboard, so I burned it all in the same way as destroying old notebooks!"

"Grass! Go to the tractor sales market and ask Lao Lin for a mobile phone number!"

"They were on vacation yesterday!"

"Our Auto Trade City should have a record, go to the Purchasing Department to ask for it!"

a long time.

The call is coming back.

But Lao Yang had already boarded the handjob to Blagoveshchensk. (Hai Lan Pao)

The most uncomfortable thing for him was that after Lao Yang returned to Dongshan, he did not use GSM, but PHS!

Then make a woolen phone call!

Ge Xiaotian found that his hair had been scratched off.

"Let the Crescent Office look for the veteran placement contract and see if there is a phone number for the old man!"

It seems that the only way to get help from the Dongshan Military Department is through the old man, and then contact the Ice Bear Far East Military through a telegram, and say that I will not buy Rumble and Wuwuwu.

But now that Lao Yang hasn't flown over yet, he probably doesn't understand.

It's done!

"Quit drinking! You must quit!"

Ge Xiaotian put on his clothes and prepared to go to Crescent Square.

"Boss, Tianwei didn't catch He Shun last night! By the way, Xiao Huang called Tianwei and said that he has urgent business with you!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian dialed Tianwei's cell phone.

"Boss, He Shun has gone to North America!"

"That old guy is too timid, isn't he? Just let him wash his feet in the canal, and he runs pretty fast!"

"No, boss, I guess things are not that simple. He Shun went to Jiangnan to have dinner with Wei Changfeng the day before yesterday, and went to North America early yesterday morning. Will there be any new business strategy?"

"Could it be that he still wants to introduce foreign companies to fight against us? It hasn't reached this point yet! Besides, the two sides are in a retail dumping war. Many things are produced locally and there is no need to import them. What's the use of foreign companies coming? "Ge Xiaotian made a phone call and went to the cafeteria.

"I don't know much about this, you should do more research, I don't think it will be that simple!"

"Okay! I remember it!" Ge Xiaotian remembered what happened the day before yesterday, "The hotel staff has arranged it?"

"Everything is in place, but the Guyue main store lost more than 100,000 the night before yesterday. Do we need to subsidize him?"

"One billion loans need to be credited after the Spring Festival, and now there is a shortage of funds, so let's deduct it from the share dividends!"

"Okay! So the Guyue No. 2 store in the commercial street in District D is now open?"

"It must be opened, and you need to make money as soon as possible! I will send an invitation to the ordinary members of the chamber of commerce. I didn't call them at the dinner last time. I guess I was a little nervous. This time, the free reception, the big and small bosses plus relatives, almost thousands of people, let's have a lot of fun together lively!"

"Where are the leaders?"

"Hmm..." Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Arrange the banquet of the Chamber of Commerce at noon, and in the evening, call the people from the towns below, the surrounding counties and cities, Jifu Steel Plant, Taishi Steel Plant, Civil Engineering College , Art Academy, Quyi Academy... Forget it, everyone who participated in the idiom solitaire last time called out, and it’s up to them whether they come or not.”

"It is estimated that the ingredients are not enough, and the chef is a bit short!"

"Stupid, go to food stalls, taverns, and hot pot restaurants to call someone. The chef uses the veterans of the Guyue Hotel. The taste of the provincial dishes has changed, and the staff who make the lotus are used."


"Tomorrow, we will invite our branch's partners, including the companies that live in the office building. It's right to win over our relationship. At that time, Tiancheng and the senior management of the branch will also go! Eat at my place, they must understand what it means, In the future, there is no need to worry about the operation of Guyue No. 2 store!"


"How about work preparations after the next year?"

"Because our treatment for new employees has dropped significantly, we have only recruited more than 7,300 people so far, most of them are labor market personnel spontaneously formed at various intersections in Jishi City, and a small number of them are laid-off workers.

Among them, there are more than 4,500 construction workers,

One hundred and seventy mechanical personnel...

Transport staff...

Technical staff……

They were incorporated into the engineering department expanded to twenty divisions, the mechanical department expanded to five divisions, and the procurement department of two divisions...

All implement the old employees to the new employees one way, one month of training for them.

Among them, the first part of the project is left in the UFO gymnasium, and the second to fifth parts are responsible for the lotus gymnasium, lotus swimming pool and badminton court of the first phase of the sports center.

The sixth and seventh departments are responsible for the E-H district of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City,

The Eight Departments are in charge of resettlement housing in the ancient canal town,

The Ninth Ministry is in charge of the small commodity market,

The ten divisions went to Yun County,

The Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Ministries are responsible for affordable housing in Xiang County,

The Fourteenth Department is responsible for the construction of underground parking lots,

Department 15 is in charge of the Canal Fitness Plaza,

The sixteenth department is responsible for forest parks, zoological and botanical gardens,

The 17th, 18th, and 19th departments went to Jifu. The former two were in charge of the Jinxiuchuan University City, and the latter was responsible for repairing the Jinxiuchuan Dam.

Ministry of Twenty is in charge of the Canal CBD project.

At present, the Canal CBD lacks 1,000 technical backbones.

East Lake Film and Television Center, Canal Water Entertainment City, and Underground Pedestrian Street have no personnel arrangements for the time being.

Projects in Wenxian County, Juxian County, and Garlic Township are still under discussion.

Let alone the lack of 3,000 technical backbones, there are a total of six engineering divisions, one mechanical department, and one transportation department.

Unless we improve the treatment of new employees, it will be difficult to recruit! "

"If the salary is raised, I'm afraid that no matter whether it is a competitor or our partner, it will be impatient! Let's just do it, the job fair will end a year ago, and the labor dispatch company will make up for the shortage of personnel later!" Ge Xiaotian didn't want to Call the strong man, but it was guaranteed at the bidding meeting before that at least 30,000 jobs will be solved.

Now 15,000 have been settled. When the Xingyue Bay Economic Belt is formed, the Canal CBD is completed, and various service personnel and laid-off entrepreneurs are added, the number of 30,000 can be made up.

"Xiao Huang, how is the new employee assigned to you yesterday?"

"The learning ability is very strong. If I train in human resources, I guess I will be laid off!"

"Haha, the spokesperson of the corporate image, maybe there will be a recruitment program in the future, let her be a guest, then you can hand over the work to her, and all the secretaries below will also be mentioned! Remember, character is the most important!"

"no problem!"

"Go back to Wen County and finish the project over there. At least 400 mu, eight communities!"

"Huh? I thought I was going to Jinxiuchuan University City to continue doing personnel work!"

"Jinxiuchuan needs to wait until September to build, and half a year is enough to finish Wen County, let's go exercise first!"

"Okay! But, no one!"

"How could there be no one? I have five elite engineering departments, all of which were trained in other provinces before, and now they are all assigned to you!"

"Huh? Same as our old employees?"

"Hehe!" Ge Xiaotian didn't talk about this aspect in detail, "Let's just do it, get ready, get together with Brother Hao a few years ago, study and study, and get over as soon as possible after the next year if there's nothing to do!"

Putting down the phone, the corn soup cooked by the aunt in the cafeteria is also ready.

After eating two or three bites of pickles, Ge Xiaotian happened to meet Brother Li, who used to drive four different cars and is now the captain of the transportation team.

Saying hello, Brother Li happened to be about to leave too, so I asked him to drive the S600 to Crescent Plaza together, and prepared to settle the matter of buying bang rumbling and whirring.


The car had just driven out of the intersection of the Auto Trade City and the National Highway, and before turning around, a Steyr roared straight up from the side.

Brother Li glanced sideways, downshifted, stepped on the clutch, slammed the accelerator, released the clutch, the engine let out a strange noise, and the moment it was about to turn off, the S600 jumped to the road ditch directly ahead.

"Boss, hold on to your seat belts"

After downshifting to speed up, Brother Li upshifted again to speed up, intending to turn around before the car flew into the ditch.


At this moment, the head of the heavy truck hit the rear of the car with a bang.

With the inertia, the S600 rotated 180 degrees, the front of the car hit the rear wheel of the heavy truck, and then rotated and rolled over again...

Heavy trucks go away...

There will be an update at six o'clock later, and there will be another update at eleven o'clock in the evening.

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