Build Madness

Chapter 228 Accident, Still Accident

Drowsy, dizzy head. Eyeballs are rolling in the dark, unable to see anything clearly, consciousness wandering in the mind, but the body has no sense of touch.

Lonely, hesitant, puzzled...

Ge Xiaotian didn't know what happened to him.

Trying to recall, gradually, some memory fragments appeared in front of my eyes...

Eating breakfast, getting in the car, Steyer, car accident...


"It's moving!"

In the dimness, the little girl's excited crying came to her ears.

"Son, you can't do anything!"

"Don't move around, I'll call the doctor!"

Mom and Dad's voice followed.

I don't know how long it has been.

Ge Xiaotian found a ray of light entering his eyes, and then gradually he was able to see things clearly.

A man in green with a mask and a white coat!

Military doctor? !

"How much is this?"

"Five!" Ge Xiaotian grinned, feeling a little itchy scalp, moved his left hand, unconscious, raised his right hand, not bad.

"Don't move!" The military doctor put away his two fingers and rolled his eyelids again, "Maybe I'm stupid!"

"My dear, what are you..."

"Don't be silly, mom, I'm not stupid!" Seeing his mother's grief and pain, Ge Xiaotian quickly put away his playfulness, stretched out his right hand to wipe his mother's tears, "I'm fine!"

The military doctor smiled and carefully checked the bandaged left hand and the plastered right leg, "The car is good, the life is also big, rest more, stay in the hospital for observation for a week, and then determine the follow-up treatment!"

"Thank you doctor!" My mother pinched someone's arm and took out a red envelope from her pocket.

The military doctor shook his head and led the two assistants out of the ward.

Immediately afterwards, Comrade Ge Feng walked in accompanied by Mr. Yu.

"Rest well, don't think too much!"

"Think about it, eat enough... hungry!"

"You boy!" Mr. Yu sat for a while, gave some instructions, and then led them away.

Ge Xiaotian's thoughts turned sharply, and he felt that He Shun would not be so stupid, and Chen Feng did not dare to do so. As for Wei Changfeng, he was not sure.

Mom peeled an apple, "Hungry? Mr. Ren came here to cook for you, he has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Ah?" Ge Xiaotian was a little surprised, "Where is this?"

"Jifu Military Region! The affiliated hospital doesn't have your blood type. Although we are the same, I can't lose too much. Instead of running here to get it, I'd rather use an ambulance to pull you here!" While Comrade Ge Feng was speaking, Ren Zhongqiang held the porridge, Side dishes come in.

"Old man, you are really here!"

"Hey, as long as you can open your mouth!" The old man was quite funny, "Eat first, I will cook for you later, and the master chef from the food stall is here!"

"This is motivating!"

"I'm going to call sister Xiuxiu. She has been guarding you for two days and two nights. There is an urgent matter at the farm, so I have to leave first!" The little girl picked up her mother's mobile phone and walked out of the ward.

At this time, the young white-headed leader walked in with a middle-aged police officer carrying an olive branch on his shoulders.

A moment of pleasantries.

"Comrade Xiaoge, we have preliminarily concluded that this was just an accident after an overnight investigation."

"Accident?" Ge Xiaotian nodded, not much surprised.

"Although the perpetrator is an employee of the 'Changfeng Building', a project under construction in cooperation between Shunhe Trading and Changfeng Industrial,..." the olive branch man looked at the leader of Shaobaidou.

"Xiaotian, you should know that the city is currently planning for the smuggling business of the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce. There are hidden threads in the Chamber of Commerce, including He Shun's own company and his side. According to the news they sent back, He Shun Before leaving Jishi, including after arriving in North America, Shun had no information about the case in all the phone calls with the chamber of commerce.”

The olive branch man said again, "The perpetrator was the transporter at night. As the Chinese New Year was approaching, there were a lot of leave at the construction site, and the transport task was heavy. In the early morning, I couldn't help but drink half a bottle of wine to refresh myself. When it was approaching dawn, I wanted to finish the last delivery. The car was able to go home and rest, and drank the remaining half bottle of wine, but sleepiness and drunkenness came up, and he didn't see the red light, so... he didn't run, and stopped two hundred meters away."

"Let's deal with it according to the law!" Ge Xiaotian looked at Comrade Ge Feng, "Are Brother Li and the two Tianwei okay?"

"Xiao Li is fine, it's just..."

The olive branch man said again: "Sorry, in order to find out the ins and outs of the case, we have temporarily summoned Li Yi to the institute."

"Brother Li is fine, if it wasn't for him, I would probably have been bumped straight!"

"Well, Xiaotian, you can rest assured and cultivate, we will go back first!"

The young leader gave some instructions and left with the olive branch man.

After that, Brother Hao, Xiao Huang...

And many visitors come and go.

After finishing the work, everything in the room was cleaned up, and Ge Xiaotian moved his right leg which was in plaster.

A little numb, and the same goes for the left hand.

"MD, why did you become like a bird like Chen Feng!"

Turn on the system to see, there are healing options in the academy, but it's not the kind of "swish, swish, swish" a few green lights, and the injury will be cured.

But herbs!

Taoist monks are all capable.

But now with plaster, it doesn't seem to be necessary.

Go back and try with your left hand.


Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, February 1st, there are three days before New Year's Eve!

Sleeping for two days is not important, what is important is...

In the system map, the ten Tianwei who were with Lao Hong are still in the dark map!

Drag left and right, Huaxia plate, North American plate.

It took four or five days to reach Midway Island? !

Have such a slow handjob?


Fuck, this group of people didn't swim over, did they?

But you can't swim so fast, could it be...

Ge Xiaotian remembered the cruise ship that Lao Hong mentioned!

MDZZ, this group of people came back from a cruise ship?

What about the fuel supply?

Are you crazy?

Old Hong!

When you come back, don't think about going out again in the future!

Ge Xiaotian was a little worried. He touched his pocket and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but found that he was wearing a hospital gown.

At this time, the door of the ward was gently pushed open.

Qi Feifei walked in on tiptoe, her eyes were red, as if she had been crying for a long time.

"You didn't sleep?"

"Why? Don't you still want to take this opportunity to get me..." Ge Xiaotian was half talking, when he suddenly saw Qi Feifei unbuttoning his woolen coat, "Damn it, are you crazy?!"

"If I don't do it again, I won't have a chance in the future!"

"Damn, you go away!"

"Hahaha, Ge, you have today!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"You know, I've been scared these two days!"

"No, you go down first!"

"I don't!"

"I called someone!"

"Hmph, I'm not killing you. No matter how loyal Tianwei is, he won't bother me, right?"

"How can you do this? My leg is broken and my hand is broken. Don't you feel bad?"

"My heart hurts! I haven't slept these two days, but Li Xiuxiu is here, what can I do? If I don't do it today, I really really have no chance in the future!"

"Fuck, Qi, just wait, when the young master recovers from his injury, I...I..."

"What's the matter?" Qi Feifei took the eyebrow pencil, lipstick, and foundation, and seriously fiddled with someone's face, "Have a baby? Yes! Don't move, the makeup will be ugly!"

Noticing Qi Feifei's gaze full of complex meaning and bloodshot eyes, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a little guilty.

This crazy girl's style of doing things is always so different.

"Did you draw it?"

"Why are you not in a hurry? Struggling! Crying!"

"Leave it to you! You can watch it if you want, it's not that you are not allowed to watch it, and you are using makeup as an excuse!"

"Tch, boring!" Qi Feifei carefully climbed off the hospital bed, "Then you have a good rest, I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going?"

"Go back to Qinggang, the project over there is halfway through, and it can be done before the seventh day!"

"You're not an engineer, you should go back to Gejia Village to celebrate the New Year with the old man!"

"There are a lot of people in the village who accompany the old village chief to celebrate the New Year. I'll just go back and have a look. Besides, who said I don't understand engineering? I've been learning recently!"

"Okay, okay, you are amazing!"


"Qi Feifei!"


"It's impossible for us!"

"Oh, sooner or later your wife will be mine!"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

Qi Feifei left with a sneer.

What the hell?

Are these girls really crazy?

Shocked, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and the little girl walked in, pouted and clutching her phone.

"Sister Xiuxiu's call, I've been waiting for a long time! I said the doctor is checking!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian blinked, and it really was his sister.


‘The local entrepreneur Ge Xiaotian was suspected of being assassinated and has not yet recovered. '

‘Tiancheng released the news for the first time, while persuading the public to put an end to drunk driving, he said that the chairman Ge Xiaotian is currently in good condition. '

‘Jiangsu Municipal Traffic Bureau has recently launched investigations and punishments for traffic violations such as drunk driving and driving without a license for the whole city. As of recently, there are a total of…’

'For infertility treatment, please go to...'

Chen Feng took various newspapers and looked through them carefully, and checked the time. It was approaching half past six, and the local news was about to start.

Push the wheelchair to pick up the remote control and turn on the TV.

news roll...

"Finally woke up!"

Watching the report on TV, Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, hesitated for a long time, and found Ge Xiaotian's number from his mobile phone.

"To explain, or not to explain?"

"Will he think I sent it?"

"This shit happened!"


The door of the house was suddenly opened from the outside.


"Chen Feng!"

"It's you!" Chen Feng pushed the wheelchair, trying to rush towards the window.

However, the man in camouflage who broke through the door quickly grabbed the back of the wheelchair and took out the dagger from his waist.


That night.

One o'clock.

The newly purchased mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his eyes, it turned out to be Xiao Zeng from Liang County.


"Boss, it's urgent!"


"Chen Feng is in the hospital!"


"In the evening, I was stabbed seven times, and I am still being rescued!"

"Hiss..." Ge Xiaotian gestured to the alarmed Tianwei, "Go and buy me a pack of cigarettes!"

"The murderer has surrendered himself, but he is from our company!"

"Damn it!" Ge Xiaotian shook his hands and couldn't help cursing, "What's going on?!"

"It is rumored that Chen Feng was hospitalized some time ago. When his leg bone was broken, he hooked up with a female temporary worker. Her husband is a maintenance worker. He used to work in Shangpin Construction Engineering Branch, which is Lao Qin's company, and later merged into us. Mechanical Department. This man asked for leave at the beginning of January to go home. He heard the rumors and quarreled with Chen Feng, and even kicked Chen Feng out of the hospital with a kitchen knife. This time our company is on holiday, the man came home and found... ...The female nurse is pregnant for two months! Last time Chen Feng was able to run on crutches, but this time he was in a wheelchair and did not run away."


Ge Xiaotian took the cigarette bought by Tianwei, lit one and took a deep breath.

What kind of shit is this!

He was accidentally bumped into, and his old enemy Chen Feng was accidentally assassinated, no, it was a vendetta.

Not dead, but two things combined...

Not to mention the common people, I am afraid that the city will doubt whether he is taking revenge!


As soon as the idea came up, Li Suo called.

"Give me a word!"

"not me!"


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian was a little disappointed.

Chen Feng!

Why did you have an accident at this juncture!

If I had known, I would have bought you an electric wheelchair and delivered it to you!

Drip drip.

It was nearing dawn.

The phone rang again.

Chen Feng's!


"It's not me, and it's not you!"

The voice is weak, but clear.

"You asked for it yourself, you deserve it!!!"

"You suspect me too? I have a lover, but it's not too shameful to do such a shameful thing! But, how can we say that we are sick friends now?"


At this moment, this old thing is still thinking of getting close? !

Added a 10,000-reward update for "Zabayi's Small Wine Vat". I was short of an update before, but my brother was anxious to get another 10,000-reward. I was also very worried. The follow-up update will be at 11:50.

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