Build Madness

Chapter 229 Newspaper

early morning.

I only met once, and the old man in charge of arranging for the veterans came.

Ge Xiaotian always thought it was the hospital arranged by the mysterious second brother, but now he found out that it was this one.

"Alive?" Unlike last time, the old man's tone became much more kind, but his face was still serious.

"Thank you for your help, old man."

"Small matter!" Seeing the cigarettes on the table, the old man picked up the cigarette case and sat down beside the hospital bed, sharing one for each of them, "This stuff is said to be harmful, it can indeed kill people, but it can't be said to be harmful, for example... ...die fast!"

"Ha!" Ge Xiaotian was amused.

"I'm not joking! Back then on the battlefield, I specifically shot at North American soldiers who smoked. I killed a lot of recruits and a lot of high-ranking officials!"

"Are you here to show off your military exploits?"

"Let's talk about something else. Three of my old comrades died of lung cancer. One of them coughed and coughed and never woke up!"

"Okay, stop smoking!" Ge Xiaotian squeezed out the cigarette butt.

"However, it's strange to say that my old squad leader smokes a lot of cigarettes, and the cigarette pot is almost always in his hand, but the more he lives, the younger he is, and now he can trot!"

"Ah?" Ge Xiaotian was full of surprise, "You are?"

"Haha, I thought you were smart, but I just remembered now!"

"Hey, I didn't think about that. Besides, the old man didn't tell me!" No wonder I asked many people at that time, and they all said they didn't know each other. It turned out that they were comrades-in-arms of the old village chief.

"The old squad leader originally planned to come over, but he is too old, and if he moves around, he may cause old problems, so I persuaded him to go back and come here alone to have a look!" The old man stood up and walked around, "Hmm , The place Xiaowazi arranged for you is not bad, I am also relieved, go back to Gejia Village, you can't treat me badly!"

"Look at what you said, a five-star hotel is waiting for you!"

"Come on, don't be so extravagant, a small farmyard is fine, but I have been forty-six years, and I haven't eaten corn mush made by the old squad leader!"

"Salute to your generation!"

"Do a good job in the business, just don't make so many messes!" The old man stood still for a while, "Among the two hundred veterans after the year, some of them are from the transportation department. They should be able to get started very quickly when driving a bus. If there is no problem, Tian Cheng Still able to receive, um, arrange some more?"


At present, Tiancheng has more than 200 buses, and it is estimated that at least ten lines will be opened to Yun County, Wen County, and Ju County in the future. According to the long distance and the frequency interval, an additional 100 buses will be needed.

Driver rotation, leave, training cycle...

After thinking for a moment, Ge Xiaotian said again: "One hundred! If there are more, we will have to wait until the implementation of the hub plan, long-distance container logistics, etc."

"Okay!" The old man nodded heavily, "Do you still like the gift I gave you?"

"Treasure knife!"

"Haha, what did you realize?"

"The spirit of bright sword!" Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought that there is no bright sword these days, "It is the courage to fight hard, the courage to..."

"No, no, no!" The old man shook his head, a little resentful, "You are still young, I mean, Sezi has a knife on his head!"


"Isn't the word Ba written on the outer package? There is a knife missing, where is the knife?"

"Huh?!" When the package was received, it was dark, who would pay attention to the outer packaging!

"Well, the whole city says that Ge Baiyi has a lot of ideas and is smart and capable, but why do I feel a little... rotten wood can't be carved!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't like to hear these words, "I'll give you a small gift later!"

"No!" The old man laughed and left, "Besides, do you know where my home is?!"

"Hey, you are just looking for fun when you have nothing to do, so come to me?"

"Haha, full of pride!"


Old urchin!

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered his tank plane, "Old man, wait, I have something to ask you!"

"What's up?"

"Well, I have a friend..."

"Four days ago? It's hard to talk about this! If Lao Yang lands, talk to them, I'm afraid a deal can be concluded in an instant!"

"So fast?"

"Don't you look at how poor the Ice Bear is! Moreover, after the disintegration of the Mao Bear, countless tanks and planes were eliminated. Now that the Ice Bear can't even support itself, how can it have spare money to feed those idle iron bumps? "


Ge Xiaotian wanted to scratch his head, but found that his forehead was covered with bandages.

The old man pondered for a moment, "Okay, I'll get someone to contact you later. It's okay if the deal is not reached, but if the deal is reached, I can refund as much as possible!"

"Excuse me!"


After the other party left, Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, opened his notebook, and thought about how to make up for the financial loophole.

At this time, Xiao Lu from the Jishi Intelligence Department called.

"Boss, go to QQ!"


"I'll send you a few screenshots, it's very important!"

"What screenshot?"

"News this morning!"


The two cases were solved one after another, and they were not involved with each other, so things became simpler.

At noon, the Jishi Radio station made a brief report on this, and the Jishi Police Department also issued a statement clarifying that the case was not a vicious vendetta.

According to the ideas of the leaders, things are almost over.

How else?

Position the case as a vendetta?

Asking for trouble? !

Three large local enterprises and one super enterprise in Jiangnan, with total assets of tens of billions, are fighting each other. It is estimated that the leaders of Dongshan and a large number of leaders in Jiangnan will not be quiet this year.

Therefore, the mess was cut quickly, those who should be hospitalized, those who should be calmed down, and the staff who had been busy for three days and two nights also went home to rest.

After all, there are still three days until New Year's Eve, and all departments will be on holiday.


The development of things far exceeded the expectations of the leaders.

In the early morning of the 3rd, an issue of newspapers quietly appeared in various areas of Jishi City.

Local newspapers are rarely published every day, and most of them are published every three days or a week.

And this newspaper just issued a weekly magazine.

So, things are back on the 28th again!

It was the day when Ge Xiaotian went to the wrong door in response to the promise made by the leader of Shaobaitou.

Moreover, this news was still a radio reporter who conducted the interview by videotaping and taking photos, but it involved mobbing a crowd to cause trouble, which was rejected by the radio station leader, and then sold to the newspaper.

In other words: there are pictures and there are truths!

Newspapers, if you want to be popular and long-lasting, you must have a selling point!



Jishi Department Store.

"Changfeng Industrial, in conjunction with Shunhe Chamber of Commerce and Shangpin Construction, intends to cheat the sky by buying a house? No wonder the G area reopened some time ago!"

"So, Ge Baiyi broke Chen Feng's leg?"

"Ge Xiaotian actually took two large suitcases of cash and poached all the staff from the Shunhe Hotel? He didn't even let the sweeping lady off? What kind of enmity is this?!"

"He Shun was kidnapped by Ge Xiaotian, and spent the night playing with tower cranes, vertical lifts, big pendulums, and rotating planes... Then he was so scared that he went abroad overnight!"

"In order to avenge his in-laws, Wei Changfeng arranged for a construction site driver to kill Ge Xiaotian?"

"After Ge Xiaotian was hit, did he arrange for Liang County employees to stab Chen Feng?"

"By the way, Chen Feng has nothing to do with He Shun and Wei Changfeng. His leg was broken, but he was stabbed again. Isn't it too bad luck?"

"Look carefully! Chen Feng is Wei Changfeng's brother-in-law, and Wei Changfeng is He Shun's in-laws... Uh, what is the relationship between Chen Feng and He Shun?"

"It doesn't matter what their relationship is, it's just a vendetta anyway!"

"Nonsense, isn't this obvious!"

"However, Tian Cheng is really tough enough to hit three with one!"

"Who was Tiancheng afraid of in our Ji City? Did Datai Contractor run away?"

"Hey, don't tell me!"

"Go ahead and watch, Ge Baiyi went to the Far East to buy a plane..."

"What kind of broken newspaper? What the hell!"

"There is proof! Does Lin Yang know? Lin Yang Tractor Sales Center!"


"I think back then, that old man was also a famous figure in our city!"

"His in-law, Yang Dingfeng, is even more powerful!"

"This name..."

"Don't interrupt! Yang Dingfeng is a legend in our Dongshan fur industry. It is said that... just three days ago, he went to the Far East to attend the award ceremony of several generals! This is his grandson, the owner of Jibei Auto Trade City, Yang Lin said it himself!"

"Fuck, it's really possible to buy it back!"

"No, don't think about it, what can Ge Baiyi do when he buys it back? Maybe he will have gone in by then!"

"Are you stupid?..."

"Hiss... cruel enough!"


The masses are discussing, but the big and small businesses standing in the Shunhe business camp are frightened.

You play so exciting, we can't stand it!

Close the door and go home for the New Year!

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