Build Madness

Chapter 230 The Scenario Played

In the ward of the military hospital.

On the screen of the thick notebook connected to the network cable, several QQ messages popped up one after another.

'The Shunhe Chamber of Commerce has forty-five members, and its business scope includes daily necessities, accessories and clothing, auto parts and auto repair, deli meat, etc. Since it is not He Shun's own industry, it treats one more than another, and is seriously affected by the dumping war. After the newspaper was published this morning, the members may have worried that the storefront would be smashed, or maybe they felt that instead of sitting in a daze in the store, it would be better to close the door and do something else. Now only two durable bathroom stoves are still open. '

"Shunhe Trading is He Shun's own industry. It has 21 stores, five of which are mainly for distribution. Members are out of business. Many partners have defected to our Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce. The Spring Festival is approaching, the goods are unsalable, and the loss is expected to be more than 500,000. . The remaining 16 shops were blocked by us and dumped. Although they did not close down, they did not sell much goods in the past week. In the long run, the rent, wages, food expired, and product depreciation will cost about 800,000 to 900,000 yuan. "

"In addition, Heshun also has two auto trade cities, which are located in the downtown area of ​​Jiji and next to a park in the south. There are various car brands. Before our Tianheng opened, the sales and profits were different from those of Hongtu Auto Trade. Not much, business is currently cold.

'The rest are the Shunhe Four Star Hotel, Shunhe Commercial Building, Shunhe Restaurant, Shunhe Hotel, two large karaoke dance halls, and three bathing centers. The hotel has been treated like this by you, the boss, and it is estimated that it will not be able to open for ten days and a half months. The commercial building is undergoing a new round of investment promotion, and the situation is not very optimistic. Others, our business is not currently involved, and the business has always been very hot. '

‘However, if calculated comprehensively, He Shun’s property is still profitable. '

Seeing the message from Xiao Lu, Ge Xiaotian frowned and thought.

He had considered before that the retail dumping war between Tiancheng Members and Shunhe Members was just a small fight, and even if it lasted until the Lantern Festival, both parties would lose two to three million at most.

This amount of money is astronomical in the eyes of ordinary people, but for the two large comprehensive enterprises, it can be made up with profits from other industries.

Therefore, the two sides are still fighting the main business!

Tiancheng's buildings, Shunhe's auto trade, commercial buildings, and entertainment!

As for Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial, it can only be regarded as the "logistics" invited by He Shun to be responsible for the retail supply.

And Shangpin Construction...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of the word 'patient'.

What was Chen Feng thinking?

On the 28th, He Shun went to Jiangnan to meet with Wei Changfeng. The details of the discussion are unknown, but afterwards, Wei Changfeng transferred 200 million to He Shun. Before He Shun left the country, he also received a loan of 200 million and carried out Massive fundraising! '

Ge Xiaotian would not foolishly think that He Shun would run away.

According to Chinese laws, each person can only remit 50,000 Franklins abroad each year. This is called capital control.

When He Shun went abroad, the funds remained in the country. Unless there was an application for import and export trade, he could not even transfer the investment.

For example, the more than 2 million Franklin that Lao Hong exchanged with 20 million red notes was prepared a long time ago for the acquisition of a remote override system scientific research institution. Just send money!

Therefore, if the acquisition is not completed, if Lao Hong does not come back, he will probably be investigated...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian had a headache.

More than two million Franklin didn't spend it, but got a few more suitcases...

More than 30 million Franklin!

It would be fine if the scientific researcher could help open a bank account abroad, but if the old guy came back with a bag, the trouble he would cause would be worse than throwing the box into the sea.

never mind!

What do you want him to do? Let's deal with He Shun's matter first.

‘Where has He Shun been before? '

'He hasn't traveled far recently, but he went to Xiangjiang about half a month ago! '

'Xiangjiang? Can I track the flow of funds? '

‘There is no movement of funds! '

‘Okay, keep an eye on it, work overtime, and figure out the other party’s purpose as soon as possible! '

'know! '

"By the way, let Xiao Huang go to the Shunhe Bathing Center to buy a few member discount cards, or buy a few discount cards for 500 and get 200 free, and then tell the thousands of employees in our brick kiln to go there to wash , the boss treats guests! But there is one thing, you must order a scrubber, it’s the Chinese New Year, so be tidy, otherwise how will you see your wife when you go home on vacation?!"

Xiao Lu was silent for a long time and didn't reply to the message.

‘Also, after washing everything, ask Xiao Huang to report with his real name, and then inform the labor bureau, saying that the sewage discharge in the Shunhe bathing center is not up to the standard, iron content, sulfur dioxide, etc., anyway, bring all the brick kilns...’

'? ? ? '

After turning off the computer, Ge Xiaotian peeled an orange.

At this time, there was a burst of passionate suona sound from the TV set in the corner of the ward.

Accompanied by thick and dense drumbeats, the sometimes hasty, sometimes sad erhu makes people's blood boil.

Then, a row of black italic characters appeared in front of my eyes.

Scene drama version of Outlaws of the Marsh!

"In other words, at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the plague was rampant, the people were displaced, and the emperor was weak, and the treacherous ministers were in power..."

The storytelling starts, the scenes are filmed, and all the play items in the ancient city of Qingshan are first shown.

From the city gates and walls, to restaurants, inns, medicine shops and food stores, to the crowded streets, the street vendors shouting and selling, as well as the cub juggling, knives and sticks, and iron forging...

It's like a scene of an ancient city...

The first scene is not the 98 version of Wang Jin beating Gao Qi, but the biography of Lu Da!

From becoming an official, to meeting Jiuzhilong by chance, to beating Guanxi to death with three punches, to running to Mount Wutai at night...

The plot is not much different from the original work, except for the "real kung fu" in fighting.

Being surrounded and beaten by Zheng Tu's younger brother, Lu Tixia parried and fought back, without any airs at all, clean and neat, full of coolness.

Fighting against Zheng Tu, the two of you come and go, punching to the flesh, and the blood is surging.

Most of the actions are slow-moved by the camera, which can not only see the way of exerting force, but also know which part is injured. There is a sense of rhythm when there is stillness and movement.

The martial arts director is a master, and the filming crew is also a master!

However, these actors...

Although the elite units are stronger than Tianwei, they still don't know much about martial arts except for combined attacks. How could they perform so well?


Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of Taoist monk!

In an instant, he finally understood why the slow motion of the camera was used to reflect the martial arts scene!

The long-range shooting shows the appearance of the elite arms that fit the role of the Water Margin, so that the audience can understand who is Lu Tixia, who is Jiuzhilong, and who is Zheng Butcher.

Close-up shooting, these two martial arts masters guide the elite units to perform corresponding actions, and then assist in exerting their strength!

No wonder the close-up close-ups are all used for punching to the flesh, parrying and blocking. It turns out that Taoist monks are hiding behind the elite arms!

As for the director and cameraman...

To be able to shoot such a smooth and delicate picture, I believe that the radio station and art college... Well, a professional, a professional in this field of education, it seems that there is no need to hire others.

The only regret is that Mount Wutai is not a real Wutai, but a temple built with Tiancheng system and some stone carvings.

It looks both true and false, but it lacks some Buddha nature.

However, with the monk around, it seems that there is nothing to regret.

Unknowingly, the plot continued to develop. Lu Da became a monk, went down to drink, made a fuss on Mount Wutai, made a fuss at the Earthen Pot Temple, and pulled weeping willows upside down...

Before he knew it, Ge Xiaotian discovered that he had watched five episodes in a row!

I even forgot to eat the lunch brought by the old chef at the food stall.

What have I done?

Check the time, at 5:30 in the afternoon, Dongshan Radio Station will broadcast Big Brother's Animation City!


Ge Xiaotian's face was full of black question marks.

This day is here?

No, what about the interstitial advertisement?

It seems...the news was not broadcast for thirty minutes at noon!

When did the radio station become so conscientious? !

At this moment, the animation city that was broadcasted shook up and down, and then...

The suona sounded again! ! !


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, you don't want Big Brother's show anymore? !

After thinking about it, he picked up his cell phone and called the leader of Xiangxian Radio Station, which he was familiar with.

"Leader, Happy New Year!"

"Mr. Ge, I'm sorry, I've been so busy recently that I can't go to Jifu to visit you."

"You're welcome, how's the ratings today?"

"Oh! It's not my turn yet, I have to wait until tomorrow!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Dongshan Radio's ratings tripled. We must be greedy for the radio stations below, but according to the agreement, Dongshan Radio will broadcast the first round for about a week."

"Well, plus the current episode, six episodes a day, six seven forty-two..."

"No, that's not how it is calculated!" The leader of Xiangxian Radio Station said angrily: "How can a scene play be so easy to shoot? We rejected the previous plan and started shooting again, working slowly and meticulously. As of today, we have shot a total of Twelve episodes!!!"

"Twelve episodes? But six episodes will be released today..."

"That's right! Six episodes will be released during the day, and another six episodes will be released at night. After one day, another round will be played tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will continue...for a week!"


"Who will watch the TV station below us by then?!"

After the leader of Xiangxian Radio Station finished speaking, there was a lot of noise in the handset of the mobile phone, and he could vaguely hear something like "let's quit", "break up", "play with each other"...

Sorry sorry, I came back too late today, I can't add more, I will definitely add it tomorrow.

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