Build Madness

Chapter 231 Takamatsu's Progress

It is indeed a little too much.

TV series, the picture is fresh, unless it is a classic, it is rare to watch it a second time.

There is a provincial station on both sides, and more than a dozen county and city stations. The provincial station roars hahaha for seven days and seven nights. When the county and city stations below broadcast it, who will watch it?

Moreover, the prerequisite for Tianle Tourism to agree with the radio station to shoot a scene drama is to help promote the development zone. If the audience is tired of watching it, or even bored, and even Xiao Qingshan will hate it, how can I develop tourism in the future?

Ge Xiaotian decided to talk to Dongshan Radio Station.

However, before he hung up, there was some chatter on the other end of the phone, and an unfamiliar voice came.

"Mr. Ge?"


"It's me, Assistant Feng of Dongshan Radio Station!"

"Oh! Hello, hello!" Ge Xiaotian had a little impression. He had verified Yu Yao as a liar at the beginning.

"Mr. Ge, you have to help mediate!"

"Assistant Feng, it's not your style of joint venture to make a TV series. How do you think I should mediate?"

"No, Mr. Ge, you may have misunderstood!" Assistant Feng paused for a moment, "That's right, the agreement we signed at the beginning was that 12 episodes, two episodes per day, will be played normally for six days, and then the whole day will be played on the seventh day , and then handed over to the local counties and cities.”


"However, there are still two days before New Year's Eve. According to Dongshan's customs, couplets are posted in the morning on New Year's Eve, cleaning is done, and ancestors are worshiped in the afternoon. Even if women are at home, they still eat bread and dumplings. It is estimated that watching scenes will drop significantly. In order to avoid To lower the overall ratings of the scene drama, it is best not to air it!"

"That's the reason."

"On New Year's Eve, I will definitely watch the Spring Festival Gala. How can anyone watch the drama at that time? And the vigil lasts until early in the morning, the New Year greetings, the visits, the afternoon nap after lunch, and continue to watch the show at night. At the end of the day, not many people watch it."


"When I go back to my mother's house on the second day of the Lunar New Year and visit relatives, I might turn on the TV, but when everyone eats and chats, who cares what programs are on the TV?"

"It really is!"

"On the third and fourth day of the Lunar New Year, there are more relatives who need to leave. They run around and work all day, and they almost wash up and sleep when they get home. Therefore, the leader means that it takes two days to finish the work. After that, we will not broadcast it, and directly transfer it to the county and city radio station.”

"Then just explain it to them!"

"They don't believe it!"


When did your friendship boat capsize?

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and said, "Re-sign the agreement, just say that you only have two days of broadcasting time, and then according to the agreement, hand over the broadcasting rights to the county and city radio stations, otherwise you will be compensated for liquidated damages, and Dongshan Radio Station will no longer have scenes. Premiere rights!"

"Isn't this requirement too harsh?"

"Hey, are you really planning to break the contract?!"

"How can it be?!"

"That's it!"

Chatting with the leader of Xiangxian Radio Station, the matter was temporarily resolved.

At this time, Ren Zhongqiang walked in dragging the dinner plate, "Hey, why didn't you eat lunch?"

"I don't have much appetite."

"It's true in the early stage of the fracture, but you have to eat what you should eat. Drink more light food, which is good for reducing swelling and blood stasis. After two weeks, I will give you a whole meal of big fish and big meat!"

"It's too troublesome!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, thinking of some words said by the old man at the discharge office, "Mr. Ren, you should go back, the water in Jifu is a bit hard, don't be unaccustomed, it will lead to old problems!"

"What are you afraid of? I'm a chef. A qualified chef is equivalent to half a doctor. What old problems can I have?"

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the porridge and sucked it, and moved his calf by the way.

According to the level of military doctors, if the fracture is serious, surgery must be performed, but if you choose plaster and conservative treatment, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

The arm underwent surgery, and the recovery time was at least three months.

The only trouble is the head.

There are so many airbags, and I don't know how I got hurt. Fortunately, I didn't become Dahan.


The days in the hospital were extremely boring, but they had to be taken care of honestly.

Learn from Mr. Ren's words:

"If you jump around again, I'm afraid you will get another nickname."


"Cripple Ge Er!"

Okay, call Tianwei to help, go out for a walk without touching the ground, and continue watching TV when you come back.

During the period, my mother and younger sister came, and he persuaded me to go back to my hometown.

Comrade Ge Feng also ran over at noon, walked around and saw that the second child was doing well, so he left by himself without being chased away.

Li Xiuxiu brought a chicken soup that she made herself, but was told by the doctor and Mr. Ren that it was not suitable to eat now, so she slipped away sadly.

Eat some fruit, drink some light porridge, and continue watching TV.

The twelve episodes of "The Legend of Ruda" were played once yesterday, but the second time is still enjoyable.

Normally, TV dramas have an episode of forty-five minutes, interspersed with advertisements, sponsorships, sponsorships, etc., which can almost fill up an hour.


The scene drama version of Outlaws of the Marsh, but one episode per hour!

If Dongshan Radio wants to finish twelve episodes in one day, plus necessary advertisements, news, weather forecast, etc., it can broadcast from eight in the morning to twelve in the evening.

As for why a "Legend of Ruda" can film twelve episodes...

slow motion!

It's like a simple punch.

Kick, tummy, twist, punch, hit!

The strength is transmitted from the soles of the feet to the waist, relying on the torque to drive the arms, the arms are twisted, the muscles are tense, and the strength is used to injure the enemy through the fists.

After shooting two slow shots, they are integrated together to give a fast shot, which is mixed with long shots, close-ups, and close-ups.

Corresponding to the posture, the part that was beaten, before the injury, after the injury, both faces, pupils...

Don't look at the slowness, there are many shots, but it makes people not bored, but can be brought into it, and the imagination is floating.

It not only increases the time, but also arouses the interest of the audience... It is worthy of being a third-level film director!

To make sure, Ge Xiaotian called Gao Song.

"Did you film it? Or was it filmed by the radio station?"

"It must have been filmed by me! I would also like to thank the boss for his support. When I first explained how 'bullet time' is applied to arrows, I was thinking about how to use this method in martial arts movies!"


"Boss, I have a good idea!"


"Shall we make another TV series?"

"Huh? Is the filming of the ancient war movie finished?"


"You can't chew as much as you want!"

"No, this TV series is very good, and we have a script!"


"Let me talk about my thinking first. We used slow motion to shoot the Water Margin, which is very immersive. If we do the opposite and use fast motion, will we be able to create a refreshing feeling?"

"Huh? I can't understand!"

"For example, if I punch Brother Hao, if I record this punch and replay it back and forth a dozen times, in the eyes of the audience, does it mean that I punched Brother Hao more than ten times?"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian always felt that this scene was a bit familiar.

"Brother Hao was on my left before, but now the camera flips, Brother Hao shifted to my right, and he still repeated the punch just now, does it mean that I punched Brother Hao more than ten times? Add up the left and right, is it dozens of punches? Are you happy? "

"Your sister is so cool!" Ge Xiaotian finally remembered, Journey to the West!

"Boss, this TV series is very easy to shoot. I guarantee that all the episodes will be filmed within a week, and all the special effects will be completed within a week, and it will be broadcast in the middle of the month!"

"Go away, go away, I have no money!" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, thinking about it carefully, Journey to the West seems to be really broadcast at this time.

"Boss, you don't need much money. Before the rent was waived, the radio station rented the film and television center to give 2 million yuan, which was used to decorate the venue and purchase props and clothing. In addition, the teachers and students of the art school are all there, and the special effects team is also there. , the rest is the actors. The monsters and goblins make the actors wear hoods, and the protagonist finds a few young and beautiful handsome men and women from the school, and the filming can be started immediately!"

"Go do it yourself!"



"Thank you boss, by the way, boss, are you going to play the role? Teddy promised to play a big villain!"

"No sky?"

"What five days? Give him five days to finish the performance? It's not enough!"

"No, what is he playing?"

"Worship the Moon Sect Master!"

"Huh? Wait, what are you going to shoot?"

"Fairy Sword, adapted from a game!"


If you use your shooting method and let Teddy shoot the moon worship, in case a traveler comes, let alone my glass, I am afraid that the toilet will not be able to keep it.

"Gao Song, remember, all the movies produced by our Tianyu Film and Television must be high-quality products, we can't make them like that!"

"But, boss, I feel that this kind of filming can subvert the tradition!"

"Then go and shoot something else!"

"Others? I'll look for... Fengyun Xiongba?"

"Gao Song, you are laid off!"


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