Build Madness

Chapter 232: He Shun wants to be...

Immortal Sword and Fengyun are really good, the plot is ups and downs, and the scenes are magnificent. In this era when martial arts is lonely and the city is not popular, as long as the filming is reasonable, it will definitely get an ideal result.

But Ge Xiaotian's goal for Tianyu is the high-quality line, with Tiancheng's existing resources, with the least investment, to shoot big-scene movies that don't need special effects, with small and big, low output and high profits.

After finishing one or two blockbuster movies and accumulating enough funds, Tianyu will rely on the Academy of Art to set up a CG studio, or directly acquire a special effects company, so he doesn't need to worry about it in the future.

Takamatsu must understand these questions.

However, this product has to...

"Boss, why don't we do it in one step?"

"What's the meaning?"

"The highest box office of the current movie is only 200 million yuan. If the theaters are removed, there will be about 120 million left. If the shooting costs, publicity expenses, various licenses, and taxes are removed, there will be 80 million yuan at most! If there are two movies , 160 million, why don't you just inject 100 million into Tianyu, buy, buy, buy, get all the CG, sound effects, all in one go, and directly make blockbuster movies! Early investment and early benefits, isn't that what you said?"

"Ahem!" Ge Xiaotian almost choked, "What the hell do you think I'm really Ge Baiyi?!"

"Almost, didn't we just get a loan of 1.1 billion yuan?"

"Go, go, go, it's land, money begets money, and the project money is used to pay off debts at the end of the year!"


"piss off!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished cursing, he hung up the phone.

Although what Gao Song said was very reasonable, I always felt that this routine was a little familiar. Besides, investing in movies was risky, and if you worked hard for half a year, no matter what your grades were, you still had to give half of it to the theaters. How could you make money by developing real estate?

In the future, others will give us a small half of the money!

Thinking of money, Ge Xiaotian thought of his own 60 million.

In other words, Lao Yang wouldn't really buy himself a tank company, would he?

Dial the phone number of the veteran resettlement old man.

"What's the matter?"

"Did your old man ask for me?"

"The telegram was sent, and the other party also returned, but Lao Yang was not found!"

"It's called Yang Dingfeng... isn't it? Is it that Lao Yang used a pseudonym? Old man, how about you help me ask the general who was awarded the honor if he knows him..." Ge Xiaotian couldn't go on, Lao Yang's body, plus The unshaven face... looks more like an old man than an old man!

He has been able to travel in Heijiang for so many years, and he has a legendary title, so he must know Russian...

In this way, maybe he will give himself a foreign name.

What is Dianfeng xx Weiqi, what is Yang Dianfengski...

In the eyes of the old Maozi, he has become the same kind, how can he find it?

The old man on the other end of the phone was a little confused, "Who do you know?"

"Forget it, I won't look for it anymore, I have troubled you recently!"

"Small things!"

Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian began to think about how to maximize the benefits of these 'expired tanks'.

Of course, there may be a helicopter in it.

Do you want to arrange a simulated battlefield project for Xiaoqingshan?

It doesn't fit well, what we are doing is an ancient city!

"You say you're free and fine, why would you drink wine with an old man who is both true and false!"

Ge Xiaotian patted his cheek, and the phone rang suddenly.

It belongs to Xiao Lu from the Jishi Intelligence Department.


"Boss, I found out. Shunhe Trading has just submitted an import trade application of 58 million to the customs, and there is also a foreign registration fee of 30 million!"

"What is this old boy doing? Buying soybeans?"

"Um... two hundred cars!"

"Buy so much? One car model?"

"No, there are many models, all of which are brands under Ford!"

"Two hundred Ford cars, 30 million registration fees... Is He Shun going to be the fourth son?" Ge Xiaotian quickly turned on his laptop, "You inform the Purchasing Department of Auto Trade City to go to the chat room."


"Have a big promotion for the Ford brand, clear the inventory, make money if you can, and try not to lose money if you can't!"


Xiao Lu: "By the way, boss, Ford owns 30% of Jiangling, 35% of Mazda, and Jaguar..."

"JMC, Mazda, Jaguar... all sold as well!"

Purchasing Department, "Boss, is there an emergency?"

"He Shun is very likely to get the Ford 4S qualification. In order to target our mixed-brand Auto Trade City, or compete with other auto brands in our Auto Trade City, the Ford brand is likely to cut prices. In addition, you told the four automobile companies in the southeast and north Trade City, as well as Qinggang Auto Trade, clear out this kind of inventory as soon as possible!"

Purchasing Department, "Boss, shall we still sell the Ford brand?"

"Looking at the situation, if He Shun lowers the price, the Chinese market will definitely be affected, and other places will also lower the price, and then choose the right time to purchase. Moreover, the 4S store is too limited, and the construction and operation costs are much higher than ours. If Shun wants to make money, he must rely on tasks and rebates, the market price itself is low, maybe his selling price will be lower than his own purchase price... It’s a bit complicated to say, I’ll teach you how to do it later!”

Ge Xiaotian has already had countermeasures to deal with 4S.

This matter is related to Hongtu Automobile Trade. At the beginning, he exchanged the exhibition hall for the other party's shares and tested Shu Dahong secretly. He thought that if the old man was dishonest, he would fool him into engaging in 4S. Unexpectedly, he was also a real person. He handed over the business expansion of the driving school and the two auto trade cities to the other party.

Now that He Shun is going to be the fourth son, he should use the previous moves.

What move?

'We are the real ones, the 4S store is fake, they imitate, they are fakes! '

'What? Do not believe? '

‘Look at our hardware and software facilities, exhibition hall B grid, service level, and look at these separately displayed award certificates in Chinese and English, stamped high-end authorization letters, and our chain maintenance services. Does he have any 4S stores? '

'no? So, he is fake! '

As long as the customer hesitates for a month or two, He Shun will have to sell the car wholesale at a low price, or it will become a stock car, and then he will publicize it. He is not a fake, and he has become a fake in people's minds!

After all, let alone Dongshan, Huaxia only has one or two 4S stores!

In the future, many people will not understand what 4S is, let alone now?

The only trouble is that Tiancheng Auto Trade's Ford brand authorization!

If He Shun's negotiating chip with the other party is aimed at Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that Tianheng Automobile Trade will skip the first-tier dealer from one of the five high-quality dealers in China, and directly become a second-tier dealer!

Ge Xiaotian tapped on the keyboard of his laptop, "In January, how many Ford cars were sold in all our auto trade cities and showrooms?"

"Because it is the peak season, the three auto trade cities in the southeast and north, together with Tianheng, Hongtu, and Qinggang, have not been completed, but there are also sales. There are 53 exhibition halls, a total of 9,830 vehicles, and the total sales of cars are 19. 100 million. However, another 1,200 vehicles were transferred to other provinces."

"Only the Ford brand, how much market share do we have in Dongshan?"

"Over ninety percent! In addition, there are many customers from other provinces."

"Tell Qi Feifei that if Ford dares to increase the purchase price, or lower our distribution qualifications, and stop purchasing any brands under Ford next month, it is best to convert such customers to other brands."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Contact with GM's headquarters, and say, in view of the serious decline in sales of many brands under GM, our Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce wants to hold a Dongshan GM Carnival, and ask how much rebate they can give! Or, how much is the total sales over Car, how much reward is given!"

"Understand the boss!"

After arranging things, talk about the sales status of other brands.

Xiao Lu suddenly replied: "By the way, boss, He Shun's bathing city is closed!"

"Oh? Yes, the report is valid, and it has been seized?"

"No, so many of us men who work in brick kilns go to take a bath, not to mention all of them enter the pool, even if they enter five or six, the water will turn reddish brown or jet black. How can other customers have the mood to take a bath? In addition, everyone is tall and majestic, and the incident between you and Chen Feng is known all over the city. The customers are afraid of being affected, and the managers of the bathing center are also afraid of fighting, so they closed it..."

"What about the other two?"

"It's also closed. The men haven't finished washing, so naturally they have to change to another store to continue washing."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time. At eleven o'clock in the evening, "Let the men bring shovels, shovels, trowels, screwdrivers, etc., and go to the Shunhe Song and Dance Hall to sing and drive luxury cars!"

"What luxury car? White horse? Circle fork?"

"Can these luxury cars hold more than a thousand strong men?"

"Uh... so what kind of luxury car do you drive?"

"Heavy trucks, bulldozers, excavators, each worth four to five million yuan, which one is not a luxury car?"


"Don't make too much noise. Didn't we buy the Grand Canal Hotel? Let's start construction tonight and celebrate!"

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