Build Madness

Chapter 234 Old Hong's Phone

The woman in the news has a beautiful face, elegant and beautiful, and with blue ray rimless glasses, she looks like a cultural person.

But He Shun seemed to see Ge Xiaotian, that stinky and shameless guy talking endlessly to him through the TV.

First explain what 4S is, selling a car, repairing a car, putting on a film, and selling insurance!

A name that was originally quite tall, but it was said to be a low-end auto trade shop.

Moreover, all kinds of comparisons are made.

What Tianheng has a chain of after-sales service, 4S does not.

Tianheng has a refueling cashback activity, but 4S does not.

Why Tianheng has free road assistance, land and water, and will open air transportation in the future, but 4S does not.

What Tianheng customers can use all Tiancheng underground parking lots, open-air parking lots, and night-monitored parking lots for free within one year, but 4S does not.

What Tianheng customers can enjoy a 20% discount when buying a house, 4S does not have...

Why Tianheng customers can enjoy 50% off accommodation discounts and 20% off food and beverage discounts at Guyue Hotel, Hei Hotel chain hotels, Huangtai Four Stars, Steelworks Reception Office, 4S does not have...

Why does Tianheng have the largest car club in China, and regularly organizes group tours, but 4S does not have...

What Tianheng...

only you...

He Shun switched channels distractedly, just in time to see Tang Seng educating Wukong, so he raised his big foot and kicked it.


Sparks flew everywhere, a plume of smoke, and the huge office finally fell silent.


Faced with this scene, the loyal subordinate felt very guilty, "Boss, why do I feel that we were cheated by the Ford manufacturer?"

"Huh?" He Shun was stunned, furious for a moment, grabbed the remote control and threw it at it, "I'm lying to you, I studied the foreign car market according to the sales model of Tianheng Automobile Trade, and the 4S store is indeed the most advanced retail terminal at present. That’s why I discussed with Wei Changfeng. First, I spent 30 million to register the terminal store, and then paid 200 million as a deposit for the monthly sales of 20,000 vehicles. I also prepared a 100 million payment for the goods. Why do you even suspect that I run a fake shop?"

"No, boss, we have to sort it out. Look at the services of Tianheng Automobile Trade, as well as all kinds of high-end soft and hard facilities, and then look at our lonely big exhibition hall. The concept is advanced, but now we There is nothing! If Tianheng Automobile Trade insists that we are fake, even if there is a certificate from the Ford manufacturer, few people will believe that we are real."

He Shun lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath, and pulled out his bleeding right foot from the TV, " really hurts!"

"I'm going to call the doctor!"

"No need!" He Shun shuffled his feet and sat back on the sofa, "The pain makes me calm down!"

The corner of the loyal subordinate's mouth twitched, "Then what should we do?"

"The Ford manufacturer has canceled the qualifications of the five high-quality dealers of Tianheng Automobile Trade. Note that it is a cancellation, not a downgrade! In the future, they can only purchase goods from us, or Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Nandu, plus transfer transportation Fees, procurement costs have skyrocketed, but we are directly supplying prices from manufacturers, and there are rebates, discounts, rewards, what does he compare to?"

"No, boss, no matter how high their purchase price is, they can still attract customers with those services. The key is, I'm afraid that no one will believe that we are real!"

"What are you afraid of? On the seventh day of the new year, the 4S store will officially open, and the Ford manufacturer will also issue a notice, and the manufacturer will also send a team to help train employees and guide sales! They are all foreigners! Go to that stop, hang up the Ford factory work card , who doesn't believe we are real?"

"It's really a good way!"

"As for the services provided by Tianheng, won't you imitate them? He has a chamber of commerce, but we don't?"

"Boss, all our members are out of business!"

"Are you stupid? There are not many hotels, hotels, dance halls?"

"I see!"

"Intensify promotional efforts, especially for luxury car customers. Although the bathing city is closed, massage and health care cannot be stopped. How can there be no car models?" He Shun raised his head with a half-smile and raised his eyebrows at his loyal subordinates, " Understand?"

The latter suddenly realized, "Boss, your trick is really amazing!"


The millennium has a special meaning for Huaxia.

The year of the dragon, the new century, preparing for the WTO, continuing to bid for the Olympics...

The combination of many factors reveals the joy of the festival everywhere, and also shows the prosperity of the motherland.

In the early morning of New Year's Eve, the entire military region was busy.

Pasting Spring Festival couplets, hanging lanterns, making dumplings, preparing for the literary competition at noon...

Ge Xiaotian was also moved to the corridor on the third floor. Accompanied by his parents, younger sister and older brother, he enjoyed the unique way of celebrating the festival on the school grounds.

Although the distance is a bit far, you can still feel the strong flavor of the year.

"You guys go back, there are still so many things to be busy at home, if the New Year's Eve is not so lively, the neighbors in the village will think I'm dead!"

"Look at your mouth, what are you talking about during the Chinese New Year!" My mother feigned anger and twisted someone's arm, and helped peel an orange, "Let's watch the Spring Festival Gala together tonight!"

"What should I do at home? Not to mention cleaning and posting couplets, I have to go to worship the ancestors in the afternoon, right? Otherwise, my great-grandpa will miss the donkey's hooves again!"

This is no joke!

A long, long time ago, when he was about six or seven years old, the four brothers who worshiped the ancestor Ge Feng didn't bring the old man a donkey's hoof. On the night they came back, Ge Wangwang had a headache, fever, vomiting, babbled and convulsed.

Asking a doctor, taking injections and taking medicine, physical therapy, nothing works.

In the end, the sorceress who hadn't changed her job as a nun——Qigu danced in the yard, stood the egg on the mirror, chanted for a long time, and yelled, "Unfilial son, where is my donkey's hoof?"

So, Comrade Ge Feng ran to the donkey meat shop in the village overnight, bound five donkey hooves, called his three younger brothers, took him, brother Lei, Da Mao and other nephews, and went to Laolin in the dark.

If you say superstition, it must be superstition.

But after returning, Qigu picked up the mirror muttering words, dragged the eggs that did not fall over, and went for a walk outside the village. After returning, the eggs fell down.

From then on, those who have received small favors from the old man will also help to bring one or two to the ancestors in Gejia Village.

The donkey meat shop was on fire, and the old man was quiet. This strange thing has not happened again for more than ten years.

Comrade Ge Feng was confused when he heard the old man, "Then I will go back with your brother later."

"Let's all go back. The next morning, we have to wander around the village. In previous years, our family has become rich. If we don't go, we might attract some gossip. direction of development."

Mom patted the back of Ge Xiaotian's hand, "It's okay, just let your dad and brother do the work, Mom and Sanni will accompany you!"

"Mom, you are an elder. There are many people who will kowtow to you in the New Year tomorrow morning and ask for red envelopes. You also have to pay homage to the 'Grandma Tian' (Queen Mother). How can you not be at home? Go back. The doctor said that the observation period is over, and the brain No problem, you can be transferred to our Qingshan Hospital on the fifth day of the new year, and you can stay with me for as long as you want!"

"Hey, Xiaoqingshan is fully open at noon on the first day of the new year, and the Tiancheng Canteen is also open for operation. Tours are free, and the more people there are, the more meals there will be. How can I have time to talk to you then!"

"Since you're so busy, let's go back. We've been together in the past years. What can we do if we lose one year? Let's go..."

After persuading him for a long time, he finally persuaded the family of four to leave. Just as Ge Xiaotian was relieved, the phone rang suddenly.

An extremely unfamiliar number, look at the area code, it's from abroad.


"Oh my god, it's me, come and save me!"

"Old Hong?"

Ever since he knew that Lao Hong was sailing back, Ge Xiaotian hadn't paid attention to this matter. When he first received a call from the other party, he subconsciously opened the system map.

On the black and white map, a twisted white line stretches from the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean. After arriving in Hawaii, it turns north and enters the Bering Sea. Then it bypasses the Kamchatka Peninsula along the coastline, and finally ends in Okho. Landing at the northern tip of Tsk.

How amazing it is!

What did Lao Hong and the others do here?

Look at the status of Tianwei, healthy!

"What's wrong?"

"We were caught by Maozi, and an oil tanker with a load of 20,000 tons was seized!"

"A 20,000-ton oil tanker? Isn't it a cruise ship?"

"Oil tanker, if it is the broken cruise ship from before, can it cross the Pacific Ocean?"


Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, feeling very worried.

This old guy was captured by Mao Zi, and it's useless to find me. Do you really think that the young master's strong man has already dominated the world?

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