Build Madness

Chapter 235 Old Yang Returns

No matter how unreliable Lao Hong is, he is his own employee after all and must be rescued.

Since the other party can make a call, it also proves that Lao Maozi didn't play the real game right away, and there is still room for things to turn around.

Otherwise, with the bang, Lao Hong would definitely be buried in a foreign land, so how could he have time to ask for help?

However, Ge Xiaotian didn't understand, why did this guy go to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? !

"what happened?"

"Boss, it's a bit complicated to say, just wait, I'll send some boxes of Cuban cigars to Lao Maozi."

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

for a long time.

"Boss, 30 million Franklin is too much. I thought about it carefully. Even if more than 50 scientific researchers take turns and deposit them in major banks in batches, it will alert the Federal Reserve. It's very troublesome to eat black and eat black."

"Nonsense, if it is as simple as imagined, I will let you throw it away?"

"So, I finally decided, take the suitcase out of North America!"


"Actually, it's not as difficult as I imagined. We bought 2.5 million Franklin from the Remote Control System Research Institute, which is legal. Now North American ocean trading companies are all replacing 60,000 tons, 160,000 tons, or even 300,000 tons. A supertanker with a displacement of 30,000 tons, a self-weight of 7,000 tons, and a cargo capacity of 23,000 tons is gradually being eliminated. We can buy a dilapidated second-hand cargo. These days, dozens of A car is fine, so what about a few suitcases?"


"Of course, the operation is also very cumbersome. I entrusted the daughter of the old leader, a researcher of Xiangjiang University and the Institute of Remote Control Systems, to register an offshore trading company in the British Virgin, and then buy oil tankers in Los Angeles in the name of the company. , Go through various procedures, and when you arrive in Taiwan, find an agency company to complete the unnecessary transaction, and finally sell the tanker, and find any bank, such as HSBC or Standard Chartered, who can deposit 30 million Franklin in the name of trade funds. into an offshore company account.”


After listening to the narration, Ge Xiaotian finally understood the old guy's intentions.

Offshore Company!

This is a special company registered in some offshore financial centers, such as the British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Bahamas and other islands, and cannot operate in the place of registration.

There are no local taxes on such companies, and only a small annual management fee is charged.

All major international banks recognize such companies and provide convenience for them to set up bank accounts and financial operations. It has three characteristics: high confidentiality, tax reduction and exemption, and no foreign exchange control.

The purpose of such companies is definitely to promote transactions and develop the economy of the place of registration, but most of them are reduced to "money milling" tools.

In other words, if this method is used, there will definitely be troubles in the future.

Ge Xiaotian threw away the cigarette butt, and said in a muffled voice: "Old Hong, our Tiancheng is a formal enterprise, we don't want the money, we don't want the tanker, come back soon!"

"Boss, I want to go back now, but I was caught by Maozi. No matter how good the plan is, it won't work now!"

"Eh..." After talking on the phone for so long, Ge Xiaotian almost forgot the purpose of Lao Hong's call, "By the way, why did you go to the Far East of Ice Bear again?"

"Everything went smoothly. I detoured to Los Angeles, successfully passed the customs inspection, and rushed to Hawaii along the established route. I made some supplies and prepared to sail to Taiwan Province in one go. However, when passing through the waters of Midway Island, this dilapidated oil tanker did not know what happened. What's crazy, all the equipment is out of order, and the sailors in charge of the voyage are scientific researchers. How can they know so much now, and it happened to be cloudy and rainy, so no one paid attention to this until everyone felt that the weather was getting colder and colder? I found something was wrong. It took two days to find a spare nautical chart from the box and chest, and when I saw the frozen continent, needless to say, I knew that I was almost at the North Pole!"

"God damn the North Pole, that's the Bering Sea!"

"Ah? Boss, how do you know?"

"From the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean, you must pass through the Bering Strait. The geographical location there is special. It is estimated that the sea is full of ice now!"

"Indeed, I even have some doubts, along the ice, you can walk from Asia to North America!"

"Nonsense, this place..." Ge Xiaotian suddenly held his mouth and swallowed the words "the future is open to traffic", "What happened next?"

"When we found a frozen continent, we must turn around. Fortunately, we found the position of the oil tanker and found the corresponding nautical chart. We walked and stopped along the coastline with fear, and gradually entered the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Look at the outline on the nautical chart. , it seems to be very close to Northeast China, after discussing with the scientific research personnel, we immediately decided to find a similar 'natural port' to dock!"

"Well, what then?"

"Then we foolishly drove into Maozi Military Port."

"???" "Are you lame?"

"No, there are only two small warships buried in heavy snow in this harbor. A dozen Maozi are all huddled in a wooden house to warm up and play cards. From the outside, there is no sign of any human activities. When the oil tanker entered the naval port, Maozi They ran out one after another when they noticed the movement, and cheered for a long time when they saw the tanker, and in the end, they might feel that they had misidentified the ship.”


"It's a mistake. It's not their supply ship. Fortunately, they didn't shoot directly. They just came up to search, took two boxes of biscuits and a box of Cuban cigars, let us all stay on the ship, and notify our company as soon as possible. , didn’t say anything about fines, or anything else!”

"I'm afraid I want to confirm whether you are spies or not?"

"Guess so!"

Ge Xiaotian felt a bit tricky, he was caught by Maozi at sea, maybe he could be said to be lost, but if he went to his military port, you can say he was lost...

What a fool!

"Yo? What are you doing, frowning?"

While meditating, an old man dressed in unlined clothing and a leather jacket with sleeves half rolled up walked up the corridor.

"Old Yang?"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, today is New Year's Eve, February 4th in the Gregorian calendar.

Eight or nine days have passed since I got drunk on the 27th.

Just now I was thinking about how to contact this master, but I didn't expect him to kill him back.

"When did you come back?"

"I rushed over to take a look as soon as I got off the plane. Look at you. This arm, this leg... From now on, don't drive after drinking!"

"Where are you going, who do you always hear about me drinking and driving? It's just an accident!"

"Tsk tsk!" Lao Yang put down his gift with disbelief on his face, and took out two contracts from his pocket, "Look?"

"Purchasing list of decommissioned tanks and aircraft? We have negotiated so soon?"

"How is it possible, this is just something that Maozi can sell to you. After the selection is complete, you need to list the detailed usage, activity area, remittance method, etc. of these things in the name of the company! For example, if you travel, visit It is still driving, which part of the function is reserved, and which area is placed. For filming, do you need to dismantle the smoke bombs, brakes, and communication equipment... and then apply to Dongshan Police Department, Military Department, and related departments one by one, which is troublesome! "

"Forget it, I won't buy it!"

"Hey, it's you who drank too much to fool me? I ran around in the ice and snow for two or three days, or I'd be back long ago!" Although Mr. Yang complained, he threw the contract into the trash can indifferently. Gently flicking someone's broken leg in a plaster cast, "When will it be healed?"

"It's early!"

At this time, Lao Hong's heart-piercing cry came from the receiver: "Boss, don't bother chatting, I'm still here!"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian looked at his phone, then at Lao Yang, "Do you know the guy from the Okhotsk Sea?"

"I don't know, what's the matter?"

"That's right, our company..." Ge Xiaotian quickly narrated the ins and outs of Lao Hong's going abroad.

"They are in charge of the border defense of the Far East, and they have nothing to do with the navy, army, or air force. And the Sea of ​​Okhotsk...wait a minute!"

Lao Yang frowned and thought for a while, "The Sea of ​​Okhotsk should belong to Magadan State. At the party after the award ceremony, I seemed to have chatted with their governor. A humorous middle-aged man said that he wanted to open up a free economic zone. If you want to invite me to do fur, metal, and crude oil business there...and if you want to go to the Magadan Free Economic Zone, merchant ships must pass through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk."

"If you call the governor, tell me that Lao Hong is a merchant ship sent by our company, lost in the wind and snow, maybe..." Lao Yang said, touching his pockets, rummaging through his trouser pockets, "Before boarding the plane, the business card may have diarrhea. Use it to wipe your ass."


Ge Xiaotian signaled Tianwei to fetch his notebook, and quickly searched the free economic zone.

In order to develop the economy and expand foreign trade, a certain country has designated a certain area in an appropriate domestic area and implemented special preferential policies such as exemption from customs control and tax reduction.

The foreign means of production and raw materials entering the region do not need to go through any customs procedures, and the imported products can be processed in the region and re-exported without any intervention by the customs.

In this way, there should be no special meaning for Ice Bear Jungang to ask Lao Hong to contact the company.

"Hey, found it!"

Lao Yang took out a crumpled yellow card from the right pocket of his leather jacket, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, chattering in Russian.

Ge Xiaotian was too lazy to switch the language system, and continued to inquire about various details from Lao Hong.

Suddenly, Lao Yang hung up the phone.

"It's broken. The governor of Magadan said that the weather is severe and the seaport in the free economic zone is frozen. It will not be opened to the public until June and July! The navy should be the one who seized the tanker. They saw the North American logo engraved on the tanker. During this period He broke into the military port by mistake, and nine times out of ten he took Lao Hong as a spy!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Yang pointed to the mobile phone, gestured, and mouthed: ‘There is a high possibility of being monitored over there. '

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, reached out to grab the purchase list that Lao Yang had thrown into the trash can, and switched the language system, "We are Sancha Township Tiancheng Construction Co., Ltd., and we have reported to the Far East Federal Border Service as early as last week. A trade application for the purchase of decommissioned tanks and planes with a total value of 60 million red notes was submitted, and the tanker of our company that you are now impounding is a special agent who went to purchase Mi-26 in person, and the transaction place is in the Magadan Free Trade Zone!"

"You don't need to go to Magadan. There is only one plane there, and it is not for sale, but our navy has many, many!" Lao Hong's voice was covered, and a thick voice came from the receiver.

It seems that the communicator handed over to Lao Hong has already switched the communication frequency band.

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