Build Madness

Chapter 236 New Year's Eve

The Mi-26 is a twin-engine multi-purpose transport helicopter, and it is also the heaviest and largest helicopter currently in service in the world.

Equipped with weather radar, Doppler system, map display, horizontal position indicator, automatic hovering system, communication and navigation system, etc., it can fully meet the needs of all-weather flight.

The cargo space is huge, and it can carry two infantry armored vehicles and a 20-ton standard container. The top is equipped with guide rails and two electric winches, and the lifting quality is five tons.

Crew of five (pilot, co-pilot, navigator, flight engineer, flight instructor)

The length is 40 meters, the rotor radius is 32 meters, and the height is 8.1 meters.

The empty weight is 28 tons, and the maximum take-off weight is 56 tons.

The maximum flying speed is 295km/h.

The practical ceiling is 4,600 meters.

The voyage can reach 1,920 kilometers with four auxiliary fuel tanks.

Very strong!

Especially the fuel consumption of the two engines is about 2.5 tons per hour, which is equivalent to 3,000 liters. According to the fuel price in the millennium, 5,500 yuan will be lost after flying for one hour.

As for the export price, 10 million Franklins, or 84 million red notes!

Well, that was a quote from ten years ago.

"How much is it?"

"How much do you want? How much can you give?"

Hearing the impatient answer from the naval listener, Ge Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Hong and the others should be in no danger for the time being.

The only trouble is that purchasing Mi-26s is very different from wholesale 'junk'.

This belongs to the new machine transaction, or the reselling of second-hand refurbished machines, not the scrap iron series.

Can the Navy call the shots?

Or is the navy going to 'sell it secretly to buy wine'?

And, what is the current export price? Up, or down?

Ge Xiaotian flipped through his notebook to find relevant information.

Mi-26 is divided into multiple models, just like the game version, the more updates, the more functions.

The first generation required five people to drive, and the old model is now priced at less than seven million Franklins.

Afterwards, the PP version with enhanced electronic equipment and an early warning control system, the A version with PNK-90 integrated flight control and navigation system, the A version that can automatically approach and land at the designated location, and the medical rescue MS version, all cost a thousand Wan Franklin.

The latest one, the two-person T2 version, is up to twelve million Franklins.

Of course, if you sell old models, there must be a shit-stirring stick.

for example:

Polar Bear sold two first-generation models, each priced at 6.5 million Franklins.

Harbin Bear is even publicly selling, five first-generation models, packaged and processed, 30 million Franklin.

Wu Xiong even uploaded a large number of photos of the Mi-26 being dismantled, with various rusty and tattered parts randomly thrown around the airport.

It is conservatively estimated that there are more than 30 planes!

You are awesome!

Wait until I buy a transport plane, load it with instant noodles and find you for an aircraft carrier!

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the stubble on his chin, picked up the mobile phone that was not hung up, and replied in Russian: "Mi-26A, one for five million, I want four!"

"Five million?! What a bad offer, shit, fuck it! SELL!"

After hearing the previous words of complaints, Ge Xiaotian was planning to haggle over the price.

In business, the two parties are unfamiliar, so there must be exchanges.

I'll offer five million, you'll offer nine million, let's talk about seven million, won't the deal be settled?

However, Ge Xiaotian almost couldn't react when he heard the last two words.



this feeling...

Am I overquoting? !

"Red notes?!"

"This terrible call, I suspect I'm sleeping, who the hell called me up?!"

"Hey, wait, Mr. Navy, it's Franklin!"

"Oh, it's a good thing you didn't mention rubles, otherwise, I really suspect that the tanker is full of spies!"

"Sorry, just kidding. By the way, Mr. Navy, you are not going to sell me scrap iron and aluminum, are you? I still want to drive this big guy to transport goods!"

"What we sell are not toys, but airplanes, big guys! Besides, for such a complicated operating system, we have to notify the manufacturer to prepare pilots, instructors, and flight engineers for you. If it is a scrap plane, wouldn't I be in trouble? ?”

"That's a happy cooperation!"

"I'm not happy at all!"

"To make you happy, is there a small transport helicopter? It's lighter, it's used for medical emergencies, and it can be parked as long as there is an open space!"

"Yes, there must be, there are many, why don't you come to our Navy Aviation Department to visit?!"

"Haha, forget it, my company's personnel are all over there, just let them go!"


The purchase of Mi-26A from the Far East Navy is destined not to be the latest model produced by the helicopter company.

Moreover, according to different purposes (large and small Qingshan fire rescue, Qingshan Hospital first aid, Tianheng road rescue, Tiancheng construction heavy machinery transportation), the models provided by the Far East Navy are also different.

However, I learned from Lao Yang that the reason Maozi was in a hurry to sell was because...the Far East Navy hadn't paid wages for half a year!

And the Far East Air Force, the MiG fighter pilot, went on a hunger strike!

There are many reasons why it is so downcast.

For example, after the disintegration of Mao Xiong, the Great Depression of the Ice Bear economy was triggered, and then the ruble collapsed, the first car battle was lost, and the second car battle started again...

In any case, Lao Hong can almost return to China this time.

To be on the safe side, Ge Xiaotian filled out the scrapped tank order, and invited Lao Yang, who had just gotten off the plane and whose chair was not yet warm, to go to the Ice Bear Far East again.

Moreover, he also brought some gifts to the border officers of Ice Bear Far East.

There are so many suitcases, just take a few stacks and throw them over, I guess they will be happy to help.

In addition to the scrapped tank order, the two parties can be regarded as 'acquaintances'.

"Old Yang, I'm counting on you this time!"

"Hey, I'm born to be exhausted, haha, just kidding, I'll go there first!"

"Bon voyage, when you come back, Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, your new home, will take care of you!"

Lao Yang was stunned, laughed dumbly, cupped his hands, and strode away.

When the matter came to an end, Ge Xiaotian also heaved a sigh of relief.

Like four Mi-26s, several light transport helicopters purchased later, and how scrapped tanks will enter the customs, let the Tianheng procurement department submit the import and export trade application, and don’t worry about the others. After all, all these things need the military department and the police department Check.

As for 30 million Franklin, with the help of Lao Yang's fur company in the Far East, it shouldn't be a problem. At worst, it will be written as a foreign investment in Tiancheng by the offshore company of the British Virgin Islands.

Foreign businessmen!

These days, the Internet has not yet become popular, who would take the time to check the source of its funds? !

Even if you want to check, how can you check?

Just like the international certificates of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce that look very tall, the login URL can be found, but can it be said that it is real?

And those few real certificates can't be found on the website at all...

Therefore, the millennium learns computer, and it is really profitable!

Ge Xiaotian began to agree with the major chosen by the younger sister.

He picked up his mobile phone and contacted the Y2K team that was merged into the Tiancheng Propaganda Department.

"Hey, Xiao Liu, last time you said that you know the boss of the Hawk Alliance? The annual salary is 100,000. Help me dig it out. How many can I dig? I've been bored recently, and I suddenly want to play legend!"

"Boss, what is the legend?"

"A game, attacking the sand, burning pigs, Wal-Mart, ruling... They can fight against North American hackers. It shouldn't be a problem to crack the source code of a not-so-famous game, right?"

"This... I have to ask!"

"Ask what to ask, dig it out first, and then talk. If it doesn't work, study Audition, go-kart..."


Millennium Eve was a blast.

The phone kept ringing, and I hardly watched the Spring Festival Gala.

The employees in the company are okay. Brother Hao, Xiao Huang, Lao Sun, Qi Feifei and others are just paying New Year's greetings, and they just chat with the guilty Brother Li for more promotions in the coming year!

Partners are very troublesome.

Lao Qin reckoned that selling ducks made a lot of money, chattering, thinking about the future, saying that this year he would spread the store all over Dongshan, urging Tiancheng to develop quickly.

The Li brothers didn't say anything, but they didn't talk much about clothing brands, leather shoe brands, belt brands, which part followed the 'car building' plan, and which part developed independently. This time, they simply chatted for a few minutes.

Director Shang is very worried that Xiaoqingshan will be fully open and free to play during the Spring Festival, for fear that all the ancient costumes that have been made with great difficulty will be stolen.

Shu Dahong of Hongtu Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. was very indignant at the cancellation of authorization by the Ford manufacturer, and said that he would visit four other dealers in the coming year to try to minimize the threat of Shunhe Commercial 4S stores to Tianheng, Hongtu and other auto trade cities.

Regarding this, Ge Xiaotian just smiled, can he use conventional means to fight against the fourth son?

I say it's fake, it is fake!

It's officially proven to be fake!

Therefore, as long as the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce continues to grow, unless the Ford manufacturer goes crazy and builds a 4S in an urban area, or just relying on Shunhe business, it will not work at all!

Afterwards, Elder Yang's grandson, Lin Yang's nephew, called. He didn't care about the cancellation of the Ford brand authorization, and kept urging the "car building" plan to be implemented as soon as possible.

East District Auto Trade, South District Auto Trade, Qinggang Auto Trade, Furniture City, Sun Paper, Taishi Steelmaking, Civil Engineering College...

All the partners are calling, and Ge Xiaotian naturally has to call many leaders.

For example, Secretary Ma of Sancha Township, Ma Suo, leaders of Xiangxian County, Li Suo, leaders of Ji City, Shaobaitou, Bureau Sun, Dongshan Yuzong, the boss of Petrochemical...

The military area did not set off whips, but the phone calls became more and more noisy, and in the end Ge Xiaotian simply stopped calling.

Sleep in a daze until dawn.

Li Xiuxiu walked into the ward with the ceramic pot in her arms, "I made a pot of chicken soup just in time!"

"The first day of the new year, what is this called? Good luck, chicken this morning?"

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