Build Madness

Chapter 242 Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

The sixth day of the Lunar New Year is February 10th in the Gregorian calendar.

Ge Xiaotian handled the transfer.

Accompanied by a military doctor, he first arrived at Taishi Port by car, then took a boat to East Lake, then passed through the sluice, lay in a sled, dragged by a snowmobile, and went straight to Xiaoqingshan along the frozen river.

Looking at the flat and vast ice surface, Ge Xiaotian had an idea and called Director Shang.

Test the river ice and, if it's safe, host a spectacular bobsleigh race and ice skating race, respectively!

The scope, the entire Dongshan!

One week of registration time, two days of competition time, and the Lantern Festival has just ended.

As for the rewards, those two pure gold fitness balls from the distant third uncle!

I don't know what the old man is thinking, he walks around with a two-pound load every day, no, the tendon sheath of the right wrist joint is worn out, and a cyst is caused. Conservative treatment is not enough, and the cyst needs to be surgically removed and then closed for treatment...

The ball couldn't be played anymore, so he sold it to Master Qi. After playing for two days, Master Qi also went to the hospital.

The third master didn't believe in evil, so he made a bet with the second master in the shooting range that the two of them didn't go to the hospital, but put on wrist guards.

Ge Xiaotian feels that these two balls are the scourge, in case the old village chief and Da Liu can't help it...

So, melt it quickly.

Get two trophies and let the branch work.


Arriving at Xiaoqingshan, the crowd was crowded and noisy, and a smell of burning incense came to the nostrils.

During the Spring Festival, the development zone was fully open, and the ticket revenue was zero, but the turnover of catering, clothing, books, collectibles, traditional crafts, opera and martial arts performances, etc., exceeded 30 million!

For a scenic spot with an average daily turnover of 500,000 yuan, this is simply an astronomical figure!

Accounting and accounting profit points, a conservative estimate of 70%!

In other words, just on the first day of the new year, almost all the merchants in Xiaoqingshan Market earned 20,000 yuan!

This money is nothing in the future.

It is said that in a certain snack street in Beijing, a meat skewer stall of less than two square meters can make a profit of one million every day from the first to the sixth day of the new year.

But this is Xiaoqingshan!

Township residents have limited spending power, and usually save money on food and expenses. Even if the number of passengers reaches 100,000, the average consumption will be 300 yuan!

Uh... three hundred yuan doesn't seem like much.

The laborers have been away from home for a whole year, and they finally get together with their families and children. Although they would buy clothes a year ago, but when they encounter such a lively scene, there are delicious, delicious, fun, and beautiful things...

It's like playing a free game. It seems that you don't spend money, but you actually spend more.

Gao Song saw the movement here and hurried over.

"Boss, you are back!"

"How did the movie go?" Ge Xiaotian had always thought about becoming a director, but unfortunately things always backfired.

"The attack and defense of the ancient city, the battle on the plain, the raid on the mountain road, and the interaction of the characters have been filmed. The next step is to rush to Zhangye to shoot scenes in the desert and the earth city!"

"Then let's go. Although the special effects are saved, we can't save on the number of people. Hire more extras!"

"Actually, the main problem is the war horses. The war horses we have domesticated are very obedient. They run and walk neatly. It looks extremely spectacular. But when we rent war horses over there, the effect is probably not as good as it is now."

"Then bring the horse over there!"

"Isn't it too troublesome? During the Spring Festival travel season, the trains are not transported. If you use a car to transport it, it will travel thousands of kilometers. You will have to eat and drink, and if something happens to the horses along the way..."

"Use an airplane!"


Gao Song took a deep breath, "Boss, will Civil Aviation help us check the war horse?"

"Are you stupid? Or haven't you been in the corporate website chat room recently?"

"I'm so busy that I can't get away, so I don't have time to chat."

"Sometimes, no matter how busy we are at work, we still have to check the company's news. For example, we bought dozens of tanks from Ice Bear, and four Mi-26 heavy transport aircraft! One can transport 20 tons, and one war horse is one ton. Heavy, four Mi-26s, two or three trips back and forth can transport all two hundred war horses there, it’s nothing more than Tianyu needs to pay for gas!”

Hearing dozens of tanks, Gao Song was a little confused, and subconsciously asked, "How much is the gas?"

"Six hundred thousand!"


"It's about 1,400 kilometers from our place to Zhangye. That thing can fly 300 kilometers per hour, and consumes 60,000 to 7,000 fuel. It costs 60,000 yuan for one trip, 240,000 yuan for four planes, and three flips. , 600,000 is not enough, at least 700,000 is needed!"


Seeing him stunned, Ge Xiaotian signaled Tianwei to carry him away, "By the way, Gao Song, help me buy a wheelchair!"

"Ah? Good! How about an electric one?"



On the afternoon of the sixth day of the lunar new year, the engines of the Canal Development Zone roared, and construction machinery worth hundreds of millions were all undergoing maintenance and debugging.

Dongshan Petrochemical even dispatched ten oil tank trucks to enter various construction sites in turn.

This is not to help, but to rub the heat.

Foundation laying ceremonies were held in turn for six or seven projects. The leaders of Dongshan and Jishi were all present. How could media from all walks of life be missing?

When the time comes, the oil tanker will move into the mechanical group, and the guests and the audience in front of the TV will see, oh, Tian Cheng actually used petrochemical!

Those who work on the construction site are all based on the principle of saving what they can in terms of fuel. If someone takes the lead, others will naturally follow the trend... Talk to Petrochemical, won't the business come?

For this reason, Dongshan Petrochemical paid the ten tanks of fuel oil!

Eighty tons, about 130,000 red notes.

However, with so many rear eight wheels, excavators, and bulldozers, it is estimated that the energy consumption will be exhausted in one morning.


The movement of the Canal Development Zone and the news that Tiancheng will hold various foundation laying ceremonies next year have already reached He Shun's ears.

eight pm.

Ji City, Shunhe Commercial Building General Manager's Office.

"The person surnamed Ge must know about the opening of our 4S store on the seventh day of the new year! Six projects were lined up from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm, and none of the important leaders came to our place to attend the opening ceremony!" The loyal subordinates were furious.

He Shun held his cigar and ignored it.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets for a long time, I couldn't find a cigar cutter, and finally took a toothpick to poke the round end of the cigar.

After igniting it, he clicked twice, put the elephant leg that was plugged into the TV, was not treated in time, but was accidentally poisoned and inflamed, and had a large circle of swelling on the coffee table, pointing to his hands and saying:

"You can say anything, don't mention him to me!"

"Uh... then shall we?"

"I was also very worried at first. Tiancheng has so many projects to hold foundation stone laying ceremonies. If one day is scheduled for the Lantern Festival, the opening of our 4S store may be postponed until the end of the month, and the loss is immeasurable. But now it seems that Ge... ah Bah! He is such an idiot, holding a handful of good cards, he threw them all out in one go. Business wars are not fighting landlords. Without the cards in his hand, how can he suppress the 4S shop? They worked so hard years ago The advantage, once tomorrow is over, it will be gone in an instant!"

"Boss, do you mean to postpone the opening of 4S?"

"That's right! The leaders of the seventh day of the lunar new year are all in Tiancheng, and the foundation laying ceremony lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon. It is estimated that they will not be able to return to Jifu at night. We will hold the opening ceremony on the eighth day of the first day. It just so happens that all the major radio stations and radio stations will be taken over. , the newspaper office, and all of them, this matter will be done!"


"Oh!" He Shun sighed, "I thought he was an opponent, but now it seems that's the case!"

"Boss, you are better at chess!"

"By the way, the irresponsible security guards in the dance hall, things are arranged?"

"Arrangements have been made. Tomorrow, we will drag white banners and carry 'corpses' to make trouble!"

"Remember, things must become big, and it's best to mess up the foundation laying ceremony!"



In the early morning of the seventh day, Ge Xiaotian was woken up by a phone call.

Crescent Square Office, the new manager of the publicity department.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, on the way to work today, an employee riding a motorcycle crashed into a birch tree in the roadside green belt and died on the spot!"

"What?!" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

"The family members of the deceased came to the square with white banners to make trouble. I planned to take Tianwei to invite people to the office for a chat, but the other party did not agree. The negative impact of... this matter..."

"What does the other party want?"

"It's strange to say that when I communicated with them, they didn't ask for anything, they just cried and called the name of the deceased."

"what is it call?"

"Hu Liutiao!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian frowned, turned on his laptop, and entered three words into the ERP system: 'No query results obtained'

"Has the identity information of the more than 10,000 new employees been entered into the system?"

"Back to the boss, it has been entered years ago, including bank account number, identity certificate, home address, employee number, etc."

"Does the other party have a job number?"


Ge Xiaotian entered again, but still found no results, "I suspect that this nonsense is not our employee, and his name and job number are all made up!"

"This..." The manager of the propaganda department didn't understand anything, and suddenly realized: "Are they playing tricks?"

"Have you seen any reporters around?"

"Yes, several, Jiangnan Radio, Jiangnan Broadcasting, Jiangnan Newspaper..."

"This group of people is quite cheap, carrying a dead man... Wait, there is a telescope in the drawer of my office as a gift from the county leader. See if the 'dead man' is moving!"


"hurry up!"

There was a burst of noise, "Boss, his stomach is rising and falling, he should still be breathing!"

"You let the ambulance on standby in Xingyue Bay pull that 'dead man' to me, Qingshan Hospital! Tell the doctor, go directly to the operating room, and say that you are still alive, emergency, ICU!"


"If there is an appendix, cut the appendix. If there is no appendix, the operation time will be delayed for at least five hours. By the way, all the radio stations and reporters from the surrounding cities will be invited to show the strength of our Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in saving lives and healing the wounded!"

"Old...boss, I...I seem to understand!"

"Then why don't you go soon?"

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