Build Madness

Chapter 243 The Electric Wheelchair: The News From Chen Feng

Seven is very lucky.

Before the Spring Festival, nearly a thousand strong men drove a 'luxury' convoy to raid the dance hall, and he, the security manager, took the lead in running away.

I thought he would be severely punished, but he didn't expect that Boss He not only let the past go, but also arranged a good job for him alone:

Carrying a dead man, on the day of the foundation laying ceremony of Tiancheng's major projects, there will be a commotion!

Regardless of success or failure, five thousand red notes are in hand!

For Qitiao, this matter is simply as easy as pie.

Before working as a security guard, extorting people was his main business!

However, the purpose of going to Crescent Square this time is not to extort money, but to cause trouble.

If you want to make things big, the best way is to fake the show and do it for real!

But if he really dug up a corpse from Lao Lin and carried it over, he might be caught halfway.

Lisuo in Xiangxian County is famous far and wide!

Therefore, Qitiao thought about it and decided to go to battle in person!

He had done a lot of work in the past to 'instigate rebellion' and moved bricks, and he also had some understanding of Tiancheng's enterprise system.

First make up a job number, then make up a fake name, and then find a printing company to imitate Tiancheng's work card.

Normally he wouldn't dare to do this, but the surname Ge recruited tens of thousands of employees a year ago, and the company's HR department might not be able to tell the real from the fake based on just a roster.

In order to be more realistic, Qitiao killed another rooster to collect a bowl of blood, poured the steaming liquid on his head, stroked his hair, and looked in the mirror...

Who dares to say that I am fake? !

Afterwards, the stretcher was set up, the bed was covered with quilts, the head was covered, and the feet were bound. The younger brothers cried and cried according to the procedure, while he held his breath and was responsible for pretending to be dead.

However, the more you want to lower your breathing rate, the faster your breathing becomes.

at this time.

The sound of the ambulance approached from far away.

The next moment, a big cold hand pinched his neck quickly, accurately and ruthlessly.

"There is still help!"

Before Qitiao could respond, his mouth was suddenly blocked by an oxygen mask.

The people outside the quilt raised and lowered their hands, as if they were carrying a stretcher.

Hello? !

I'm so dead, what are you doing with wool?

Qijo couldn't bear it anymore, lifted the quilt, and struggled to jump off.

The onlookers who were eating melons cried out in surprise when they saw the resurrection of the corpse.

The crying little brothers stopped abruptly, shouting and cursing angrily, preparing to snatch someone.

But the white coat is all Tianwei's disguise, how can the other party succeed, hold down the seven bars, cover the oxygen mask, and shout: "The patient is seriously injured, the pain is unbearable, and he is unconscious. Dosage!!!"

Taking advantage of the confusion, another Tianwei suddenly swung his knife.

Qitiao rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Very good, the potion is very accurate!"


Qijo slept soundly.

When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found himself lying in the ward.

Looking left and right dumbfounded, the three red letters at the door are particularly eye-catching: ICU!

"What's wrong with me?"

"Congratulations, you survived!"


What the hell happened? !

outside the ward.

Countless reporters followed suit, and some even started recording directly.

"After five hours of rescue, Hu Liutiao, who was diagnosed by the **X Hospital as being invalid and died, was finally out of danger..."

"The patient's family has arrived at Qingshan Hospital, let us interview his old father's current mood."

"Great sadness and great joy!" A group performer with Qitiao three-point portrait wiped away tears, and was shocked to find that the makeup was smeared, and quickly covered his face, and said sadly: "What a crime, I usually tell him to slow down when riding a motorcycle. , slow down, I didn't expect it to happen...Thanks to Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is she who gave me hope...brought a new life to my child...brought me the courage to live!"

'He is not my father! ! ! '

Hearing the heart-piercing shouts outside, the Qitiao in the ward suddenly exploded.

It's a pity that he wears an oxygen mask on his mouth and a fixed lock on his body...


After receiving the details of what happened, Ge Xiaotian almost laughed out loud.

Originally, the doctor who had just graduated from the medical school was going to perform a minor operation on this Mr. Hu Liutiao, but the hospital had just been established, and the plasma had not been collected on a large scale, and the stock was very limited, so it couldn't be wasted on this guy.

I had to give him some sedatives and let him sleep for a few hours.

The reporters are all invited, so there can be no publicity, right?

Arrange a potential group performer, let's go!

"Boss, what about this man?"

"In the dead of night, let him clean the hospital toilet and the mortuary. After seven days, he will be discharged from the hospital. When the time comes, let the group performer, no, his old father, pick him up in a donkey cart and send him to Nanwa. Let's build kilns together with his little brothers!"


The doctor had just left when Gao Song walked in pushing an electric wheelchair.

"Boss, try?"

"Hey, it looks pretty solid!"

"That is, the frame is made of the fiber-reinforced metal matrix composite material that Daoyi and the others have just researched, such as carbon or silicon, even if it is hit on a tank at a speed of 50 miles, this thing will be slightly deformed at most. The leather is made of ours. Local specialty, the top layer of Luxi yellow cattle has natural pores and skin texture, feels plump, soft, and elastic. Equipped with a high-power air motor, although there is some noise, it has variable speed, explosion-proof, radiation-proof, electromagnetic high-temperature protection , non-burning and other characteristics, suitable for harsh working environments, and can work normally under adverse conditions such as flammable, explosive, high temperature, vibration, and humidity."

"Wait! Why do I need such a function?"

"It's safe!"

"I'll use it for two months at most, and you've even added radiation protection, explosion protection, and fire protection?"

"Just in case!"


"The battery is a lithium-ion rechargeable battery produced by BYD, our mobile power supply equipment partner on the construction site. It is equipped with a waterproof and dustproof protective cover, and it will never explode."

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help touching the wheelchair, "Why do I feel a little nervous about sitting on this thing?"

"It's okay boss, Chen Feng has tried it for a week, and there is nothing wrong with it!"


"At present, there are four operation buttons, steering, forward, backward, brake\\start, etc. The remote control system research institute has been established, and the joystick and handle can be used instead, and automatic folding will be added in the future..."

"No introduction needed!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

Although he did not participate in the foundation laying ceremony, as the boss of Tiancheng, with so many important leaders present today, it seemed unreasonable not to show his face.

"Li Hu, go to the food stall to get something to eat, and tell the master chef, first fry the eggs, then stir-fry the loofah and tomatoes, then add an onion, pour some Mita, simmer for two minutes, smash two garlic cloves, put the eggs Pour it in, add half a bowl of boiled water Gulu Gulu. Set up another pot, boil half a catty of dry noodles, rinse with cold water, and then stir the cold noodles into the vegetables!"

"What the hell kind of food is this?" Before finishing talking about the electric wheelchair, Gao Song was a little bit unsatisfied, and when he heard the big boss talking about the recipe, he started to rant without hesitation.

It's an open secret in the company that a certain person cooks badly!

"Hehe!" Ge Xiaotian carefully moved onto the wheelchair, and smiled coldly, "Student Huang lacks an assistant, go and help me!"

"I don't understand human affairs!"

"It's okay, you know how to dig out the pigsty?"

"..." When did he go?

After driving Gao Song away, Ge Xiaotian ran out of the ward in a wheelchair.

Hey, don't say it, it's fun!

Steering, forward, backward, braking...

The speed is fast and stable, with a strong sense of pushing back!

It's just that there is a black button at the front of the control button, and I don't know what to use it for.

With curiosity, press lightly.

"Fire... chug chug..., fire... chug chug..."


At this time, an identical wheelchair ran out from the end of the corridor.

The middle-aged man in the car heard the sound and slapped the armrest excitedly.

"Come on... da da da..., go... da da da..."


Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

What the hell, is the mechanical department unable to find the electronic horn? They even used a kid's electron gun as a horn!

But the patient on the opposite side laughed loudly, "Now we are not just patients, but also comrades in arms!"


Ge Xiaotian operated the wheelchair to turn around a little jerky.

However, Chen Feng stepped up his horsepower and slammed into it, "It's okay, I heard from the salesman who sold this thing that even hitting a tank won't break it!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian touched his pocket and threw out a cigarette, "What are you doing here, you bastard?"

"Hospitalized!" Chen Feng spread his hands, "After so many stab wounds in the stomach, the recovery is too slow with surgery alone. I heard that Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a miraculous ointment, and its healing ability is comparable to Yunnan Baiyao. In addition, the environment here is beautiful, the air is Fresh... I am willing to pay 100,000 a day for hospitalization!"

"You have so much money to burn!" Ge Xiaotian controlled the wheelchair and went straight to the elevator.

"I don't bring it with me when I'm born, and I don't take it with me when I die. I can fully understand it now. If you have money, you have to spend it. Eat well, drink well, and play well. Leave hundreds of thousands for your children, and the rest will be used for light. Otherwise, some bastards will be cheaper!"

"Did you die last time, did you become enlightened?"

"A bit!" Chen Feng controlled the wheelchair with a cigarette in his mouth, and turned around very skillfully, "I'm here, and I have something to tell you!"

Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, then turned around, "Talk in the room!"


Chen Feng is different from Teddy.

Tiancheng and Datai Construction did not have a real confrontation, let alone too many interest disputes.

On the contrary, if we cooperate, both parties will win.

But Tian Cheng and Commodity Construction Engineering fought from beginning to end, including the current Liang County!

This is also the reason why Ge Xiaotian delayed the Liang County project again and again.

Just like what Chen Feng said just now, he has fully realized and become smarter!

That's how people are, they learn a lot from a pit.

Chen Feng has learned to imitate Tiancheng, and he also has the capital to imitate Tiancheng. Although the growth rate is not as fast as Tiancheng, he has firmly grasped the real estate market in Liang County.

If Tian Cheng kills him now, he will have nowhere to attack the hedgehog...

This metaphor...

However, Ge Xiaotian would not foolishly think that Chen Feng lowered his posture and played all kinds of emotional cards in order to defect.

This old guy is very bad!

The two drove the wheelchair into the ward, and Chen Feng rubbed his hands with a half-smile:

"A message in a million!"

Ge Xiaotian was just about to close the door of the ward, when he heard this, he walked out, "It's not worth it!"

"Five hundred thousand!"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Chen Feng said again: "One hundred thousand!"

"Don't go, give me this wheelchair!"

Ge Xiaotian pressed the brake button, "Say!"

"He Shun postponed the opening ceremony of the 4S store until tomorrow. The foundation laying ceremony that you did all you can to suppress them today is all in vain!"

"Just this news?"

"Yes, how important it is!"

"Do you think my intelligence department is for dry food?"

"Why do you still have an intelligence department?"

"One million, I'll teach you how to set it up!"


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