Build Madness

Chapter 244 The News From Chen Feng

Chen Feng would definitely not foolishly spend one million to learn how to form an intelligence department.

After a moment of silence, he hesitated and said:

"Actually, I have some news!"


"This time it must be a million!"

"Heh, buy the wheelchair first, let's talk about money!"

"The message from the 4S store is exchanged for a wheelchair, and the news is exchanged for money!"

"He Shun postponed the opening of the 4S store until tomorrow. I already knew about it, and there are countermeasures. If you don't believe me, watch the news tomorrow!"

"Let me just believe you, but this news is definitely worth a million!"

"Let's talk about it first. If it's worth it, I'll send you a wheelchair! My wheelchair is not cheap. It can beat tanks. In the future, I can assemble a bunch of titanium alloy wings, and I can fly to the sky and escape from the ground..."

Originally, he planned to give the wheelchair to Chen Feng to save himself from being stabbed later, but now that this guy wanted it so much, Ge Xiaotian also took the opportunity to use it as a bargaining chip.

"Just blow it up! The wheelchair is good, but the new news must be one million, otherwise it will be impossible!"

"Oh?" Seeing the other party's insistence, Ge Xiaotian became a little concerned, took out a card from the file bag, twirled it between his fingers, and said without throwing it out, "Say it!"

Chen Feng said without hesitation: "Liang County is back to Ji. In order to drive the development of enterprises in Liang County, Ji City has prepared several good projects built on the canal for the top ten enterprises in Liang County. Don't say anything else, just talk about Shangpin Construction Engineering."

"I do not know how?"

"How could your company in Jishi know about the project in Liang County?"

Ge Xiaotian flicked the card in his hand, "Continue!"

"Let me make a digression first. In mid-February, that is, after the Lantern Festival, Shunhe Trading, Changfeng Industrial, and Shangpin Construction will join forces to build a new commercial circle in Jishi Park, including a large shopping mall and a Changfeng Building. !"

"Well, I heard about it years ago!"

"On the east side of the commercial circle, there is a park. On the north side of the park, there is a shantytown, about 200 acres. It has been designated as a demolition area!"


"In order to promote the development of enterprises in the two counties, this project was originally handed over to Shangpin Construction Engineering, and the bid was negotiated!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered that when he visited before the Spring Festival, Bureau Sun asked if Tiancheng would enter the downtown area next year, but he just waved his hand at that time, saying that the Tiancheng system was not suitable there.

It now appears that the city already has a plan.

However, if you think about it carefully, if there is an infrastructure project in Jishi Park, Tiancheng has no money now, and he will not want it.

The two big brothers in real estate in Jishi are planning to switch to textiles, but they don't want to take over.

This project will naturally be handed over to the newcomer, Shangpin Construction Engineering.

Bidding, auction and listing will attract hungry wolves, and only negotiating bids can bring more benefits to the city.

For example, the sports center that was negotiated and negotiated directly saved 600 million yuan!

Chen Feng lit a cigarette and sighed:

"Shangpin Construction Engineering and Tiancheng have suffered a great deal of damage so far. Even if they were cheated by Datai to recover some losses, but the Liang County High School area, plus the overdue project, have already lost all their wealth, so I'm not afraid of your jokes. My company account only has 1,800 yuan!"

Even richer than me!

Tian Cheng only had three hundred and fifty-five left!

This is the case in real estate. When you have money, the funds are ridiculously high. When you have no money, no one will believe you.

Ge Xiaotian looked at Chen Feng's broken leg, and then at his own broken leg, feeling a little sympathetic for a moment, he smoked and didn't speak.

"No matter how great the discount offered by the bid negotiation is, Shangpin Construction Engineering has to spend a sum of money as turnover, at least 50 million! Unfortunately, I have already carried twice the credit of assets, plus the number of projects and the size of the company, and The development prospects are all inferior to Tiancheng, and the city can't help to negotiate with the bank."

"give up?"

"Hmm! If you get that project in hand, you should be able to earn 300 million yuan after removing the additional conditional expenses!"

"Such a high profit?" Ge Xiaotian was a little surprised, two hundred acres, placed in the Canal Development Zone...

[200 mu x 666.67 (area per mu) x 1.8 (floor ratio) x 1500 (average house price)] x (1-0.4 cost)

(Normal developer costs in the millennium, Tiancheng has its own material factory, even if labor is added, the cost can be as low as 30%. Still land is expensive.)

The final result is that 200 million will emerge.

Even if there are street shops, villas, and steel structure landmarks, add another 100 million at most!

Like Xingyue Bay in Xiang County, plus the rental of office buildings in District D, Tiancheng earned a total of 200 million yuan.

As for Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, since the land is an additional condition for the sports center, the cost is reduced again, but when the house is handed over, the road construction, fitness plaza, forest park, and zoo and botanical garden are removed, and the profit will be at most 300 million!

Shangpin Construction Engineering needs to pay the price of "additional conditions" to get the land in the park area, and it will cost 100 million.

Chen Feng said he could earn 300 million, but in fact he should be able to earn 400 million!

In the millennium, with two hundred acres, the land is cheap, and the housing prices are extremely low. It seems that you can't make money, but compared with the prices, you can make more money than in the future.

However, two hundred acres, four hundred million!

Ge Xiaotian felt it was impossible.

"Don't believe me?" Chen Feng went to the desk and took out an A4 paper, picked up a pen, and said while writing: "The floor height of three meters is one meter, and the first floor is lowered by one meter, and the height limit of one hundred meters is stuck with the second-level building qualification." , can cover 32 floors!"


In the future, many developers have set the floor height at the minimum limit of 2.8 meters, so the height limit of 100 meters for the second-level building qualification can build up to 35 floors, or even 36 floors!

"More than nineteen floors are high-density residences. The city gives a floor area ratio of 4.5, but we can think of ways in the follow-up planning, such as splitting the land..."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized.

No wonder I can earn 400 million!

If single houses are matched with duplexes, townhouses are matched with stacked buildings, high-rises are matched with bungalows...the floor area ratio is one high and one low, and averaged out, a satisfactory and compliant value can be obtained.

For example, based on the calculation of 50 mu, the floor area ratio of the small high-rise is as high as 6.0, which is illegal and illegal, but it can be planned together with the townhouses of another 50 acres. Calculate 3.2...

When selling villas, tell customers, don’t look at the high floor area ratio, but ours is actually very low. Compared with villas with the same floor area ratio, ours is more spacious, more atmospheric, and has a higher green area...

When selling high-rise buildings, they told customers that despite the dense buildings, the actual floor area ratio is only 3.2, which is much lower than the 4.5 outside!

One talks about reality, the other talks about data, but it increases the average sharing area, making money from three aspects...

What's more, how can so many people pay attention to the floor area ratio? As long as it sells well, it will definitely follow.

Of course, a higher floor area ratio does not mean more money. It has a balance point, and needs to consider the location, land planning, material costs, etc.

The Tiancheng Xingyue Bay system is suitable for suburban areas, and there is absolutely no need for a high floor area ratio.

Even if you build a high-density residence, if the layout is reasonable, it can be at most 2.5, and if it is higher...have you ever seen a row of hornet's nests?

Or go to the map to see the houses in Xiangjiang.

The reason for this consideration is that in terms of small high-rise buildings, the higher the floor area ratio, the more residents, the relatively reduced green area and supporting facilities, the decline in living comfort, the increase in the pressure of fire elevators, and the frequent use of aggravating the aging of supporting facilities, causing a series of problems. The problem is that it is several times higher than the low floor area ratio.

Tian Cheng is using his own property, so why bother to create trouble for himself.

On the other side, Chen Feng wrote and drew, and continued: "The housing prices around the park have risen slightly due to the drive of the canal suburbs, one thousand and eight!"

"Let's do the math...

(200 mu x666.67x4.5x1800) x0.4

More than four billion! "

"Remove the additional conditions, green the canal, dig two rivers leading to the city, and build a 500-meter low-rise commercial street, and there will be 300 million left!"

After Chen Feng finished speaking, his expression became more tangled, "That's it!"

Ge Xiaotian stared at the A4 paper and thought for a while, "He Shun took it?"

"No, it's Wei Changfeng!" After Chen Feng finished speaking, he shook his head again, "The city doesn't want to give it to him, but we don't have a suitable local developer to take over the project, so we plan to hold an auction to raise the price."

"It shouldn't be. If the auction is held, why should it be two weeks in advance? Why haven't you heard any news about it?"

"You Tian Cheng still have the money to participate in the auction?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian immediately became unhappy, "Why do you have no money? I just borrowed 1.1 billion!"

Chen Feng was stunned, "I guess the city hasn't delivered the invitation letter to Tiancheng's office yet, after all, today is the first day of work!" Immediately, Chen Feng thought of something, "Your Xingyue Bay system is not suitable for the central area, even if you invite Tiancheng, you will I won’t really shoot it!”

"Why is it not suitable for the central area? Our Yunxian project is the central area!" Ge Xiaotian said, his eyes turned, "You tell me the truth, how much money does Shangpin Construction still have?"

"Are you really going to shoot?"

"No, I'll help you shoot, disassemble the funds, and you will pay me back later, interest... free!"

"No!" Chen Feng shook his head, "I won't be fooled. The foundation stone laying ceremony of the 600-acre Canal CBD is held today. If I win the Jishi Park area, you f-ck attract the demolition households, wouldn't it be auspicious?" County copy?"

"Hey, after talking so much, it seems that what you said is true!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "How much money do you have?"

"I really have no money!"


"Really!" Chen Feng dialed the bank directly, "Except for breakfast, there is also the hot pot ordered at noon..."

"The account balance is: six hundred and fifteen..."

Ge Xiaotian grinned, and directly put away the bank card in his hand.

Originally, he thought that Chen Feng's news about the auction was to let Tian Cheng cheat He Shun or Wei Changfeng, but now it seems that this poor man is selling information to make some money!

"Hey, I've told you all the news, what about one million?!"


"Ge, you have to be trustworthy in life. I always thought you..."

Ge Xiaotian directly pressed the bank phone number, "...the basic account balance is: 355 yuan!"

Chen Feng was stunned, "There is no money in the basic account? Wocao, you poor man!"

"Tch!" Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, just as the noodles from the food stall were ready and delivered, smelling the tempting smell, he said happily: "No matter how poor my master is, I eat my own food, sleep in my own house, and live in my own house." My own hospital, I will drive my own car in the future, burn my own oil, watch my own movies, play my own games... What about you?... Wocao, don't drink my noodles!"

Chen Feng: "Suck smells so good!"

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