Build Madness

Chapter 245 Gu's Secret Homemade Noodles and First Day at Work

Adding a pair of chopsticks and a bowl, Ge Xiaotian and Chen Feng gathered around a pot of Ge's secret homemade noodles, eating until their foreheads were sweating.

However, half a catty of noodles is eaten by two elders. Even if there are many dishes, with a few chopsticks, there is only soup left.

Chen Feng took a sip from the small bowl, "This tastes really good!"

"Really?" Ge Xiaotian took out a small piece of fried egg from the pan, "It's a pity that there is no cucumber, otherwise the taste would be even better!"

"Yo? Can you still cook?"

"Nonsense, my dream is to be a cook!"

"I really didn't see it!"

"I plan to vigorously promote this kind of pasta, and develop several more toppings, such as mushroom mince, potato shreds, potato chicken nuggets, spicy cabbage, sauerkraut, bean fried meat, tomato eggs, etc., four Liang noodles, with one meat and one meat Vegetarian, or two vegetarian, or two meat, how about selling and packing at prices ranging from two yuan, one yuan to five yuan, or three yuan?"

"Noodle House?"

"Forget it, fast food, let the unemployed and laid-off people do it!"

"It's a good idea, but you have Tiancheng Canteen!"

"Prices have risen, and the one-yuan fast food has to be adjusted. The combination of meat and vegetables starts at two yuan, and there is no upper limit, or you will lose money!"

"Isn't it enough to merge the noodle shop into the cafeteria?"

"The cafeteria is too big, and thousands of people queue up, pick up meals, and find empty seats... It's okay to have more time, like the salesmen in large shopping malls and electronic malls, they only have a ten-minute break at noon, and they have just graduated , the salary is not high, or even no salary... As the founder of the chamber of commerce, it can be considered as the benefits that Tiancheng gives to the members and employees!"

Chen Feng gave a thumbs up, "I admire you for this. You seem to be 'kind-hearted', but you are actually making money secretly... There are indeed a lot of dishes in this bowl of noodles, but if you dig a spoonful of stewed vegetables in a big pot , bumped up and down twice, a few slices of fried eggs, half a tomato, a small piece of loofah, half an onion, half a spoonful of vegetable soup... Counting four taels of noodles, the cost is at most 60 cents, you can sell it for a piece Five, you still talk about the benefits for member employees?"

"Labor is not money? Rent is not money? Gas bills are not money? Are the tables and chairs needed to open a shop free?"

"Tiancheng has so many side jobs, apart from gas and labor, how can there be any cost?"

"From what you said, it seems that this is really the case!"

Chen Feng curled his lips, raised his head and poured down the last mouthful of vegetable soup, patting his stomach contentedly.



The two of them were shocked to find that this guy had blood on his hands!

Look at the belly, the dark red liquid is oozing out of the light blue striped hospital gown!

Ge Xiaotian almost jumped up in fright, "Li Hu, call the doctor, hurry up!"

mmp, the wound on Chen Feng's stomach probably burst!

That's right, I was stabbed so many times, injured my internal organs, and only had to be stitched up for a week. Don't talk about hitting a tank with a wheelchair, I'm afraid I can't even eat pasta!

"Aren't you in pain?"

"Just be happy!"


Hurrah, a group of white coats rushed up and rushed Chen Feng into the emergency room.

Ge Xiaotian felt that this girl's brain was a little abnormal.

It seems that we have to stay away from him in the future to avoid being infected.


The matter of the noodle restaurant is fully entrusted to the master chef of the food stall.

Ask him to help create a traditional gourmet shop that is 'the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley'.

It's like a simple and simple restaurant suddenly appears at the end of a commercial street full of KFC, burgers, pizza, fried chicken, etc., or at a certain corner, or in a remote alley.

The store is not big, and the dishes are not exquisite, but it is hot!

Not limited to noodles, it can be dumplings, egg fried rice, lamb soup restaurant, vegetable pancakes...

Not only can local office workers fill their stomachs with a variety of food choices, but it can also make tourists remember it fresh. Every time they recall this journey, they will always think of this place involuntarily.

Waiting for the next holiday, if you haven’t decided on a tourist location yet, and it happens that Xiaoqingshan has launched a new game, maybe you want to come and try it...

In addition, Canal CBD is a commercial area, which can attract consumers from the whole city besides tourists.

Sell ​​word of mouth in the early stage, sell benefits in the middle stage, and sell feelings in the later stage. After ten or twenty years of operation, a batch will be closed and a batch will be kept. No, continue to give benefits to the post-00s and post-10s who just went to work.

At this time.

Li Ge, the exclusive driver, came out of the stairs and saw someone sitting in a wheelchair, staring at the empty corridor in a daze. He walked up to him and waved, "Boss?"

"Oh, Brother Li, is the car ready?"

"Originally, there was a Wrangler in the Auto Trade City. I tried it with the back seat down, but I guess it couldn't fit in a wheelchair, so I just adjusted a Dajinbei!"

"Go, go to Crescent Square first!"


On the section from Jishi to Sancha Township, sports cars can already be used after the surface foundation is repaired.

Although it is a dirt road with straw mats on it, the time it takes to run down one trip is one-third less than before.

At less than half past ten, I came to the Xingyuewan Office in Xiangxian County.

On the first day of work on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Lao Sun took the technicians to improve his construction qualifications.

It has been a month since Xingyuewan in Xiangxian County handed over the house, and the second-level standards have all met the standards. The company's registered capital was also changed when it got the loan, basically there is no major problem.

After the review is passed, Tiancheng can build in the new year:

1. Industrial and civil construction projects with a height of less than 100 meters.

In planning, the Canal CBD and the Canal Hotel in the urban area are both 99 meters high.

2. Structure projects with a height of less than 120 meters.

The Star Tower, which has never been built like the Crescent Landmark, and the Lighthouse of the Water Entertainment City, can also be started.

At that time, standing on the top of the former, looking at the old town of Xiangxian County on the west side, with tile-roofed houses and tube buildings, and Xingyue Bay on the east side, with the neon lights of high-rise buildings, you can clearly feel the gap between the two.

Standing on the top of the lighthouse next to the canal, looking at the Jishi area on the east side, and comparing it to the canal CBD on the west side, you will have the same feeling.

In addition to the supporting facilities laid in advance, and the asphalt road to be repaired in March...

Subtly, the new and old urban areas were changed, the 600-mu canal CBD was removed, the 200-mu commercial street was removed, and the remaining 400-mu small high-rises did not have to worry about sales.

3. Individual industrial and civil construction projects with a construction area of ​​less than 40,000 square meters.

The upper limit of the third-level building qualification is 12,000 square meters. For example, Building No. 1 in Xingyuewan District A of Xiangxian County covers an area of ​​800 square meters and has 15 floors.

Therefore, in order to increase the footprint, the floors must be lowered, otherwise larger buildings cannot be built.

But now it is entirely possible to build buildings covering an area of ​​1,290 square meters and up to 31 floors.

House type, appearance, structure, etc., have more choices.

4. The single-span span is increased from 27 meters to 39 meters.

Span, in simple terms, is the distance between load-bearing walls, or the distance between supporting columns at the ends of a beam.

At present, it is of no great use to Tian Cheng, unless an airport is built.

But the span of the airport is basically as high as more than 100 meters, so it is the last word to upgrade the qualification to the first level or special level as soon as possible.

He made a phone call with Director Sun in the finance department, and knowing that his qualifications would be approved next week, Ge Xiaotian drove his wheelchair back to his office.

Pushing open the door, the new secretary in a light gray suit came into view.

Xu Ling is not that kind of puffy, but strong!

Born in a rural area, his family background is not good. He mowed grass to feed cows, dig the land and spray medicine since he was a child. During school, he had to work and study in the cafeteria, and occasionally went out to be a tutor.

According to Xiao Huang, the little girl has a good attitude and a cheerful personality. Apart from business, she knows etiquette and has a high emotional intelligence. She is indeed suitable to be a secretary.

"Boss, you're here!" Seeing him driving a 'car' into the office, Xu Ling got up to say hello.

"Just sit down, Tian Cheng doesn't have so many rules!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "How are you preparing for the foundation laying ceremony?"

"I've memorized all the lines. Mr. Huang will give a speech, and I'll be the host. It's better to adapt to the situation when the time comes!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Where's Xiao Huang? It's almost time. You pack up and go together. The leaders of Jifu and Jishi arrived at the scene at 11:30."

"Boss Huang is going to take a shower!"


"Dig out a pigsty last night..."

"He really went?"

"It must be five or six days. I go to work during the day, dig out the pigsty at night, and occasionally sweep the duck shed."

"What a real person!"

Xiao Xu took out a document, "Boss, you asked Mr. Huang to do the budget before, and he let me do it!"

"Oh? Report it!"

"Tianle Tourism has 3 million available funds, Tianwei Catering has 4 million, and Tianbao Antiques has 2 million..."

After hearing the existing funds of the three branches, Ge Xiaotian frowned, "So little?"

"Looking at the records, you embezzled it once a year ago. Together with the proceeds from the Qinggang Automobile Trade Exhibition Hall and 50 million funds, it was used to pay the 1,600-mu land deposit in Jishi City and the first purchase of the 7,000-meter-long land in Jinxiuchuan, Jifu City. installments."


It turned out that a crop of leeks had already been harvested.

Ge Xiaotian turned on his office computer, "Where is Tianheng?"

"In January, car sales and after-sales services made a profit of 17 million!

"Put..." Ge Xiaotian was about to transfer the money to Tiancheng's account, but he thought of Ge Feng's cousin, his second uncle.

Ge Shunfeng!

For a long time, I really didn't pay attention to it.

"Where are the heavenly ornaments?"

"Currently available funds are 70 million..."

"so much?!"

"Including part of the cost of building materials and labor costs, after carrying forward, there should be a profit of 50 million."

"It's better to decorate to make money!"

Ge Xiaotian logs into the ERP and directly opens the items owned by Tianzhu.

Daliu New Village must be taken over completely, and Xingyuewan in Xiangxian County has taken over 600 households, including more than 70 sets of work clothes.

Xingyue Bay in Jishi has not yet handed over the houses, but it has also won more than 700 households.

Even in the sorting of unstarted projects, the word "canal CBD unknown community prepayment" appeared!

Is it too cruel?

Calculating the time, it is estimated that Tiancheng hadn't even submitted the planning of the Canal CBD at that time, and Tianzhu had already received the advance payment for house decoration...

However, this also shows that there are already quite a large group of customers who have decided to buy houses in the Canal CBD.

Otherwise, there is no house, and I don’t even know the type of apartment, so how can I pay?

This is the benefit of a dragon.

Surrounding supporting facilities, including school investment, which one does not have the shadow of Tiancheng?

As long as the quotation is reasonable and the quality is guaranteed, I believe that few people will refuse it.

And the renovation progress...

The time-consuming for each set is similar to that of ordinary decoration companies, 20-45 days, and the longest time for villas is 50 days.

However, we have a lot of workers, and there is no shortage of designers. It is absolutely possible for dozens or hundreds of companies to start work at the same time.

"Xiao Xu, go back and tell the Design Research Institute to transfer a group of high-achieving students majoring in interior decoration and graphic design to Tianzhu decoration work, salary standards and commissions, and ask the planning department to make a form. Department of Design!"


"Then you are ready to go to the groundbreaking ceremony of the sports center as soon as possible, and I will go out for a walk!"

Leaving the office, Ge Xiaotian suddenly discovered that driving a wheelchair is a very special enjoyment!

You can run while sitting!

Put a horizontal board on your lap, put a laptop on it, as long as you have a network cable, you can work anytime, anywhere!

No wonder I used to sit in an office and liked wheeled swivel chairs, so I was excited about this one!

Uh... Is this the rhythm of getting lazy?

Go to the customer service department and see that all the beautiful girls in my family are wearing headsets, whether they are working or listening to music.

Looking around, there are no vacant tables. It seems that none of the customer service recruited last year has escaped.

Meeting the gazes of the girls, Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and prepared to run away.

"Boss, your outfit reminds me of a very famous person!"

"Oh?" Hearing what the customer service supervisor sitting at the door said, Ge Xiaotian pressed the brake button, "Who?"



The assistant next to him changed his face: "Manager, how can you say that about our boss, he looks like a seriously injured Nobita!"

"No way, seriously injured Tinker Bell!"

On the first day of work, the customer service department itself has nothing to do, cleaning and cleaning, shouting new year slogans, and waiting for the girl from the hotel to serve as the concierge reception at the groundbreaking ceremony, so the girl behind heard the noise and didn't want to work , have gathered around.

Facing so many Yingying and Yanyan, Ge Xiaotian smiled more kindly, "Am I not like the injured Sakuragi?"

"Boss, why do I feel that your eyes are weird?"

"What's wrong?"

"It's like my aunt looking at her little nephew!"

"Hehe!" Ge Xiaotian was like a kind old father, "Do you know what Mr. Huang from the Human Resources Department is doing these past few nights?"




"You are a girl, can your thoughts not be so complicated?"

"Then why did you go?"

"Experience life in the farm, dig out the pigsty, and sweep the duck shed!" Ge Xiaotian looked around, "I think that only by suffering a little bit of hardship can you experience the beauty of the present. Starting tomorrow, everyone go experience it. !"


Seeing that the girls in the room were silent, Ge Xiaotian smiled triumphantly, "Is the majesty of the boss something you can provoke?"

"Cut! Go and go!"


"In the past few days during the festival, I ate a lot of greasy food and gained a lot of meat, so I just went to exercise!"

"I thought I was going to move bricks, but it turned out to be cleaning the pigsty!"

"I have no appetite, but I can eat less, and the weight loss effect is great!"

"How about, after finishing the foundation laying ceremony in the afternoon, let's go find sister Xiuxiu!"


Amidst Ge Xiaotian's confused face, the girls from the customer service department and the concierge receptionists from the food and beverage department put on uniform cheongsams, got on five big gold cups, and went straight to the groundbreaking ceremony of the sports center.

At exactly eleven o'clock, there were constant firecrackers in the Canal Development Zone, and the sky was full of fireworks.

Such a grand scene directly caused several local radio stations to adjust their program schedules at the same time, and began to broadcast live from the guests at eleven o'clock...

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