Build Madness

Chapter 246 Foundation Laying Ceremony Six Companies

It was noon, and the weather was sunny and sunny.

At the scene of the foundation stone laying ceremony of the vast Lotus Sports Center, all preparations are in place.

Tall arches, festive carpets, grand podiums, magnificent background walls, solid foundation stones, solemn bronze tripods (burning incense)...

When Li Ge arrived at the parking lot with the big boss, Xiao Huang just took the stage to give a speech.

"Boss, can the sports center really make money?"

"At least 100 million a year!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, and looked through the car window to see which leaders came.

"Why does it say on the Internet that 99% of China's venues are losing money?"

"How to put it this way, the value of the sports center is not only reflected in direct economic benefits, but also indirect economic benefits. It can enhance the image of the Canal Development Zone, increase the value of nearby plots, and attract a large number of urban housing buyers. And, from In terms of social benefits, it belongs to the construction of spiritual civilization, and it involves a wider range of things, such as diversified entertainment, cultivating morality, wisdom and beauty, and promoting cultural exchanges..."

Brother Li was a little confused, scratching his head, "I don't understand!"

"It's too esoteric, just drive hard!"


Ge Xiaotian laughed and threw a cigarette in the past, "In fact, simply speaking, the sports center is a symbol of a city's development, harmony, civilization, and wealth, and can attract more talents and people..."

"But even so, how can we earn 100 million a year?"

"Have you watched the Sancha Cup football match?"


"The second session begins, regularization and professionalization!"

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the files and found out the plans for the fourth quarter of the millennium in recent days, "With the development of Tiancheng, we have more partners. Is there any business that does not advertise? And the advertising fee , isn’t it cheap?”

"I heard that we spent more than 2 million yuan to advertise for the Auto Trade City last month?!"

"Yeah! So, why don't you cooperate with the radio station to set up a football game for fun. The major local radio stations must be dreaming of it. We charge 20,000 yuan for each live broadcast... and football games, such as Daliu Machinery Factory, Hongtu Auto Trade, Lin Yang Tractor Sales Center, Three Auto Traders in Southeast and North, Qinggang Auto Trade, Xiuxiu Farm, Furniture City, Garment Factory, Tianle, Tianyu, Tianwei, Tianheng, Tianwei, etc., exclusively named one Team, rated Bronze!

Like Xiang County, Sancha Township, Xiaohu Town, Zhanglou Township, Wen County, Garlic Township, Yun County, Jishi, etc., from townships to counties and cities, a team is also named, and the level is also bronze!

Introduce the rules of the Premier League, fight against each other, the top 32, the top 16, the top eight, the top four, and the champion! "

Brother Li hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but said: "Last year, I played so badly, no one will watch it, right?"

"How is the level of the Dragon Tiger team?"

"The one that kept the Elite team from touching the ball?"


"It's nothing to see if a team abuses dozens of teams."

"Who said that? Every team is at the same level as the Dragon Tigers!"

"However, how much does it cost to be named? It also needs to train and feed the players...I guess the place and the business can't afford it?"

"As long as you give me the advertising fee, the team's expenses will be free!"


"Of course, in order to increase entertainment, rookie selection, player trading, etc. will be carried out before the game, similar to the NBA, but the trading chips are virtual currency, which is used to exchange for the benefits of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, such as rent-free, free property fees, and preferred shops Rights and so on, the benefits are different, and the required points are also different.”

"What about the local teams?"

"Local teams can exchange for various public facilities, such as 20,000 points for outdoor football fields, 10,000 points for bus stations, and 100,000 points for bus lines..."

"Calculate carefully, if we do this, we will all lose money!"

"How much can I accompany you?"

Brother Li frowned and thought for a long time, "At least ten million!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "The Sancha Cup football match is held exclusively by Tiancheng, operated exclusively by Tiancheng, and broadcasted exclusively by Tiancheng...

As long as the event becomes popular and spreads across the country, and even throughout China, which one do you think is more affordable than a two-minute commercial on China TV?

What's more, we can sell tickets, sell uniforms, sell mascots, rent billboards in the stadium, and rent shops outside the stadium...

It's a pity that I can't block the ball, otherwise...

The money is like rain! "

Brother Li was stunned.

"Of course, the Lotus Sports Center will not be completed until 2001, so we can't play at the moment. However, our flying saucer gymnasium is in a hurry, and it will be put into use in August or September. You can try it with basketball first!"

"Sancha Cup basketball game?"

"No, the Tiancheng Men's Basketball Points Competition is different from football. At that time, various colleges and universities will be invited to participate, and even some professional teams will be invited! Points can be exchanged for basketball courts, basketball hoops, basketball shoes, basketballs, and even players!"


Ge Xiaotian wanted to say something, but found that the foundation stone laying ceremony of the sports center outside was over, and the leaders got on the car one after another and headed to the small commodity market.

Wearing cheongsam, 500 female employees from the hotel, customer service, and tourism service departments got into the big gold cup and began to change clothes.

Sports Center - Cheongsam.

Small Commodity Market - Hanfu.

Affordable housing in Xiangxian County - Ruqun.

Pivot Program - Express Bundle.

East Lake Film and Television City - Fengguan Xiapei, ten miles of red makeup!

The first one is just starting now, and the masses will definitely not notice the strangeness. Waiting for interested people to notice this scene... Will it explode? !

As for the cost...

Where there is an advertisement, there is a market. Even if it cannot be sold, it can be left to Tianyu to make a movie!

The sports center is not far from the small commodity market, but the road has not been built yet, so you need to detour the national highway to get there.

And when the leaders left, the bulldozers, excavators, and rear eight wheels that had been prepared for a long time entered the construction site one after another.

Ge Xiaotian chatted with Lao Zhu, and went to the small commodity market with Brother Li.

The road ditch is full of miscellaneous things and smelly water, so the foundation stone laying ceremony will definitely not be held nearby.

Pick and choose, and finally determine in an abandoned battlefield.

The podium, banners, speeches and so on are definitely not as good as the Lotus Sports Center.

Moreover, there are six games to be played today, and no one talks too much foolishly, otherwise what should I do if I get mixed up?

In short, all are ready to go to the next groundbreaking ceremony.

At this time, someone finally noticed something strange, and turned his attention to the girl who changed from cheongsam to Hanfu, and then to Ruqun...


Hiding in the car and addicted to peeping, Ge Xiaotian was suddenly awakened by his mobile phone.

Old Hong's!


"Boss, we have arrived at the Ji Mansion!"

"Oh? Flying over?"

"All four Mi-26s have been brought back, and they will be inspected in the morning. By the way, the head office will help with the formalities."

"That's good!"

"By the way, boss, where should we put the plane? Approval is approval, and the plane has to be driven home!"

"Xiaoqingshan can't let go, Auto Trade City!"

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