Build Madness

Chapter 250 The Crazy Contract

Struggle-Bala's sold for 5 million, and the others opened for 20 million...

What's even more exasperating is that other people's customers are still VIPs invited by themselves!

He Shun was very sad.

Trying to squeeze out a smile, we welcomed the leaders into the hall.

After chatting for a few words, loyal brother called.


"Boss, I've found five foreigners, and I've told you what to say and what not to say!"

"very good!"

"Then I'll let the luxury convoy go?"


Putting down the phone, He Shun let out a long sigh of relief, and walked in front of the leader of the traffic bureau.

"Leader, when will the bus be available here?"

The traffic bureau looked at the road bureau next to him. The latter seemed to have never thought about it. He frowned and pondered for a moment, "Xiao He, there is a bus on Huayuan East Road, which is only 300 meters away from the 4S shop. If you go to Huayuan West It’s a bit of a waste of resources to build roads, build stations, and re-plan routes!”

"Leadership, we can invest! Moreover, Huayuan West Road is about to be greatly developed, Changfeng Commercial Building, Huayuan District, 4S stores, and a pedestrian street built around Huayuan District. If there are buses..."

The road bureau nodded and looked at the traffic bureau, who shook his head, "The bus system is not under my control now, it is given to the municipal government!"

He Shun turned to look at the municipal government who was also invited.

"It's not under my control now, the loss is serious, and it is transferred to Jianju!"

"???" He Shun looked around, but couldn't find the figure of the leader of the construction bureau, so he turned his attention to the leader of Shaobaitou for help.

"Xiao He, tell the truth, we have a total of 27 buses in Jishi City, with a total investment of 30 million yuan! One bus costs a million yuan, and it has been in operation...for five years, right?" If you don't understand, signal to the municipal leaders.

"An annual loss of one million yuan, and various subsidies! Of course, this is a project to benefit the people, so it cannot be counted as such, but for the city, this aspect needs to be improved urgently!"

The leader of Shaobaitou took over the quarrel, "After the Tiancheng bus system went online, the pressure on the urban buses was greatly reduced. But, you also know that the Tiancheng bus system buys tickets first and then gets on the bus, while the urban buses go on first. bus, buy tickets later, the two vehicles are different, the lines are different, and they cross each other, and no one can use the other station. During rush hour, Tiancheng bus is easy to return, and passengers can run when they get on the bus. Some lines have specific lanes, but the city Before getting on the bus, you need to line up to buy a ticket, which takes a lot of time... In other words, you are a little behind!"

The leader of the traffic bureau sighed, "It's strange to say that there were not so many cars in Jishi City before, but in the past two months, during the rush hour and the rush hour after work, there are traffic jams every day! And Tiancheng put the responsibility on the city's public transport. There is nothing to say, and the public transportation system is thrown to the construction bureau, the construction bureau is indeed rich in funds this year, but in order to save worry, it decided to subsidize the money and subcontract the city bus to Tiancheng!"

"That is to say..." He Shun thought something was wrong.

"The public transportation system of Jishi City will be fully operated by Tiancheng starting from next month."


He Shun thought about it carefully, "Boss, does a bus really cost more than one million yuan? It's impossible for Tian Cheng to spend so much money, right?"

"Tiancheng's public transportation is self-developed, technology is invested in shares, and the production cost is very low. Since it was put into use, the Tourist Civilization and the Intercity Pioneer have been in good weather, and the heavy snowstorm has only stopped for a whole morning, and there is no problem. The common people have unanimously praised it. Now the price of the vehicle has increased, and the external sales price starts at 800,000 yuan. After all, Tiancheng and Jiefang have to support their families, so this price is understandable. Imported and assembled from abroad, like buses used in urban areas, requires at least 1.2 million!"

"Short lines need three or four vehicles, long lines need six or seven vehicles, stations, fuel costs, drivers, maintenance..." The leader of the transportation bureau sighed, "If you want to get a bus on Huayuan West Road, it will cost 10 million. "

He Shun felt a little tight in his chest when he heard this, "Boss, you guys talk first, I'll go to work..."

However, as soon as I walked out of the 4S store, the LED on the opposite side changed again...

'Congratulations to Tiancheng and Jifu Truck for reaching a 30 million cooperation agreement'

Can you stop the meeting?

He Shun gritted his teeth with hatred. If Ge was by his side, he swore that he would definitely push that guy into the canal!

Thinking of the canal, he couldn't help but think of the night when he was played by the tower crane...

I feel even more uncomfortable!


What was signed with Wuzheng is only a contract agreement, and the specific cooperation content needs to be discussed in detail.

Ge Xiaotian couldn't leave for the time being, so he asked the planning department to take the boss of the Wuzheng manufacturer to the Crescent Square office.

In fact, it was a coincidence that the other party could come, and it was also expected.

Coincidentally met here.

As expected...

The football match in Sancha Township is the fashion for Tiancheng to purchase.

At the end of the year, employees will draw a lottery, which is the fashion for Tiancheng to purchase.

It is the fashion of Tiancheng to purchase construction machinery on site.

Adding up the zeros and zeros, in less than half a year, tens of thousands of cars were bought!

Can Wuzheng not be envious?

As for whether Shifeng will sign the exhibition hall contract, Ge Xiaotian feels hopeless.

Wuzheng has just been restructured this year and has become a private enterprise. It wants to seek development and make quick profits.

Shifeng is different, it is still in the process of restructuring, there are so many things, it seems that it has not been changed in the can we have time to talk about the exhibition hall now?

When Wuzheng left, the teahouse was silent.

Listening to the melody outside, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help humming to Little Apple.

I've been tired of hearing the song "Another Time and Space" for a long time, but listening to it now, it's a different feeling...

Perhaps this is what it feels like to make money!

20 million, with a guarantee of 15 million...

"Steel structures are really profitable!"

With a slight sigh, at the stairs on the second floor, a young man who helped Brother Li advertise came up with a middle-aged man with a square face.

"Boss, this is the vice president of Jifu Heavy Truck!"

Ge Xiaotian showed a sincere smile, "Hi, leader!"

"Hello, hello, I heard Mr. Yu mention Tiancheng's boss Ge Xiaotian many times. I thought it was just for a few good words. Today, I saw that this business ability is extraordinary!"

"Small tricks, unrefined, make you laugh!"

"Hey, where is it!" The vice president of Sinotruk opened the chair and sat down, flipping through the renderings of the exhibition hall, "I was invited by Wei Changfeng to participate in the opening ceremony of the 4S store. I am curious about your company's advertisements, so come and have a look!"

"Choose a set?"


"Although heavy-duty trucks have relatively large heads and buyers pay more attention to performance, other heavy-duty trucks have developed well in the past few years. If they can take the first step into the new sales system, they will be faster at every step! Moreover, Tiancheng has maintenance heavy-duty trucks. Otherwise, how can we repair so many (emphasis) eight wheels on the construction site (emphasis)? And the hub plan requires at least 100 light trucks capable of shipping containers, 200 medium-sized trucks, and the ability to support Jinxiu Steyr and concrete tank trucks for the construction of the Sichuan University Town project!"

The vice president of Sinotruk was silent for a moment, "What is the new sales system?"

Ge Xiaotian took the tea brought by the waiter and nodded his thanks, "Relying on the Automobile Trade City, the Sinotruk production plant and the construction site will be connected together, the manufacturers will promote, the construction site will be displayed, and the Auto Trade City will be sold to create a scene where there are more vehicles and more vehicles. For example, all the Jifu heavy trucks on the Tiancheng construction site, that scene, tsk tsk! Let the heavy truck drivers publicize to the outside world that they are fuel-efficient, durable, powerful, fast, pull more, and have excellent safety performance. Do you think other construction sites will consider it? Our brand? As long as we cultivate a sense of trust, our Jifu Heavy Truck sales this year will break through a record high!"

"Also, China's economy is recovering, various infrastructures have just started, and the demand for heavy trucks in the future..."

The vice president of Sinotruk walked aside to make a phone call.


The following LED changes...

Then, the staff of the planning department took him to the Crescent Square office for a detailed discussion.

"As expected of a super enterprise, try not to spend as much as you can!"

Looking at the purchase contract for heavy trucks in exchange for the 100m x 100m plus and heightened showroom, Ge Xiaotian calculated carefully and felt that he should be able to earn thirty Steyrs...

"It's a shame, it's time to promote the Auto Trade City!"

Patting his cheeks, Brother Li led two bald men with beer bellies in, "Boss, this is..."

The LED below changes again.

"Boss, this is..."

LEDs continue to change...


He Shun's eyes are dazzled!

Standing at the gate of the 4S shop, glance at the military band with messy footsteps and completely changed rhythm, and then listen to the little apple that is still echoing in your mind even if the music stops...

To explode!

And in the lobby of the 4S store.

"The total contract amount is 60 million!"

"No, one hundred and twenty million!"

"The ones from Jiangnan have also gone?"

"Two hundred million!"

Wei Changfeng, who was sitting by the side chatting with the leader, began to tremble with fat on his face. He got up and went to the toilet, quickly took out his mobile phone, and called one by one: "Don't come! What's the reason? I'm afraid you will be tricked!"

"Wei Family Textile? How did they go?"

"The construction contract for the new factory area of ​​the textile factory... the total contract amount reached 230 million yuan!"

"The new factory area of ​​Sun Paper... 260 million!"

"Three pushes for the new factory area... broke through 300 million!"

"Representative of Weicheng Diesel Engine?"

"Fist shop xx trailer manufacturer..."

"Four hundred million!!!"

"Those three youths are collecting stalls?"

"It is estimated that if there is another project, it will be scheduled until 2002. Unexpectedly, Ge Baiyi will be too busy..."

Hearing this, He Shun picked out his ears, looked up at the showroom of his high-end and elegant 4S shop, ignored the crowds around, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit one tremblingly.

The opening ceremony went smoothly, all the leaders came, and all the supporters placed orders, and there were quite a few onlookers, so why not happy? !

Also, why do you say that I, He Shun, have been wronged?

Spend 10 million to buy a showroom?

What nonsense!

The construction cost of this exhibition hall is at most three million!

The remaining 7 million is either the sheet metal repair workshop or the materials provided by the manufacturer...

Is it expensive to build a 60x20 large stadium for three million?

not expensive!

Didn't you see that the 30x20 surnamed Ge cost one million?

And the 60x20 is doubled, two million...

Two million, three million...

What the hell, it's really cheaper than our own!

He Shun took a deep breath, patted his chest, and decided to take a long-term view and suppress the little apple in his mind with the vast sea and sky...

"Huh? Why are there four helicopters in the sky above the Canal Development Zone? Visually, the size...fuck, it's so big!!!"

Hearing the exclamation, the surrounding crowd raised their heads in unison.

" big!!!"

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