Build Madness

Chapter 251 Chapter 250

After securing nine contracts in a row and thirty-five separate small exhibition halls, Ge Xiaotian seemed to feel comfortable with two ponytails of Li Xiuxiu.

With a contract of 500 million yuan, because there are a lot of gifts, you can only make a steady profit of 350 million yuan!

Of course, as we enter the millennium, prices have risen quite a bit. If you can make money this year, it will shrink by one-tenth next year. If it is delayed until 2002, it will probably shrink by one-fifth...

Therefore, the project can only be arranged until 2002 at the most, and steel products must be purchased as soon as possible to avoid large-scale price increases.

As for the future...

"Why do you think so much!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ge Xiaotian raised his good right leg, humming to the left and humming to the right.

This time, "borrowing an arrow from a straw boat", no, it is "borrowing the east wind", which is definitely one of the most classic cases in the business world.

It is necessary to be strategic and strategic, starting with fake 4S stores, forcing He Shun through public opinion to invite bigwigs from all walks of life to prove themselves, and to expose the construction price of 4S stores...

The amount is required, the general contract is as high as 500 million, and the profit point of the steel structure is no secret in the future. When the data is released, I am afraid that a lot of people will cry...

In order to achieve results, after this battle, the number of auto trade cities, gas stations, and maintenance points increased. Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce gradually spread to major cities in Dongshan. Form a 'grid', take the way of 4S stores in advance, so that 4S has nowhere to go.

Of course, Ford may not be able to sell, which is indeed a pity.

"I hope that He Shun and Wei Changfeng can represent a few more 4S stores of foreign brands, and it will also make me feel more regretful... In this way, I can justifiably ask all the auto trade cities to sell their own cars in a unified way! Then come another one VIP members can upgrade the service of the exhibition hall for free, and it is even taller. Anyway, the construction is not difficult, and the top and rear sides of the steel structure are all reserved for interfaces..."

"Building cars...Wuling alone is not enough. We have to find a way to turn imitation into high-quality imitation, and create Tianba, Dongba, Tua, which are more in line with the new era of cars. No? Cooperation, let’s build new energy!”

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, exhaled his cigarette, and continued to hum, but he always felt that there was something missing.



Where's Xiaohao?

Went to Yun County.

Where is Xiao Huang?

The groundbreaking ceremony ended yesterday and we went to Wen County.


That guy's flattering is slapping to death, you can't listen!

Brother Li?

Brother Li is an honest man, he can't even praise others, let alone flatter him!


I can say hello to myself!


"Invincible is so, so lonely..."


The phone is ringing!

Qi Feifei!

"What's the matter?"

"If you don't have a conscience, hurry to the Auto Trade City!"

"What's wrong?"

"Your big plane has blown away all the green plants in my Auto Trade City!!!"

"Huh?! What is my big plane?" Ge Xiaotianxia consciously glanced at the woolen blanket covering his legs.

"Helicopter! Mi-26!!! My God, don't let them come down...Damn it, the roof of the cafeteria is lifted..."

Amidst Qi Feifei's furious scolding, the communication stopped abruptly.

Ge Xiaotian was dazed, and drove the wheelchair to the other side of the teahouse.


Four super-large helicopters are hovering over the Canal Development Zone waiting to land.

Lao Hong and the others are back?

"That's right, I still called yesterday, look at this memory! Brother Li, let's go, Auto Trade City!"


Looking at the four big toys falling one after another under the distant sky, He Shun felt mixed emotions.

The leaders are gone.

The onlookers ran away.

The luxury convoy that greeted the 'Ford manufacturer representative' also stopped at the gate of the 4S store without any hindrance.

But what's the point?

Oh, by the way, call the media and announce that the Ford manufacturer will terminate the authorized dealership of Tianheng Auto Trade...

He Shun sighed, as early as when the surname Ge put out the advertisement, he knew he was being tricked.

I just didn't expect it to be so ruthless!

The company did not suffer any losses, but the strength of the enemy has skyrocketed by a large margin, and it was all caused by myself...

This feeling!

Just when she was about to turn around and leave, a plump hand pressed heavily on her shoulder.

"Don't panic, we can win!" Wei Changfeng smiled slightly, "Tian Cheng has a weakness!"


"There are so many projects, but the only profit point is the canal CBD! Obviously, the profit of a real estate can't support so many public welfare projects. Even if Tiancheng borrowed 1.1 billion yuan, if it is divided, it is estimated that it is only enough for the initial construction!"


"So, which land he wants to get next, let's help him raise the price!"

"He just won nine contracts, including small projects, a total of 500 million..."

Wei Changfeng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Have you ever engaged in engineering? Nine large contracts, dozens of small contracts, and not in the same prefecture or city, registration of branch offices, application for planning, approval of drawings, preparation of building materials, transfer Construction team, preparation of construction machinery, seven connections and one leveling... Otherwise, how could the surname Ge schedule the project until 2002?"

"Slow transfer of funds!"

"That's right! Where's your cleverness? Did you get beaten up by Ge?"

"Oh, don't mention it, ever since I was tied to a tower crane by a surnamed Ge that night, hanged in the canal to wash my feet, my brain is not working well!"

"What the hell..." Wei Changfeng was impatient, and almost waved his palm and shouted, "First spread the news that Ford has canceled Tianheng's authorized dealership, and make it bigger, let those foreigners praise us more and belittle Tianheng. !"

He Shun shook his head, "You can't say too much, those foreigners are fake!"


"Three automotive engineers from Ford disappeared after being sent to the airport in the morning!"

"Why are you so unreliable in what you do!" After a fight with Chen Feng, Wei Changfeng found that using hands was the best way to calm down, so he punched He Shun in the chest.


Under the attack, He Shun's mind went blank, and suddenly he found that his heart, which had been feeling uncomfortable since the morning, throbbed twice, and there was no movement...

Seeing his in-laws falling down in a daze, Wei Changfeng was also taken aback, "Hello? You should pay attention to your image, don't pretend to be dead!"

"Doctor, call an ambulance!"


Arriving at the Auto Trade City, Ge Xiaotian got out of the car and received a call from Jishi Xiaolu.

"Boss, He Shun suspected of having a heart attack and was sent to the hospital."

"Oh? Dead?"


"Then what are you calling me?"


"Help me find the companies that participated in the land auction in the Garden area around the 17th or 18th!"


Putting down his mobile phone, Ge Xiaotian found that there were huge crowds of people around the Auto Trade City.

Not only the driving school students, the salesmen of the Auto Trade City, the villagers of Canal Ancient Town, but also many residents of Jishi who came here!

And on the national highway in the distance, a large group of men and women poured out of the bus that had just stopped...

There seemed to be several radio reporters behind!

It's just four dilapidated second-hand helicopters. Is it necessary to make such a sensation?

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, driving the electric wheelchair and was just about to go to the tarmac planned in advance, but met Li Xiuxiu who was driving a trailer to deliver meat.

"Huh? Why are you here too?"

"There are too many construction sites, and the farm is too busy. I asked the bodyguards to help with loading and unloading. I happened to see a big plane over here!"

"You really know how to arrange labor!" Ge Xiaotian reached out and grabbed the ponytail, "You should cut your hair!"

Li Xiuxiu stared at each other, and waved her fists in protest: "I think you are just looking for excitement! I just cut my hair with my little sister and aunt a few years ago, and you actually..."

"Look, the plane! I bought it from Siberia specially for you, and we will use it as a gift of pork in the future!"


"Really, as long as you know how to drive!"

To drive a woolen yarn, the operating system is all in Russian, and five drivers are needed. Li Xiuxiu is so awesome, she can't drive this thing.

But it worked out great!

The little tiger turned into a kitten in an instant, actively pushed the wheelchair, hummed an unknown song, and walked to the apron.

"Boss! I'm back!!!"

From a long distance away, within the cordon surrounded by Tianwei, Lao Hong rushed forward with tears streaming down his face...


A heavy cavalryman with a height of 2.2 meters held his bald head with one hand, "The boss is injured, take it easy!"

"Ah?" Lao Hong wiped his nose, and then noticed that his boss was sitting in a wheelchair, "Boss, your leg?"

"In order to save you from Siberia, I took a private plane to the Northeast to find a relationship. When I was anxious, I urged the driver. The driver panicked and made a mistake when landing..." Ge Xiaotian blushed, not angry Panting, ignoring the surprised eyes around him, sincerely said, "Just come back, it's not important!"

"Boss!!!" Lao Hong was moved.

Li Xiuxiu couldn't stand it anymore, secretly grabbed the flesh on someone's back, and put it next to his ear, "Are you lying to me just now?"

"How can it be!"

"Oh, man!"

Lao Hong seemed to have realized that, could his boss' words be trusted?

At this time.

The men in suits who came down from Mi 26 one after another in the rear gathered together with small steps.

Wantu Sirui... made a report.

One hundred and fifteen!

The blond man at the head made a gesture, and a group of people walked forward in unison.

When he came in front of someone, he seemed to check his eyes with Lao Hong.


They all bowed in unison: "Godfather is well!"


Ge Xiaotian smiled stiffly, glanced at Mr. Yu's car who arrived at the scene in the distance, waved to Lao Hong, and gritted his teeth: "What the hell are you doing?"

"No, boss, this group of foreigners thought we were 'hong' in their hearts. I explained it many times, and I was about to cry. They still didn't believe that we were a small Chinese business! During the time at sea, Jinx, oh, it was The smartest, most skilled, and most capable leaders they have chosen! Jinx also gave them military training, and this is the result!"


Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, asked Lao Hong to step aside, and switched to the English system, "Jinx!"

"Yes, Godfather!"

"Don't call me godfather, call me boss!"

"Yes, boss!"


Is there something wrong with this translation? Why did he suddenly have the illusion of becoming a villain?

Ge Xiaotian shook his head helplessly, and patted the shoulder of the blond man who was standing beside him, bending over to listen, "Do it well!"

"Yes, boss!"

This way of speaking is even simpler than that of a strong man!


It's winter, why are you sweating just after getting off the plane? !

"Are you hot?"

Jinx shivered suddenly, "No, I'm honored to be the boss's subordinate, please believe in my loyalty!"

"???" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

What the hell? !

What the hell has this guy been through? !

I have so terrible? !

For the ten thousand rewards before "z Nine Days Rising to the Sky", I forgot to write the one about Zabayi's small wine tank yesterday, let's add it in the next round.

Also, I'm not a one-shift beast now, two shifts of six thousand words are equivalent to three shifts.

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