Build Madness

Chapter 253 Crude Oil Project Inspection

Five p.m.

The welcome party was held as scheduled.

Participants were not only the scientific researchers and crew members poached by Lao Hong, but also business representatives who signed contracts in the morning, as well as small merchants who made custom-made exhibition halls.

Ge Xiaotian said a few words, imagined the future, and pulled Lao Hong aside.

"Why are there graphics processor developers and language programmers in there?"

"You let me dig it!"

"When did I let you dig?"

"What about 3D, oh, 3Dfx! Didn't you say it's about to close down? I can dig as much as I can. When I'm off work, I go to the gate of their company. Tianwei is lined up, and six suitcases are put there. One person piles up, and the contract is signed on the spot, and their newly appointed CEO is very excited.”


you tiger...

After a moment of contemplation, Ge Xiaotian finally remembered.

It was when I was chatting with Professor Hu about the computers in the special effects room. I recalled what Ge Wangwang said, and I decided to dig some people who researched graphics cards on a whim. Unexpectedly, Lao Hong really went to dig...

"No, you bought an oil tanker with 2 million Franklin from our company. 30 million in the suitcase, 20 million to buy Mi-26, and the remaining 10 million to Yang Dingfeng. Pay wages, the amount does not match!"

"This matter is a bit complicated..."

"You better stop talking!" Ge Xiaotian drove the wheelchair and prepared to leave.

"Don't, it's like this!" Lao Hong took out two cigars from his arms, skillfully cut off the round mouth, one for each person, "Actually, when we left North America, there were only about 28.8 million cigars left in the suitcase. But I also picked up a cruise ship. Although the ship is small, it has advanced equipment and complete internal organs. According to Jinx, as long as it can operate, it can completely avoid the detection of the South American navy. It can transport things and run fast. …Contacted a 3Dfx shareholder who was familiar with the CEO, and sold it for more than 700,000 yuan.”

"Afterwards, I saw that North American crude oil was cheaper than ours in China. It was about 19 yuan a barrel, and I used the money from selling oil tankers to pack 37,000 barrels swaggeringly."

"When I arrived in the Far East of Bingxiong, they are engaged in the export of crude oil, and I didn't plan to sell it. I wanted to bring it back to China and exchange it with petrochemical for refined oil."

"But when I arrived in Vladivostok, I happened to meet a petrochemical company in Nanbangzi, and asked me if I could sell it at 32/barrel?!"

"As soon as I heard it, I would definitely sell it. I earned 13 Franklins per barrel, 37,000 barrels, 480,000, plus 700,000 costs. What the hell, the money I spent before came back, and it just made up three Ten million Franklin... eh? Boss, don't go!"

Ge Xiaotian was very suspicious.

Which of us is the time traveler? !

Driving the wheelchair, ran into the office of the general manager of the hotel, turned on the computer, and searched quickly.

Soon, a long list of news jumped out.

At the end of last year, international crude oil fluctuated greatly!

The price rose by 59.44% from an average of 18 Franklins, and even broke through 34 Franklins/barrel at the peak!

Of course, this would have come down to less than 23!

Lao Hong probably bought at the lowest price and sold at the highest price. He experienced a 'bull market' without knowing it.

How amazing!

No, this is our lucky general!

"Old Hong, why don't you go abroad for a stroll?"

"No, I won't go out even if I'm killed!"

"I'll give you the money, let's bring more this time, the project is over, and the 1.1 billion red notes, you just give me 10 billion Franklin and come back!"


Old Hong ran away quickly.

Ge Xiaotian stayed where he was and carefully recalled the trend of international crude oil prices in recent years.

But no matter how I think about it, I don't have any memory except breaking a hundred in 2008.


Early the next morning.

Lao Hong was like beating chicken blood, pulling the female manager of the Propaganda Department to act as an interpreter, and gathered the scientific researchers together for a meeting!

There are people, but it doesn't mean that the remote control system can be started immediately.

Computers can be used to write languages ​​and make programs, but remote control equipment requires chips, signal devices, LCD screens, various sensors, gyroscopes, GPS... There are too many, and it is necessary to find manufacturers to cooperate.

Fortunately, the time travel is a little later, and the great motherland has already taken a step forward. Customizing integrated circuits, or customizing computer chips is not too difficult.

And the signal transmitter, signal receiver, memory, interface circuit, keyboard matrix, can also find the corresponding manufacturers.

Otherwise, just making chips would be enough for Lao Hong to drink a pot.

This is the same as building a car.

Daoist monks can imitate engines and make car design drawings, but they cannot make tires, wheels, gearboxes, turbine systems, etc.

To refine it further, there will be bearings, central control, brakes, batteries, front and rear headlights...

The accessories needed for car manufacturing are provided by VIPs from the chamber of commerce. They do high-tech without the slightest foundation, and the system cannot provide any help. The difficulty can be imagined.

What's more, Lao Hong still doesn't know how to develop a remote control system!

Fortunately, he knew how to do it, and told Jinx the general idea, and Jinx initiated a discussion...

Sitting in the meeting room of Auto Trade City, Ge Xiaotian almost fell asleep listening to it.

Looking at the time, it was less than ten o'clock, so I immediately decided to take a stroll around the construction site.

Start with the canal and go east to west.

District E, District F of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City has been capped, and District G, District H is still three floors away. The delivery time is scheduled for mid-March, and almost 200 million yuan will be recovered by then.

Daxiang was not at the sales office, but went to the resettlement housing construction site in Yunhe Town.

Talk to the salesperson, more and more people are asking about Canal CBD recently.

200 mu of commercial street and 400 mu of residential area, this is the largest commercial and residential project in Tiancheng's history. The prospective house buyers who are looking forward to it have left many valuable suggestions.

Such as building appearance, apartment type, nearby community facilities, etc.

Ge Xiaotian had decided a long time ago that imitating Wall Street and Silicon Valley must not be copied, but surpassed!

Like sky gardens, sky corridors, sky italic buildings, sky bridges built after the road is built...all of them!

He took out his pen and responded to hundreds of suggestions one by one.

As a business, sometimes one move can gain a large number of loyal customers!

This is also making money.

Of course, we can’t live up to the high expectations of customers, and we must be refined, beautiful, and solid.

Leaving Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, he went to Shu Dahong's driving school.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, many companies and schools are still on holiday, and there are not a few students who plan to use the winter vacation to get their driver's license.

Roughly counting, seven to eight hundred people, different subjects, different numbers of people, and some have included VIP one-on-one training. It is estimated that at least 1.5 million tuition fees were collected a year ago.

On the west side of the driving school is the Auto Trade City, on the north side is the Traffic Management Office, and on the north side is the National Highway.

Driving around the Auto Trade City in a wheelchair, behind, that is, to the west, is the huge sports center.

Five large venues, several outdoor venues, and earthwork projects have a long way to go.

With experience in the construction of UFO Sports Center, it is not difficult at present.

After saying hello to Lao Zhu, Ge Xiaotian continued westward.

Commodity Market!

In engineering, no one likes to dig mud.

Difficult construction, difficult transportation, unsafe slope, time-consuming and labor-intensive support, sludge treatment may require secondary transfer...

Moreover, excavators rarely succeed in digging silt.

Machine A first dug a shovel in the stinky ditch, and put it in the bunker prepared by the roadside to prevent backflow.

Machine B loads the excavated silt into the truck.

If the gully is deep and far away from the roadside, a C machine will be added to dump the mud together with the B machine, which is called one dig and two dumps (bad luck).

If it is farther away, continue to increase, which is called one dig and three down.


Add more?

The cost is too high, so it is better to send out bulldozers to pave the road, lay steel plates, and press the empty truck several times.

Of course, if the excavator arm is long enough, it can save a lot of trouble.

But in any case, it is definitely not cheap to dig silt with an excavator. The price of just one excavator is 1.5 times that of ordinary earthwork.

Self-made machinery does not cost money, but can burn oil!

The project budget is there, and Heihu is not easy.

After chatting with professors from the School of Civil Engineering and leaders of water conservancy, Ge Xiaotian went straight to affordable housing.

There is no difficulty in a six-story residential building.

The five buildings in the first row will start construction first, the earth and stones in the five buildings in the second row will be transported to the first row, and the third row will be transported to the second row, and so on.

Walking to the edge of the construction site, Ge Xiaotian suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Teacher Li?!"

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