Build Madness

Chapter 254 High School Advertisement

Hearing the shout, Teacher Li turned his head and saw the visitor, his expression was very surprised, "Ge Xiaotian? Why did you run out of the hospital?"

"What do you mean I ran out? It's obvious that I was discharged from the hospital, okay!" Ge Xiaotian's head was full of black lines, and he always felt that the former head teacher had something to say.

Teacher Li laughed dumbfounded, and stepped forward, "How is your body recovering?"

"It's nothing serious, what are you doing here? Could it be... there is a baby?" Ge Xiaotian looked around, except for the refurbished soil, there was not even a ceramic earthen jar.

"What kind of baby is not a baby, but also a Digimon! I went to the city for a meeting in the morning to prepare for the college entrance examination in the new semester. In order to relieve the psychological pressure of the candidates, the superior decided to organize an outing. The school leader asked me to visit the inspection site on the way back. "

"Go to Xiaoqingshan!"

"It's too far away, besides our No. 1 Middle School... Oh, no, it's our No. 1 Middle School, you didn't go to high school!"

"Can we still have a good chat?!"

"Haha, just kidding, besides, the school has already arranged various mock exams, whether they will organize an outing or not is another matter!"

"Indeed, if you relax a little bit, if you lose 0.5, you may be thrown off thousands of people. However, it's useless to relieve psychological pressure by playing alone. It's best to arrange a psychological counselor!"

"Psychological counselor? I think you are quite suitable. Why don't you give a lecture to boost morale?"

"Come on, it's okay if I donate money to support it. Isn't it misleading to give a speech! Education requires an educator. I'm just a businessman. Do you want your school's top students to follow me?"

"Hey, I'm ashamed to say that your school admissions advertisement is almost brainwashing people, but you are here to shirk me!"

"What admissions advertisement, my school doesn't even have a shadow!"

"I said Ge Xiaotian, I haven't taught you for a few years, and started to teach myself to open my eyes and talk nonsense?"

"How is it possible! I didn't arrange anyone to be responsible for the establishment of the school, and I only learned about the progress of the approval recently. With so many projects started, I'm busy going around all day. How can I have time to advertise? Is it a liar?"

"Dongshan Tiancheng Technical School?"

"That's right!" Last time, the special team said that the name must be changed next year. Ge Xiaotian considered the future development and publicity, and finally put the word "Tiancheng".

"Jinxiuchuan University City?"


"Learn technology to Tiancheng, step into society and do everything!"


"Going to work blindly and alone, it's better for Tian Cheng to go to vocational school!"


"Tiancheng Vocational Technical School, the place where your dreams start!!!"


"Registration hotline: 666... ​​777... 888... 999..., this number is really bluffing. In Dongshan, who else would be willing to smash this thing except Ge Baiyi who made ten consecutive license plate numbers?"


Hearing the phone number, Ge Xiaotian suddenly reflected.

Four brothers Liu Guan Zhang Zhao!

He took out his mobile phone and found Liu Beibei.

"Didi... Didi..."


Call again...


Call the others...

still is!

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath and decided to contact the radio station directly, "Teacher, which station's advertisement?"

"Dongshan Radio, Qilu, Fenghuang, wireless broadcasting, transportation, literature and art, Nanhe Province, Xishan Province, and Heilong Province in the northeast..."


Are these people poisonous?

Or do you find something to do when you are idle and bored? !

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, then called Mr. Yu's guard.

After attending the opening of He Shun's 4S shop yesterday, the motorcade led by Dongshan stopped at the Auto Trade City, and then went straight to Xiaohu Town.

From there, across Liang County is Tai City, take the Jitai Expressway... I should go back.

"Brother Wei, are you in the Jifu compound?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge, what's the matter?"

"Liu Beibei, do you know him?"

"We see each other often, very familiar."

"They recruit students at the gate?"

"Yes, it's always lively, and the leader and I are also at the scene!"

Hearing Lao Huanxi, Ge Xiaotian's liver trembled, "Do you know how many people were recruited?"

"I know, when I was running this morning, the leader asked Liu Beibei who set up a stall early in the morning, four thousand seven!"

Ten times the enrollment plan!

Ge Xiaotian was a little dizzy.

"By the way, Mr. Ge, the leader asked me to ask you, Yu Yao dropped out of high school, couldn't go to university, likes to write novels, Tiancheng has so many majors, can you recommend one?"


Yu Yao can't go to college?

What an international joke!

Ge Xiaotian felt that there was a ghost inside, and replied without hesitation: "Like writing novels? Go to Qidian! Qidian Chinese website!"


"As long as you have a clear mind, are talented, code hard, and update every day, a monthly income of 300,000 is not a problem!"


"Brother Wei, tell Liu Beibei for me to stop recruiting students for technical secondary schools. The school is full, and if it is overcrowded, it will be rejected. You will bear the consequences!"

"Uh... OK!" The other end of the phone was also confused.

Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian felt a little complicated.

He not only wants his school to be popular in China, but also worries about being punished for over-enrollment.

In fact, up to now, the number of students enrolled is not important, what is important is the law and responsibility!

Tiancheng is indeed in urgent need of all kinds of technical talents, from basic positions to management positions.

But in the future, there will be many directional delivery schools, including software, services, sailors, football, etc., but none of them will really succeed.

There are many problems.

School management is scattered, teaching quality is not high, professional courses are not highly targeted, admissions are based on merit after graduation, poor students directly cancel their contracts, and some companies use targeted delivery as a cover to run schools to make money.

Either way, the injured are the students.

Ordinary majors are okay, and you can almost find corresponding jobs when you step into the society, such as electric welding, car maintenance, excavator driving, tower crane operation, and so on.

However, for special majors for enterprises, such as animal husbandry, traditional Chinese medicine theory and practice, engineering cost, sports competition, etc., in three years, the world is developing rapidly, and when the time comes to count on a technical secondary school diploma, where can I find a corresponding job?

This time and space has its own nature, as long as it develops rapidly, it seems that these problems can be avoided.

However, currently the only schools that cooperate with technical secondary schools are the School of Civil Engineering and Dongshan Art Institute. Private schools are not included in the establishment, and teachers are all rushing to earn their jobs. How can the school prepare its own teaching staff?

Increase salary? Improve treatment? Benefits? Send a house?

Teacher Li next to him seemed to understand that it would be unreliable to invite the student who is a good talker but the most accomplished student to go to school to boost morale.

"Others helped me recruit many students, but I don't have enough teachers here."

"Hey, what's the problem, technical school?"


"In the past few years, we have vigorously developed technical secondary schools and arranged many excellent teachers. As far as I know, there are six or seven Chinese-level technicians in our Jishi technical secondary school alone, and there are as many as 20 or 30 technicians at the provincial level. There are almost as many technical secondary schools, but you should know what technical secondary schools are like in the past few years, before they are transferred to higher vocational know!"


Having said that, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered.

When I was chatting with someone before, I also mentioned the allocation of graduation packages from technical secondary schools, and my strength is far superior to that of high schools. However, in the past two years, no one cares about them suddenly, and the salary of teachers staying in school is probably greatly reduced.

Time to dig in!

Ge Xiaotian called the personnel department.

Xiao Huang was transferred away, and all the recruitment work in the Jishi area was left to the secretary, and he didn't know if he could be competent for this job.


"Go to Xiang County Technical Secondary School first, and place an advertisement for Jinxiu Chuan Dongshan Tiancheng Vocational School. Let those who are interested leave their contact information. I'll talk to them one by one later!"


"Huh? Can't do this well?"

"No, boss, Mr. Huang went to Xiang County Technical Secondary School to recruit before New Year's Day. After all, he learned electric welding there..."

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian was slightly impressed.

Before Xiao Huang was 'invited' by Brother Hao, his family did let him go to a technical secondary school.

It's a pity that this guy was playful and dropped out of school with Xiao Lu, Xiao Zeng and others.

"Mr. Huang went back to his alma mater to recruit, and brought a large number of teachers, some into the mechanical department, some into the engineering department, and some were transferred to branch companies and farms. It is said that the principal was very angry and reacted to the county many times. ..."

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian thought carefully, the county leader didn't seem to have mentioned this matter to him.

"Not only Xiangxian County Technical Secondary School, but also Jishi Technical Secondary School. With our Tiancheng salary, working as a skilled worker here is at least 1,500 yuan a month. There are also opening red envelopes, holiday red envelopes, and five insurances. The agreement is all It’s clearly written, it’s better than five or six hundred a month at school, right?”

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, and suddenly had the illusion of "finding the key with the key" and "not knowing the blessing in the blessing".

"Look for the resumes of these people. If you transfer those with teacher qualifications to our Jinxiuchuan Technical Secondary School, you must communicate with them one by one. You can't force them. In terms of benefits, I will email the personnel department later!"

"Good boss!"

"By the way, go to the technical secondary schools in the surrounding counties and cities to see how many they can hire, especially the retired old technicians!"

"It should be gone. Our company is developing rapidly. Mr. Huang can fill the gap in technical positions, all thanks to the secondary schools in the surrounding counties and cities, and even went to higher vocational schools..."

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian once again discovered that Xiao Huang is really a talent!

Seeing him put down the phone, Teacher Li seemed to think of something, "Solved?"

"Temporary solution, I didn't expect things to be so simple!"

"Have you recruited the teachers from the technical secondary school to your company as technical workers?"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

Teacher Li looked a little weird, "Do you still remember the physics, chemistry, mathematics, and geography teachers you hired from No. 1 Middle School when you built the Crescent Landmark?"


"Not long after, all resigned."


"Your employees take the self-examination, don't you need a teacher to teach?"

"Professor Hu..."

Ge Xiaotian couldn't continue.

Thousands of people take the self-examination, how can Professor Hu teach them.

No wonder the results are improving by leaps and bounds...

It turned out that there was a substitute teacher!


It seems that technical secondary schools also need to learn cultural courses!

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Teacher Li, "Teacher, do you intend to come to Tiancheng Vocational School as... the dean?!"

On the National Day, I wish the motherland more prosperity and prosperity, and I wish all book friends good health. Remember to watch the military parade tomorrow morning! ——2019.9.30

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