Build Madness

Chapter 255 Parting

There is a big difference between cultural courses in high school and cultural courses in technical secondary schools. The former is for university entrance examinations, while the latter is for understanding technology. One is in-depth and the other is simple. The teaching requirements are also somewhat different.

Teacher Li has gone through a lot of hardships. It is not easy to go from elementary school to high school. Although Tiancheng's salary is very attractive, the big boss is still his own student, but in the end he did not agree to change jobs.

This made Ge Xiaotian realize firsthand how difficult it is to find an iron job.

If it hadn't been for the reform of technical secondary schools in the past few years, I am afraid that Xiao Huang would not be able to attract so many technical talents.

However, he was not disappointed when he was declined by Teacher Li.

Everyone has their own helplessness, such as children going to school, supporting parents, living habits, personal connections and so on.

Running from Xiangxian County to Jinxiuchuan, bringing the parents of the children with you, is equivalent to leaving the homeland and going alone, but you have to be separated from your family.

In this day and age, most people want to be stable, free from disease and disaster, and no change is a blessing. What's more, Mr. Li's family just bought a house in Xingyue Bay, and the living standard is not bad in the local area.

Failure to hire does not affect the relationship between teachers and students.

Chatting all over the world, near noon, let Li Ge open a big gold cup, and go to Teacher Li's house together.

Ge Xiaotian had planned to have lunch after taking some regular cigarettes and alcohol from the car, but just as he sat down and chatted with Mr. Li's husband about a cigarette, Comrade Ge Feng and his second uncle, who was a big passenger, called one after another.

One intends to return to the northeast, and the other prepares to set off again.


Hurry back to Gejia Village.

Stepping into the small yard, I heard the noise from the living room.

Take a look from the outside.

The old village head, father, mother, second uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, two aunts, brother Da Mao, younger sister, brother Lei, second brother Lei,

The side branch, the second grandfather who chopped corn stalks to the leg, uncle, second uncle Ge Shunfeng, and uncle Tang.

As well as Xizi and Dachun who have a good relationship and work in Tiancheng.

A dozen men gathered together, smoking, drinking tea, and chatting, while my mother and a few aunts were busy in the kitchen.

"Hey, it's so lively?"

"Come back pretty fast!"

After saying hello to many elders, Ge Xiaotian sat next to Comrade Ge Feng.

"Father, didn't you say that you will go back after fifteen years?"

"There are clues to the money lost by the contractor, but the contractor hasn't found it yet. I have to go and have a look. Later... well, all the workers I hired have gone to your place. I guess I can't do it to solve this matter. The project is finished." Comrade Ge Feng was very worried.

Ge Xiaotian secretly laughed.

In October, Comrade Ge Feng was inspired by his son to fight, and he planned to fight hard, but now...

The tall man ran away with his two younger brothers, the foreman met "Xianren Tiao" and disappeared, the workers who returned home joined Tiancheng, and the project in the Northeast was overdue and broke the contract...

It's almost equivalent to annihilation of the whole army, no worries!

Ge Xiaotian comforted in a low voice: "Your son is so awesome, why worry? What kind of project do you want to do, son will help you, Tiancheng will provide the funds, and all the profits will belong to you!"

"Hey, are you promising?"


"Repay your loan first, the more you owe, the less at ease I feel!"

"What kind of loan is that? Isn't it a matter of minutes to repay it?"

"Will you blow me again?"

Ge Xiaotian went to his father's side, turned on the phone like a treasure, and showed a text message.

"500 million steel structure orders, 40% prepayment, one after another today, exactly 200 million! After removing the cost of 150 million, the remaining 50 million, and 300 million unpaid , it’s all about earning money! Use your brain, won’t the money just come?”

Ge Feng glanced at his complacent second son, and felt even more uncomfortable. He squinted his eyes, patted the wheelchair, and said softly: "The belt you gave me is very strong and easy to use. This time I will let you rice!"

Ge Xiaotian's smile froze, and he ran to the old village chief calmly, and looked at the iron tower man who was chatting with him, "Second uncle, have you selected the car?"

"Your bus has a strange shape. Although the qualification certificate, driving certificate, and registration certificate are valid nationwide, I am afraid that if I travel to remote areas, people will say that I am fake, which will only cause trouble. I originally planned to buy an Ankai luxury bus, but after careful consideration, imported The accessories were not easy to get, so I bought a luxury Golden Dragon.”

"How much did you borrow?" Ge Xiaotian didn't want the money to sell Daewoo, but 1.7 million is definitely not enough to buy the luxury Golden Dragon.

"The previous car was cheated by the dealer. Daewoo went bankrupt and sold me so expensively. No wonder it was repaired more than 30 times along the way, and all the money I earned was spent in it. The more I thought about it in the past two days, the more I couldn't bear it. Jin, I came to the door overnight, chatted with the dealer boss privately, and returned half a million, enough!"


The second uncle smiled heartily, "Don't worry, second nephew, when the second uncle returns from northern Xinjiang, the money will definitely be returned to you!"

"It's not a matter of money or not. You'd better not go to northern Xinjiang and continue to run south!"


"Northern Xinjiang is desolate. If you travel hundreds of miles, how many people can you meet?" Ge Xiaotian was afraid that his second uncle would never return. Find a second aunt!"

"That's right, second brother, you're already in your forties, and it's time to start a family!" Fourth Uncle comforted him.

"I can't be idle, I always want to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and I don't want to live my life in vain, marrying a wife? Why do you marry that thing, you have to raise it, how carefree and comfortable can you live alone?" The second uncle is very heroic, proud Head waved, let loose.

At this time, the old village chief who was sitting next to him knocked on the coffee table with a cigarette pot, "You bring a daughter-in-law back next year!"

"Uh...good grandpa!"

Grandparents passed away early, and the old man was old. The four Ge Feng brothers have worried the old village head since they were young, including serving as soldiers, proposing marriage, building houses, etc., so they have a high prestige.

No matter how aggressive the second uncle was, he didn't dare to disrespect the old village head.

After agreeing, he lit a cigarette for him like a good baby, with a smile on his face.

It caused the young and old who were overwhelmed by the rhetoric in the room to burst into laughter.

The second uncle was not embarrassed at all, and stared at the third uncle, fourth uncle, and several cousins: "Wait, I will bring you a sister-in-law back at the end of the year!"


Not long after, Guyue Qingshan store sent a large round table.

Serve the food, serve the wine, and chat again.

Waiting for the elders to come and drink with me, Ge Xiaotian clinked glasses with Comrade Ge Feng, "Father, Qinggang has developed very well in recent years, and it belongs to the economic zone, foreign trade port, and tourist city. I feel that the real estate market in the future will be very good." , not worse than Jifu!"

"Oh?" Comrade Ge Feng drank his glass in one gulp, "plan to open another branch?"

"There are too many projects, canal development zone, hub plan, Xiaoqingshan tourism, Yunxian branch, Jinxiuchuan University Town... I am too busy, I mean, are you going?"

Comrade Ge Feng was a little disappointed, and sighed, "Let's talk about the overdue project after dealing with the foreman. I have worked there for most of my life, and the reputation I have established cannot be ruined like this. Besides, your business is getting better and better. Big, I don't want to be pointed at the spine by others in a few years or ten years and say: Ge Baiyi's biological father is a big liar!"

"How can it be so serious? The overdue project should be a substation, right? I will send a team to take a courtyard of two to three hundred square meters. Even if it is demolished and rebuilt, it will take at most two weeks. Liquidated damages and so on, all will be given to them , promise to settle this matter for you beautifully!"

Comrade Ge Feng was silent for a moment, "Do you think I went to the Northeast because of problems at the construction site?"


"Is it to find the contractor?"


"Yeah!" Comrade Ge Feng smiled, and patted his second son on the shoulder, "Your father and I are also ambitious!"


Dad is not admitting defeat!

What can I do with my son? !

In the future, my son started a company, and my father carried a thermos and some newspapers to help look at the warehouse, the gate, and the sea in the parking lot.

Director Shang made many reservations and I didn't agree, these positions are all for you!

Xiaoqingshan, Xingyue Bay, Canal CBD, so many industries, eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, look at Su Dacheng, and then look at you...

Of course, it's also possible that it's not the above reasons, but that the father is worried that his second child will bring Tian Cheng down, and he wants to continue to be the safest 'safe haven' in the world.

Ge Xiaotian looked up at the ceiling, feeling a little complicated.

Comrade Ge Feng smiled and toasted again, "I contacted a group of old brothers who are still willing to do it. You have two aunts who want to go too. By the way, bring your mother along, so you don't need to hire someone to cook!"

"As soon as you and mom go, the little sister is going to take her exams, and the big brother doesn't know where to go. I'm the only one left at home. How lonely!"

Just like you often go home to live! "Comrade Ge Feng felt amused.

"The market over there is not good, housing prices are low, and profits are low. You have connections, but you may not be able to make money!"

"Observe and observe first!"

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian took out a card from his file bag, "I prepared 20 million yuan a year ago, but I bought a tank with it when I was drunk. The 200 million yuan advance payment I just received belongs to Tiancheng's funds. In Zhashunhe Trading, it is estimated that they will also check Tiancheng, so I can't borrow it for the time being. I asked Lao Sun to coordinate the profits of the branch and the dividends of the manufacturer's shares. Five million, you can use it first!"

Comrade Ge Feng shook his head, "Your 500,000 yuan has already plugged the gap, and when the contractor's matter is settled, as long as you recover some of the accounts, you can finish the substation project."


Early the next morning.

Set off a few firecrackers, light a few boxes of Erqijiao.

The second uncle drove the luxury bus with red cloth strips, and was watched by the whole village, men, women and children, and went south to see the sea with the two elite troops.

And Mom and Dad are together with ten masons (strong men) who "want to go back to their hometown in the Northeast", three big and tall brothers who have been prepared for a long time, and a dozen old comrades of Comrade Ge Feng. Auntie, pack your bags and take the boat to Jifu to catch the plane.

Since he had done a lot of preparatory work in advance, such as masons from the northeast corner, and training tall ones for half a month, Ge Xiaotian had nothing to worry about.

"Father, mother, just treat it as a tourist, don't work too hard, and when you have nothing to do, go and see Changbai Mountain, Wudalianchi, Mohe, and Jingpo Lake. Let's have fun!"

My mother was very reluctant and worried: "Second, be more careful in what you do in the future, don't drink so much wine!"

"I know, there are bodyguards, it's okay! Mom, when will you get tired of staying there, call me, and I'll buy you a plane ticket back!

Comrade Ge Feng didn't speak, just patted Ge Xiaotian on the shoulder and nodded.

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