Build Madness

Chapter 259 Chen Ergou's Conspiracy

"No, not Ge Wangwang!"

As early as when he felt that the figure of the other party seemed familiar, Ge Xiaotian imagined his elder brother.

That guy is too unreliable, another time and space is cheating, so there is no guarantee that this time and space is cheating.

But there is a huge difference in height between the two, Ge Wangwang is 1.8 meters, and the person in the video is at most 1.7 meters.

Xiao Lu, who asked about the investigation, answered the same.

"Strange, if the other party doesn't want to reveal their identity, they can hide their face at will, so why pretend to be Brother Ge?" Xiao Lu asked suspiciously.

"So, find out the other party's intentions as soon as possible!" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, "Also, check our own branch, for example, did we offend people on the road when we expanded our business? Did the construction site disturb the people? The ongoing project is Didn't it touch the interests of any big boss? Especially the two construction sites in Yun County and Wen County!"

"Okay, I'll check right away!"


After hanging up the call, the phone rang again.

It belongs to Xiaohong from Xiangxian County Intelligence Department!


"Boss, He Shun's son He Laoshi, for some reason, came to Beiguan, Xiang County to play, and Ge Wangwang just broke his legs with a crowbar!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian's mind flashed, he picked up a pen and paper, and wrote and drew, "Isn't it my elder brother?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hong was a little surprised. "Although he was not caught, according to the eyewitness description, his appearance is similar, but his size is slightly different. If I didn't find out this detail, I would almost believe it!"

No, Ge Wangwang didn't have the guts, Ge Xiaotian muttered to himself, "How is Mr. He doing now?"

"Sent to the affiliated hospital, both legs should be able to be saved!"

"I see, grab this 'Ge Wangwang' for me!"

"Already looking!"

Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian was completely sure that someone was sowing discord.

Or to put it another way, let myself 'do it' with He Shun.

Sure enough, the next moment, He Shun called.

"Ge, you want to die so badly, I will give you a metal shell!"

"Okay, you send it! I'll give you a day, if you can't make it, I will let you two reunite in the depths of the canal tomorrow. I, Ge Xiaotian, dare to say and do it!"

"You..." He Shun hesitated.

"Calm down! The person who broke your son's leg was not my eldest brother. Besides, I believe it was not you who gave me the metal shell. Neither of us is stupid, so we should understand what it means?"

"Huh..." He Shun let out a breath, and remained silent for a long time, "Wei Changfeng?"


"Chen Feng dare not!"

"I also feel that Chen Feng dare not!"

"That's Wei Changfeng. If we fight to the death and the Jishi market falls into chaos again, and Jiangnan Industry rushes in, it will be unimpeded!"

"Hehe!" Ge Xiaotian flicked the cigarette ash, "Your in-laws!"

"It's just a relationship of interest. If it wasn't for dealing with you, I wouldn't let Honesty marry that broken threshold!"

"Hey, this word is very vivid!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Me? I have nothing to lose, and a metal shell for nothing, whatever..."

"Beep beep..."

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, looked through the phone's address book, and found little classmate Chen Feng.

According to He Shun's thinking, Shunhe Trading and Tiancheng clashed to death, and Jiangnan Changfeng Industry rushed into Jishi...

Cranes and clams compete, and the fisherman wins!

Very simple set, very clear purpose.

However, He Shun didn't see the general direction clearly, the leaders would never let Changfeng Industrial enter Jishi!

Logically speaking, it is a good thing to attract investment and a super enterprise engaged in industry to enter the local area, so why stop it?

This starts with Dongshan's economic system.

Why is Dongshan economy among the best?


In addition to heavy industry, there are countless light industries.

Just like Xiang County, which is dominated by agriculture.

Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the primary industry, um, it’s all there!

As a result, countless glove factories, textile factories, cotton factories, lumber factories, furniture factories, oil mills, flour mills...

Although poor, although the development is slow, but the economic system is very stable.

As long as there are no major problems in the primary industry, the secondary and tertiary industries will not be affected by the outside world, because this economic system can not only achieve local self-sufficiency and only supply, form a small cycle, but also be controlled by the leaders to achieve export.

If Changfeng Industry rushes in...

Large factories, large output, low cost, how do local small and medium-sized factories live?

The leaders absolutely do not want to see that the local economic market is completely controlled by a super enterprise.

Just like Tiancheng, I am very good at construction. I have invested in many building materials manufacturers, but I never get involved in local oil refineries, flour mills, textile mills, etc.

Even if you want to do it, you still leave it to the people in the village, such as the cotton planting and cotton ginning factory of the fourth uncle.

Or, develop the tertiary industry, which is currently neglected, such as wholesale and retail, transportation, catering services and so on.

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?

It is a non-profit organization composed of local enterprises, freelancers and citizens who are enthusiastic about public welfare. Its purpose is to strengthen the connection between local enterprises, communicate the relationship between local enterprises and local leaders, coordinate the interests of the same industry, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of member enterprises. , to protect local enterprises from attacks by foreign enterprises!

Therefore, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce is equivalent to a business service center supported by local leaders.

However, He Shun can't see through this point, but Wei Changfeng can definitely see through it.

Therefore, after the failure of the retail industry, Changfeng Industry changed to real estate investment and decided to build Changfeng Commercial Building in Jishi.

Ge Xiaotian didn't know what the leaders thought about this, but he could be sure that Wei Changfeng absolutely didn't want to go to war with Tian Cheng at this time.


The project of Changfeng Building was established years ago, and all the money was poured into it, but it provoked the relationship of local enterprises and gave Ge Xiaotian, an outstanding entrepreneur and philanthropist, a metal shell...

Isn't this asking for trouble!

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian never doubted Wei Changfeng.

And after He Shun's reminder, he immediately thought of Chen Feng's little classmate who had been "dog" for more than two months!

When he heard about this girl's transfer the day before yesterday, he felt a little strange.

Now it seems that it is doubtful!


Intensive Care Unit of Liang County Hospital.

A young man who looked exactly like Ge Xiaotian and Ge Wangwang pushed open the door of the ward, "Mr. Chen, the matter is settled!"

"As expected of that kid's mortal enemy, why didn't I think of using this method to deal with Tian Cheng and Datai Construction before?!" Chen Feng took off his oxygen mask, showing a slightly sick smile.

"You're still too kind!" The young man finished flattering, took off his scarf, rubbed the makeup on his face, and revealed his true face.

It was Chen Ergou!

"According to our inference, the person surnamed Ge will definitely call He Shun, and then start to suspect Jiangnan Changfeng Industrial..."

"No!" Chen Feng shook his head, "He Shun will doubt Wei Changfeng, but Ge Xiaotian will doubt me!"

"It doesn't matter. After the Lantern Festival, at the auction in the garden area of ​​Jishi, you were so close to Wei Changfeng and isolated He Shun. You are Wei Changfeng's brother-in-law. The three families cooperated, and the two were accomplices. Even if the surname Ge had doubts, I will also focus on Wei Changfeng, wondering if your 'brother-in-law' ordered it, after all, Shangpin Construction really doesn't have much 'strength' right now!"

Chen Ergou drank his saliva and continued, "As long as they fight, the surnamed Ge will not develop into Liang County for the time being. Our Shangpin Construction Industry is the only one, and we have collected the entire Liang County market, pooled enough funds, and entrusted other companies Helping to acquire land in Tai City, darken old warehouses, open pre-sales, and attract demolition households undertaken by Datai..."

"Haha not bad……"

Before Chen Feng could stop laughing, the phone rang. He glanced at the screen of the phone, and instantly frowned, "Second Ge?!"

"Huh?" Chen Ergou was startled, "Mr. Chen, calm down! The one named Ge just wants to blow you up!"

Chen Feng nodded, took a deep breath, and connected the phone.

"Comrades, how are you?"

"It's very bad, someone gave me a metal shell yesterday, and I'm still terrified!"

"Who sent it? The enemy?"

"Counting the enemies, I found that you seem to be the only one who has the guts to send me a metal shell!"

"How is it possible? We are living in peace now. You develop yours and I develop mine. Why bother to start a dispute?"

"I can't bear the fact that some people have evil intentions and want to start a war among others!"

"Hey, you surnamed Ge, do you really doubt me? But what good will it do me to start a war between you?"

"Datai..." "Doo..."

Hearing the last two words, Chen Feng and Chen Ergou looked at each other.

The former couldn't help but muttered to himself: "This girl is getting more and more demonic!"

"Stop Mr. Chen, it's probably just a coincidence, he often encounters dead mice!"

"No, I have to transfer!"

"To Thailand?"

"not going home!"


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