Build Madness

Chapter 260 Purchasing Review Passed, Teddy and Little Star

on the other end of the phone.

While talking on the phone with Chen Feng, Ge Xiaotian controlled the wheelchair to turn left and right, and happened to see Teddy wearing an MP3, turning left and right into the general manager's office.

Seeing him on the phone, the guy even made a face.

Ge Xiaotian originally wanted to ask, 'Is the business of Datai Road and Bridge over? 'Suddenly remembered that I was on the phone, said two words, no longer in the mood to test Chen Feng, and hung up the phone directly.

"Why are you free today?"

"Busy working!"

"So fast?"

"The main work is finished, and the rest is left to the paver to work all the way to Liang County. In the middle of March, our road and bridge company will join another road and bridge company in Tai City. Jishi will go to Liang County, and Taishi will go to Liang County. County, the two road sections meet, and the whole project is perfectly completed!"

"It's great!" Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up sincerely.

Don't look at this kid who is very playful, but he is unambiguous in his work.

A project worth hundreds of millions of dollars can be completed in three or four months from early morning to late night, and it is really impossible to do it without any skills.

And Teddy wandered around the office, "Why didn't you eat?"

"This is the office, where can I get food?"

"You have to put some melon and fruit candies, Shaqima, Wangwang snow cakes, cheese cakes and so on?" Teddy said, and began to pull out the drawer.


"My God!" Teddy ran to Xu Ling's desk to search, and suddenly saw a fat photo on the desk, or the one holding a dumbbell to exercise, "Is this your secretary?"


"The taste is unique, I admire it!"


Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to pay attention to this product, and clicked on the forwarded 'Tank Purchase Application'.

A document beginning with a red font came into view.

Praise Tiancheng for its willingness to contribute to education, donate to build nearly a hundred hope primary schools, and set up vocational secondary schools...

Praise Tiancheng for donating to build township roads and pave township buses...

In recognition of Tiancheng's economic contribution to the local area, driving local development...

Praise Ge Xiaotian for being pragmatic and capable...

State the dangers of heavy weapons...

...Purchase requisition approved!

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian let out a long breath.

And the latter is the contact information of the relevant department responsible for checking and handling the franchise certificate after the purchase is completed.

as well as……

A notice recommending someone Ge to enlist in the army!


When did I apply to serve in the military?

Ge Xiaotian was a little dumbfounded.

Swallowing saliva, glanced at the signature of the mysterious person who had only heard of it before, and felt...

The heating is indeed a bit hot today, it's so dry!

Then again, a good man must go to the army.


I owe 1.4 billion, and it will be due at the end of the year...


Ge Xiaotian carefully read the notice of enlistment.

Recommended unit: Sancha Township Militia Company? !



Re-edit the email, attach the manuscript in red font, and forward it to Da Mao, Director Sun, Yang Dingfeng, Jinxiuchuan Special Team, etc.

At this time, Li Hu walked into the office with big and small boxes in his arms.

"Boss, the fireworks are back!"

Ge Xiaotian checked the time, called Li Xiuxiu at seven o'clock in the evening, and greeted Zhenghuan Teddy, who was knocking Xu Ling's melon seeds, "Go, let's go to the square to set off fireworks!"

"By the way, boss, when will my car be built?"


"What is it like?"

"Have you heard of Qiu Mingshan?"

"It's a bit familiar... the racing location in the animation?"

"Yes! However, animation is animation, and reality is reality. I will send you a famous autumn car!"


"No, it's more powerful than it!"



"What is your name?"

"Glory of Wuling!"

"Wow, that sounds great!"


the next day.

The twelfth day of the first lunar month (February 16).

Early in the morning, Li Suo took away the kraft paper bag and the metal case, but Xiao Lu and Xiao Hong still failed to track down the suspect.

Ge Xiaotian was already too lazy to pay attention to this matter, the other party just wanted Tian Cheng to fight with Shunhe Business, but the method was a bit childish...

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Director Shang called and the long-planned skiing and sled races officially started.

It was frosty the day before yesterday, and the river ice layer, which showed some signs of melting, was frozen solid again, so there was nothing to worry about.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Yang called.

After the inspection is completed, the tanker, together with the oil barrels, will be packaged and sold to the big bosses of Qinggang Auto Trade and Ocean Trade.

He is the bronze VIP of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, so he must give a cost price, 30 million red notes!

If you do the math, it's not expensive.

With a displacement of 30,000 tons and a load of 24,000 tons, according to the cost of more than 2.6 million Franklins per ton (load), more than 6 million Franklins are needed.

Multiply by eight, forty-eight million red notes!

Second-hand goods, plus so many oil barrels, are still imported...definitely make money!

After eating breakfast and strolling around the Crescent office, Ge Xiaotian came to the negotiation area.

In order to create a scene where the real estate is very popular and there are many customers, it is very knowledgeable to arrange the negotiation area.

For example, 20 sets of tables and chairs are arranged in a five-pointed star, with card swiping on the left and coffee and tea on the right. The front is the beautiful Xingyuewan Community in Xiangxian County, and the back is the aisle where people come and go...

Right now, Tiancheng has no properties for sale, and the negotiation area is empty.

In front of the bar, five girls who graduated from junior high school and just turned sixteen were chatting together.

Seeing him coming, he quickly stood up obediently and said in unison, "Boss!"

"What are we talking about?"

Concierge reception, the younger the age, the purer and sweeter the smile, the more comfortable it looks.

If you are older, you will look fake if you smile on the skin but don't smile, or if you smile but don't smile.

Ge Xiaotian has always been magnanimous to this group of girls specially selected from the hotel, as long as he works hard, he is not allowed to fall in love, and he doesn't care about anything else.

"Boss, shall we set off fireworks with Sister Xiuxiu tonight?"

"Want to see it?"

"Yeah, I bought too little yesterday!"

"Then you all go to buy together, bring Director Sun, he pays, buy as much as you can, just tell me!"


The five little girls chattered and unbuttoned their printed aprons, and ran away bouncing around.

Not long after, the little star I met yesterday twisted and twisted, Gada Gada came!

This is the contrast!

One makes people look happy, and the other makes people frown...

The little star directly ignored a certain 'disabled person' and sat down near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The TV is not on, the waiter is not there, no one is making coffee, no one is making tea...

In a daze, the little star looked at the 'disabled person'.

Looking at it, his face was a little surprised.

"You are...Boss Ge?"

"Sorry, you got the wrong person!"

"Oh!" Little Star ignored it.

At this time, Teddy, who stepped into the hip-hop style in advance, appeared again with a suit of extremely luxurious equipment, "Brother, are you busy today?"


"Shall we go to a KTV party?"

"Not interested in!"

"The few songs you sang are really good. If they are recorded as an album, they will definitely be popular..."

"Not interested in!"

"Make money!"

"This... this is possible!" Hearing about making money, Ge Xiaotian's heart was moved.

The Hope Elementary School funds obtained from the fight against crime and evil have all been used up, and their own construction funds are also relatively tight. They sell a few albums to earn a sum of money, and they can continue to cover them when they come back.

Ill-gotten wealth, use it for charity, feel at ease...

Seeing his hesitation, Teddy took the initiative to push the wheelchair, "Let's go, let's go to the KTV to try the mic first!"

The little star on the side couldn't help it, "Can I go with you?"

"You?" Teddy looked up and down, "You look familiar!"

"I can sing and dance..."

"Here's a sweet song, I'll bring you if you pass!" After Teddy finished speaking, he leaned into Ge Xiaotian's ear and asked softly, "Brother, are you from your company?"

"No, I don't know her, and she doesn't know me either!"

"The owner of Xingyue Bay?"


"We Tiancheng doesn't seem to have any neighborhoods to open recently, right?"


"Then what is she doing here?"

"Catch a winner like you."

"Interesting!" Teddy glanced at the little star singing a cappella, "What do you plan to do?"

"New regulations have just been implemented this year, and the restrictions on opening up loans have been fully relaxed, so that the salesperson can recommend a high-end house for her!"

"She can afford the loan?"

"If you can't repay the loan, you will work harder to make money. Otherwise, if you do nothing all day long, how can you be self-motivated?"

"It sounds reasonable!"

"How about you take out a loan to buy two houses? Don't ask for a 30-year mortgage, but a 20-year mortgage. Don't choose equal principal, choose equal principal and interest!"

"I'm mad?"

"Keep it and don't sell it. Twenty years later, the loan will be repaid. Even if Datai Road and Bridge go bankrupt, you will be able to make a comeback!"

"???" Teddy couldn't believe it, "Really?"

"Trust me and buy two buildings. If you don't believe me, you will miss one billion yuan!"


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