Build Madness

Chapter 266 Crane Machine, Battery and 150,000 Hectares

Lao Hong is very poor.

Don't look at the all-powerful man in North America, but he is penniless after returning.

Thirty million Franklin was 'confiscated'.

The oil tankers and oil barrels were given to the evil boss to repay the company more than 2.5 million in foreign exchange.

After finally bringing back two boxes of Cuban cigars, they were detained by the customs.

Originally, I brought a box with me, but I rummaged through my pockets, and it was gone!

What makes Lao Hong even more uncomfortable is that this trip abroad is not an official business.

Therefore, the air ticket money for the flight needs to be paid out of your own pocket.

In addition, he missed receiving his salary and was absent from work this month. According to Tiancheng's strict management system, not only did he work for nothing this month, but he also had to pay 1,600 yuan as a 'delayed work fee' at the end of the month!

In the past, I felt that Tiancheng's salary and treatment were quite good, but now I find that there are pitfalls everywhere.

Today, I invited the boss to visit the scientific research results. He wanted to get a red envelope to buy cigarettes...

Unexpectedly, this crude tin box can make a lot of money!

In an instant, Lao Hong thought of encouragement awards, project dividends, and sales commissions...

"Why are you foreigners so busy doing things?"

"start running!"

"Print animation posters...what? Infringement? Will those devils from Wa Island come to our small county?"

"That's right, let's forget about animations in North America, maybe there are two or five of you among them, make a news and send it back to North America!"

"What animation? Ikkyu, Gundam, Pikachu, Pinball Man, Digimon, Lightning Chariot..."

"Audio? Find the chamber of commerce!"

"Dazzling lights? Find a KTV!"

"Motherboard? Who did you find for the OEM? Now it's mass-produced, place an order!"

After a blind command, Lao Hong suddenly thought of a very important question, and hurriedly ran to Ge Xiaotian who was watching around, "Boss, what about the coin acceptor?"

"Did you go out for a trip and lose your mind?"

"How is it possible, or... an IC card?"

"The soul of the claw machine lies in the coin insertion. When the metal coin falls, there will be a chaotic noise, and the exciting music will play, and the excitement will be raised immediately. Is there such a function for swiping the card?!"

"Well, for the coin acceptor...we can do it, and the coin reader can also do it, but the mold making, production, and will probably take half a month..."

"Are you stupid? Computers are popular, and the little eight kings are popular. Look at the game halls in Xiang County, are there still people? Go to the surrounding counties and cities, and say that there will be strict crackdowns immediately, and the entertainment venues will be rectified. They will not be allowed in the future." Open a game hall! You take the opportunity to 'recycle' the arcade machines at a high price, and it is estimated that a large number of them will be brought back on the same day!"

"I understand!"

"I bought it and disassembled it. The joystick, buttons, and audio are all ready-made, and they can be used after refurbishment! Keep the electronic screen, integrated circuit board, and controller for a retro project in the future!" Ge Xiaotian originally planned to throw coins directly, but In the millennium, one dollar a time, no one can afford it, "Including coin acceptors and coin readers, copy them all!"

Lao Hong took a deep breath, as expected of an evil capitalist, "However, most game coins are common, and others bought game coins from outside..."

"I remember that the coin reader should be an infrared sensor. When the game coin falls, the coil is energized to generate a magnetic field. The magnetic field penetrates the game coin and transmits it to another coil. If the current is sensed, it is the real game coin. It's the material of the metal plate, if you adjust it, wrap the game currency with a half-circle plastic shell..."

"Dear godfather, this kind of recognition function is a bit outdated, I suggest using letter recognition!" Jinx, the scientific research director happened to pass by, and proposed after hearing this.

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian was a little surprised, how advanced is technology now? "Do you need to redesign the coin acceptor and recognizer?"

"No, no, no! I used to play arcade machines a lot, and I also helped others improve the coin reader. Just add a small device, it's very simple!"

"Adding letters to the original game currency, the pattern is so messy, the recognition ability is estimated..."

"No, it's on the outer edge of the coin, that is, the upright side. You can engrave 'hong' with a metal engraver!"

What a god, Ge Xiaotian corrected: "Tiancheng!"

"Yes boss, Tian Cheng!" Jinx looked respectful and devout.


It seems that this guy is more poisoned than those five fat boys.

Ge Xiaotian looked at Lao Hong, "Don't make the identification ability of the game currency too high in the early stage, just to attract people with malicious intentions to catch dolls with a large amount of foreign game currency! Aren't you making a remote control system? Recognition, but to give them some hope that they can move their paws and grab the doll, but they just can’t get it, or give them one occasionally. In this way, won’t our game coins come rolling in? Turn back and engrave Tiancheng Words, it is ours!"

Lao Hong was silent for a moment, "It's a bit difficult!"

"Which aspect is difficult?"

"Fake coins can also be played!"

"Fuck, you're still electrical? I, a layman, can think of a way, but you can't?"

"Boss, I'm smart, I understand!" Jinx completely offended the bewildered Lao Hong, "Generally speaking, genuine coins that are recognized will enter the next procedure. Counterfeit coins that cannot be recognized will be spit out Come out! What the boss means is, let's make a 'pseudo-recognition' motherboard in the counterfeit currency channel, or in other words, make a program that can play with any currency, throw 'counterfeit currency', start this machine, it can move its claws, and Grabbing is possible, but there are always various accidents, such as loose claws, early grasping, strong shaking, too fast... In short, it is difficult to operate! Others use real coins to play, one grasps one accurately, he uses Playing with counterfeit money, but you can 'fail' to doubt your life!"

"Brilliant!" Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up, "Jinx, I suddenly appreciate you!"

"Thank you boss, I will work hard!"


With a plan, the claw machine project started quickly.

Welding cabinets, assembling tracks, negotiating integrated circuit orders with component manufacturers, perfecting game programs...

In the evening, the Machinery Department brought a batch of arcade machines that had been seized a long time ago from the Jishi Cultural Bureau.

Disassembled, summarized, packed, and sent to Daqingshan Tiancheng resident in batches for restoration...

A busy night.

At noon the next day, Ge Xiaotian took the lead in sitting in front of what might be the world's first claw machine.

Well, here is the sample.

Lao Hong and others gathered around to watch.

As a maker, he must know how to play, and has already assembled the anime puppet in advance.

"Have you calculated it? How much does this one cost?"

"About three hundred or so!"

"so tall?"

"Iron sheets, steel frames, integrated circuits, research and development programs..."

"By the way, how much does it weigh?"

"More than two hundred catties!"

"It's too heavy, what if it falls down and hurts someone?! Also, the cost is a bit high. Replace the metal cabinet with the fiber plastic we use to make cars!"

"In this case, the cost should be reduced to two hundred, and the weight...less than one hundred and fifty catties!"

"Almost!" Ge Xiaotian dropped the sample game currency.

Kalalala, dripping, brilliant lights...

Control the joystick, press the button, rotate the paw, take two consecutive shots...


"No, when you are about to grab the doll, you need to add a 'hold on' program!"

"Will we pay for death?"

"Be close to the people! How many people will play in the early stage? Gradually increase the difficulty, and then introduce dolls of different styles and sizes, and the claws should also be differentiated, such as key pendants, sweater pendants, etc., all with small paws!"


"Today is the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, twenty units will be made before the Lantern Festival, half will be placed in the Crescent Children's Entertainment City, and the other half will be placed in the Xiaoqingshan Supermarket!" Speaking of supermarkets, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of another coin-operated child killer, "I remember before What kind of old-fashioned sand sifting machine does our construction site have, similar to the one for pounding sesame oil, do you still have it?"

"It's gone, now all the crawler sand sifters are used, and they can be mixed directly through one train."

Ge Xiaotian took out a pen and paper, "Change the old-fashioned sand sifter, add a small car model, or the Chinese zodiac, a locomotive, an elephant, etc., slowly shake it back and forth, and then add different types of nursery rhymes. This kind of coin acceptor, one toss for five minutes!"

"It's simple. All the old machinery is piled up in the warehouse. After sorting it out, it can be refitted."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety, the motor must be replaced!"



After a busy day, Ge Xiaotian returned to the Crescent Office in the evening.

Coincidentally, the BYD manufacturer, which has been silent for two days, also sent a letter of intent for cooperation.

The other party was very sincere, not only considering the weight of the electric vehicle, but also listed the impact of temperature changes on the battery in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

However, Ge Xiaotian felt a little dizzy with the ghost-like data.

After a long silence, I looked at my secretary:

"Xu Ling, where's the junior high school physics textbook I bought for my self-examination?"

"In the second cabinet from the left!"

Look around.

Find the chapters about current, capacitance, voltage, and power from the textbook. Ge Xiaotian only figured out the meanings, relationships, and correspondences of Ah, mAh, kWh, Wh, Kw, V, vAh...etc. formula.

Drink a cup of tea to digest and digest, then pick up a pen and paper, and start calculating.

In the current market, there are two cheapest power batteries: nickel-cadmium batteries and lead-acid batteries.

The price given by the partner must be far lower than the market price, with an average of 0.3-0.5 yuan/Wh.

Nickel-cadmium batteries are toxic and cannot be used.

Lead-acid batteries... also seem to be poisonous, but this is the current mainstream in the world.

Write and draw.

Take the previous battery-powered bicycle data as an example:

Four hundred batteries, eight hundred pieces, 7Ah.

Suppose Tiancheng spent 800 yuan in red notes to buy a lead-acid battery pack, 1600Wh.

Calculated according to the standard output voltage of 48V, 1600Wh/48V is approximately equal to 33Ah.

One 7Ah, one 33Ah.

The comparison of numbers can fully explain how expensive Laohong's battery pack is.

Calculate the trip again.

Assume the motor power is 350W.

Average speed and average current: power/voltage=350W/48V=7.3A

Driving time = battery capacity / average current = 7Ah/7.3A, approximately equal to 0.96h.

Calculated according to the speed of 30Km/h, the theoretical travel = 0.96hx30Km/h = 28.8 kilometers.

However, the range is affected by the load and temperature, and there is no battery control system, and the final distance is only about 20 kilometers.

Use a lead-acid battery pack.

Driving time = battery capacity / average current = 33Ah /7.3A, approximately equal to 4.5h.

Calculated at a speed of 30Km/h, the theoretical travel = 4.5hx30Km/h = 135 highways.

One is about 20 kilometers, and the other is about 135 kilometers.

Even if the load and temperature have a great influence, the stroke difference between the two is as high as six times.

However, lead-acid batteries have a big disadvantage. With the same capacity, although Lao Hong uses 400 lithium-ion batteries, the volume and weight are only one-third of the lead-acid batteries!

This gap is almost negligible if it is placed in a car or a bus, but it is placed in an electric car, plus it is poisonous...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the second document BYAD gave.

This is the iron-lithium battery that the other party is developing.

Judging from the complete name, I have some impressions.

The electric bicycle I bought before squatting behind bars seems to be using a lithium iron phosphate battery.

Small in size and extremely durable, it is also the mainstream energy source in the future of that world.

The preliminary quotation given by BYD is: 4-5 yuan/Wh

Ge Xiaotian calculated again.

Eight hundred yuan, you can buy 160Wh, divided by 48V, 3.3Ah!

It is more than twice as expensive as the lithium-ion battery pack assembled by Lao Hong!


With a little melancholy, Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, "Huh? Xu Ling, why haven't you got off work yet?"

"I'm afraid you have something to do with me."

"Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged, what can I do..." Ge Xiaotian wanted to say go back early, but it's all at this point, "By the way, where do you live with Brother Liu?" project manager)

"I live in the small high-rise that Mr. Qin bought in District C."

"Is it not decorated?"

"Installed a window and a door..."

"It's cold, so what can I do!" Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the drawer and found a bunch of keys, "801, Building 1, District A, should be renovated, you can move there first, if you feel okay, I will give it to you Marriage room!"

"No, no, boss, it's too expensive!"

"So much nonsense!" Ge Xiaotian said, throwing the key over.

As a developer, each real estate will reserve a batch of houses in case of emergency.

At the beginning, Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County kept ten sets, but later... er, er, no one wanted it, and then gave it to Qiye to deduct gold, and the old man didn't want it either, and finally threw it to Tianzhu for practice, it is said The decoration is quite good.

"Xu Ling, I want to ask you something!"


"Yes, lead-acid batteries are suitable for electric vehicles, but they are not the kind I want. If they are handed over to others for research and development, it will take a long time..."

"Boss, I heard that our resident scientific research department is very powerful. We have developed a new type of engine in a short period of time, and its performance is far superior to that of our peers. Why do we have to make electric vehicles across industries?"

"In the future, fuel will become more and more expensive..." Ge Xiaotian woke up suddenly.

There are many things that can replace fuel oil, such as nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, biomass energy, combustible ice, natural gas...

Why limit yourself to batteries?

A battery is just a container. If you create a device that directly generates electricity, or a conversion device that can store other portable energy...

For example, the simplest "pure ethanol engine"!


In the middle of the night, the phone rang suddenly.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the screen, and it turned out to be Yang Dingfeng who was helping the tank in the Far East of Ice Bear.

"Old Yang, why are you calling now?"


"Oh? Thank you!" Ge Xiaotian smiled. The incident between Lao Hong and the tank is finally over!

"Aren't you asking for details?"

"It's not too late to come back and talk!"

"I'll go back and talk, but no one will help you deal with the big stall here!"

"Huh? What do you mean? We bought all our tanks and armored vehicles, what else do we need to deal with?"

"Buy land! That day at the dinner table, when you were drunk, didn't you say you wanted to buy Siberia?"


I believe in buying tens of thousands of acres of land, but how crazy am I to buy Siberia? !

Ge Xiaotian was full of confusion, "No, do you always have some misunderstandings?"

"What a misunderstanding, my in-laws Lin Yang and my grandson Yang Lin, both of them can testify! Otherwise, it would cost tens of millions to buy a few abandoned iron lumps?! I was so excited when I heard your bold words... Straight to the airport with a bottle of wine and a vest..."


"60 million red notes, 10 million Franklin, after removing the money for buying Tepi, there are... 134 million red notes. You need to find an agency to buy land from Bingxiong, and I just happen to have it. No intermediary fees from you. The land here is calculated by hectare, with a red note of 100 yuan per hectare per year. The longest period is ten years. They bought a total of 150,000 hectares, and most of them were given by the Bingxiong Navy. If you have time to visit the big guys at Ice Bear’s Far East Seaport, the original words are: cheap, brother’s price!”

"..." Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless, maybe the other party thought I was a fool with a lot of money? !

"Boy, 150,000 hectares, what are you going to plant? Although it is still early before the thaw, the ice bear agricultural control is very strict, you must prepare seeds and machinery in advance, and declare it! By the way, when you send someone over, you must Don't bring pesticides, or you will be investigated, and I won't be able to help you!"

"No, just wait!" Ge Xiaotian looked at Xu Ling, "150,000 hectares, how many acres is it?"

"2.25 million mu!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian swallowed his saliva, "What do you suggest I plant?"

"Didn't you mean to grow soybeans, produce soybean oil and soybean meal, and provide Li Xiuxiu with a steady stream of pig feed!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian asked again, "What do you suggest to grow? I don't understand!"

"Potatoes? Barley?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ice Bear likes to eat potatoes. If you want to eat barley, send it back to China to make wine!"

"Wait! Brewing?" Ge Xiaotian picked up the battery he had calculated all night, "Can you make industrial alcohol? Pure ethanol?"

"Must, are you stupid? Sorghum, barley, the main raw materials for brewing!"

"Then grow barley and sorghum!"

"You have to send someone, how can I have so many people here?"

"When have we been short of people? My people have already arrived in the northeast!"

"Sure enough! I knew you were going to buy Siberia!"


You really misunderstood, I sent them to the northeast, intending to sneak into Siberia, logging, quarrying, and resources!

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