Build Madness

Chapter 267 Spectacle and Tianyu Reorganization

Ge Xiaotian has never worried about resources.

Recycling waste machinery, steel scraps, and iron ore broke one million.

The excavation of Daqingshan requires millions of stones.

There is no shortage of wood, clock-like plans to demolish old houses, recycle damaged support templates on the construction site...

Open the system panel and take a look.

Food: 16W

Timber: 231W

Stone: 545W

Iron ore: 195W

Special resources: 2000

(A copy of 5,000 red banknotes for special resources, I bought 20 million gold from Lord Qi, and spent half of it to summon Dao Erseng Er. Note: I changed it after seeing the comments. )

Such a huge number can fully support projects such as the small commodity market, the ancient city of Yunxian County, and the East Lake Film and Television City.

Ge Xiaotian once also thought that if the resources can be taken out, the cost of his own project will definitely be reduced by a large amount.


The night before yesterday, the progress list of wonders wriggling like earthworms was full!

The displayed icon looks very blurry in the clouds and fog. If you look closely at the outline, it looks a bit like an arched stone gate.

There is no name, and the comment is: for every increase in height, or width, or increase by one meter, it consumes ten units of stone, wood, and iron ore, or ten units of gold alone.

It doesn't matter, what matters is...

'The next level of town center requirements: build ten wonders! '

What is a spectacle?

According to the system explanation, it must shock the world and become the most special local landmark.

If he regards this free stone gate activated for the first time as his own courtyard gate, God probably won't stand it...

According to the spectacle standard template given by the market drawing, the volume cannot be less than 20,000 cubic meters, and the height cannot be less than 100 meters.

Calculate carefully, it should be: height 100x length 20x width 10

Of course, it can also be adjusted, such as 200x10x10. It is estimated that there is no such building in the world.

But no matter what, to build a spectacle requires at least 20 million wood, 20 million stone, and 20 million iron ore.

Or consume 20W special resources alone.

Five thousand yuan per unit of special resources, in conversion... one billion!

If you want to upgrade the town center, you need to build ten buildings. To remove the first free arch, you need to buy at least nine billion gold!

Ge Xiaotian has been very worried for the past two days, and has been thinking of ways to make money.

Claw machine, cast!

Shake the machine and vote!

Battery car, cast!

New energy, cast!

Other people's golden fingers are spent more and more money, and his golden finger...Ge Baiyi really didn't blow it out!

Some time ago, he asked the strong man to follow his father and mother to the Northeast. The original intention was to help with the construction. Occasionally, he sent a few strong men over to make his father feel more relaxed.

But when the spectacle appeared, he came up with the idea of ​​'gou' resources...

At present, it has one master, two town centers and three town centers.

The main base is located in Daqingshan, radiating to the nearby Xiaoqingshan and Donghu Film and Television City.

The No. 2 base was first sent to Yun County to build the ancient city, then dragged to Jinxiuchuan to build a technical secondary school, and then transported back to Ji City to build a small commodity market and an automobile factory.

Base No. 3 is useless for now.

Originally, he planned to build a wooden house, activate the No. 3 base, consign it to the Northeast by means of logistics, and then let the strong man buy a few mules locally, and take advantage of the ice in the Heijiang River to go to Siberia...

Now it seems that there is no need for that at all.

Make the No. 3 base into a big sedan chair, and let the strong men swagger from the Heihe Port to Siberia to farm...

Resources, barley, sorghum, ethanol...


Have you heard the story of 'Kolyma'?

Perhaps, nine billion gold is not a dream...


the next day.

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month, February 19th.

Yang Dingfeng did help contract 2.25 million mu of farmland, which is located in the southeast corner of the Amur-Blesk Plain and can be seen by satellites.

At least, that's what the morning news said.

"A domestic entrepreneur who did not want to be named went to the Far East of Ice Bear, invested 7 billion rubles, and contracted more than two million acres of fertile black land..."

"Before this winter, Heihe port may receive 500 million tons of barley..."

'This move will greatly reduce the demand for wheat and other crops in the beer and liquor industries...'

"You two are thinking too much, I grow barley for burning!"

Eating porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, watching the two-minute report on TV, Ge Xiaotian wiped his mouth with a napkin, and left Guyue No. 2 shop.

He is very busy today.

Go downstairs to the Crescent Children's Entertainment City to see the two new big toys on the market.

The claw machine has on-site teaching by girls from the publicity department and customer service department, and it has attracted countless boys and girls in less than half an hour.

Especially those born in the 1980s who are about 20 years old, seeing joysticks, buttons, and hearing familiar music, seem to return to the glorious years of playing arcade machines...

Each machine inserts an average of 300 coins per hour, basically every ten seconds, converted into red notes, 150 yuan!

Due to the initial operation, the explosion rate is relatively high. On average, one doll will be dropped in two minutes, thirty in an hour, and the cost is two yuan, and sixty yuan.

The sales of 150 yuan, minus the cost of 60 yuan for the doll, excluding electricity and wear and tear, have an hourly income of about 90 yuan.

If this continues, you can earn back a claw machine in three hours...

This is simply an industry where you can make money while sitting at home!

And the shaking machine played by the little doll next to him, no need to be taught by someone, just insert coins and you can scream...

"Kids, come and play..."

"Father's father's name is grandpa, what's father's mother's name..."

"Xiao Erlang, carry your schoolbag to school..."

"Gourd baby, gourd baby..."

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast..."

The cost of the rocking car is not cheaper than that of the claw machine, the fiberglass molding, soft plastic seat, individual painting, regular disinfection, prevention of mouth and foot disease...

One set is three hundred and five, and you can eat up to twelve game coins per hour, which is six yuan in conversion, and it takes a period of time to pay back.

However, it does not need special care, just wipe and disinfect regularly, and it can be regarded as a new entertainment method in the children's area.

"Mr. Ge, long time no see!"

The owner of the children's entertainment city couldn't sit still anymore, he carried a soft Huaxia and a box of Wuliangye, and put it directly behind the ass of No. 888 Hutouben next to him, "Are you free at noon?"

Ge Xiaotian shook hands with him, "You are welcome, let this machine go to you first, to attract customers, and I will deduct the rent for you when you return to the occupied space!"

"Mr. Ge, you have misunderstood!" The owner of the entertainment city opened the pack of cigarettes and lit them for the two of them, "I don't know, is this machine for sale?"

"Sell? Are you kidding me? Earn over 100 per hour, over 1000 per day, over 10,000 for ten units, 300,000 per month, 3.65 million per year!"

"Mr. Ge, can't we do that?" The owner of the entertainment city scratched his head, "Our customers in this small county have limited economic strength, but they just started operating today, and it happens to be the Lantern Festival..."

"Even if it doesn't become so popular in the future, it's always possible to earn 1,000 a day from ten units, right? This is a square!"

"You make an offer?"

"I'm not cheating on you either. Change the purchase channel of toys, dolls, clothing, tissues... in your entertainment city to Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and I'll give you two thousand one!"

"Okay!" The owner of the entertainment city nodded without thinking, "I'll send the money right away!"

"No hurry, let me tell you about the operation of the claw machine..."

Rare things are more expensive. When they first hit the market, there are two thousand ones, and after half a month, they can drop to one thousand ones. If there is a competitor, it will be three or four hundred at most.

Therefore, what the Machinery Department needs to do now is to rely on Daliu Machinery Factory to design the assembly line, manufacture it in large quantities, and even export it overseas before others imitate it!


Leaving Crescent Square, Ge Xiaotian came to the pre-selected address of the automobile factory.

Other projects are all digging foundation pits, only here is the flattest.

Open the system panel, and the consciousness is condensed in the cloudy icon.

'Note that this free building is a standard wonder, used for teaching, with a fixed size, height 110x length 500x width 60, construction takes six months, and requires 500 farmers. Every time you double the number of farmers, the time is reduced by one month, and the shortest is three month construction period. '

‘Attention, the construction risk of this project is extremely high, please prepare the corresponding protective gear in advance, or bring your own construction machinery. '

'Attention, this project is the first construction, please train the farmers in wonder and high-altitude construction in advance. '

'Drip, found a new technology that can match this project: cement, which automatically reduces the construction period by ten days. '

'Drip, found... steel bars, automatically reduce the construction period by ten days. '

'Drip, find... steam engine, search for matching machinery...'

‘Improve the lifting equipment used in the construction of the system, improve the transportation capacity of building materials, and improve the efficiency of compacting the foundation...automatically reduce the construction period by ten days. '

'Terrain conforms to... No town center found, unable to build. '

Hearing the prompts that sounded continuously, Ge Xiaotian adjusted the virtual model of the spectacle after being stunned.

The purpose of his coming here is definitely not to build, but to see what this thing is.

Almost as expected.

A magnificent stone city gate!

The appearance and carving are particularly shocking, with auspicious clouds, stars and moons, dragons and phoenixes, flowers and birds, and countless incomprehensible symbols.

The whole building has nine gate openings, the middle one is 80 meters high, the left and right sides are 60 meters high, the two sides are 30 meters high, the next two are 20 meters high, and the last two are only 10 meters high.

Very well-proportioned and very scientific.

If this building is used in the ancient city...

"No, how could there be such a big city gate in ancient times?!"

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, extremely puzzled.

Moreover, this building's 'arch' is a bit strong. If the two ends are connected to the city wall, the height is estimated to be only ten meters...

Well, almost, the ancient city walls seem to be this high.

The city gate is produced by the system again, it seems that there is no need to consider whether it existed in ancient times, otherwise how can it be called a spectacle?

It's just that the pillars on both sides of the main city gate are a little strange, standing on the backs of two huge turtles!

The style is quite strange!

Adjusting the model, Ge Xiaotian was just about to observe the side and the passage on the city gate when his cell phone rang suddenly.


"Come back from Zhangye?"

"The boss is done!"

"So the ancient war movie is almost over?"

"Water battle, the beginning of the Yangtze River water battle has not been filmed yet!"

"That's a good one. Go back to East Lake, where the battleships have already been prepared!"

"Thank you, boss!" Gao Song finished speaking, his voice a little hurried, "Boss, I heard that the mechanical department has made a set of claw machines, which is very profitable?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Can this project be handed over to Tianyu?"


"Heaven Entertainment, all entertainment, whether it's movies, songs, art, games, or anime, must be under our control!"

"Hey, you have a big heart!" Ge Xiaotian returned to Auto Trade City, "Your Tianyu's current stall is not small, movies, songs, commercials, special effects, sound effects, plus entertainment toys, can you handle it?"

"We have people, management is not a problem!"

"Someone doesn't mean everything. How much investment can Tianyu invest in the claw machine project?!"

"This..." Gao Song was a little speechless. Tianyu owed Tiancheng 60 to 70 million, so there was no money left, "Boss, we can actually make a profit. After the May 1st golden holiday this year, we promise to reverse the profit and loss!"

"Guaranteed doesn't mean it can be done!"

"The first siege movie in China with real battle scenes has come to an end. Since the subject matter is scientific and educational, and it is biased towards public welfare, the box office may be low, but it will definitely not be less than 10 million. After excluding the cost of 5 million, If you remove the division of labor in theaters, you can get almost 2 million yuan, and after the music is incorporated into ring tones, dazzling tones, and materials, it should earn 10 million yuan."

"Too little!"

"No, no, we relied on this movie to create a reputation for big scenes, big productions, and conscience movies, and then launched the "Crazy Box" starring Shuai Bo and Lao Hong. This movie is definitely a hit! At the same time, other The filming of the director team's 'Get in the car, let's go', etc., can also make a profit!"

"You know more about the domestic film market than I do. Even if it becomes popular, the box office will exceed 100 million yuan. Even if you rely on the 'clock-style' plan and broadcast it in batches in the towns below, you can pay off your debts even if costs are removed!"

"Boss, you often say 'you will win if you fight hard', why don't you let Tianyu, who has come to a dead end, fight for it?"

"How to spell it?"

"We, Tianyu, became independent and became a subsidiary of Tiancheng Holdings, and we went to borrow money!"

"Good idea!" Ge Xiaotian already had this idea, including Tianle Tourism, Tianwei Catering, from a branch to a subsidiary, there will be more roads to go in the future.

"Actually, boss, if the computer department is merged into Tianyu, relying on the film and television industry chain to develop games, and then games feed back the film and television industry, Tianyu will have a brighter future for development!"

"The current internal structure of your Tianyu is somewhat complicated!"

"Boss, I think this way. After we become independent, we will set up subsidiaries according to our business: Tianyu Film and Television, Tianyu Games, Tianyu Media, Tianyu Advertising, Tianyu Sound Effects, Tianyu Special Effects, Tianyu Toys, let Lao Hong With the help of the Computer Department and the Propaganda Department, first push out the claw machine, and then promote the movie! In this way, the division of labor is clear, coordinate with each other, and promote each other..."

"Tianyu Group?"

"That's right! Now Tianyu only owes Tiancheng 60-70 million, which is an internal debt. If the accounts are settled, they can get a loan of 70-80 million. With a few movies, they can get out of the current predicament soon... ..."

"The idea is very good!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, and under the dim sky in the distance, countless fireworks suddenly flashed.

The Lantern Festival Carnival has begun...

"Boss, how do you feel?"

"Okay! You go to the planning department to register the subsidiary, and then talk to the finance department and the legal department. We have agreed in advance that at the end of the year, you Tianyu will buy two pieces of land not less than 500 mu for Tiancheng with full money. !"

"no problem!"

"If you can't get it out, see you at the construction site then!"


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