Build Madness

Chapter 268

Tianyu is a big business, going out independently and establishing five subsidiaries, things are far from as simple as imagined.

However, for Tian Cheng, the balance of the accounts did not change his strength.

In the past, buying things for Tianyu was an internal purchase. Now that the assets of the branch company have been removed, they have obtained shares worth 70 to 80 million yuan in an independent company.

How to do it... This is a matter for the finance department, so Ge ​​Xiaotian doesn't need to think about it.

He is now considering the 'new energy plan'.

Even if there are systematic farmlands to grow inexhaustible barley and sorghum, it takes time to make wine, and it takes time to develop pure ethanol engines...

Therefore, before the start of the project, the cooperation with BYD still needs to be carried out, first earning a sum of money.

With the textbooks and materials, I negotiated with Lao Hong about the purchase order of lead-acid batteries, and then revised the plan again, designing several lightweight models with extremely low loads and in line with people's aesthetics today.

After that, select steel frame material, car shell material, calculate cost, evaluate market, predict production capacity...

Thanks to the huge order signed between Tiancheng and Jifu Steelworks, Laicheng Steel, Taishi Steel, and Baoshan Steel offered the lowest quotations for light steel products almost immediately after consultation.

Compared with the local quotations in the system market, Ge Xiaotian finally chose Xishan Baosteel.

The car shell is made of fiber plastic developed by Tiancheng, and the raw material comes from a plastic company in the chamber of commerce.

The electric control system and battery are provided by BYD.

Do the math and come up with the final cost:

Three ultra-light versions: 24V8Ah, motor power 160W, stroke 36Km, cost about 620 (battery 380, motor 200) (calculation error, corrected)

Three simple versions: 24V12Ah, motor power 160W, stroke 54Km, cost about 950 (battery 570, motor 200);

Two types of regular version: 36V20Ah, motor power 240W, travel distance 90Km, cost about 2200 (battery 1440, motor 380),

A deluxe version: 48V54Ah, motor power 350W, travel 180Km, cost about 5800 (battery 4800, motor 650).

Holding the detailed list, Ge Xiaotian became more determined to engage in new energy.

No matter how low the battery quotation from BYD is, they are still big winners!

Look at the ratio of the cost of each electric car to the price of the battery. No wonder people who buy electric cars in the future, once the battery is broken, the car is almost scrapped.

However, now there is no choice!

Discuss with Lao Hong until eight o'clock in the evening, and preliminarily determine the electric vehicle project.

The rest is to discuss cooperation with the machinery factory in the chamber of commerce, bicycle, motorcycle, and tire manufacturers.

After a few phone calls, bosses, big and small, including store managers from the scattered exhibition halls in the Auto Trade City, also came.

Ge Xiaotian's style of doing things has always been: cooperate well, make a fortune together, run counter to each other, please leave.

The Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has been shuffled several times, leaving behind only 'honest people'.

Therefore, the manufacturing cost of each steel frame, tire, casing, brake and other components of an electric vehicle is +20 on the basis of the original cost, and the assembly cost is +10. (Material costs have been included in the cost)

Counting taxes, operating expenses, etc., the profit is guaranteed to be between 60-100 per car, and the total cost has increased by 200.

In other words, the manufacturer's guide price for an ultra-light electric bicycle: 768!

Compared with the battery car with the same performance currently on the market, it is 300 yuan lower!

In addition, Huaxia has implemented new energy subsidy regulations, and each vehicle can get about seventy or eighty yuan.

If you count the tax reduction and exemption of the development zone, and other local support...

Ge Xiaotian really wants to make money, but he has to consider things comprehensively.

Such as corporate image, national brand, local honor...

After thinking for a long time, the final pricing: 666, 1266, 2466, 6666.

Well, the more expensive you are, the more you earn.

If you are a local tyrant, I can make a customized version for you!

After confirming the project, Ge Xiaotian contacted the Architectural Design and Research Institute and awakened nearly a hundred remote control system researchers.

What are you doing?

Let this group of capable people help the mechanical department adjust the detailed parameters of the bicycle!

Such as engineering, ergonomics, dynamics...

During this period, Li Xiuxiu called.

"Watching fireworks together?"

"What to look at, it will delay my making money!"


"Wash and sleep!"

"Are you in Auto Trade City?"


"You wait for me!"


Early the next morning, Gao Song called, about Tianyu's independence...

"Don't look for me, look for the planning department and the finance department!"


Lao Qin came to drink with two catties of duck wings and duck necks. He probably already knew about sending Xu Ling and Xiao Liu to the wedding room.

"No time, drink it yourself!"


Design drawings of ultra-light electric vehicles released.

In the evening, a simple version of the electric vehicle design drawings was released.


third day.

That is, the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, February 21st.

Ge Xiaotian, Lao Hong, many big and small bosses with dark circles under their eyes, and countless leaders who came after hearing the news, gathered at the Bronze VIP of the Chamber of Commerce - Chengshan Tire Factory.

At the same time, the first batch, a total of ten 24V8Ah lead-acid batteries, was also delivered by air transport by BYD manufacturers.

Assembly, commissioning, inspection, power on...

The first ultra-light sample car walked out of the factory slowly and steadily under the operation of the leader Shao Baitou.

Limited by the electronic control system, the maximum speed of this battery car is 35Km, and the standard speed is 20Km.

Due to the extensive use of fiber plastics, the self-weight is 30Kg and the load is 120Kg.

"I always thought that the speed at which Tiancheng was engaged in infrastructure construction was unimaginable. I didn't expect that Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce's manufacturing coordination ability is also so powerful!"

"Leader, this is called 'Enterprise Diversification Strategy', which is the only way for the development of super-comprehensive enterprises in the future..., which involves 'new manufacturing system', 'ERP management system', 'office automation',' Data-based management'... Without Tiancheng's accumulation over the past few months, and without the support of chambers of commerce covering the entire industry and manufacturing industry, it would have been difficult to achieve this step."

"It seems that I need to strengthen my studies in this area after I go back!"

In the afternoon, the regular version rolled off the production line...

The second batch of urgently produced ten pieces of 24V12Ah lead-acid batteries arrived...

In the evening, the deluxe version came out of the production line...


Early morning of the fourth day.

The special treatment of the development zone is once again reflected.

In just two days, four versions and nine electric vehicles have passed the audit one after another, and all of them meet the standards!

Subsequent company registration, brand registration, patent registration ISO certification, SGS certification, application for subsidies...all are handed over to the Machinery Department.

The bosses who did not participate in the retail dumping war some time ago saw such a smooth and clear division of labor, and with the dream of millions of production, they rushed into their respective factories with the printed out sub-item data...

Immediately afterwards, the Machinery Department was dispatched to help various manufacturers adjust their production lines, and Dao Yiseng, who had finished researching energy-saving engines and had nothing to do for the time being, and Dao Erseng Er, also ran out to help...

Automobile trade city, scattered exhibition halls, bicycle shops, motorcycle shops, moving places quickly...


After four consecutive days without much rest, Ge Xiaotian had exhausted his physical strength and energy, and even his broken leg started to hurt.

For this reason, Li Xiuxiu, who came to watch the fireworks on the night of the Lantern Festival, cooked a pot of chicken soup again.

However, this taste...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but think of a long, long time ago, at the Xingyue Bay construction site in Xiangxian County, Li Xiuxiu made the braised pork with preserved vegetables.

Do exactly the same as Qi Feifei!


In doubt, the girl from the Propaganda Department called.

"Boss, where are you?"

"Where is Auto Trade City, what's wrong?"

"The land auction in the garden area of ​​Jishi City, you haven't forgotten it, have you?"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian poured chicken soup for his soul, looked at the time, it was half past nine, "What time does it start?"

"Ten o'clock, can you come here?"

"Yes! Very close!"

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