Build Madness

Chapter 271 Just because of being young and frivolous...


That's it?

Hearing the words of the young white-headed leader, a room full of the most powerful and rich entrepreneurs in the local area was extremely astonished.

An exemplary investment of 200 million yuan?

so refreshing? !

No, what are you two talking about?

I dont understand!

Why is there... the illusion of being fooled by others?

However, these things seem to make sense...

The boss of Wanshi Financial Technology is a little bit excited, and the city takes the lead, so he has to follow. Of course, what should be asked must be clear: "Leader, are you sure this plan is feasible?"

"Very feasible! As early as the 1960s and 1970s, Maoxiong and North America applied gas turbine engines to rail trains, and set a speed record of 300 kilometers per hour, which has not been surpassed until now. Unfortunately, at that time, computers were far away. It is not as extensive as it is now, there is no precise control, no computer management program, and it is impossible to reduce energy consumption... And, affected by technology, the cost is so high that it is gradually abandoned by people, but now it is different, we can change it, such as turbojet Engine, turbofan generator, hybrid exhaust turbine group..."

"Leader, this is all aerospace technology. Even if we want to invest, we still have to consider Tiancheng's strength!"

"Tiancheng has Mi-26, a turboshaft engine! Currently, the aero-engine with the strongest lifting capacity in the world is not perfect, but we can imitate it, and this technology is not difficult at all!"

The leader of Shaobaitou said, and took a notebook to calculate, "Keep the main structure of the gas turbine engine, and the aero engine itself is very light. After the ratio is reduced, the weight is even lighter!"

"Afterwards, add electronic management, including unmanned operation, computerized power grid, power switching dispatching system, and then add generators to the turbine structure..."

"In this way, at least twice the performance can be provided!"

"Well, you guys don't understand. To give a simple example, a microturbine that uses pure ethanol as fuel needs to operate under high temperature and high pressure, which will inevitably produce waste heat!"

"We can use simple devices to convert waste heat into 'heating' in winter, and convert it into 'cooling' in summer through absorption cooling, which is an 'air conditioning' effect that can be achieved without using electricity. Energy saving? Just relying on this, its efficiency has crushed the 'reciprocating engine', that is, the diesel engine and gasoline engine commonly known as piston engines..."

"Of course, waste heat utilization is much more than that!"

"Through the chemical reaction, it will generate thrust, like hydrogen peroxide reaction, we can add a propulsion device, just like a rocket goes into the air!"

"For example, after a locomotive or a car is started, when idling (stop-and-go), the motor is used to work. If you run a long distance, such as the Jitai Expressway, and drive in a straight line, the speed limit is between 90km/h-120km/h. Then we can stop the motor, discharge this 'exhaust gas' through a simple pressure relief device, and use it as propulsion power... save money? No fuel consumption at all!"

Looking at the dumbfounded group of 'smart people', the leader of Shaobaidou suddenly found a feeling that was more comfortable, stimulating and refreshing than 'slamming Fang Qiu'.

How many years?

The feeling of giving a speech at the university came back again!

Taking a sip of water, he continued:

"The efficiency of the gas turbine itself is very high, otherwise it would not be used in aircraft and aerospace industries. If the efficiency of a typical gas turbine is only 20%-35%, then this kind of 'gas-electric symbiosis' miniature pure ethanol turbine , can reach 80%!"

"To put it another way, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries only have an energy ratio of 120-150Wh/kg, while gas turbines shrunk down to centimeters...wait, let me do the math...if it works, it can reach 500-700Wh/kg energy For example, if it is strengthened through the 'gas-electric symbiosis' system, it is hoped to break through 1200-1500Wh/kg, ten times!"

"What do you mean?"

"Add two aerodynamic front wings to stabilize the front of the car, add an aerodynamic rear wing to stabilize the body, assemble a Formula 1 car, or an off-road racing car, you don't need a skilled driver... No, it's better to be a pilot, We can definitely win the Formula One World Championship easily!"

"What do you look at? Don't believe me? My father is an academician of the First Aviation Group and has studied aero engines all his life. I was forced by my father to learn various aerospace knowledge and theories since I was a child. Unfortunately, when I was young and frivolous, I was rebellious..." The white-headed leader said, sighed and shook his head.

Another wealthy entrepreneur seemed to understand, and hesitated: "Leader, even if the 'micro gas turbine' is simple, it needs to be re-developed. Moreover, locomotives, automobiles, and electric vehicles are different from rockets. Tiancheng does not have them." Congratulations to such a powerful scientific researcher like you!"

"Who said that?" The flattery seemed to be in the wrong place, and the leader of Shaobaitou signaled to the United Front Work Department, who took out a stack of materials, "This is what Ge Xiaotian and I plan to discuss after the auction! In the middle of this month, more than 110 scientific research personnel were introduced from North America and Ice Bear, including personnel from the California Remote Control System Research Institute, Intelligent Mechanical System Research Institute, the main engineer of the 3Dfx graphics chip research and development company, and the development of soft integrated circuits... ...There are more than a dozen key members of the California Aerospace Corporation, and the other partner has sued Tian Cheng, of course, it's just poaching individuals, as long as the company's secrets are not leaked, it's not a big deal, the city can withstand the pressure!"


Ge Xiaotian, who quickly recorded the leader's thoughts, was shocked.

When the hell did I poach the backbone members of other aerospace companies?

Besides, this kind of talent, North America will let it go...


Old Hong seems to have come back by smuggling!

"Currently, the main problem facing Tiancheng is manufacturing!" The young leader closed his laptop, "Everyone knows our domestic production capacity for precision parts, and how to overcome this problem requires funds to solve it. According to my estimation, there is no two billion yuan in the early stage, so it is difficult to make results!"

"However, if it can be developed, this is our own technology in Huaxia, which can bring earth-shaking changes to the automobile industry and the train industry, and benefit the country and the people. As a local leader, I have the responsibility to pay for Tiancheng. The first two 100 million!"

"Hiss..." Except for He Shun and Wei Changfeng, the rest of the dozen or so entrepreneurs gasped, their eyes rolled, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

And Ge Xiaotian quickly searched for the structural diagram of the gas turbine.

After gesturing for a long time, my heart suddenly moved.

The engine is truly exquisitely crafted and there is no room for error.


If it is disassembled into countless loose metal parts, it seems that it can be made by a blacksmith.

What? Mass production?

Build more blacksmith shops!


What's the problem?

It is nothing more than finding the meeting point of liquid oxygen and pure ethanol, and researching the chemical reaction formula with the highest energy efficiency ratio.

To put it bluntly, it is debugging!

"Mr. Ge, Sun Paper has invested! However, we have just restructured, and we will not participate in the initial investment. Three months later, we will spend 100 million yuan..."

"Mr. Ge, our Wanshi Financial Technology Group is rich and has its own technology projects. We can issue additional stocks and participate in research and development. Tell me, how much money do we need?"

"Mr. Ge, 50 million, can I still buy 0.5?"

"I offer 100 million!"

"Mr. Ge..."

"Mr. Ge..."


Looking at the bosses scrambling to be the first, as if waving banknotes, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt guilty.

Solving the manufacturing problem will undoubtedly save a lot of money, how big is this 'big'...

Entrepreneurs can invest as much as they can!

However, a project is called an investment!

But there is no project but fabricating projects out of thin air, this is called illegal fundraising!

Why don't I go in again?

this time……

I guess it won't come out!

"Leader, let's eat quickly, there is an auction in the afternoon!"

"Oh?" The young white-headed leader was slightly taken aback, looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said: "Yes, yes, yes, auction, sell the land, and the city happens to be rich!"


No wonder you are so generous!


Lunch is not bad, I ordered takeaway from Tiancheng Canteen, two meat and one vegetarian steamed buns, and a bowl of seaweed and egg drop soup.

Only two dollars!

Well, the price has increased!

Sitting in the corner, eating and drinking, Chen Feng felt very uncomfortable.

I originally planned to cheat the surname Ge, but why did you all go to send money?

Didn't you say 'fool'?

Why do you believe it?

Also, leader, you explain so much...

Could it be...

What a great project? !

Chen Feng turned his eyes, moved the wheelchair, and got close to Ge Xiaotian who ate chicken legs, "I have 100 million, how many shares can I buy?"

"Not for sale!"

"We are patients and comrades in arms. When I retire and move to Gejia Village, we can still be neighbors!"


"Really, I have a hundred million!"

"Before I asked you to vote, you said you had no money, but now you have money, but I don't need money anymore! Some things, if you miss it, you miss it, and you will regret it!"

"Divide me two percent. Before it was twenty million and one-half percent, now it's one hundred million and two percent. I'm the one who suffers!"

"Give up your heart! Don't sell it!" After Ge Xiaotian refused, he regretted: "It's a pity, if this project can be listed, the technology potential stocks, new energy development stocks, technology patent stocks...Although only 2%, But it belongs to the original stock... At that time, there will be no worries about food and drink, and no worries for children and grandchildren!"


Chen Feng felt even more uncomfortable, and waved his hands to the secretary, "Go, go home and sleep!"


Lunch break.

Office of the City Courtyard.

Although the young and white-headed leader said one thing, he still had to convince his subordinates.

Tian Cheng has a great reputation, but his strength is not that great.

At least not the top ten in Jishi!

Therefore, he wanted everyone present to have a clear understanding of Tian Cheng.

Of course, he himself also wanted to know the value of this dark horse.

"How much capital does Tiancheng currently have?"

The leaders of the labor bureau in charge of this area quickly took out the materials.

"Tiancheng's corporate account and Ge Xiaotian's personal account are all added up, and now it is only two hundred and thirty-two yuan and fifty cents!"

"How many?"

"Two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents!"

"Where's his money? Electric cars need start-up capital?!"

"Electric cars... He didn't invest any money. He contacted the manufacturing industry of the chamber of commerce and BYD. He was only responsible for assembly, which was a technology investment, and then relied on the Auto Trade City, scattered showrooms, bicycle shops, etc. for sales. Raw material orders, Arrive first, pay later, it seems to be settled at the end of the month..."

"..." The whole office was silent.

The young leader took a deep breath, "Let's put it this way, how much is Tiancheng's total assets!"


The leader of the labor bureau didn't seem to have calculated it, so he quickly picked up the calculator...

"The situation is a bit complicated. Let's first count the assets of Tiancheng's main company, Tiancheng Construction, Tiancheng Real Estate Development, Tianle Tourism, Tianwei Property Management, Tianwei Security, Tianbao Antiques, Wenxian Tiancheng Construction, Tiancheng Labor Dispatch... a total of thirteen! Taxation... the total turnover in January is 1.6 billion, including real estate sales and pre-sales of 1.2 billion, tourism of 50 million... total assets of 800 million."

The leader of Shaobaitou had studied Tiancheng's corporate structure, but that was years ago, and now I heard that Tiancheng's total assets have dropped from 1.1 billion to 800 million. Compared with the loan of 1.4 billion, the debt ratio is almost 100% He couldn't help frowning and asked, "What about his catering, breeding, and clothing?"

"What I just said was Tiancheng's head office and branch companies. In addition, there are also a group of subsidiaries, independent companies, holding companies, and an offshore company that we don't know much about." The leader of the labor bureau couldn't help but took out the information.

"Subsidiary of Tianheng Auto Trade, legal representative Qi Feifei, turnover..., total assets of 170 million."

"Tianzhu Decoration Subsidiary, legal representative Ge Shunfeng, turnover..., total assets of 50 million."

"Tianwei Catering Subsidiary, legal representative Qin Ming, turnover..., total assets of 75 million."

"Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce..." (Lin Yang)

"Tiancheng Supermarket..." (Da Mao)

"Tiancheng Real Estate (commercial building in District D)..."

"Tiancheng Bus..."

"Tiancheng Shipping..."

"The newly established Tianxing electric vehicle subsidiary, legal representative Hong xx, is under construction with a registered capital of 10 million."


"The independent companies under Tiancheng include:"

"Yun County Tianhao Construction Co., Ltd..." (Brother Hao)

"Yunxian Tianlan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd...." (Xiaolan, Ministry of Intelligence)

"The recently restructured Sky Entertainment Group, including Sky Entertainment Cinemas, has six subsidiaries..."

"Tianke New Energy Development Co., Ltd. is being established, which is the former Tiancheng Machinery Department and Remote Control System Research Laboratory..."

"Dongshan Architectural Design and Research Institute..."

"Dongshan Tiancheng... should have been changed to: Dongshan Tiancheng Secondary Vocational College..."

"Dongshan Jifu Jinxiuchuan Water Conservancy..."

"Jinxiuchuan Tiancheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd...

"Splendid River Tiancheng Architecture..."

"And the approved..."

"Tiancheng Sports Business Expansion Group will be responsible for operating the Lotus Gymnasium and UFO Gymnasium in the future..."

"Tiancheng Small Commodity Market..."

"Tiancheng Square..."

"Hub plan..."


"External companies controlled by..."

"Datai Road Bridge..."

"Lee's garment factory, shoe factory, hat factory..."

"Ge Laosi Textile Factory..."

"Xiuxiu Farm..."

"Sancha Township Stone Sand Factory..."

"Sancha Township Steel Bar Factory..."

"Nanwa Animal and Plant Breeding Base..."

"Xixiang Vegetable Base..."


"Beside this there is……"

"Tiancheng's philanthropy... building Hope Primary School..."

"The Expansion Department of Tiancheng's Clockwork Plan..."

"Tiancheng (Ice Bear) Agriculture..."

"Tiancheng Aviation... owns four Mi-26s..."



The young leader looked at the time, more than half an hour had passed!

And in the hands of the Work Bureau... there is still one-third of the materials!

If things go on like this, today's auction may not be possible.

"Say total assets, give me a specific number!"

"Fixed assets, current assets, long-term investment, land use rights, patent rights, trademark rights, goodwill... the total assets should be 3.5 billion!"

"Impossible?" The leader of Shaobaitou was very skeptical, "It was only 1.1 billion before the Spring Festival, and in the half month after the Spring Festival, it jumped directly to 35? The stock market is not so good!"

"He is all engaged in the real economy, some aspects... such as the office buildings in the commercial street of Xingyuewan District D in Xiangxian County, as the nearby housing prices increase, its rent and its own value are also increasing rapidly.

And patents and technologies, useful, double the value, useless, worthless. Tiancheng himself is engaged in construction, throwing out steel structure technology, each of which can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of funds...

Jiefang buses sold more than 500 vehicles during the period after the year, and Tiancheng received more than 50 million technical dividends...

The four communities of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City can get at least 200 million yuan in profits...

The hoisting of the steel structure of the UFO Gymnasium will be completed soon, and it will be directly transformed into a building worth hundreds of millions. We talked about it at the beginning, it belongs to Tiancheng's sole investment.

The 7,000-acre land in Jifu is located in a ravine. Although the price given by the leaders is low, it does not mean that the value of the land itself is low. With water and electricity access, and the Jinxiuchuan project, the value has increased by more than ten times in an instant...

Other branches, subsidiaries, and holding companies have made profits one after another, and purchased many big guys...

In general, the projects invested by Tiancheng in the early stage have already started to produce benefits, accumulating small amounts, resulting in the current total assets! "

"He really wants to become Ge Baiyi!" The young white-headed leader couldn't help but light a cigarette, "So, Tiancheng has entered the top ten in Ji City?"

The leader of the Industrial Bureau shook his head, "Tiancheng is not the whole body, all the branches are hovering outside the top 100, there is no shadow of the subsidiary company, and the independent company is not his. Originally, Tiancheng could indeed squeeze out Shunhe Trading and enter the top ten, but some time ago, Tianyu Sudden independence... Tian Cheng fell to the top 20 again, but Tian Yu is also in the top 50."

"What a pity!" the other leaders sighed.

"This brain, if you don't engage in finance, it's a waste!"

"He is an industrialist. If he is engaged in finance, with his style of play, can he jump up to the present?" The young white-headed leader squeezed out the cigarette that he had only smoked twice, and looked at the crowd, "Will you vote or not?!"

"Definitely vote!"


It's two thirty in the afternoon.

The long-awaited auction has officially begun.

The host introduces the leadership seats.

Announcing the companies participating in the auction...

Introduce the parcel's location, area, use, age, planning requirements, and several additional conditions...

Introduce auctioneers, notaries, law enforcement agencies...

Announcing the reserve price, bidding rules, incremental price, liability for breach of contract...

"The auction of the land parcel No. 14 in Jishi City has officially started. The auction starts at 500,000 yuan per mu for 300 acres. You can bid with a blank sign, or raise the price with a sign!"

For convenience, Ge Xiaotian sat in the last row.

The purpose of his visit this time is not to brag, nor is it an auction, but to get to know the business tycoons in Jishi.

Now that the goal has been achieved, it seems to be a little bit beyond expectations...

As for research shares...

If you have money and don't make money, you bastard, why don't you sell it?

And, if it is really going to be developed, how many people's interests will be touched?

For example: diesel engine, gasoline engine, oil!

Pull more capable people into the car, and there will be more shields in the future...

Moreover, scientific research is a bottomless pit, first-generation engines, second-generation engines, third-generation engines... It is estimated that few can resist.

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian looked at a dozen bosses.

All were whispering to their recorders, and no one was raising a sign.

With the mentality of playing for fun, he asked the manager of the publicity department to take the lead in playing 50,000 yuan.

If you don't play now, the price will go up later, if you accidentally take a photo, it will be a lot of fun.

"Tiancheng, 550,000!"

Almost at the moment when the placard was raised and the host shouted the price, all the people in the room paid attention.

More than a dozen local business tycoons smiled as partners, and then turned their heads again.

"Tiancheng, 550,000, one time!"

The leaders were a little astonished, and all looked at Director Sun.

The latter is a bit confusing.

You don't want it, why are you holding a sign? !

Sensing the weird atmosphere at the scene, Ge Xiaotian, who was going to read the quotations of the leader of Shaobaitou, couldn't help but raise his head.


Why don't you shoot?

Rich entrepreneurs: If we make a film, how can we spend money on scientific research?

And He Shun, Wei Changfeng...


Ge Xiaotian looked around, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the manager of the propaganda department, "Where are He Shun and Wei Changfeng?!"

"Boss, the two of them went out for lunch and haven't come back yet..."


"Tiancheng, 550,000, the second time!"

Damn, it’s poisonous. When Director Sun said 300,000 an acre, I didn’t want it, but now I’m asking for 550,000? !

Ge Xiaotian tugged on the clothes of Lao Pang of Sun Paper on the left, "Brother, shoot!"

"We have no money, the company has just been restructured, you know that!"

Then talk about the boss of Wanshi Financial Technology who just met on the right, "Brother, shoot!"

"No, I want to get more research shares in pure ethanol turbines!"

"Tiancheng, 550,000..."

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