Build Madness

Chapter 272 Chen Feng: I finally won a game! (Thanks to the lord of 'radish radish oh yeah&#039

Turn back time.

Before the auction starts.

When Chen Feng left the Jishi compound, his face, which was originally hopeless due to investment in scientific research and was blackened by Ge Xiaotiantian, instantly changed from cloudy to sunny, and he smiled.

Leisurely lighting a cigarette, tugging on the winter hat of the same style as someone on his head, and beckoning to the secretary beside him, "Our man is here?"

"Here comes the boss!"

"If there is another black tiger, the crown that I gave you will be gone!"

"I understand, boss, this time there are two dogs leading the team, it is absolutely reliable!"

"Then call me, next door to Mala, this time I'm going to make him 'fat'!"

"Two laps are fine. They are all Lianjiazi recruited by Er Gouzi from the martial arts school and Shaolin! After the matter is over, go back to Thailand immediately to be our security guard, everyone is loyal!"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Feng pouted with a cigarette in his mouth, and Lao Huai smiled gratifiedly, "This kid is really capable!"

In fact, he had nothing to do with this auction. However, Shangpin Construction Engineering's assets were transferred to Tai City, and Tiancheng's all-pervasive intelligence department was considered. He had to stabilize the surname Ge to prevent the other party from cooperating with Datai to build a new Shangpin. .

However, this is not the main reason!

Looking at the broken leg and touching the belly where the stitches have not been removed, Chen Feng's eyes flashed a coldness.

If Wei Changfeng hadn't broken his leg back then, he would never have survived the stabbing!

Coupled with the repeated threats from Wei Changfeng and He Shun...

They even want to contract Changfeng Building and the garden area to Shangpin Construction Engineering in the form of advance funds!

You can't cheat people like this, do you really think I'm a melon?

People have tempers!

Get him!

Must do!

After finishing it, I will go back to Taishi, and from now on I will jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements...


It was also before the auction house started.

lunch time.

He Shun and Wei Changfeng watched the investment in scientific research with a cold eye. They each picked up their lunch boxes and found a corner to discuss the follow-up development.

The purpose of the two of them was to take down the garden area.

It doesn't matter if it's 200 million or 300 million, you can make money anyway.

Moreover, winning the garden area can not only shorten the relationship with the local area, facilitate loans, but also improve the current situation of Shunhe business. (Secret business was investigated)

In addition, it can also use this as an excuse to urge the road bureau to repair roads for 4S shops. (The 4S store is on the west side of the garden area)

There is no harm at all, it is nothing more than paying more money.

Beep beep!

Their phones rang at the same time.

He Shun: "What's the matter?"

"Boss, the imported leather you asked for a few days ago was said to arrive in a week, and it has arrived at the station today!"


"Processing now?"

"Well, send it over as soon as possible while the manufacturer is idle, make it beautifully, without any flaws, we are a conscientious enterprise!"


(Boss, the South Vietnamese killer has arrived)


(do it now?)

(Well, while Ge Xiaotian is out, do it as soon as possible, cleanly, kill him with one blow, and don't involve our company!)


the other side.

Wei Changfeng glanced at the phone number, and it turned out to be the fixed number of the Jishi Office!

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, your wife is here!"

"Huh?" Although the voice was a bit wrong, He Shun was in a hurry to auction, and had no time to think about it, so he subconsciously asked, "What is she here for?"

"Wei Wei is pregnant again!"

"What the hell..." Wei Changfeng glanced at He Shun who was calling next to him, "Where is she?"

"My lady is at the mutton soup restaurant diagonally across from the Jishi compound, do you see?"

"I'll go there right away!"


The two put down their phones, one was worried that the killer would make a mistake, the other was worried that the other party would find out that the unmarried daughter-in-law was unexpectedly pregnant, and each looked at each other with ghosts.

"Xiao He, I'm going out for a while, you see?"

He Shun frowned. The auction funds had to be paid by Changfeng Industrial. If he stayed here, wouldn't it be like throwing a burden of 300 million yuan to Shunhe Trading, "Mr. Wei, I have something urgent to deal with..."

Hearing this, Wei Changfeng heaved a sigh of relief, as long as He Shun didn't find out that Wei Wei was pregnant, it would be nothing to worry about, "Then let's go get busy and come back as soon as possible, anyway, the boss who is present, no one will want the garden area!"


The two left the Jishi compound and went their separate ways.


Wei Changfeng came to the affiliated hospital and asked two bodyguards to wait outside. He walked into the mutton soup restaurant alone, closed the iron gate, and put down the large military quilt that was hung on the door frame to keep warm in winter.

After all, my daughter was unexpectedly pregnant, so this matter cannot be spread...

It will be noisy later, and it is also soundproof!

turn around...



Where are there so many masked muscular men? !

What about my wife and children?

"Fuck him!"


He Shun walked out of the Jishi compound and went directly to the highest floor nearby.

That killer is awesome!


This time it was an absolute success!

As an opponent, he was going to give Ge Xiaotian a ride.

Well, watch off!

Coming to the balcony, he soon found the professional killer described by the secretary.

A middle-aged man in a military overcoat, squatting at the intersection on the south side of the Jishi compound, selling bananas at a stall.

Business is still hot!


He saw Chen Feng driving a wheelchair, walking out of the Jishi compound with his secretary, and heading north.

"Bah! Two or five boys!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that the killer selling bananas had moved!


Ge Xiaotian appeared?

It shouldn't be!

He Shun carefully checked the Jishi compound in the distance, except for two security guards, there was no one else.


And then……

He saw the killer walking unhurriedly...behind the duo of Chen Feng who stopped for some reason, and took out the guy from his arms...


What the hell are you doing? ! ! !


Electric wheelchair, correct!

Winter hats, right!

Pretty secretary, right!

Walk out of the Jishi compound, right!

Find the target!

Waiting for the other party to stay away from the Jishi compound...

hands up!




Beep beep!

Leaving the Jishi compound and turning a street, Chen Feng's cell phone rang suddenly.

A capable man, you son of a bitch!



"Hahaha, well done!"

"Two rounds of fat!"

"Okay! From now on, you will be my brother, Chen Feng!"

"If you can't afford it, you're still the boss!"

"Haha, there's nothing to be ashamed of! Ever since I met Ge, I have never won. This time, I finally won a round!"

Chen Feng is excited!

Broke the arm first and then the leg, the company almost lost, and was stabbed later...

Although it wasn't Ge Xiaotian this time, Wei Changfeng was also hostile!



Beating up Wei Changfeng near the compound is too arrogant?

He continued to break his legs, broke his feet, and hid in the store to beat him up. At worst, let the dog go in and squat for a few days!

Putting down the phone, Chen Feng was in a particularly happy mood.

Stop the wheelchair and look up at the sky.

He suddenly realized that today's sky is so hot...


At this moment, there was a loud noise from behind, and in an instant, Chen Feng only felt a huge thrust from behind...

The man was in the air, opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

In a trance, he saw He Shun shouting on the roof of the building in the distance...

Following the whistling little north wind, listening carefully, it seems to be: Zabi killer? !


Chen Feng fell to the ground with a bang, his broken leg trembling... Immediately, he touched his waist and turned over, pointing to the roof in the distance: "He Shun, you uncle!!!"

The sudden change frightened the secretary next to him. He quickly helped the injured person up. He happened to see the other person’s back. In order to prevent the belly wound from bursting, a deformed metal lump was added to the metal card slot of the special ‘belly pocket’ made by Xiaoqingshan Hospital. ...

"Old... Boss?!!!"

"Don't touch me, the disc in the waist is probably sunken, hiss..."


I have heard of protruding lumbar disc, what does concave mean?


"Those two idiots come back quickly!"

At the auction, Ge Xiaotian shouted crazily in his heart.

"Tiancheng, 550,000, third..."


The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

The secretary hurried to the side of the young leader and whispered something.

The latter got up and stopped the auctioneer who was about to wave the gavel, "There is an unexpected situation today, the auction is terminated, and the current price is invalid. I will show the specific reasons to everyone and the notary later to ensure the legitimacy of the termination of this auction. .Now, please sit here and don't leave for now!"

Immediately afterwards.

Faint sounds of police cars and ambulances could be heard outside...

"Xiaotian, temporarily lend the monitoring network of the Tiancheng bus system to the security office!"

"Good leader, no problem, fully cooperate!"

Ge Xiaotian felt that something big was definitely happening outside.

Thanks to the leader of "radish radish oh yeah", I will continue to add updates later, +10, counting the previous 10 chapters owed, the total owed is 20 chapters.

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