Build Madness

Chapter 273 Surveillance network meritorious service

The leaders left, and the entrepreneurs in the room picked up their mobile phones and contacted the drivers and assistants who stayed outside.

Soon, the news of Wei Changfeng being beaten up, Chen Feng being shot, and He Shun being beaten by Lian's family spread to the auction...

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?!"

Faced with many suspicious eyes, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help it, "It's not me!"


Although the entrepreneurs at the scene were considered the most influential figures in the local area, most of them knew very little about the real estate industry, and had no idea that Bureau Sun had given Tiancheng an "ultra-low bargaining price".

In addition, what happened today is a bit strange in itself.

Connect the cause and effect in series, carefully stroke...

Fuck, no wonder Ge Baiyi asked everyone to willingly invest billions in scientific research projects before the auction!

It turned out that I wanted to eat 'alone food'!

Everyone invests in scientific research, who has enough money to play auctions?


He Shun and Wei Changfeng, who have no interest in scientific research and only want to get land, have something happened?

Besides Tian Cheng, Chen Feng, the only company in the local area with construction qualifications, had an accident, right? !

550,000 unit price!

The psychological price in the city is 1 million!

This means!

No wonder he could become Ge Baiyi at such a young age!

At this moment, the entrepreneurs in the room seemed to have synchronized their brain circuits and reached a unified thought: amazing!

Of course, there are also people who know the inside story.

Sitting next to him, Old Pang of Zhiye said in a low voice, "Be careful!"

"Your brother doubts me too?"


The boss of Wanshi Financial Technology on the other side pursed his lips, "We both knew that the market will either sell it to you at a low price, or sell it to Wei Changfeng at a high price. What Lao Pang said is to make you be careful of those who do finance!"

"Aren't you in finance!"

"I work in technology, branded cameras, computers, software, and R\u0026D. I have finance in my name, but I am in the service industry and manufacturing industry. Otherwise, where do you get the integrated motherboards and chips for electric cars and claw machines?"

"Oh? I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ge Xiaotian felt a little lazy. Only now did he realize that this ordinary, short and fat man turned out to be the manufacturer of the core components of his own electronic products. "I'll treat you to a drink later!"

"Drinking is a trivial matter, we have to find a way as soon as possible to reduce the impact of this matter on Tian Cheng!"

"That's right!" Lao Pang nodded. "Our private industry is not as good as the government-owned enterprise. We don't have a complete protection mechanism and we don't have a big backer. If the masses outside are like what they think, with the instigation of caring people, public opinion will The rumors are getting more and more outrageous, the Third National Meeting of the Ninth National People's Congress will be held soon, and the news spread, the city probably won't be able to handle it!"

Boss Wanshi shook his head, "It's not the masses that are scary, but those who are engaged in finance. Don't forget, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce produces and sells itself, occupying 75% of the retail market in Jishi City. It also owns a large number of machinery, Real estate, planting, breeding, if Tiancheng collapses, those financial people are likely to invest in Wei Changfeng, buy low from Jiangnan, and sell high locally! Not to mention local prices, optoelectronic components can overwhelm me! "

Ge Xiaotian had thought through this a long time ago, smiled, and patted the thighs of the two partners on the left and right, "Don't worry, Tian Cheng, he is very upright and tough!"

No matter what the outside world says, the young and white-headed leader will definitely rush to the forefront.

Unless the old man wants to come to Tiancheng!


This idea seems like a good idea!

Hire the leader of the young white head, and invite his old man to study gas turbines together...

Forget it, Huaxia probably won't give this kind of talent.

"Be careful, there is no big mistake!" The old Pang of the paper industry took his dry old hand and held the tender grasp on his thigh.

Ge Xiaotian shuddered, and quickly took it back, "What are you doing?"

"I'm so close, what do you think?"


Boss Wanshi thought to himself for a long time before hesitating, "How about I make some big news for you to overwhelm this news?"

"No need!" Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "Tiancheng is far from being as weak as everyone thinks. I have so many physical stores, bus stops, and publicity LED screens on buses. It's not easy to control public opinion? What I'm thinking now is, these three Something, is there any connection!"

"What do you mean?" Pang, the old man of the paper industry, was thoughtful.

"Who sent people to shoot Chen Feng? Who beat Wei Changfeng, why did Chen Feng bring so many Lianjiazi to besiege He Shun?" Ge Xiaotian took out a paper to write and draw, ready to find the truth.


At this time, the conference room was rang.

The middle-aged man with the olive branch on his shoulders that he had seen in the military hospital last time led two high-level security officers into the auction and went straight to Ge Xiaotian.

"Mr. Ge, let's find a place to chat?"


Ge Xiaotian manipulated the wheelchair, and the moment he turned around, the boss of the paper industry and the boss of Wanshi patted his back in turn.


In the office of the Xx department.

The olive branch middle-aged man took out a transparent evidence bag and put it on the desk.

Inside was a partially burned photograph, about the size of a coin.

Except for the fringe of the yellow cloth, only the back of the head wearing a winter hat can be seen.

"Mr. Ge, through comparison, we found that the person in the photo is not Chen Feng, but you!"

"What does having a photo mean? I didn't do this, you can find it from the bus monitoring network!" Ge Xiaotian was very calm, and he was not afraid of the shadow slanting, so what can he do when the King of Hades comes!

"Um..." The middle-aged man with an olive branch smiled awkwardly with the two senior officials, "No, Mr. Ge, take a closer look, the ceiling on the winter hat!"

"Huh? This is..."

"Yes, that's right, this is the corridor on the first floor of the office building of Jishi Courtyard, near the meeting room, which is where today's auction will be held!"

Another executive said: "The right half of the back of the head is slightly bulging, but Chen Feng didn't. You were injured in a car accident before, and you are still not recovering. If you are looking for someone who is dressed like the victim, there are many winter hats. You seem to be the only one who drives the wheelchair!"

"What do you mean?" Ge Xiaotian gasped.

"The killer's target is you!"


That old thing Chen Feng blocked a bullet for me?

No, it should be that the killer was blind, Chen Feng's life was in decline, and he won the lottery again? !

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered that the other party led Lian's family to fight... "Hire murderer, He Shun?"

"The current suspect is indeed He Shun, because when the victim was shot, he heard He Shun shouting... Shabi killer."

The senior man said, and took out the laptop that seemed to be used by Tiancheng Enterprise in his satchel, "From the video captured by your company's bus monitoring network, we can see that after this young man walked out of the train station, including inside the station, a total of Six times, he didn't seem to notice the cameras disguised as street lights, and four of them were under surveillance for makeup... After that, he had contact with a man in a sweater."

"Let's play the video backwards. The man in the hoodie went back to the toilet next to the bus stop in the city courtyard, and then a young man with the same size and figure backed out, returned to the gate of the Jishi courtyard, and walked back into the auction side by side with He Shun. .”

"What a good thing!" The middle-aged man with olive branch smiled.

"Caught it?" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help asking.

"Must! The killer is extremely courageous. After committing a crime, he throws away his coat and disguise, sits swaggeringly in the BRT station, buys duck wings, a bottle of Lanling Daqu, eats and drinks with a local old man, and chats cordially. Even the grandpa yelled, but the old man even admitted it and even defended it... Unfortunately, the killer's whereabouts were under surveillance the whole time. After making a phone call, Tianwei quietly evacuated the crowd, and the riot police dispatched to arrest him on the spot! If not The monitoring network may really allow him to escape!"

"So, the monitoring network is really a good thing!" The middle-aged man with olive branch sighed again.

"Yes, you have said it twice, here you are!"

"How much?"

"Actually, I want to donate to the city, but you have seen the role of the monitoring network. If you invest there, we will build it. It is low-cost, free of operation, and can be used anytime, anywhere..."

"How much?"

"Looking at the scope, the main roads, the entire urban area of ​​Jishi, will cost about 20 million yuan, plus the community, 50 million yuan. There are no dead ends, so I can't calculate it for the time being!"


"Sure, I will give you free operation, and Tian Cheng will also be responsible for the later repairs, maintenance, and adjustments. You can save two or three times the money! Computers and memory are not cheap now!"

"How about the main roads in the city and the gates of important institutions?"

"thirty million!"

"I'll make an application later, when will it be finished?"

"The third day after the money arrives!"

"As expected of Tiancheng!"


After sending off the olive branch and the group of middle-aged men, Ge Xiaotian returned to the auction and found that all the leaders had returned.

In the place of Wei Changfeng, there were also some strange men and women sitting there, who should be the delegation of Changfeng Industry.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start!"

"The auction of the Jishi Garden area has officially started, the reserve price..."

"fifty thousand……"

"fifty thousand……"

"Changfeng Industrial, 900,000, the first time!"

"……the second time!"

"……the third time!"

"Congratulations to Changfeng Industrial..."

The delegation was obviously more capable than Wei Changfeng, and in the end, the land price was not raised to one million.

The main reason is that the higher the price, the fewer people dare to join in. Even Ge Xiaotian only paid 850,000 in the end.

Follow up again, in case Changfeng Industrial misfires, this time it will really become a big joke.

270 million is a figure that everyone is quite satisfied with, and the auction ended like this.


Tian Cheng's troubles have only just begun.

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