Build Madness

Chapter 274 Surprise inspection

It was already evening when we walked out of the auction.

Ge Xiaotian managed to get out of his wheelchair and sat in No. 888 Hutouben, but was called into the office by the secretary to drink tea.

"This material may have a great influence on Tian Cheng." The young leader took out a red letter white paper from the shelf next to him.

Ge Xiaotian nodded and looked at the cover of the book.

The 'Construction Engineering Quality Management Regulations' covers the entire China.

This is another new rule since the building law was issued in 1997.

Unlike the law, the law tells you the consequences of breaking the law, while the regulations tell you what to do, or in other words, implement the standard.

Seeing the name, Ge Xiaotian already knew the details inside.

Thanks to the whipping of the old man, it was a bit difficult to memorize it verbatim, but he was able to explain every rule clearly, and attached a part of future changes.

"I know the leader!" Ge Xiaotian patted the white paper and pushed it back again.

Seeing that he didn't care, the leader of Shaobaidou frowned, tapped his fingers on the table, and snorted coldly: "You study here today, go back and implement it carefully, and I will check it myself in two days!"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian shuddered, and quickly grabbed the white paper back, glanced at ten lines, and found that this regulation was no different from another time and space, "Leader, I can memorize it!"


"Really!" Ge Xiaotian closed his eyes, shook his head and said: "Chapter 1 General Rules, Article 1, in order to strengthen the management of construction project quality, ensure the quality of construction projects, and protect people's lives and property safety, according to the 'China Construction Law' , to formulate these regulations. Article 2, Whoever engages in new construction, expansion, and reconstruction of construction projects within the territory of Huaxia..."

"Chapter Two, Quality Responsibilities and Clothing of the Construction Unit, General Article 7, the construction unit shall contract the project to a unit with the corresponding qualification level; the construction unit shall not dismember the construction project for contracting."

"Leader, Tiancheng doesn't have to worry about this at all, because we are a whole, a dragon..."

"General article 9, the construction unit must have relevant survey, design, construction, project supervision and other units to provide original materials related to the construction project, and the content must be true, accurate and complete."

"Leader, Tiancheng has a professional exploration team. Our cooperative unit is Dongshan Institute of Geology. In terms of design, we also have an architectural design and research institute, and our cooperative unit is Civil Engineering... No, it is Dongshan Kent University now. For construction, we have a construction department. The supervisor is Dongshan The highest supervisory institution 'Dongshan Supervisory Institute'."

"General tenth...eleven...twelve..."


What's behind it?

Just looking through the regulations, he was able to match his memory, but now he is reciting them, but Ge Xiaotian finds that... only a dozen of them have been memorized.

And the entire regulations, more than one hundred!

It shouldn't be!

Regulations and laws are the best way to reduce sentences and save lives!

Could it be that if you use your brain too much, you will forget the past?

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, his tone paused, seeing that the cowhide was about to collapse, he had an idea, and took out the employee handbook he carried with him from the file bag, "Leader, I don't know if it's a coincidence, or I have the foresight, in fact, Tiancheng has implemented these regulations a long time ago! Sooner or later Study, check every week, don’t mention me, now almost everyone in the company memorizes memorization by heart!”

"Is it?"

The young white-headed leader was obviously taken aback, he was dazed, and without doubting him, he took over the tattered little book that seemed to have a few pages torn off.

Turn over two pages.


Can't help but light a cigarette and compare it with the white paper.

Although a lot of content is missing in the front, the back is exactly the same...

Why is it a bit like copying?

Look at the printing time, the employee handbook was in November 1999, and the management regulations should be promulgated on January 30th...


Could it be that a big leader came down to make an unannounced visit?

Then propose...

The young white-headed leader narrowed his eyes, and looked at Ge Xiaotian softer, "Go back, don't think too much about what happened today!"


at the same time.

A street in Jishi, near the BRT bus station.

A young man in a black down jacket walked to the fruit stand, "Auntie, can you distribute some brochures for me?"

"Send it yourself, I don't have time!"

"As long as you send it out for me, I'll give you ten dollars!"

"Oh? Yes, yes!"

"There are two hundred copies in total, you have to help me distribute them to customers!"

"Don't worry, it will be finished soon after work!" The aunt who sells fruit seems to know how to read, so she picks up the booklet and flips through it, "By the way, young man, I still have a few boxes of fruit at home. Please help me look at the booth. , I’ll go back and move, and I’ll be back soon!”

"You are not afraid that I will run away after taking the fruit?"

"What are you afraid of, look up!"


"Is that light bulb pretty?"

"It's all broken, what's so good about it!"

"Okay, it's really ugly. If you show me the fair booth, I won't charge you the ten yuan for distributing the brochures!"


Thirty seconds later.

The aunt led two men in black security uniforms to hide behind a certain corner, pointed to the young man next to the fruit stand and said: "He is distributing pamphlets, which are all about slandering Tiancheng for bribing roads, gangsters, and non-professionals." Detention... including the news of shooting Chen Feng and beating Wei Changfeng!"

"Sister, thank you! Here is fifty yuan, you take it!"

"No, no, no, I'll exchange membership points. Next time I go to Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to buy some fruit, you guys want to share with me some of the best-selling fruits!"

"No problem, I'll grab him and I'll find a computer to record it for you!"

"Thank you, big brother!"


The same scene happened one after another at various intersections, shops, shopping malls, and buses...

When Ge Xiaotian left the Jishi compound, Tianwei Security had already controlled more than fifty rumormongers.

There are various indications that the warnings of Pang Pang, the boss of the paper industry, and the boss of Wanshi Financial Technology are unreasonable.

Some people really want to take the opportunity to make things big.

However, Tian Cheng's darkness came from rumors, he was not afraid of the shadow slanting when he was upright, Tian Cheng had never been afraid...


The old driver Li Ge suddenly slowed down, "Boss, those cars behind have followed from the Jishi compound to the Canal Development Zone, and there is no sign of leaving!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian looked carefully through the rear window. The sky was dark. Even though there were street lights, the other party's headlights were so bright that he couldn't see the car body at all. office!"


Three or two minutes passed, Hutou turned left and entered the national road, Ge Xiaotian took the opportunity to observe the opponent again.

Before he could see clearly, the secretary Xu Ling suddenly called.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, He Shun will be sentenced to death in the afternoon!"

"So fast?"

"I heard that He Shun was involved in the Yuanhua smuggling case and was involved in a wide range of cases. Dongshan High Prosecutor flew directly to Jishi City to conduct surprise inspections, especially the wharf used for smuggling at Nanguan in Xiangxian County..."

At the same time, Ge Xiaotian also saw clearly that the convoy of 'following' was similar to the vehicles of the security station, but the two words were different.

I believe that no one is willing to sit in these cars, including the young and white-headed leaders.

But the other party approached Hutou Ben, and one of them actually slowed down!

Ge Xiaotian quickly put down his phone and asked Li to stop.

"Mr. Ge!"

"Hello leader!"

"We need to find out all your company's parcel contracts, as well as detailed additional agreements!"

"no problem!"

Ge Xiaotian was startled, and couldn't help but think of Bureau Sun.

It shouldn't be!

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