Build Madness

Chapter 275 Next stop, Tiancheng!

These days, or before the law reform, the high-level procuratorate generally does not care about private enterprises.

Its duty is to deal with the public, investigate corruption and accepting bribes, investigate favoritism and perversion of the law, and investigate the misappropriation of collective assets...

Generally speaking, it's a bit like Bao Zheng.

Therefore, once they get involved in a private enterprise, it means... a big event!

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian's left eyelid twitched violently, and he always felt that there was an extra tiger's head on his neck...

On the way to the Crescent Office, he thought about it, looking for Tiancheng's current 'illegal and non-compliant' places.

Suddenly, Bird 818 rang one after another.

Not a call, but a text message!

Yu Zong: Those who clean up clean up themselves!

Leader of Shaobaidou: After the storm, there is a rainbow!

Bureau Sun: Only by standing the test can we go to the next level!

Unfamiliar number: Congratulations, you have won the special prize of 8888 yuan...

Old man from the Veterans Affairs Office: Congratulations!

What do you mean?

Ge Xiaotian can understand the first few items, but what's wrong with the last one? !

However, the surprise inspection was indeed a 'surprise', and the leaders only knew it now.

From this point of view, the High Prosecutor's intention was not He Shun's case.

What would that be? !


Soon, three special vehicles for the high-level inspection drove into Crescent Square with two Ivecos.

After the Lantern Festival, the weather is getting warmer, and more and more people come out to hang out.

Seeing all the public officials in suits and leather shoes with red badges on their chests, they entered Tiancheng in a neat line, and they all stopped to watch and express their opinions.

The Planning Department and the Finance Department received the news and quickly prepared the archives and additional agreements for all parcels.

It is cheap for Tiancheng to acquire land, but in general, it pays more than ordinary enterprises.

From Gejia Village to Daqingshan, from Nanwa to Xiangxian County, from Canal Development Zone to Jinxiu River...

One article, one item, plus notes and instructions...

Signature, drawing, notarization, seals of relevant departments...

Although there are many and complicated documents, they are well-organized and well-founded. The high-level inspectors did not spend too much time to figure out all the information on Tiancheng's parcels.

Then compare it with local funds one by one...

After all the checks were completed, the middle-aged man who led the team was a little unsatisfied. He raised his watch and looked at it, "It's only seven o'clock, I thought I'd have to check all night!"

Ge Xiaotian shrugged expressionlessly and did not respond.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "It is said that Dongshan Ge Baiyi is eloquent, why are you silent now, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid of the slanting shadow. What do I have to be afraid of? It's just that you came to our company with great fanfare. Not only did you not find anything, but it caused gossip from the onlookers outside. We, Tiancheng, have suffered a heavy loss this time! "

"Oh? Your building has been liquidated. Is it possible that there are still people asking for a refund?"

"Our Tiancheng is a comprehensive enterprise, not only in construction, but also... Tomorrow, 20,000 new electric vehicles will be launched for sale, and the total sales will reach several million! In addition, at the auction just this morning, I negotiated a multi-billion If you check the accounts and get rumors that our Tiancheng is about to close down, I am afraid that this project will be ruined! Xingyue Bay in Jishi City is about to hand over the house, and you should understand how important the final payment is to the developer. If people are worried The project is unfinished...the consequences are unimaginable! More importantly, it is now February, and the material payment that was planned to be settled quarterly, I am afraid that someone will come to remind us soon, Tiancheng is not a cash flow, if the creditor sues us for bankruptcy..."

Following Ge Xiaotian's words, the middle-aged man's face became more and more serious. After listening to it, he was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled, "Are you talking to me?"

"Don't dare to dare, everything I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask everyone in the local area!"

"Hehe!" The middle-aged man smiled and signaled the staff to return to the team. Before leaving, he patted Ge Xiaotian on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "Believe it or not, we are not the only ones checking you?"

"Huh?!" Ge Xiaotian was startled.


Indeed, exactly as the captain of the High Procuratorate said, it wasn't just them who checked Tiancheng, but also the audit!

After that, environment, foreign trade, culture, quarantine...

After that, construction qualification, construction safety, construction technology...

Including the capital verification that has not been carried out, it is also vigorously launched...

Tian Cheng is like a boat in the vast ocean, ups and downs in the storm, which also attracts more gossip...


Except for the high-level inspection, the rest of the departments are not here to inspect, but to guide and study!

This decoration is not working, it needs to be adjusted!

This painting is a bit risqué and needs to be replaced!

Why are these honors locked in a dark room? Come out!

This employee hasn't showered for a few days? See that your clothes are dirty, change them quickly!

The computer room is so big? Good!

Quadruple room in staff dormitory? Good!

Mechanical vehicles washed every day? Good!

Everyone wears helmets? Good!

For three days in a row!

No one came until February 26th.

During this period, Li Suo made a phone call.

Inform He Shun that the case has been completely closed, and a total of sixteen people involved in the Yuanhua smuggling case were all sentenced to death!

Shunhe business was naturally disintegrated.

However, the party who benefited the most turned out to be Wei Changfeng!

This made Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but wonder, could He Shun's secret business be exposed by this Maitreya Buddha?

It seems that Chen Feng's gang fight was lighter!

Of course, this has nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

In addition, Da Liu called.

With a worried tone, he said that Daliu Xincun and Daliu Machinery Factory were also investigated.

Some minor problems were all ordered to be corrected, and the organizational structure was also adjusted...

All in all, no big problem.

Da Liu has great powers, but he doesn't have much contact with the leaders in this area. He wants to ask him what's going on through him.

Ge Xiaotian himself still didn't understand, how could he come to a conclusion.

The two chatted for a long time, and finally decided to continue to work.

However, what worries Ge Xiaotian is that, in two full days of 20,000 electric cars, from the opening to the present, except for relatives, friends and partners, none of them have been sold!

This is very uncomfortable!

However, Tiancheng's investigation became more and more serious, the debt of 14 billion yuan was exposed, and the news that Ge Baiyi became the local leader was also known to everyone...

Fortunately, even if it is done like this, the Xingyue Bay EFGH area is handed over today, and the scene is still hot.

Although Tian Cheng issued an announcement stating that a refund could be made, no one came to inquire about it.

Learn from a customer's words: "Stupid, the house is already built. When I bought it, it was 1500 yuan, and now it has skyrocketed to 1780. Think about Wei Wei who has not yet received a refund of 20 million yuan. That is a living example. !"


In people's hearts, Tiancheng seemed to be getting darker!

After Ge Xiaotian found out about this, he was so remorseful that he wanted to hit the wall.

He asked the sales department to issue a statement with the intention of saving Tiancheng's reputation, but he never expected that the more he saved, the more...

have to!

I love it!

electric car?

If you don't buy it, sell it elsewhere!

As a result, 10,000 electric vehicles and 10,000 sets of parts were sent to Qinggang Auto Trade City by train.

Different regions have different levels of support. After careful calculation, if you want to make money, the price over there is more than 100 higher than this.

For example, 666 is 798 in Qinggang!

The specific situation depends on how the boss of the Sino-Ocean Trading Co., Ltd. of Qinggang Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. discussed with the local area.

Nearly 20,000 electric vehicles are distributed, and the payment is settled quickly. After the various manufacturers get the money, they can expand production.

The daily production of 2,000 vehicles is a bit low after all.

Ge Xiaotian's goal is to sell one million, or even five million a year, and then export it!

As for the local area, the turmoil of being investigated is only temporary, after a long time, maybe Tian Cheng will make a big news...


Sitting in Yueya's office, thinking about what big news to make, the phone rang suddenly.

Jingle Bell……

Before he could finish speaking, the landline rang.

Ge Xiaotian looked at his phone, and then at the caller ID, the one from Dongshan looked familiar, it seemed to be... Yu Zong's landline.

Thanks to the 'fake reporter' Yu Yao, he memorized the number.


"Hurry up and clean up, the general manager just left my place, next stop, Tian Cheng!"


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