Build Madness

Chapter 277 Ge Wangwang Hurt by Love

Zaoshi is located in the southeast of Jishi, about two hundred miles away.

It is rich in resources and has a long history, but its economy is somewhat backward, and it belongs to the bottom ranks in Dongshan.


Zaoshi Hospital.

"The brain contusion and laceration bleeding caused by head trauma, the blood spots are not large, need to be observed for 48 hours. In other respects, the two interphalangeal joints of the left hand are dislocated, and the right shoulder bone is cracked... Basically, there is no big problem, and the operation fee has been paid by the driver who caused the accident. pay..."

Hearing that Ge Wangwang committed suicide, Ge Xiaotian rushed over immediately.

His big brother is really unreliable, he lived heartlessly in another time and space for most of his life, never asked about family affairs, even if he was behind bars with his father, Ge Wangwang only visited once.

So, how could such a person commit suicide?

When he first heard the news, Ge Xiaotian thought that Ge Wangwang had spent all the 100,000 yuan invested in Internet cafes, so he thought of ways to get some more money from his rich brother...

I didn't expect this guy to be really weird... Forget it, don't scold him, he's really tough!

Standing on the side of the road, he got under the car directly.

Fortunately, the driver of the truck was not distracted, and was about to slow down and stop to urinate, or the trailer full of fertilizer would run over him...

Ge Xiaotian let out a breath, looked through the glass at the elder brother who was still not awake in the emergency room, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

A little distressed, but also a little bit hate it!

However, why did Ge Wangwang commit suicide?

Also ran to Zaoshi!


He has never been here, but he has some impressions.

From Ge Wang Wang!

Ge Xiaotian tried hard to remember, and some of the past came to mind.

About when he was in the second year of junior high school, a well-dressed urban girl was transferred to Ge Wangwang's third class of junior high school.

Well, it is from Zaoshi.

The little girl is very good at Mandarin, fluent in English, lively and cute, so eye-catching that he, who is in the second year of junior high school, knows it.

In the mid-1990s, everyone was dressed in rustic clothes, and suddenly there was a girl in a gauze doesn't matter whether she is pretty or not, Ge Wangwang is in love anyway!

Ge Wangwang was smart and eager to learn since he was a child, and his grades far surpassed Ge Sanni's.

However, no matter how good the children in the village study, there is also a shortcoming, English!

The arrival of the little girl makes the head teacher who values ​​Ge Wangwang very much find a way to make up for his shortcomings.

Coincidentally, the little girl is very good at subjects and needs tutoring in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Thus, Ge Wangwang got his wish and became the same table with the little girl.

At that time, the learning environment was very poor. From five in the morning to ten in the evening, I prepared three or five candles every day.

Comrade Ge Feng did not make a fortune, and his family supported three students, living a very poor life.

But after Ge Wangwang defected to the city people, the candles were immediately waived, and sometimes the meal money was also waived...

What's even more ridiculous is that the two of them were admitted to Xiang County No. 1 Middle School together!

Well, Dongshan is one of the top five high schools in terms of admission rate.

As for Sanni's Jigao, she is a special recruit, free of tuition and accommodation fees. In this era, she is temporarily inferior to Xiangxian No. 1 Middle School. This is another reason why Teacher Li from Xiangxian No. 1 Middle School does not want to come to Tiancheng .

The two were admitted to high school. Although they fell in love, they did not fail in their studies, and they were admitted to Qinggang Ocean University together, 211!

It seems that it will become 985 soon, and then replace Qinggang with Huaxia!

Ge Wangwang became the glory of the whole village!

However, probably... in 1998 or 1999, the little girl moved on and fell in love with a rich senior...

If only another time and space is used as the standard, Ge Wangwang was hurt by love, addicted to the Internet, and in the end, he was busy attacking the sand, did not write the thesis, and lost his master's degree without examination...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the treasure box that was pulled out when the old house was demolished.

In addition to the love letter, there are several photos.

One of them is Ge Wangwang riding a bicycle with a little girl on his back...

At that time, I happened to meet Li Xiuxiu. The situation was critical. I didn't think about it carefully. Now it seems that it should be her!

Ge Wangwang is in his senior year this year, and it is almost time for an internship. So, he got 100,000 yuan and went to Zaoshi to start a business, intending to redeem his lost love?


Entrepreneurial failure, suicide in despair?

Ge Xiaotian was a little dumbfounded.

Mmp, put yourself in because of a woman who cuckolded you? !

What about heartless? !

Moreover, as Ge Baiyi's older brother, no matter what you say, you are considered a rich generation. If you drive a luxury car from the company to pick up girls, how can that bitch Qi Feifei stop you?

Maybe even give you one!

"This... this comrade... sir!"

While distracted, a middle-aged couple, full of wind and frost, with expressions full of helplessness and hesitation, greeted each other from a distance.

Especially the middle-aged aunt, from time to time glanced at the tall bodyguard next to her, and several local leaders waiting in the distance.

"Sir, I really don't blame me for the car accident, but... I can't make much money a day, and all my savings are in this book..."

Hearing the stumbling explanation, Ge Xiaotian came back to his senses, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I'm sorry for delaying your business, my brother's brain is not good, we are to blame for today's incident, if the car breaks down, we will go to the south District Auto Trade City for repairs, I'll call there, it's free!"

The three auto trade cities in the southeast and north are all located on the boundary of Jishi City, and the southern district is located near Tengcheng, the hometown of Caijianbing, about a hundred miles away from seems quite far away.

Ge Xiaotian quickly took out a stack of spare cash from the document bag, "Here is 50,000 yuan. After deducting the advance payment for the operation, the rest belongs to you two. Let's just forget about it today, how about it?"

"No, no, I can't have..." The black, thin, middle-aged man blushed instantly.

"that's all!"

Consoling each other a few words again, Ge Xiaotian sent the two honest couples to the stairs.

At this time, Xu Ling, who was accompanying her, came up, "Boss, some leaders of Zaoshi would like to chat with you."

It takes more than two hundred miles from Jishi to Zaoshi, it takes three hours by train, and it takes about two hours by car to walk along the path.

Ge Xiaotian was concerned about the safety of this cheating elder brother, so he flew over directly.

Not by civil aviation, but by helicopter.

Thanks to the different ages, the civil aviation is not well developed. I communicated with the relevant departments before, and the air routes of Tiancheng almost connect all the cities in Dongshan.

The only trouble is, there is no helipad.

After going around and around, they finally stopped in a fairly open and flat wasteland near the hospital.

The size of the Mi-26...

It almost caused a sensation in the whole jujube market.

A few days ago, during the inspection by the General Manager, someone forgot to hang tanks on planes. In the news sooner or later, there were four Mi-26s hanging tanks in the shocking background.

In Huaxia, this has become the symbol of Tiancheng!

As a result, they spread falsehoods again.

What is Tian Cheng doing?

Do scientific research? !


Build tanks!

Of course, this view is only circulated among the people.

And for the local leaders, Tiancheng is an out-and-out 'true developer'!

Ge Xiaotian was very clear about the purpose of the other party's visit.


Tiancheng needs to accumulate funds in the near future, smashing the Lotus Sports Center, Jinxiuchuan University City, and repaying a loan of 1.4 billion...

"Mr. Ge?"

Before Ge Xiaotian asked Xu Ling to find a reason to refuse, a dark, chubby middle-aged man came up and handed out a business card, "Actually, I have long wanted to visit Tiancheng, but I am busy with business, so I can only talk to Ji The old leader of the government, and Lao Hong, the old colleague of the Agricultural Machinery Department, called to chat..."

Don't say the name, it means the largest in the local area.

The old leader undoubtedly refers to Mr. Yu.

Ministry of Agricultural Machinery, explain your background.

Old Hong, pull in the relationship.


Ge Xiaotian took the business card with both hands, glanced at it, and held the extended palm, "Leader, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

In this era, many local leaders are in two positions for the purpose of unified development, and Zaoshi is no exception.

"Mr. Ge, regarding today's matter..."

"Sorry for causing trouble to your land!" Ge Xiaotian interrupted the leader's speech for the first time, "Leader, we Tiancheng has a lot of projects now, and the news should have revealed some, funds..."

"Cali only has about two hundred yuan?"

"Haha, just kidding!" Ge Xiaotian glanced at the wasteland outside the window, "We want this place, two hundred acres, but we need to start construction next year!"

"No, no, Mr. Ge, you misunderstood, the purpose of our visit today is another one!"


"I wonder if you have heard of the Zaoshi New Town Project?"


"We are going to build the south gate of Dongshan, a new city! Then move the whole city! I wonder if Tiancheng can join?" The leader of Zaoshi immediately took out the blueprint that seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, "We have been preparing for twenty years, and the contractor has negotiated There are more than a dozen modules that are scattered and combined, which run counter to our purpose of building a new city, until we see the Canal Development Zone... As long as Tian Cheng comes, I believe that within five years, we will be able to build an epoch-making building. A meaningful new city!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the drawing and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, no, it was saliva...

Unexpectedly, I wish the economic benefits brought about by Grandpa's inspection will begin to explode now!

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