Build Madness

Chapter 278 New City Planning

The name of Zaoshi originated from the Tang Dynasty.

There are many jujube trees around, forming Zhuangzi. After thousands of years of development, in modern times, it gradually prospered due to coal mines and became a resource-based city.

At the end of the 1960s, Zaoshi broke away from the jurisdiction of Jishi City and became a provincial municipality.

At the end of the 1970s, the coal mines were hollowed out, and the mining industry moved westward. The old city was dilapidated and polluted, and turned into a resource-exhausted city.

A city emphasizes sustainable development.

It is obviously not in line with the current development concept to follow the old path of coal mines. The local area began to seek new development opportunities and decided to move to the city!

In the old plan, a "new city" was built around Zaoshi West Station, which is located on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, 60 miles away to the west.

The south of Xincheng is mountainous, and the north is also mountainous.

In the west is the Nansi Lake and the Grand Canal under the jurisdiction of Jishi City, only a dozen miles apart.

On the east side is a deserted green space.

There is a river in the territory, which connects Nansi Lake. It is quite wide and long. According to the old plan, this river will become the moat in the north of the new city.

Sitting in the hospital conference room, holding the county annals, history, economic distribution, per capita income, various budgets given by the leader Xue... Ge Xiaotian feels that the development potential of the new city is far inferior to the Canal Development Zone!

Remote, desolate, powerless, without rich resources...

Of course, this also aroused his fighting spirit!

Live a new life, make a comeback, and never forget your original intention!

The less potential for development, the more poor and backward, the more sense of accomplishment you can bring!

In fact, Xiaoqingshan is nothing, but have we developed differently by taking advantage of the Shuihu?

In fact, there is nothing much in the eastern district of Xiangxian County, but we built the crescent moon landmark, and now the small county town has moved there!

In fact, the Canal Development Zone is nothing, but if we borrow the Lotus Sports Center, will it reverse the development direction of Jishi City?

Ge Xiaotian plucked up his courage, dispelled the 'wow cool' in his heart, couldn't help but took out a cigarette, and signaled to the leader surnamed Xue:


"Oh, I don't smoke!"

"All right!"

"How many people does our city plan to relocate?"

Leader Xue Da released another document, "In 2005 it reached 200,000, in 10 it reached 500,000, in 20 it exceeded 1.2 million!"

"That's it!" Ge Xiaotian nodded.

However, when talking to the leader, you must think more about it.

For example, when we first met, the leader said 'join the new city plan' instead of entrusting development!

There is a lot to say here.

If the other party followed the old plan twenty years ago and only left the 'construction' project to Tian Cheng, even if it made money, it would not conform to his development philosophy.

After all, what Tiancheng needs is to 'connect into one piece' and coordinate development.

"How many developers have you invited?"

"We have already negotiated some construction projects with the 10th Bureau of Railway Construction, the 14th Bureau, Dongshan Jianlian, Jifu Business League, Luqi Real Estate, Erhai Group, Lu N Group..."

‘All super developers! That's even more troublesome! '

Ge Xiaotian said something in his heart, and continued to think hard about good strategies.

According to Tiancheng's concept, the new city must be located on both sides of the big river connecting Nansi Lake.

However, even if he really became Ge Baiyi according to the plan twenty years ago, he still has no right to 'point fingers' at all.

Seeing that he was silent and only focused on smoking and examining the drawings, a certain leader couldn't help but asked, "Mr. Ge, what advice do you have?"

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to tell the other party that if the Nansi Lake in the west, which is the largest freshwater lake in northern China, was brought over, the jujube market would develop.

But Jishi is his hometown, if he really speaks out the suggestion, I am afraid that the young leader will beat him up again.


Well, I drank too much the day before yesterday, took out my ticket holder and shook it, took out my card and boasted about two hundred yuan... was pushed by Bureau Sun all the way with sparks and lightning, and was grabbed by the ear of the young leader when I went out...

"It's not a good opinion..."

Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Ge Xiaotian thought about it again, "That's what I said, and everyone listened to it like this. If you think it's okay, I'll invest. If it's not, then let's talk another day!"

Hearing what he said, Leader Xue Da and the leaders who were watching sat up straight.

"We want this river on the north side of the new city... Oh, Beaulieu River! What a name! We want this large piece of wasteland along the Beaulieu River, from west to east..."

Ge Xiaotian drew an oval circle on the blueprint, "In the middle area, build a Tiancheng Plaza. Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce is fully responsible for business matters, including a five-star hotel and two three-star hotels!"

"On both sides of the square, the grand theater, movie theater, fitness plaza, park...we cover it all!"

"Don't worry about attracting investment, Auto Trade City, catering industry, retail stores, large supermarkets... We have them all!"

"Around these supporting facilities, deploy twelve communities along the Panlong River, six on the north bank and six on the south bank, open to navigation and public transport..."

"It covers a total area of ​​about 8,000 mu, and can accommodate a population of 100,000 people. It will be completed by the end of next year!"

"Hiss..." "Too fast?" "Impossible!"

"Believe in Tian Cheng, we can do it!" Ge Xiaotian dared to say these things, not without reason.

The Canal Development Zone was completed in June.

The Jinxiuchuan project was completed in September.

At the same time, the small commodity market project ended, the initial project of the hub plan ended, the Yunxian project ended, the Wenxian project ended, and the Donghu project ended...

Football in October.

Da Mao spent half a year preparing building materials, and went to the surrounding mountainous areas to transplant flowers and trees to do a good job in the preliminary work.

In November, when the football match was over, Tiancheng was able to gather tens of thousands of people to jointly develop this new city.

He said that it would be completed by the end of the year, because he was worried about scaring the other party.

If the town center is dragged over, it is estimated that it will be done in the middle of next year.

"Mr. Ge..." Leader Xue obviously didn't want Tian Cheng to fight outside.

You know, Xingyue Bay almost wiped out Xiang County, and the Canal Development Zone has brought great pressure to Ji City, and now it is busy rebuilding the garden area.

If Zaoshi builds a new city and Tian Cheng goes outside to fight a guerrilla attack, I'm afraid the city center will be dragged by Tian Cheng before the new city is built.

old plan?

At that time, it will be called 'Tiancheng Plan'!

However, leader Xue Da just opened his mouth...

"The whole thing is there!" Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the first spectacle, isn't that just a 'gate', "As a meeting gift, I will donate a landmark to your place, which is 100 meters high, about 500 meters long, and 60 to 70 meters wide. The stone gate made of rice is used as the south gate of Dongshan Mountain! Well, this gate is placed on the south bank of the Panlong River, next to Tiancheng Square!"

"Hiss..." Leader Xue didn't care about any old plans, and looked at his subordinates, "How much will it cost?"

"It's worth 200-300 million yuan! Of course, the operation must be done naturally. We need to install various electronic equipment on it to make it a building that integrates publicity, tourism, culture, and sports."

Seeing everyone was a little unbelievable, Ge Xiaotian waved his hand and took out a card, "Coincidentally, I handed over the house in Xingyuewan, Jishi City yesterday, and now I have 200 million!"

"..." What about the agreed two hundred yuan? !

"Time waits for no one. If you choose a good location, let's roll up our sleeves and work hard! Build a simple road to Nansi Lake in your expensive place as soon as possible. We will pave the pier tomorrow. The materials needed for building landmarks will pass the route within a week. Get ready!"

"Isn't this too fast?" The leaders have never experienced such a battle.

"Then do you know how long it took for the Canal Development Zone to be built? Two months!"

"That's it!" Leader Xue Da made the decision immediately, and secretly said in his heart: Anyway, there is no need to pay.

As for downtown...

When the time comes to stick to the city compound, he doesn't believe that Tian Cheng can drag the city center away!

At this time.

There was a buzzing sound outside the hospital.

Flying over from Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Mi-26 who transferred Ge Wangwang to another hospital arrived.

"Specific investment details, let the planning department come over to discuss in detail later!" Ge Xiaotian was driving a wheelchair and was about to leave, when he saw the Chinese medicine staff getting off the plane outside the window, "By the way, I will build another 'large Chinese medicine hospital' for your place!"


Leader Xue Da laughed.

It really was Ge Baiyi!

Shot is rich!


Yesterday, Zhu Lao's inspection work was over, and Mr. Yu held the Dongshan Supreme Meeting.

Jishi Shaobaidou still exercised his cold and hard style, and made it clear in front of Mr. Yu that anyone who dares to invite Tiancheng to attract investment and disrupt the existing development and planning of the Canal Development Zone before the Canal Development Zone is formed will be in trouble with the entire Jishi City.

If Tian Cheng dared to go to North America to dig technical talents, then he would dare to go to unruly areas and dig companies himself!

Shaobaitou is not an unknown person.

In the past, a small impoverished county in the south was developed into a provincial city by him. What did he rely on?


Digging companies, digging talent, digging schools, and even 'digging' retired Huaxia old men to sit in town.

This kind of courage, ability and courage, no one dares to fight against it.


The model of the Canal Development Zone has grown from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong... It can be called a model of "overtaking on a curve", and it is the "model" that Zaoshi has been looking for for more than 20 years.

When they heard Shaobaitou's cold and harsh words in the meeting, a group of people thought for a long time and decided not to mess with the "mother's family".

I thought the new city plan would continue to be delayed, but I never expected...

Ge Baiyi came by himself!

Moreover, the project has really been negotiated!

So here comes the problem!

Will Shaobaitou come to your door?


Leader Xue Da's cell phone rang.

Look at the incoming call, it is the young whitehead!

"Hurry up, pick it up, just say I'm hospitalized!"

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