Build Madness

Chapter 279: True Ge Wangwang is online

Zaoshi Hospital.

After Chinese massage, bone setting, acupuncture... Ge Wangwang finally woke up from the stunned local doctor.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with this guy's brain.

His eyes were blank, and no matter how he called, there was no response.

"Aren't you stupid?" Ge Xiaotian was a little worried.

He had already called his parents, and they didn't know that Ge Wangwang had a car accident, but if he was really stupid, he couldn't hide it.

"Boss, it's not that the nervous system is injured!" Dao who accompanied him pinched his fingers, "Both the heart and the kidney are injured, the water and fire are incompatible, the mind and the soul are in a state of confusion, and the hallucination is two parties..."

"speak English!"

"Er... your elder brother thinks about his lover day and night, but he is so far away that he is so far away that his dreams and souls are handed over and he falls into an illusion..."

"Speak simply!"

"He's thinking wildly, and his mind is wandering!"

Ge Xiaotian slapped Ge Wangwang's face with a loud slap.

However, the latter still looked blank.

"Why doesn't it work?"

"He injures the heart and kidneys, and the kidneys are deficient in qi and injure the liver. The liver stores the soul, and the liver is deficient and the soul is separated, so he will be attacked by evil spirits. Liver stagnation will overwhelm the spleen, and even have no fluid, palpitations and nightmares, and the soul will fly..."

"Don't talk too much, you and the monk are going to dig the toilet tonight!"

"Boss, I understand!" Seng Yi immediately became anxious, "Shouhun Soup, Raw Suanzaoren, Morinda officinalis... decoction in water!"

"Fart, obviously need to use Shuhun Dan, one tael of ginseng, one tael of white peony root, five cents of angelica..."

"Why not use Hehun Pill? Five qian for ginseng, three qian for Fushen, one tael for fried jujube kernels, two tael for rehmannia glutinosa, five qian for lotus seed heart, and one tael for Morinda officinalis!"

"Huh?" Hearing that outsiders joined the battle group, Taoist monks turned to look at the door.

At some point, a plainly dressed old man came to the ward.

"Who are you?"

"Tongsou from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"I haven't heard of it!" "I haven't heard of it!"

"???" The simple old man blew his beard, "Where did you two come from the mountains?!"

"Me? The form of Dao San is Qi, and the form of Gathering is Dao Yi!"

"Me? An old monk!"

Ge Xiaotian frowned, and stopped the two people who were fooling around, "You two go to decoction!" Then he looked at the old man, "Hello!"

However, the old man turned a blind eye to him and chased after the Taoist monk...

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, and winked at the monk who looked back, 'Fudge me hard! '

'Okay boss! '

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ge, this old man has a weird temper..." The leader of the hospital walked into the ward with an apologetic face.

"It's okay, I just like dealing with people with personality, I'm so sudden... no, I'm so easy to communicate!" Ge Xiaotian cheerfully slapped Ge Wangwang again.

The hospital leaders, nurses and doctors were all dumbfounded.

This is your brother? !


Ge Wangwang really woke up!

Wow and cried.

'I just said, how can I not wake up! '

Ge Xiaotian touched the bandage on his head, and passed a cigarette over, "Oh, Mr. Lover is awake?!"

"You don't understand!" Ge Wangwang was sobbing, and he was on fire, tears streaming down his face, trembling and slamming... and suddenly rushed to the window.

Ge Xiaotian reached out to stop Li Hu who was about to rescue him, and let Ge Wangwang jump down.

Although this is the third floor,... the window is a corridor.

If you want to jump off a building, you have to come from him.


A heavy object fell on the tiles, and the sound was crisp and loud!

The floor seemed to tremble.

Soon, Ge Wangwang was carried in by the medical staff outside, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

"Are you happy?"

"Second Ge!!!"

Ge Xiaotian wanted to laugh, but seeing Ge Wangwang's despairing eyes, he held back, "Brother, do you know that there is an obsessive game in this world?"

Ge Wangwang's eyes lit up, "What?"

"Our company cracked... no, it developed a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. After testing, it is almost ready for online operation!"

Ge Wangwang seemed to have some impressions, "The dragon-shaped icon in your laptop before?"

"That's just an idea, now it's called a legend!"

"It sounds fun!" The despair in Ge Wangwang's eyes dissipated instantly.

"Let's go, let's go home and cut two rounds!"


Back in the Auto Trade City, Ge Xiaotian ignored the grumpy old man who followed him, and took Ge Wangwang directly into the 'Tiancheng Technology Energy Development Co., Ltd'.

Although the Millennium Bug team is only responsible for network security, the computer experts poached from the Red Eagle Hacker Alliance with a lot of money can understand the source code of the program thoroughly, and then hand over the art, sound effects, and background music to Tianyu...

In this time and space, the legendary development process is affected by certain factors, which is somewhat different from another time and space.

First of all, many loopholes in Ge Xiaotian's memory have been fixed.

Secondly, the point card charges 40 cents an hour, but if you achieve the achievement of online time, you will get an additional small gift that does not affect the balance of the game.

Such as glowing fashion!

Of course, recharge is also given!

It doesn't affect the balance anyway.

The closed beta is open to level 20, and the best equipment is a light helmet and a cut horse.

Version 0.2 will open level 30 again, the best equipment should be heavy helmet and judgment.

In the 1.0 public beta, the level limit has been raised to 35, the dragon-slaying knife has been released, and an expansion pack has been released by the way.

Limited by the graphics card, the picture is a bit rough, but maybe it is this thing that gives people a special sense of boldness.

The department in charge of developing the game has now shifted its focus to karts. After all, cars have entered the research and development process, and it is necessary to drive the atmosphere.

However, since it is a test, there are also several people who are in charge of the legend, and are simulating sand attack through the local area network.

The mage burns, the Taoist blocks, the warrior rushes...

"A group of rookies, mages have shields to push forward, soldiers are not tanks, and assassinate through mages! Taoist priests use pets to block wool, run back to expel poison, and increase blood!"

After shouting a few times, Ge Xiaotian also found the feeling he had back then. He asked for two little white accounts, and logged in with Ge Wangwang who was stunned for a while...

"What rubbish screen, change it! Make a stone gate, the moment you land, there is a bang, the stone gate opens, and the light shines, showing the character!"

"Also, the calculation of the distance between the grids is wrong. It is the soul of the game to form a slot game. Come, come, let me teach you!"

"Don't calculate according to the old data of Bangzi. The guild panel has added a display function for killing enemies and earning points, making the confrontation more exciting! By the way, adding the anti-spoofing function, saving two or five boys looking for hostile guilds to swipe each other! In addition , Increase the punishment for exploiting loopholes for profit, permanently seal, erase, and jail!"

"What are the points for? Exchange for guild equipment!"

"Guild equipment? The higher-ups have to work hard to take care of the little brother, go grab the boss!"

"Second brother, why are you so familiar?" Ge Wangwang was fascinated.

"Nonsense, I played with you back then... No, I have studied it for several months, can I not be familiar with it!"

Ge Xiaotian called out Gou Chuan, "When will it go online?"

"Boss, March 1st!"

"The day after tomorrow?" Ge Xiaotian glanced at the development team who were busy changing the login screen and modifying the parameters, "How about the server capacity?"

"A single server with 5,000 people is no problem. Open two groups first, and then load the server cluster according to the increase in the number of each server. After the public beta, we will merge the districts according to what you said, and start the first 100,000 people to attack the sand."

"How many people will get stuck on a single screen?"

"Eighty people!"

"Too bad, count the grids on the screen, you can't get stuck even if it's full!"

"Then I'll ask the Great Wall manufacturer again. The server is in Shencheng, Guangdong Province. I rented a floor, and I can change it directly."

"What about game promotion?"

"The client and log-in device have been sent to various Internet cafes through Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce and Auto Trade City. Tianyu Game Branch has also launched an official website. As long as the Internet cafes in other places install it, they will be directly cashed back two hundred yuan..."

"What about the activity?"

"Seven days of carnival in the internal test, after the seventh level, recharge and get double point cards..."

"No!" Ge Xiaotian picked up the printed posters, "Add some for me."

"Version 0.1, the top ten who are the first to complete the level, an electric car, the top 100, 200 yuan points, the top 500, 100 yuan points, the top 1,000 points, 50 yuan points, The top 10,000 will receive a ten-yuan point card."

"Version 0.2, the top ten will be rewarded with 2,000 yuan in cash, and the subsequent rewards will remain the same."

"1.0 public beta, top ten, each person is worth 5,000 yuan... the verdict!"


"For the first time to win the guild in Shacheng, one person will receive 100,000 yuan in cash, and the president will have 300,000 yuan in cash plus an apartment!"

"Nest grass!"

Ge Wangwang couldn't help clenching his fists.

After finishing the order, Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and called the HR department, "Ask the purchasing department to replace the little Bawang with a computer. From March 1st, the salary assessment will no longer be based on the number of times the Snowman brothers have passed the level, and all will be entered into the legendary account." , Each department forms a guild... The branch fights, counts the number of kills, wins a bonus according to the ranking, loses the worst and gets nothing!"

"Li Hu, where are your people? Form the young master's team!"

"Huh? Brother, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to school!"

"You haven't healed yet!"

"It does not matter!!!"

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