Build Madness

Chapter 280 Hot Game

"Just be happy!"

Looking at the back of Ge Wangwang going away, Ge Xiaotian smiled, feeling that his dear brother is back again!

Well, as long as you don't die, you can do whatever you want!


There are better ones to come!

Even more solid than Xu Ling, judo 8th dan!

Thinking of the big nephews who will be tough-headed and tiger-headed in the future, Ge Xiaotian put incense sticks on the "Thousands of Miles Walking Alone" enshrined in the Auto Trade City, "Second Master, please bless Ge Wangwang to find the one in his heart as soon as possible!"

Although the time and space are different, who can say the word fate accurately?

In other words, 'Sister-in-law Wang' is really good, filial, virtuous, and able to give birth...

"Boss, the login page has been modified!"

"Oh? So fast, let me see!" Ge Xiaotian manipulated the mouse for a while to experience, "By the way, take the 'Ancient War Movie' siege clip and use it as a game promotional coloring page!"

"Isn't that for public testing?"

"We have a film and television base, and we are afraid of the eggs, and then we will shoot a CG animation of 'Slaying the Dragon with a Sword, Commanding the Heroes'!"


Legend is not such a good game, no matter the graphics, or the depth and playability of the game, it is completely incomparable with Warcraft, Fantasy, Tianxia, ​​Jianwang, etc.

But it is precisely because of its simplicity, enthusiasm, and excitement that it has created the brilliance of the richest man.

According to unreliable data, in the millennium, there were about 6 million computers in China, and the number of netizens just exceeded 10 million.

Among them, the post-70s accounted for 30%, the post-80s accounted for 60%, and the rest were post-60s.

Most of the people who own computers are business owners, or company executives, or children of rich families.

Netizens who frequent Internet cafes also have certain sources of income, and only a small number are unemployed and students.

In other words, this year's players who play legend, if factors such as prices are included, their economic strength is absolutely unprecedented.

After all, there are no credit cards and Huabei, no money means no money, and only those who have money can pay for Internet fees and pay for credit cards...

However, 10 million netizens have different personalities and different hobbies. March 1st is Wednesday again. Ge Xiaotian combined another time and space to estimate that the number of players who entered the game in the first week will definitely not exceed 20,000!

It is precisely because of this that he introduced high cash rewards, increased gameplay, such as 20-member team, sworn marriage, marriage, and PK at level 1, and let the entire company enter the game as a trustee.

What I never expected was...


March 1st.

Tianyu International turned out to be the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game in China—Legend of the Dragon!

It doesn't matter if it's fun or not, what's important is the huge bonus of "working hard for three months, struggling for ten years"!

electric car?

What kind of electric car do you want, attack the sand!

At 7:30 in the morning, before the game was launched, the official website had accumulated 2.7 million visits, and the download volume of the client had exceeded 100,000!

Then, the official website exploded!

"Boss, is there a hacker attack?" Gao Song was a little suspicious.

"Impossible!" The team leader of the Red Eagle Hacking Alliance immediately retorted, "Unless the hackers in North America gather together, absolutely no one will be able to break through the defenses of all Tiancheng's websites!"

Ge Xiaotian knew that he had played too much!

Let me ask, these days, who dares to advertise the game on major radio stations under the pretext of promoting the company's image? !

Of course, the promotion is Tianyu International (the game branch), it has nothing to do with Tiancheng.

If something happens later, it will be Takamatsu who goes in!

"Don't be silly, urgent maintenance, increase the server cluster, the upper limit of each single server player in the first district must accommodate at least 20,000 people!"

"Understood, boss!"

"Notify the whole company, and collectively enter the flames in the first area!"

Tianyu International benefited from Tiancheng's strong backing. In order to avoid the network delay caused by "Northern Netcom and Southern Telecom" in the future, Ge Xiaotian asked the technicians to use two-line virtual hosts according to the two network modes, and prepared a set of real dual-line virtual hosts. Online server backup.

Therefore, this time-space legendary server does not have the distinction of Netcom and Telecom.

Of course, in order to be able to accommodate enough players, the server must use the best, and continue to implement Tianren's stupid money... No, it is a serious attitude of being responsible for customers to the end.


In the spacious office of the xx Group in Modu.

eight o'clock in the morning.

Click the flame zone, log in, and create a role.


"Finally in!" A man in a suit let out a long breath.

As early as the day before yesterday, he saw the ad for this game, "One knife at the beginning, all the equipment depends on explosion".

What the hell, that picture is cut so cool!



"Hello, brother!"

"Hello, brother!"

"Brother, here we come!"

The man in the suit stared dumbfounded at the screen full of characters in civilian clothes carrying wooden sticks, typing frantically around a game character named 'Ge Erdan' standing beside the butcher.

Can the game still play like this?

"The Burning Legion is immortal, brothers, go and kill chickens!"

hula la...

Shouting and embracing, in an instant, hundreds of rookies ran away.

at this time.

Swish Swish Swish!

Another group of novices showed up.

Character named 'Teddy': "Strange, isn't it here?"

"It's the boss here, Taohua Village No. 7, Ge Erdan should be nearby!"

"The Tai Tai Legion swears not to be slaves, brother, go!"


The man in the suit is a bit confused, what's the matter?


Swish Swish Swish!

More novices appear!

"No. 7 Peach Blossom Village!"

"right here!"

"Brothers, form a regiment, support Datai, and encircle Ge Erdan!"

hula la...

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man seemed to think of something, picked up the phone, "Hello? You send someone to the company of the enemy to see if that Guapi has played legend! What? Played? In which area? Lie Yan? What about Novice Village? No. 7? Damn it, call someone, go online, kill him!!!"


A coal mine in Xishan.

The chubby coal boss manipulated the game character with a smirk on his face. When a rookie was about to die with the chicken, he jumped out of the darkness and swung the mahogany sword viciously...

Almost at the same time, a group of big men rushed out.

Swish Swish Swish...

The chicken is gone, the person is down, the screen is black...

"Fuck, it's you again, my chicken! No, my candle!!!" The coal boss finished typing, hurried out of the office, pulled a group of men from the coal mine, picked up the fixed phone, "give me a One hundred, no, two hundred computers!!!"


Only four hours after the opening of the zone, the official website launched various battle reports.

for example:

"Flame Zone: The Burning Legion and the Taitai Legion are fighting for Novice Village, and Teddy is left with only his pants... It is said that the two major legions have irreconcilable contradictions in reality... Teddy swears: he will definitely find his place, and A hero recruitment order is issued, and people with lofty ideals are expected to join the Datai Army! The head of Ge Erdan Army expressed his disdain for this...'

'Glory District: The Ling'er Legion admits to being cowardly and joins the Xiu'er Legion collectively. This legion may become the first powerful force to establish a guild in this district, but the entry of the Feifei Legion makes the future trend of this district confusing...'

'Thunder Zone: It is said that the Daqin Legion is a new retail rookie in reality. The reason for entering the game is still unknown. At ten o'clock in the morning, the Xishan Mining Alliance entered the area and had a small-scale conflict with the Daqin Legion. The cause was 'a piece of chicken'... ...'

"The other districts are developing well. Although each has its own struggles, it is recommended that players never enter the above three districts by mistake..."

"The latest news is that the "Buluo Dynasty" in the flame zone was established, and an alliance agreement was signed with the Datai Legion..."

"The latest news is that the 'Modu Legion' in the Flame Zone was established and signed with the Datai Legion..."

"latest news……"

On March 2nd, "Congratulations to the number of online players in this game breaking through 30,000. Let's celebrate together and double the experience!"

On March 3rd, "Congratulations to the number of online players in this game breaking through 50,000..."

On March 4th, "Saturday weekend carnival begins..."

"Notice, due to the number of players exceeding expectations, the whole area will be maintained in the early morning of the 5th, and the time will be half an hour. This maintenance will increase the number of Novice Villages, increase the number of monsters, expand the scope of the map, and improve the visual distance..."

"Boss, Jinxiuchuan has called several times, the cinder road is fully open to traffic, and the pre-production materials are also ready..."

"Hurry up, wait for me to chop and play... Wait, Liu Beibei?" Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, five days had passed before he knew it? !

In a daze, he swung his knife and chopped down the game character that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Boss, if you don't come again, I will be surrounded and beaten by the students' parents!!!"


The heat of the legend far exceeds another time and space.

If the more than 20,000 trustees distributed in various places are removed, the number of real online players exceeds 50,000, and the number is still increasing by two to three thousand per hour on Saturday.

The scene of the battle between the legions in the game, and the fusion of the clips of the real "ancient war movie", once the expansion pack was released, it triggered a frenzy of entry again that evening, and the number of online players exceeded 70,000!

This is a kind of 'miracle' that is difficult to understand. Even without the support of the Gale and Flowing Cloud regions, a large-scale battle broke out before the maintenance.

According to background information, within five days, all regions, with the blessing of double experience, the highest level: level 7!

Almost all hacking!

And point card recharge, mobile payment 23.7 million!

That is to say, excluding the 2 million charged by 'Tuo', each person charged an average of more than 300 yuan in red notes!

What a money!

If the item charges, I'm afraid...

Of course, in order to ensure the life of the game, point cards are the safest.

"However, if this goes on like this, casual players can't handle it!"

Thinking all the way, jump off the Mi-26, set foot on Jinxiuchuan, Ge Xiaotian thought for a long time, decided to launch the "Peace Zone", adding exclusive fishing, treasure digging, ghost hunting, alchemy, adventure exploration, single-player dungeon, gorgeous fashion, etc. It is a casual game.

To attract female players, as long as female players are retained, can there be fewer male players?

Before he could stand on his feet, Liu Beibei suddenly rushed forward with a cry, "Boss, you are finally here!!!"

"Stop! What's going on?"

"Game! The game we launched has attracted many drop-out students who stayed at home without eating or drinking, which frightened all the parents. When they heard that our technical secondary school is militarized and the school is about to start again, they asked their connections to find our elders. , I want to enroll...Before I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma to advertise for the technical secondary school, if I don't accept it now, it will be very difficult!"

"Also, the parents of the students who signed up before have inquired about the start time of the school, demanding that the school start as soon as possible!"

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